google apps script traverse object - javascript

I've searched and searched but cannot find a better way to search through a JSON object and return a nested object that corresponds to a specific key.
I've found examples that work in javascript but when I try to use that code in Google Apps Script I find that some of the function/modules are not supported.
deeply The script below works where objRet is a global variable but I wondered if there was a better way to do it?
var objRet;
function blahblah() {
traverse(api_info, "EarningsRates");
// use this.objRet to process code
function traverse(json, keyData) {
var keyData = keyData;
var json = json;
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
} else if (typeof json === 'object') {
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === keyData) {
this.retObj = json[key];
} else {
traverse(json[key], keyData);
I found this and would love to get it working but no luck with Google Apps Script
This function implements DFS: (depth first search)
function findDFS(objects, id) {
for (let o of objects || []) {
if (o.uuid == id) return o
const o_ = findDFS(o.children, id)
if (o_) return o_
And BFS:(breadth first search)
function findBFS(objects, id) {
const queue = [...objects]
while (queue.length) {
const o = queue.shift()
if (o.uuid == id) return o
queue.push(...(o.children || []))


Reference/set nested XML object property using path in a string - JavaScript

This is not for web development. I am using ES3.
How do I get the information from the xml element proof using javascript in this scenario?
My way of looking for the proof element with xml[xmlVariable] doesn't work - it returns nothing. But when you enter xml.ait.pages.proof in the console (while the program is held by breakpoint at the return expression) it returns the "desired info" from the proof element correctly.
I've read up on dot/bracket notation thinking that would be the solution but nope.
What's the correct syntax here?
<proof>desired info</proof>
var xmlFile = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\info.xml"
var xmlElementPath = "ait.pages.proof"
var info = readXMLVar(xmlElementPath, xmlFile)
function readXMLVar(xmlVariable, xmlFilePath) {
var file = new File(xmlFilePath)"r")
var content =
var xml = new XML(content)
return xml[xmlVariable]
For XML I would probably query using XPath. The code you're using, however, seems to create an object structure from the parsed XML, and you then want to ask for a part of that structure using a path to it, as it were.
You can use square bracket notation as you tried, but you have to do it one property/node-level at a time. JS doesn't parse the dot separated path you provided to walk into the nested structure.
As such, you need something that can break apart the path you want, and recursively walk down the structure node by node.
Here is a basic function that can walk an object structure:
var getNodeFromPath = function (data, path, separator) {
var node_name,
if (!Array.isArray(path)) {
path = path.split(separator || '.');
node_name = path.shift();
node = data[node_name];
if (node === undefined) {
ret = null;
} else {
if (path.length) {
ret = getNodeFromPath(node, path);
} else {
ret = node;
return ret;
You could call it like so:
var proof_element = getNodeFromPath(yourParsedXmlData, 'ait.pages.proof');
Note that the function I gave you has minimal control in it. You'll probably want to add some checking to make it more resistant to arbitrary input data/path problems.
Applied fixes to JAAulde's answer and some slight modifications to fit into my function. Here is my code to get and set XML variables.
!( === '[object Array]') is used in place of !Array.isArray(path) because I'm forced to use ES3.
function readXMLFile(xmlFilePath) {
var file = new File(xmlFilePath)"r")
var content =
return [file, new XML(content)]
function getXMLVar(xmlFilePath, nodePath, separator) {
var xml = readXMLFile(xmlFilePath)[1]
// navigate xml to return target node info
var getNodeFromPath = function(data, path, separator) {
var node_name,
if(!( === '[object Array]')) {
path = path.split(separator || '.')
node_name = path.shift()
node = data[node_name]
if(node === undefined) {
ret = null
} else {
if(path.length) {
ret = getNodeFromPath(node, path, separator)
} else {
ret = node
return ret
return getNodeFromPath(xml, nodePath, separator)
function setXMLVar(xmlFilePath, nodePath, separator, value) {
var read = readXMLFile(xmlFilePath)
var file = read[0]
var xml = read[1]
setNodeFromPath = function(data, path, separator, value) {
var node_name,
if(!( === '[object Array]')) {
path = path.split(separator || '.')
node_name = path.shift()
node = data[node_name]
if(path.length > 1) {
setNodeFromPath(node, path, separator, value)
} else {
node[path[0]] = value
setNodeFromPath(xml, nodePath, separator, value)"w")

Call functions from sources directly in Chrome console?

