How to generate a .doc using AJAX and PHP - javascript

today i need some help, i know its not that hard and there is a lot of help for doing this in php in this site but i couldn't find nothing with AJAX, the technology im learning now and i want to master some day.
My code is the following.
var paquete={idArchivo:$(this).val()};
So when a buttom from the "descarga" class i make a "packet", which i use it with the post method to send the data to the php file called descargarPublicacion.php
This is how it looks the php file:
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "registroflashback");
if (isset($_GET['idArchivo'])) {
header("Content-type: application/vnd.msword");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Expires: 0");
$resultadoBusqueda=$mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM publicaciones WHERE idPubli='$idPubliGet'");
if ($resultadoBusqueda->num_rows>0) {
echo 'descarga exitosa';
echo 'descarga no exitosa';
echo 'descarga no exitosa';
I made a little research and people told me to use the headers to convert the file and download it, but it dosnt works for me, it dosnt generates any file, however it executes the "echo descarga exitosa" which i use as return value for the following function in the js file.
function procesarDatos(datos_devueltos){
if(datos_devueltos=="descarga exitosa"){
if(datos_devueltos!="descarga exitosa"){
How i could generate a .doc file from html using ajax and jquery? I know i have it almost, it should be some detail but i dont know which one is, thats why im asking some experienced help! Thank you !

I do not understand why you want to to serve the .doc file via ajax. In my opinion it's easier to just provide valid .doc over a normal GET Request.
//onClick transfer id via Get-Param and download file
window.location = "includes/descargarPublicacion.php?idArchivo="+$(this).val();
php part (descargarPublicacion.php)
if (isset($_GET['idArchivo'])) {
header("Content-type: application/vnd.msword");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Expires: 0");
//ID is available via GET because we send it as Url Param
//#TODO fetch relevant data with given ID
//#TODO generate valid(!) doc File output
//- just echo'ing something will not result in an valid document for Word
echo $coumentContent;
To provide/generate a valid Word document is a little bit more complicated. I would recommend you to look into a libary which does all the work for you.
If you instead want to serve just some simple .txt File - change your header Content-Type to text/plain and the filename to yeaboi.txt and print/echo out the text-content


how to save tensorflow save model multiple files in php

I have developed a neural network model with tensorflow. I want to save weights of my model on each time they update. So i though of updating a file on the server every time it learns. but the documentation on tensorflow js website on saving model using http server is really confusing. So i did some research and found some code. Still it is not working. I know i am missing the "multipart/form-data" and fact that there are two files, "The body consist of two files, with filenames model.json and model.weights.bin". Could not find anything that could help me. link to tensorflow documentation!
javascript to save'');
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
$fname = "weights.json";
$file = fopen("../static/" .$fname, 'w');
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024)){
fwrite($file, $data);
I don't see the input section with php stdin. This makes me feel like the connection isn't sending a stream like a socket connection, but rather a standard HTTP payload with a body attribute. But wait, theirs caveats. If it is a JSON payload you'll need the second two lines (like you had in your code, but not as a resource). The first two are my guess as to what may be going on. Remember you can debug through your browsers console to see the data payload, request method, ect...
$data = '<pre>' . json_encode($_POST) . '</pre>';
file_put_contents('stdPost.html', $data);
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
file_put_contents('stdInput.json', $data);

PHP script to download text from site, convert and store it locally

How can I store text from a site to a local file?
So basically the script needs to do the following:
go to this site (fake site)
where TIMESTAMP can be a timestamp to make it unique.
the site will respond with:
Grab the url and convert the text as follows:\u0026e=1451001462
must be:
so \u0026e is replaced by &
and store this text in a local m3u8 file.
I am looking for a script either php or any other code is welcome which can perform this. Any help is appreciated.
I tried a small script just to show the contents but then I get the error:
Failed to open stream: HTTP request Failed!
It seems that php tries to open it as a stream instead of a website. It should see it as a site because only then the response is sent.
$url = 'http://website/webtv/secure?url=';
$output = file_get_contents($url);
echo $output;
This is not a tutorial website, so I am not going to provide you more details. You can try the following code:
$json_url = ""; //change the url to your needs
$data = file_get_contents($json_url); //Get the content from url
$json = json_decode($data, true); //Decodes string to JSON Object
$data_to_save=$json["url"]; //Change url to whatever key you want value of
$file = 'm3u8.txt'; //Change File name to your desire
file_put_contents($file, $data_to_save); //Writes to File
I think there is issue with your PHP configuration.
It like as allow_url_fopen is denied.
See more

