Add "/path/" in the middle of an URL in JavaScript - javascript

How can I effectively add a "path" to the middle of an URL in JavaScript?
I want to add embed to an URL, so the URL will end up looking like this

You can create an <a> and set the href property. Then prepend embed to the pathname and use toString() to get the whole URL.
let element = document.createElement('a');
element.href = '';
element.pathname = 'embed' + element.pathname;

You can do this, if the path is just a string
var path = "";
var withEmbed = path.replace(/\/post\//,'/embed/post/');

You can use the location API.
function addEmbed(location) {
return location.protocol + '//' + +
'/embed' + location.pathname;
var url = document.createElement('a');
url.href = '';
var embed = addEmbed(url);
console.log(embed); // ""

The way i would do it, is to pass by ref/value the original URL and the text you wan to add, into a function. It then removes the "https://" (if necessary), splits the url at the first "/" and saves each part as a var. Finally it puts it all back together and outputs it to a on the html page.
This doesnt have to be outputted in this way, it could be saved as a global variable and then used in a link (but i didn't know what your plan was so i outputted it) :)
function addToURL(URL, add) {
URL = URL.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '');
var part1 = URL.substring(0, URL.indexOf("/") + 1);
var part2 = URL.substring(URL.indexOf("/"), URL.length);
var result = "https://" + part1 + add + part2;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = result;
Here's the example I made:
Hope this helps :P


add to URL after last /

using jQuery; to add something to a url after the last /
for example add sale to:
so it becomes:
However due to the way the URL's are generated and built I can't just always say 'add it to the end of a URL' as there are sometimes ?query strings on the end for example:
I just can't figure out how I can add sale after the final / and always before a ?query string if one exists.
Searching through stackoverflow I've seen some bits about extracting content after the last / but not this, is this possible? I really would appreciate help getting this sorted.
EDIT - The solution
Thanks too all for your help but I was able to adapt Shree's answer the easiest to get this which did what I needed:
if(window.location.href.indexOf("sale") > -1) {
} else {
var raw = window.location.href;
var add = 'sale';
var rest = raw.substring(0, raw.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var last = raw.substring(raw.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, raw.length);
var newUrl = rest + add + last;
window.location.href = newUrl;
Use substring with lastIndexOf.
var raw = '/gender/category/brand/?collection=short&colour=red';
var add = 'sale';
var rest = raw.substring(0, raw.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var last = raw.substring(raw.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, raw.length);
var newUrl = rest + add + last;
<script src=""></script>
In vanilla javascript
var a = "/gender/category/brand/?collection=short&colour=red";
var lastIndexPosition = a.lastIndexOf('/');
a = a.substring(0,lastIndexPosition+1)
+a.substring(lastIndexPosition+1 , a.length);
By using a reusable function in Javascript:
You can use lastIndexOf and get the last '/' index position and append your new data there.
The lastIndexOf() method returns the position of the last occurrence
of a specified value in a string.
Using this you can send any parameter into function there by it is reusable.
function insert(main_string, ins_string, pos) {
return main_string.slice(0, pos) + ins_string + main_string.slice(pos);
var url = "/gender/category/brand/?collection=short&colour=red"
url = insert(url, 'sale', url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
Here is a working DEMO
An alternative, use .split("?") to separate at the ? then combine them back, eg:
// Example with querystring
var url = '/gender/category/brand/?collection=short&colour=red'
var parts = url.split("?");
var newurl = parts[0] + "sale" + "?" + (parts[1]||"")
// Test without querystring
var url = '/gender/category/brand/'
var parts = url.split("?");
var newurl = parts[0] + "sale" + (parts[1]||"")
The (parts[1]||"") handles the case where there isn't a querystring.

