Counting TAB key strokes in Qualtrics - javascript

I'm trying to set as embedded data, the number of times participants in my Qualtrics survey hit the tab key, but only on a certain block. I added, early in the survey, a new embedded data variable, called "tabcounter" and set its value to 0.
I inserted this code to the relevant block's JS, but the counter keeps on counting keystrokes in the following questions and blocks as well. How do I make it stop counting once the next block appears?
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
//tab counter
var tabPressCount = 0;
var currentQuestionID = this.getQuestionInfo().QuestionID;
jQuery(document).on("keydown", function(counter){
var key = counter.keyCode;
if ((key==9) && (currentQuestionID=='QID82')) {
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('tabcounter', tabPressCount); }

I found a rather improvisational solution: on survey flow, I create a new embedded value right after the block I'm interested in, and input into it the "tabcounter" embedded value I created earlier.
That is, the old embedded value keeps on counting tab strokes all throughout the survey, but I'm getting its value only at the one point I'm interested in.
Good enough for what I'm looking for right now, but there must be a more elegant way to do this.


Individual custom start position in Qualtrics through Javascript

I want to use either a slider question or a draggable bar chart in Qualtrics to present to respondents how they answered in former questions. More specifically, I compute a value out of then answers with weighting, and want the slider or bar to be positioned at this value.
Notably, as each respondent has a value (stored in an embedded data field), the position will thereby be individual for each respondent. Piping only works for text fields, as far as I understood the support page.
Based on this question/answer I came to the following code for the bar graph:
var result = "${q://Field/result}";
var qwidth = $('QID1936~1~track').offsetWidth;
var resrec = ((qwidth*result)/100);
$('QID1936').select('.bar').each(function(name, index) {
name.setStyle({ width: resrec +"px"});
Basically, I get the result for each respondent out of the embedded data, get the width of the full bar graph, compute the ratio that should be colored based on the result, and update the position of the bar graph (following the mentioned answer).
Funny enough, everything works when done in the console. Also, the embedded data is correctly loaded, qwidth as well.
Two problems arise: it seems resrec could be computed wrongly, as a console.log() spits out 0 instead of the correct value. I assumed this could be somehow as a variable is not recognized as number, but several tries with Number() or 0+var did not change how this works in Qualtrics. In the console, it works just fine.
Also, no update of the bar (or slider with similar code) happens, neither with the correct value nor with the 0 that is produced by Qualtrics.
I search for two things: either a solution to the Javascript problem as described, basically how I can update the bar or slider with embedded data. Or another solution how to directly get embedded data into one of those two question formats as a starting value for each respondent individually.
Thanks for your help or ideas!
Try this:
var qid = this.questionId;
var result = parseFloat("${e://Field/result}");
var qwidth = $(qid+'~1~track').offsetWidth;
var resrec = ((qwidth*result)/100);
$(qid).select('.bar').each(function(name, index) { = resrec + "px";
It is best not to use a hardcoded QID
In a pipe use e: to refer to an embedded variable. q: is for questions.
Use parseFloat to convert the string to a number
No need to use setStyle if you are only setting one value
One solution proposed by Qualtrics support: when you use bars and/or sliders, piped values are actually possible.
The trick is to have the value of the bar/slider shown (a thing we do not use in the whole survey elsewhere). Then, you can access over the Advanced Question Options > Add Default Choices the blue arrow for piping text behind the value. Through this, the value is individually set to either embedded data or another answer.
Note, however, to tick "Show value" before accessing the default choices, else you will only be able to drag around the bar and set it for all simultaneously.
Here is a solution using the Qualtrics Question API method setChoiceValue that does not require you to compute the ratio and update the length of the bars manually.
Below is an example code for the result of ten respondents saved in embedded data from previous questions.
var embedded = ["${e://Field/r1}", "${e://Field/r2}",
"${e://Field/r3}", "${e://Field/r4}", "${e://Field/r5}",
"${e://Field/r6}", "${e://Field/r7}", "${e://Field/r8}",
"${e://Field/r9}", "${e://Field/r10}"];
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
var index = i + 1;
var choiceInput = embedded[i];
this.setChoiceValue(index, choiceInput);
For one respondent:
var value = "${e://Field/r1}";
this.setChoiceValue(1, value);