check script status in PHP using ajax

I have a file upload page in my application. I need to show "Uploading" while file is uploading then show "Processing" while file is processing. Then after completion of script my page got redirected to some url.
I have tried to use PHP SESSIONS in the script. As in code below:
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$tempFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$targetPath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . $ds. $storeFolder . $ds;
$targetFile = $targetPath. $_FILES['file']['name'];
//some processing here which takes some 4-5second to complete
After file upload complete I update session. I am checking session every second by calling following function in javascript:
function countdown(seconds){
console.log(<?php echo $_SESSION['uploaded']; ?>);
if(<?php echo $_SESSION['uploaded']; ?>==0){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
After searching from google for long time I came to know that in a single script SESSION is locked till script execution completed. Then I used session_write_close(); But it also not works. I am always getting 0 value of SESSION.
Please help me figuring out solution in simplest way. Thanks.
Unable to make it work with Ajax request also. So further tried using the MySQL table.
What I do is create table when upload script is called. Then insert value of status=0 in it using following code:
$stmt=$conn->prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $session");
$stmt=$conn->prepare("CREATE TABLE $session (id INT(11), status INT(11))");
$stmt=$conn->prepare("INSERT INTO $session VALUES(1,0)");
Then after upload completion I update the status to 1 and do the processing on file.
Then after successful completion of script I redirect to result page and drop table using session_id().
But My Ajax script which is checking status every second doesn't respond till the upload.php script ends. I have tried closing connection after every query but in vain. Code on getstatus.php
$stmt=$conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM $session WHERE id=1");
echo $res['status'];
Unable to find solution for it till now. Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Instead of invoking a PHP process on the server side every second, you could use a static file to check the upload state.
When generating the upload form for the client:
Create a tempnam for a directory that is accessible for the
Write 'uploading' to the temporary file
Store the filename in the session. (Be aware: The user might open multiple upload forms. Store the filenames in an array)
Send the filename to the client as a hidden field.
On the server side after user submitted the form:
Check if filename sent from the client matches a filename stored in the session.
Write 'processing' to the state file
At the end of your upload script write 'finished' to the state file
On the client side after user submits the form, check the upload state by doing ajax requests on the state file.
Disable caching for the state file with .htaccess. If this is no option you can achieve the same behavior with a php state script and the upload state saved to a session variable instead of a state file.
To make sure all generated files are deleted register a destroy handler that deletes files generated in the session:
<?php echo $_SESSION['uploaded']; ?> is preprocessed by PHP only once, just before this javascript is sent to client. That said, the javascript on client looks like:
function countdown(seconds){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
You should find other way (ajax?) to update information on the client side.
This became too long for a comment.
I'm unsure how you'd respond with progress information with PHP. I tried once and failed. is awesome in Node.js and there is a PHP server emitter. I would potentially give that a go. It should offer near instantaneous communication without waiting for scripts to complete.
Alternatively I would check out Jquery upload, it has a PHP server script. Supports progress bars Jquery Upload. Either implement it directly or check out the source code for how display progress info. I tried having a quick look but couldn't identify how they do it easily.
Why use DATABASE if you can do it on server ?
To save your bandwidth and database traffic you can seperate your process into 2 file
Create upload.php to serve uploading process
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$tempFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$targetPath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . $ds. $storeFolder . $ds;
$targetFile = $targetPath. $_FILES['file']['name'];
// Save path to session var
//You can tell client if the uploading process were done and show 'Processing ...'
// Place some code
Next, create a file called progress.php
// check
// Do your processing code here
// Remove session
// Then send response to client after your processing were done
echo 'Done';
You can redirect client using jquery as you tagged it. Good luck