Check if URL has anything after second "/" using javascript / jquery

So I have a completely variable url:
I need something to happen on the homepage of the websites and not on any of the other pages. Sometimes the homepage has a "something" in the url and sometimes it doesn't, so I need to find out if "pagename" exists, whatever it may be.
all values in the url vary so i can't simply search for a string in the url..
Is this possible to do this using only JS / JQuery?
Split is the solution:
var exampleURL = "";
var pageName = exampleURL.split("/")[2];
//OUT -> pagename
Split the URL and then check the length of the result.
var split_url = url.split('/');
if (split_url.length > 2) {
// URL is like
} else {
// URL is just or
Another way is with a regular expression that matches a URL with two slashes:
if (url.match(/\/.*\//)) {
// URL contains two slashes
} else {
// URL has at most one slash
You could do a regex check:
The question is not really clear, but to answer the title literally
function after2ndFSlash(inpu){
var pieces = inpu.split('/');
var output = document.getElementById('output');
output.innerHTML += 'true<br/>';
output.innerHTML += 'false<br/>';
Assuming that url string has protocol included ... http(s):// ... you can pass it to href of an <a> element and access the pathname property
var url =''
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
var pathParts = a.pathname.replace(/^\//,'').split('/');//["something","pagename"]
alert(pathParts[1]); //"pagename"

javascript for splitting url and removing last part!#656126.72367
In this url, how to split and remove the part from exclamatory mark when page loaded using JS.
I just want
Use string replace method , match every character after ! with regular expression and replace with ""
var url = '!#656126.72367';
url = url.replace(/!.*/,"");
You could use:
var host = window.location.hostname; // will be
var path = window.location.pathname; // will be /site
In the end, you will have:
var url = "http://" + host + path;
Note: you can also use window.location.protocol, which in this case is http::
var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + host + path;
Update: as suggested by Rajesh, the window.location object also has access to the hash:
var hash = window.location.hash; // will be 656126.72367
It might be useful to do a console.log(window.location) and see what's in there!
This method works even if the hash contains several ! or #
var url = '!#656126.72367';
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('!'));
substring extracts the characters from a string, between two specified indices (in this case on the first occurence and then on !), and returns the new sub string.
jsFiddle demo
var url = "!#656126.72367";
url = url.split('!')[0];

How to get url path without $_GET parameters using javascript?

If my current page is in this format...
Is there an easy way to get this
using javascript?
Don't do this regex and splitting stuff. Use the browser's built-in URL parser.
window.location.origin + window.location.pathname
And if you need to parse a URL that isn't the current page:
var url = document.createElement('a');
url.href = "";
console.log(url.origin + url.pathname);
And to support IE (because IE doesn't have location.origin):
location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname;
(Inspiration from
Try to use split like
var url = "";
var url_array = url.split("?");
alert(url_array[0]); //Alerts
Even we have many parameters in the GET , the first segment will be the URL without GET parameters.
This is DEMO
try this:
var url=document.location.href;
var mainurl=url.split("?");
var result = yourUrl.substring(0, yourUrl.indexOf('?'));
Working demo
var options = decodeURIComponent(
.reduce(function _reduce (/*Object*/ a, /*String*/ b) {
b = b.split('=');
a[b[0]] = b[1];
return a;
}, {});

Replace filename using JavaScript?

Can someone show me how to do the following in JavaScript? I know how to grab the src of the image, I just want to be able to replace the filename with something new.
Case-insensitive version:
path = path.replace(/(.*)\/.*(\.png$)/i, '$1/NEWTEXT$2')
Remove the i after / to make it case-sensitive.
Another option:
var filename = "/image/any/path/NEWTEXT.png";
var splitFilename = filename.split("/");
var newPath = splitFilename.slice(0, splitFilename.length - 1).join("/")
if (newPath.length !== 0) {
newPath += "/"
newPath += newFilename;
All the other solutions so far assume there actually IS a path. They work only if there is at least one forward slash. This tested functions works in all cases including an empty path:
function rename_img_file(text, newname)
{ // Rename file in a IMG src (no query or fragment)
var re = /^(.*\/)?[^\/]+\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i;
var rep_str = '$1' + newname + '.$2';
text = text.replace(re, rep_str);
return text;
var url = "/image/any/path/ANY-TEXT_HERE.png";
var mystring = "NEWTEXT";
var ind1 = url .lastIndexOf('/');
var ind2 = url .lastIndexOf('.');
var new_url = url.substring(0,ind1+1 )+ mystring + url.substring(ind2 );
alert(new_url );
javascript its really restrictive to files.
I assume that you want to do that on a server. if that so, you should use a serverside script, not a client side.
Maybe you ar talking about an ajax script
if you can explain a ltl further maybe i can lendyou a hand