onkeydown, and auto complete

I was wondering if anyone could help me solve this issue or point me towards the right direction.
In my project we have a filed that needs to be autofilled, at this moment I use onblur which works wonders as it only does it so once you leave the focus. However, due to recent changes, it needs to only do so when there is only one unique item in the map which it matches the input.
I have a large array defined as following:
var myArray = [
[content, content],
[content, content],
Later in my code I associate it with a map, at least this is what most stackoverflow questions I looked at referred to it as follows:
var myMap = {};
for(0 to myArray.length) {
var a = myArray[i][0];
var b = myArray[i][1];
myMap[a] = b;
Now, finally I iterate over this array as follows:
for (var key in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (map[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(location.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
the above is the line of code I am struggling to figure out how to change. At this moment, while using on blur, if I type in the letter 'A' for example, and leave the focus area it will automatically fill it in with a certain name. However, in the array there are many other objects that begin with, or contain A. How can I change it so that the onkeydown event will keep going until it finally filters it down to to only possible key-value pair? I tried looking at MDN's documentation for filtering, but I do not think that will work for my purposes, or at least I am too inexperienced with JS.
If the indexOf the first and last are nonnegative and equal, there is just one. You could do this with an && and boolean short circuit evaluation, but that will run very far right off the screen, so I am showing your code with one more nested if (up to you to add the end of the block). But we also need to see if there are matches on multiple keys.
var matchCount=0;
for (var key in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (map[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(location.toLowerCase()) >= 0){
if (map[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(location.toLowerCase()) == map[key].toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(location.toLowerCase())) {
then outside your for loop:
if (matchCount==1){ //do your stuff

Javascript suddenly can not read value

I'm in the process of writing a client side app that given the ingredients will give you cocktail recipe. When inputted, you click on a button will search the ingredients. If "all" is entered you will be redirected to page with all the recipes.
I had just started this so note the all feature is the only part I've done.
It was working fine. For practice I had it when you entered "all" it would redirect to facebook's url. Out of nowhere(with no new changes) it started throwing me an error, it wasn't reading the input, it was reading it as null.
The relevant HTML:
<input type="text" id="alcohol">
<h4 class="btn" type="submit" onclick="whole()"> Search</h4>
The JS:
var input = document.getElementById('alcohol').value;
function whole() {
if (input == "all") {
window.location = "";
What's happening here? Why did it stop working?
We need to see a greater context to know for sure, but it appears that you are probably getting the alcohol value too soon before it contains the latest value.
You can change to this to make the whole() function work with the current value of the alcohol field:
function whole(){
var input = document.getElementById('alcohol').value;
if (input =="all"){
Remember that this:
var input = document.getElementById('alcohol').value;
gets the current value at the time that line of code is run. Any future changes to that field will not affect the input variable. That variable contains the value from a specific point in time only. The easiest way to avoid issues like this is to just get the value right when you need it, not some time earlier.

Set Qualtrics Embedded Data with Javascript for loop

I am working on a survey in qualtrics, and need to be able to set many embedded data fields with different values, depending on a random selection of the experimental condition.
In the Survey Flow, I've entered all the names of the desired embedded data values.
I want this code to execute at the start of the survey, and to go through and set the values of those Embedded data variables.
The reason I use a for loop is because the variables are named things like:
var condition = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1)
var conditions =[ [8,8,8,5,5,5,5,2,2,2], [8,8,8,7,7,7,7,2,2,2], [10,10,10,5,5,5,5,2,2,2], [10,10,10,7,7,7,7,2,2,2]]
var values = condition[conditions]
var letters ="abcdefghij"
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
var dataname = "set1" + letters.charAt(i)
However, this code doesn't work.
When I try to call the variables using piped text later on in the survey (after a page break) they do not appear to have stored.
You have two issues.
First, you can only set Javascript in Qualtrics if it's inside of the .addOnload function, e.g.:
// Your code
Second, your method for assigning - values - throws an error message.
Qualtrics doesn't have an issue saving embedded data in a for loop, so if you fix these two points, you should be good to go.

Meteor: How to set a number based on the number of checked boxes within a section

I currently have a multi-section form, with a number of checkboxes. What Im trying to do, is show the number of checked boxes, next to the total. I have total showing up just fine, but I cant for the life of me figure out a way to loop over the inputs, successfully find the :checked, and print that number out.
I think the main thing causing me issues, is that it needs to update every time a new box is checked. Heres some of the code.
Event Handler
'click input[type=checkbox]': function(){
Session.set('selectedPlayerCount', n);
The goal here is to set the number of selected players, and pass it to the template/helper.
countSelected: function(){
n = 0;
var selectedPlayerCount = Session.get('selectedPlayer');
return selectedPlayerCount;
Within the helper I'm attempting to iterate every time the event is triggered, and as a result increase the value by one. I'm aware that resetting n back to 0 is going to cause some issues, and I know that needs to be changed one the rest is figured out. I just cant figure out where the variable needs to be set in order to provide a default value.
<p>{{ countSelected }}</p>
All I'm trying to do here for now is to print out the value rendered by the helper. I don't believe this is causing any issues.
TL;DR - How to count number of checked inputs within a section of a form, and for each one, increment a value, and then return it every time its changed.
I'm new to this but maybe this will serve: define your account to zero in a session variable, each time you select a checkbox you increase the value of your session variable
Session.set("countPlayersChecked", 0);
countSelected: function () {
return Session.get("countPlayersChecked");
'click input[type=checkbox]': function (event) {
Session.set("countPlayersChecked", Session.get("countPlayersChecked")+1);
Session.set("countPlayersChecked", Session.get("countPlayersChecked")-1);
Hope it serves.

