How to rewrite this js class without decorators - javascript

I want to use mobx without using decorators. Usually I use decorate from mobx package but in this particular case, I could not find a way to make it work.
Original code :
import { observable } from 'mobx'
import { create, persist } from 'mobx-persist'
class Order {
currentOrder = null
What I tried :
import { observable, decorate } from 'mobx'
import { create, persist } from 'mobx-persist'
import { compose } from 'recompose'
class Order {
currentOrder = null
decorate(Order, {
currentOrder: compose(persist('object'), observable),
The error comes from persist telling serializr decorator is not used properly.
Any idea why this is different from above and does not work ?

Property Decorators requires a very specific composition implementation.
Solution Demo:
Full Answer
Property Decorators are basically a function of the form:
(target, prop, descriptor) => modifiedDescriptor
So, in order to compose two Property Decorators you need to pass the 1st decorator's result as a third argument of the 2nd decorator (along with target and prop).
Recompose.compose (same as lodash.flowRight) applies functions from right to left and passing the result as a single argument to the next function.
Thus, you can't use Recompose.compose for composing decorators, but you can easily create a composer for decorators:
/* compose.js */
export default (...decorators) => (target, key, descriptor) =>
(accDescriptor, decorator) => decorator(target, key, accDescriptor),
Then we use it in order to compose observable and persist("object").
/* Order.js */
import { observable, decorate, action } from "mobx";
import { persist } from "mobx-persist";
import compose from "./compose";
class Order {
currentOrder = null;
export default decorate(Order, {
currentOrder: compose(
[21/8/18] Update for MobX >=4.3.2 & >=5.0.4:
I opened PRs (which have been merged) for MobX5 & MobX4 in order to support multiple decorators OOB within the decorate utility function.
So, this is available in MobX >=4.3.2 & >= 5.0.4:
import { decorate, observable } from 'mobx'
import { serializable, primitive } from 'serializr'
import persist from 'mobx-persist';
class Todo {
id = Math.random();
title = "";
finished = false;
decorate(Todo, {
title: [serializable(primitive), persist('object'), observable],
finished: observable

An easier solution is to have
class Stuff {
title = ''
object = {
key: value
decorate(Todo, {
title: [persist, observable],
object: [persist('object'),observable]
No need to install the serializr package. The above functionality is built into mobx persist.


How to access nuxt `$config` in Vuex state? Only access method is through store actions methods?

I have used to dotenv library to use .env file, but I have to change runtimeConfig because I realized it was easy to expose my project secret key.
In my latest project, I have used nuxt "^2.14" and mode is SPA.
So I only use "publicRuntimeConfig" in nuxt.config.ts like that.
export default {
publicRuntimeConfig:{baseURL: proccess.env.Test_BASE_URL||''}
I can use env like that in vue file.
export default {
But I couldn't use "$config" in store's state.
I tried to write that but it always return "undefied"
export const state = (context) => ({
I have referred the this guys solutions
and changed state's value through the actions method.
I have used SPA, so I made method like 'nuxtServerInit'as plugins.
import {Context} from "#nuxt/types";
export default function (context:Context) {'initEnvURL',context.$config)
interface State {
testURL: string
const state = () => ({
const mutations = {
setTestURl(state:State,config:any) {
state.testURL = config.baseURL
const actions = {
initEnvURL({commit},$config) {
export default {state,mutations,actions}
I success to change state value through actions methods above,
but I don't know why "context" can't use store/state objects directly.
Does anyone know how to use $config in store/state?
or is it impossible only way to use $config through actions method like above?
That's because in Vuex, only actions actually receive the app context.
State, Mutations and Getters can't access it by design.
Your initial state should be contextless, i.e. with values that doesn't depend on the runtime execution.
Mutations are stateless, they just take a parameter and update the state. That's all. Contextful parameters should be coming from the caller.
Getters are just reactive state transformations, and should not rely on context properties, that would be messing with the Vuex module state.
So yes, what you have to do it initialise your store within the nuxtServerInit actions (or from a plugin for SPA apps):
nuxtServerInit({ store, config } ) {
store.commit('UPDATE_BASE_URL', config.baseUrl)
It does NOT show up through the type system even when using #nuxt/types.
Access it like this in store/index.ts or store/module.ts:
import { ActionTree, MutationTree } from 'vuex'
const actions: ActionTree<ModuleState, RootState> = {
async yourActionName({ commit }, payload): Promise<void> {
try {
let url =$config.baseURL + "/path"; // <- config is accessed here.
const res = await this.$axios.get<number>(url);
} catch (error) {
// Error handling
My nuxt.config.js looks like:
export default {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:5000/api',