POST in Javascript and redirect for file download

I've read many articles in this site or other sites (Redirect with POST to application/csv without form,, PHP and redirects, ... ) but without any valuable solutions.
My problem is the following :
in my site (html5, JQuery), there is a table. A feature of the site
is to export the table as a csv file which will be available for
This feature is implemented as follow :
2.1 a javascript is called which extracts the data of the table,
2.2 this JS redirect to a php service and pass as arguments the datas. The code is the
following :
var url= jmcnet.request.getOrigin()+'/commons/php/dt_csv_export.php' ;
location.href = url+"?action=generate&csv_type=export_task&csv_data=" +encodeURIComponent(csv);
2.3 The php script format the input (csv_data parameter), write a temporay file and returns the content of the temporary file. The code is the following :
$h = #fopen($csv_file_name, 'w');
fputcsv($h, $csv_row, ',', '"');
// export file content to JS
header('Content-Encoding: UTF-8');
header('Content-Type: text/ csv; charset =UTF-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export-table.csv');
header(' Pragma: no-cache');
echo "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; // UTF-8 BOM
2.4 The php file delete (unlink) the temporary file and exit,
My problem is that when the table is long, the URL called is not valid and the JS call to Php is down.
So, I imagine the 3 following solutions but no one is evident and all leads to other problems :
S1 : dont do a GET but a POST in JS. So the size of the csv_data
doesn't matter anymore. The problem is that I will have the content
of the csv file in JS var after the call succeed and I don't know or
find how to redirect to a page which content is in a JS var ? I
guess I will lose all header information doing this.
S2 : compress in JS the csv_data parameter and decompress it in Php.
I just don't know how to do that and if it possible ....
S3 : call the php with a POST. Modify the Php to return the URL of
the temporary file, and do a redirect in JS to this temporay URL.
The problems are that my Php must generate a file into a dir
directly visible on the Internet, the file name must be unique and
there is no way to simply delete the file after it has been read by
browser (and I hate cron or what else).
I'm sure I'm not the first one to have this problem, so I need your help to see what is the best practice for this problem.
I think you may be over-complicating this just a bit. There is no need for all of the JS redirect stuff, you can just point your forms action attribute to your csv_export php code and use POST to send your data.
if needed, you can modify the max size of a post request by editing the post_max_size option in your php.ini. heres what mine looks like:
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
; Its value may be 0 to disable the limit. It is ignored if POST data reading
; is disabled through enable_post_data_reading.
post_max_size = 8M
as for writing to a temporary file, php has built in I/O streams to handle that. for your purposes you'll probably want to use php://memory or php://temp (more info on those here:
so you can do something like this:
<!-- include jquery because you say you are using it -->
<script src="//"></script>
//just a dummy function to represent your js to extract csv data from a table
function extract_table_data(){
var csv = "field1,field2,field3\n\
return csv;
$( document ).ready(function() {
//export link click handler
$('#export_link').click(function() {
<a id='export_link'>Export CSV</a>
<form id='theform' method='post' action='dropcsv.php'>
<input type='hidden' name='csv_data' id='csv_data'/>
//filename for our csv attachment
$export_filename = 'thefile.csv';
//grab csv data
$csv_data = $_POST['csv_data'];
//open file in memory
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'w'); //use php://temp if you want a tmp file instead
//load up csv file
fwrite($f, $csv_data);
// go back to the beginning of the file
fseek($f, 0);
header('Content-Type: application/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename="'.$export_filename.'"');
of course don't forget to add your error checking and sanitize the input.

How to import external JSON and display in php

I have a WordPress site for people with Multiple Sclerosis and to assist them in finding current clinical trials that are recruiting participants I have an external JSON file of search results I want to display on my site.
Here is a sample output from the JSON:
{"intervention_browse":{"mesh_term":["Copolymer 1"]},"id_info":{"nct_id":"NCT00004814"},"sponsors":{"collaborator":[{"agency":"University of Maryland","agency_class":"Other"}],"lead_sponsor":{"agency":"National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)","agency_class":"NIH"}},"overall_status":"Completed","condition_browse":{"mesh_term":["Multiple Sclerosis","Sclerosis","Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting"]}}
What would be the best way to do this? An example using cURL or JSON_decode would be nice. (I only know enough to get myself into trouble, so assume I'm in kindergarten please. :) )
Since it's going into a WordPress site, should I use PHP or javascript or a combination of both for displaying it?
Once I get the information to display on my site I have no problem styling it with css. Getting it on the page is my main issue.
I have installed a plugin that allows me to add php directly into any page or post using shortcodes, but what code to put there is what's holding me up.
Here is the JSON file:,condition_browse,sponsors,intervention_browse,overall_status&limit=1000
You can follow it:
$url = ",condition_browse,sponsors,intervention_browse,overall_status&limit=1000";
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
You can use var_dump or print_r to know what's in your data :
<?php var_dump($data); ?>
<?php print_r($data); ?>
The TRUE returns an array instead of an object.

