Align cell heights in parallel tables - javascript

I have two tables sit next to each other and display data about two items that are being compared. Each item has a name, a category, and then a description - some descriptions (the third column) are very short (one word) and some are very long (multiple sentences). I need to align the two tables so that the row heights match up perfectly. Here's what I have so far:
Notice how the first row in each table doesn't align because of the difference in heights in the row. Ideally I'd love to solve this with CSS and some kind of overflow property combined with min-height, but I'm not sure where to start. Thanks!

You can place the description text (2nd table) inside a "div" in "td" and
make the "div" css: "overflow:auto; max-height:40%"; and make changes to the width of the table data as required for the both tables.

You can use the height property to give each cell in the table a uniform height.
Setting the overflow-wrap property to break-word will break a long word that does not fit inside the cell (like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) so it fits. You need to style it as an inline-block so the overflow works properly. If all else fails and there is just too much darn text in a table cell, you could set overflow to hidden to make sure that your users can at least see the content without it spilling over everything, but ideally you should set the height to be large enough for your data. If you need an example, let me know and I can post one.


Is it possible to generate callout/indicator ("continues...") when table breaks across column or page?

We are designing HTML pages for print and one of the requirements for tables is, whenever a page or column break occurs, to generate an indicator like "Continues..." below the table before the break (page or column) and in the header of the continuation of the table, another indication, like table title and the text "Continued", followed by the normal flow of the content.
For the top-level container, we are planning to use CSS multi-columns and normal html table element for the table. It seems CSS columns do not expose any pseudo-classes to decorate the column breaks.
Below is the layout I'm looking for,
Here's how I'd approach it:
Put hidden div above table
<div id="cont-label" style="display:none;">Continues...</div>
Know table size
By either sending its size to UI, or getting its size usign javascript:
var size= $('#mytable tr').length;
size is saved in javascript or in table div data attribute data-size=12
Know if table is "chopped"
If table on home is displaying a number of rows that's less than table size, either by counting rows or by having fixed number of rows displayed (depends on your design). Let's say displayed size is displayedSize.
Compare and act
Better to be in jQuery
Get both size and displayedSize and compare:
if( displayedSize < size ){
I will assume that the next page will always show the text "Continued" because otherwise why have full page for table in the first place. I see you display the whole table and not the chopped part only ad this makes implementation easier, please correct me.

Align table rows of two tables

So I have two tables horizontally next to each other. Everything is aligned initially. However, when the element inside one cell of the left table increases in size, it wraps and increases the cell height. How can I align two tables even with the left cell height increased?
Here is the image of what it looks like:
Without wrapping:
With wrapping:
IMHO you have two options.
Use single table so that entire row will have same height. Or
Use div instead of table because div has overflow option. Refer this link
Update after comment:
If you can use jquery, you could do it on page load. Refer this fiddler
Note: height attributes for both table's row and class name. Un-comment jquery line number 3 and execute.

Is there way to render <table> horizontally when the list exceeds certain length?

I created a visualization with d3
When mouse hovers over the histogram, a list appears underneath. There are a couple cases when the list becomes too long and I would like the table to grow horizontally beyond certain length.
Is there an optimal way to do this other than checking the length of list and appending a new table element?
Nice job Brian! I would try to get viewport height with jQuery, and compare it witch table height, something like:
if(table_height > viewport_height) {
// change table css style to 2 column table

Any way without js to ensure floated divs in same 'row' are the same height without setting height attr

I would like to float a set of divs to make a fluid layout. And I would love to do it with pure CSS and no js if possible for performance/complexity reasons.
Currently, we have 3 divs per row and the surrounding element stretches vertically to accommodate the the tallest div. But of course when I make the page narrower or wider, I always have 3 divs per row.
With floated divs that don't have row containers, it looks great as long as all the divs have the same height. But if the 2nd div in a 2-div row is shorter than the first, then the next row's 1st div gets 'stuck' to the right of that 1st taller div, leaving the first spot in the 2nd row empty.
A solution might be to bring back row divs and use javascript to shuffle item divs between them, but that might be complicated and error-prone. But maybe that's the only possibility.
The one thing I can't do is use fixed height for the item divs, because that would require setting the fixed height large enough for the largest possible item div, which would leave a bunch of empty space for every other div.
I guess another possibility might be using fixed height, then use js to adjust those heights to eliminate extra space.
Make the display:inline-block and remove the float. Height will become optional as well, they'd just align to the tallest one.
If possible try switching to flexbox. has great visuals to illustrate how various flex styles work.
For example, you could use flex-wrap: wrap; to handle the case when the page becomes too narrow, and use align-items: stretch so they all have the same height

How to make the vertical th's height change corresponding to the change of td?

Here is my jsFiddle, as you can see, td at the first line is very long, so that it takes room which is intended for second line. The problem lies in that the th's height doesn't grow large automatically when the corresponding td is overwrap to multiple lines.
So is there any way to realize both the multiline showing of td part as well as the correct alignment for th and td? Thanks a lot!