Two way binding computed property with mappers

I use vuex in my Vue 2 project.
I have this HTML element and I try to implement two way binding:
<input v-model="message">
computed: {
message: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.obj.message
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('updateMessage', value)
inside get and set I want to use mappers so the code will look cleaner:
computed: {
message: {
get () {
return ...mapState("obj", ["message"])
set (value) {
...mapMutations("obj/updateMessage", value)
But I get errors on two rows:
return ...mapState("obj", ["message"]) - Expression expected.
...mapMutations("obj/updateMessage", value) - Declaration or statement expected.
How can I use mappers inside get and set?
mapMutations and mapState are imported to the component.
You will need to import them first, as you did
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
Import actions tho, and not mutations. Indeed, only actions are async and the flow should always be dispatch a action > commit a mutation > state is updated.
Then, plug them where they belong
computed: {
...mapState('obj', ['message']),
// other computed properties ...
methods: {
...mapActions('obj', ['updateMessage']),
// other methods ...
Then comes the interesting part
computed: {
message: {
get () {
const cloneDeepMessage = cloneDeep(this.message)
// you could make some destructuring here like >> const { id, title, description } = cloneDeepMessage
return cloneDeepMessage // or if destructured some fields >> return { id, title, description }
set (value) {
As you can see, I would recommend to also import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep' to avoid mutating the state directly thanks to cloneDeep when accessing your state.
This is the kind of warning that the Vuex strict mode will give you, that's why I recommend to enable it in development only.
The official docs are not super explicit on this part (you need to read various parts of them and mix them all together) but it's basically a good way of doing things IMHO.

VueJS: Best practice for working with global object between components?

there is User.js class and user object(user = new User();).
The user object is being used in all nested components. in User class there are so many important methods.
How can I simply use/access this.user or this.$user and its methods in any component?
1-solution (temporary working solution): Setting user in vuex's store and define in all components' data:
return {
Cons: in every component, this should be added. Note: there are so many components.
2-solution: adding user to Vue's prototype like plugin:
Vue.prototype.$user = user
Cons: when user's data changes, it doesn't effect in DOM element (UI).
3-solution: putting to components's props.
Cons: in every component, this should be added. Note: Again there are so many components.
All of the solutions I found have issues, especially as the project gets larger and larger.
Any suggestion and solution will be appreciated!
Note: Applies for Vue 2x
Proposal 1: Using getters from vuex
You could use getters along with mapGetters from Vuex to include users within computed properties for each component.
getters: {
// ...
getUser: (state, getters) => {
return getters.user
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
computed: {
Proposal 2: add a watcher via plugin
// When using CommonJS via Browserify or Webpack
const Vue = require('vue')
const UserPlug = require('./user-watcher-plugin')
// Don't forget to call this
const UserPlug = {
install(Vue, options) {
// We call Vue.mixin() here to inject functionality into all components. 'user'
export default UserPlug;
Proposal 3: add a computed property user as plugin via mixin
// When using CommonJS via Browserify or Webpack
const Vue = require('vue')
const UserPlug = require('./user-watcher-plugin')
// Don't forget to call this
const UserPlug = {
install(Vue, options) {
// We call Vue.mixin() here to inject functionality into all components.
computed: {
user: function() {
return this.$store.state.user
export default UserPlug;
Based on #Denis answer, specifically Proposal 3, Here is the UserPlugin.js:
import store from '#/store/store';
import User from './User';
const UserPlugin = {
install(Vue) {
const $user = new User();
window.$user = $user;
store.commit('setUser', $user);
computed: {
$user() {
return store.state.user;
export default UserPlugin;
and main.js:
import UserPlugin from './common/UserPlugin';
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
For further usage, I published small library for solving these kinda issues:
Assuming you don't actually use all methods/attributes of user in every component, but a subset of them everytime, I don't see any reason why solution 1 & 2 do not work for you, since passing the whole user object to every component is not necessary.
Let's say your object User have some attributes (a1, a2, a3, etc.) and methods (m1, m2, m3...). If a component only needs some of them (e.g. a1, a2, m1, m2, m3) then with Vuex, you can use mapping functions (mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations and mapActions) to get the exact info from user
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
...mapState('user', [ 'a1' ]),
...mapGetters('user', [ 'a2' ])
methods: {
...mapMutations('user', [ 'm1' ]),
...mapActions('user', [ 'm2', 'm3' ])
For solution 2 (using prototype), to make component update when user data changes, you can map the necessary data to component via methods.
export default {
methods: {
userA1() {
return this.$user.attributes.a1;
userM1() {
// and so on
Even better, you can create mixins to explicitly map data from user, and reuse your mixins to avoid duplicated code in components. It can be applied for both Vuex solution and prototype solution.
// mixin1:
const mixin1 = {
computed: {
...mapState('user', [ 'a1' ]),
methods: {
...mapMutations('user', [ 'm1' ])
// mixin2:
const mixin2 = {
computed: {
...mapGetters('user', [ 'a2' ]),
methods: {
...mapActions('user', [ 'm2', 'm3' ])
// component1
export default {
mixins: [ mixin1 ]
// component 2
export default {
mixins: [ mixin1, mixin2 ]
But if you really need to pass the whole object user to every component, then nothing could do. Rather, you should review your implementation and see if there is any better way to break the object into smaller meaningful ones.
You can use mixins to add User.js to your root component like
import userLib from './User';
//User.js path should correct
var app = new Vue({
mixins: [
After that you can use any of these User method in your any component like
or if any data access
Finally dont forget to add export default{//..} in User.js
Note: This is only work if you export all method of User.js into export default
I just created the minimal codesandbox to clear the idea of how dependency Injection works in vue.
You can have a second Vue instance and declare a reactive property.
See: Reactivity in depth