For a website there is this function under sources with the code:
betSlipView.prototype.stakeOnKeyUp = function(_key) {
var model = ob.slip.getModel(),
defval = ob.cfg.default_bet_amount;
selector = toJqId(["#stake-", _key].join('')),
stake_box = $(selector),
spl = stake_box.val();
if(spl != defval) {
spl = ob.slip.cleanFormatedAmount(spl);
if(spl === '' || isNaN(spl)) {
spl = 0;
model.setBetStake(_key, spl);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
} else {
model.setBetStake(_key, defval);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
//Update bonus amount
try {
var offers = model.getBet(_key, 'offers');
catch(err) {
var offers = "";
if(offers !== "" && typeof offers['STLWIN'] !== "undefined") {
this._handleAccumulatorBonusElements(_key, offers['STLWIN']);
// potential returns for this bet
I cannot figure out how to (if possible) call this function directly from the console. Firstly, when I try to write betSlipView in the console, it cannot be found. Consequently if I copy the code to the console to define the function, betSlipView is still not found and if I try to change the function name, there are some names in the function body that cannot be found either. I wish to call this function with certain arguments, is this possible?
The whole code can be found here

Getting Parent node from Json object with Jquery

I am trying to get parent node in json object by child it
The json i am getting from client is a multilevel directory hierarchy
the hierarchy is like
what i want is,
when I put folder3(a)'s id it should give me folder-3's id and name
Here is the fiddle with actual json object
You have to search through the tree anyway so just remember the parent and return that if you found the right child.
I fiddled something:
function getParent(tree, childNode)
var i, res;
if (!tree || !tree.folder) {
return null;
if( === '[object Array]' ) {
for (i in tree.folder) {
if (tree.folder[i].id === childNode) {
return tree;
res = getParent(tree.folder[i], childNode);
if (res) {
return res;
return null;
} else {
if ( === childNode) {
return tree;
return getParent(tree.folder, childNode);
To get all ocuurences
var pars,k,v,chk;
pars = [];
chk = k;
if(k === node){

How do I remove all the extra fields that DOJO datastore adds to my fetched items?

When fetching an item from a DOJO datastore, DOJO adds a great deal of extra fields to it. It also changes the way the data is structure.
I know I could manually rebuild ever item to its initial form (this would require me to make updates to both JS code everytime i change my REST object), but there certainly has to be a better way.
Perhaps a store.detach( item ) or something of the sort?
The API is being phased out, partly because of the extra fields. You could consider using the new API. The store api does not add the extra fields.
I have written a function that does what you are looking to do. It follows. One thing to note, my function converts child objects to the { _reference: 'id' } notation. You may want different behavior.
Util._detachItem = function(item) {
var fnIncludeProperty = function(key) {
return key !== '_0'
&& key !== '_RI'
&& key !== '_RRM'
&& key !== '_S'
&& key !== '__type'
var store = item._S;
var fnCreateItemReference = function(itm) {
if (store.isItem(itm)) {
return { _reference:[0] };
return itm;
var fnProcessItem = function(itm) {
var newItm = {};
for(var k in itm) {
if(fnIncludeProperty(k)) {
if (dojo.isArray(itm[k])) {
// TODO this could be a problem with arrays with a single item
if (itm[k].length == 1) {
newItm[k] = fnCreateItemReference(itm[k][0]);
} else {
var valArr = [];
dojo.forEach(itm[k], function(arrItm) {
newItm[k] = valArr;
} else {
newItm[k] = fnCreateItemReference(itm[k]);
return newItm;
return fnProcessItem(item);
NOTE: this function is modified from what I originally wrote and I did not test the above code.

Recursively search JSON and delete certain sub objects

I need to search a complex json object recursively, and delete the object associated with any key that starts with "_".
So far, I have:
sanitize: function(json){
for(var i in json){
if(i.substring(0,1) == "_")
delete json[i];
return json;
I exceed the maximum call stack.
Try using your own array, and also make sure the subobjects aren't circular references, and also make sure they're objects.
function sanitize(json) {
var stack = [];
var done = [];
do {
for(var x in json) {
if(x.charAt(0) === '_') {
delete json[x];
} else if(done.indexOf(json[x]) === -1 && typeof json[x] === 'object') {
} while(json = stack.pop());