React - Apollo Client, How to add query results to the state

I've created a react app driven by Apollo client and graphQL.
My schema is defined so the expected result is an array of objects ([{name:"metric 1", type:"type A"},{name:"metric 2", type:"type B"}])
On my jsx file I have the following query defined:
query metrics($id: String!) {
metrics(id: $id) {
I've wrapped the component with Apollo HOC like so:
export default graphql(metricsQuery, {
options: (ownProps) => {
return {
variables: {id:}
The Apollo client works fine and returns the expected list on the props in the render method.
I want to let the user manipulate the results on the client (edit / remove a metric from the list, no mutation to the actual data on the server is needed). However since the results are on the component props, I have to move them to the state in order to be able to mutate. How can I move the results to the state without causing an infinite loop?
If apollo works anything like relay in this matter, you could try using componentWillReceiveProps:
class ... extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps({ metrics }) {
if(metrics) {
something like this.
componentWillReceiveProps will be deprecated soon (reference link)
If you are using React 16 then you can do this:
class DemoClass extends Component {
state = {
demoState: null // This is the state value which is dependent on props
render() {
DemoClass.propTypes = {
demoProp: PropTypes.any.isRequired, // This prop will be set as state of the component (demoState)
DemoClass.getDerivedStateFromProps = (props, state) => {
if (state.demoState === null && props.demoProp) {
return {
demoState: props.demoProp,
return null;
You can learn more about this by reading these: link1, link2
you can use this:
import {useState} from 'react';
import {useQuery} from '#apollo/client';
const [metrics,setMetrics]=useState();

How to test decorated React component with shallow rendering

I am following this tutorial:
Trying to learn how "shallow rendering" works.
I have a higher order component:
import React from 'react';
function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI {
render() {
return <ComposedComponent {...this.props}/>;
and a component:
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
render() {
const { name, avatar } = this.props;
return (
<div className="player-profile">
<div className='profile-name'>{name}</div>
<Avatar src={avatar}/>
and a test:
describe('PlayerProfile component - testing with shallow rendering', () => {
beforeEach(function() {
let {TestUtils} = React.addons;
this.TestUtils = TestUtils;
this.renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();
this.renderer.render(<PlayerProfile name='user'
it('renders an Avatar', function() {
let result = this.renderer.getRenderOutput();
The result variable holds this.renderer.getRenderOutput()
In the tutorial the result.type is tested like:
in my case, if I log the result it is:
LOG: Object{type: function PlayerProfile() {..}, .. }
so I changed my test like:
now it gives me this error:
Assertion Error: expected [Function: PlayerProfile] to equal [Function: withMUI]
So PlayerProfile's type is the higher order function withMUI.
PlayerProfile decorated with withMUI, using shallow rendering, only the PlayerProfile component is rendered and not it's children. So shallow rendering wouldn't work with decorated components I assume.
My question is:
Why in the tutorial result.type is expected to be a div, but in my case isn't.
How can I test a React component decorated with higher order component using shallow rendering?
You can't. First let's slightly desugar the decorator:
let PlayerProfile = withMUI(
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
// ...
withMUI returns a different class, so the PlayerProfile class only exists in withMUI's closure.
This is here's a simplified version:
var withMUI = function(arg){ return null };
var PlayerProfile = withMUI({functionIWantToTest: ...});
You pass the value to the function, it doesn't give it back, you don't have the value.
The solution? Hold a reference to it.
// no decorator here
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
// ...
Then we can export both the wrapped and unwrapped versions of the component:
// this must be after the class is declared, unfortunately
export default withMUI(PlayerProfile);
export let undecorated = PlayerProfile;
The normal code using this component doesn't change, but your tests will use this:
import {undecorated as PlayerProfile} from '../src/PlayerProfile';
The alternative is to mock the withMUI function to be (x) => x (the identity function). This may cause weird side effects and needs to be done from the testing side, so your tests and source could fall out of sync as decorators are added.
Not using decorators seems like the safe option here.
Use Enzyme to test higher order / decorators with Shallow
with a method called dive()
Follow this link, to see how dive works
So you can shallow the component with higher order and then dive inside.
In the above example :
const wrapper=shallow(<PlayerProfile name={name} avatar={}/>)
Similarly you can access the properties and test it.
You can use 'babel-plugin-remove-decorators' plugin. This solution will let you write your components normally without exporting decorated and un-decorated components.
Install the plugin first, then create a file with the following content, let us call it 'babelTestingHook.js'
'stage': 2,
'optional': [
// or Whatever configs you have
'plugins': ['babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before']
and running your tests like below will ignore the decorators and you will be able to test the components normally
mocha ./tests/**/*.spec.js --require ./babelTestingHook.js --recursive
I think the above example is confusing because the decorator concept is used interchangeably with idea of a "higher order component". I generally use them in combination which will make testing/rewire/mocking easier.
I would use decorator to:
Provide props to a child component, generally to bind/listen to a flux store
Where as I would use a higher order component
to bind context in a more declarative way
The problem with rewiring is I don't think you can rewire anything that is applied outside of the exported function/class, which is the case for a decorator.
If you wanted to use a combo of decorators and higher order components you could do something like the following:
function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
store1: ///bind here based on some getter
render() {
return <ComposedComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...this.context} />;
export default function(ChildComp) {
#withMui //provide store bindings
return class HOC extends Component {
static childContextTypes = {
getAvatar: PropTypes.func
getChildContext() {
let {store1} = this.props;
return {
getAvatar: (id) => ({ avatar: store1[id] });
export default Child extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
getAvatar: PropTypes.func.isRequired
handleClick(id, e) {
let {getAvatar} = this.context;
render() {
let buttons = [1,2,3].map((id) => {
return <button type="text" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this, id)}>Click Me</button>
return <div>{buttons}</div>;
import HOC from './higher-order';
import Child from './child';
let MyComponent = HOC(Child);
React.render(<MyComponent {...anyProps} />, document.body);
Then when you want to test you can easily "rewire" your stores supplied from the decorator because the decorator is inside of the exported higher order component;
import HOC from 'higher-order-component';
import Child from 'child';
describe('rewire the state', () => {
let mockedMuiDecorator = function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
store1: ///mock that state here to be passed as props
render() {
HOC.__Rewire__('withMui', mockedMuiDecorator);
let MyComponent = HOC(Child);
let child = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<MyComponent {...mockedProps} />
let childElem = React.findDOMNode(child);
let buttons = childElem.querySelectorAll('button');
it('Should render 3 buttons', () => {
I'm pretty sure this doesn't really answer your original question but I think you are having problems reconciling when to use decorators vs.higher order components.
some good resources are here:
In my case decorators are very useful and I dont want to get rid of them (or return wrapped and unwrapped versions) im my application.
The best way to do this in my opinion is to use the babel-plugin-remove-decorators (which can be used to remove them in tests) has Qusai says, but I wrote the pre-processor differently like below:
'use strict';
var babel = require('babel-core');
module.exports = {
process: function(src, filename) {
// Ignore files other than .js, .es, .jsx or .es6
if (!babel.canCompile(filename)) {
return '';
if (filename.indexOf('node_modules') === -1) {
return babel.transform(src, {
filename: filename,
plugins: ['babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before']
return src;
Take notice of the babel.transform call that im passing the babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before element as an array value, see:
To hook this up with Jest (which is what I used), you can do it with settings like below in your package.json:
"jest": {
"rootDir": "./src",
"scriptPreprocessor": "../preprocessor.js",
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
Where preprocessor.js is the name of the preprocessor.

