Going to a section of a page using java script - javascript

I have a webpage with several components that looks like:
<div id='someId' ...... />
Manually it is possible to go to those sections using
<a href="#someId" ..... />
How, using es2015 or react or javascript, could be created a function to go to that <div> component ?

You could use the scrollIntoView function.
React Example (CodeSandbox)
class App extends React.Component {
onClick = () => {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Scroll down</button>
<div style={{ height: 1000 }}>Hello CodeSandbox</div>
<div style={{ height: 1000 }} ref={ref => (this.ref = ref)}>
Scroll here

If you don't mind installing a 3rd party package, I would suggest trying react-scroll-into-view


React Button Click should change the display value of div

I got a Navbar which has a button do change the display value of a login form. The Login form and the Login form is a diffrent file, the navbar is a diffrent file and the homepage where it should be display is a diffrent file. Those are the minimal variants of each so that you got some got to understand my problem in detail:
const HomePage = () => {
return (
<Navbar />
<Login />
<div id="content">
const Navbar= () => {
const showLogin = () => {
return (
<div id="Navbar">
<NavLink activeClassName="active" to='/'><img src={logo}/></NavLink>
<button onClick={showLogin}>Anmelden</button>
const Login = () => {
return (
<div id="Login">
<label for="username">Nutzername</label>
<input name="username" type="text"></input>
<label for="pw">Passwort</label>
<input name="pw" type="password"></input>
<button type="submit">Login</button>
Is there a way to achieve this, or would my easiest option be to include the Login source code into the Navbar source code?
You do not need to move your Login component inside Navbar. Keep it as it is.
You can use useState and Props to switch css classes to show/hide your Login component. I have created very simple solution for you in this CodeSandbox.
Create two CSS classes hidden and block
In your Login component add a boolean prop which switches class hidden to block if true.
Create a prop for onClick in the Login component.
Create a useState inside your Homepage which holds a boolean value. That boolean value pass it to the Login page prop and then use onClick prop from Navbar to switch that boolean state
Yes, depending on your CSS system this is easily achievable just by using that.
The React solution is using refs.
The easy way is to create a ref in the parent component and then pass it down as a prop to both components:
In Homepage (i.e. parent), create a ref like so loginRef = useRef(); then pass it down as a prop to the 2 children.
In Login-Form.js you assign that prop on the div with id Login like so <div id='Login' ref={props.loginRef}>
Then in Navbar.js you can use that prop to change its display value like so const showLogin = () => {props.loginRef.current.style.display='block';}
NB: This is a fast and easy way, not best practice but it gets the work done. The best-practice here is to use forwardRef and - super advanced - useImperativeHandle. Take your time and go through the documentation when you're ready.
Login page will show "it is not active" first because active is set to false.but once you click on submit button it will show "it is active"
const HomePage = () => {
return (
<Navbar activesetter={setActive} />
<Login activestatus={active} />
<div id="content">
const Login = (props) => {
{props.activestatus ? "it is active" : "it is not active" }
const Navbar = (props) => {
const handleSubmit=(e)=> {
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Login</button>

How to efficiently toggle classes with multiple HTML elements across multiple files

I am toggling an arrow image whenever my div is clicked. I am controlling the state of the click with
const [toggleArrow, setToggleArrow] = useState(false)
My div has an onClick function that controls the state and toggles the faq-subject-toggle-arrow class that adds an image
<div className={`faq-subject ${toggleArrow ? 'faq-subject-toggle-arrow' : ''}`} onClick={() => {
My problem is that I have 50 divs across multiple styles and don't want to make 50 states to toggle one image.
Is there a more efficient solution for this with less code?
I created something that does the same thing. I extracted your code and made a component. now the state lives inside the component and will not affect others.
live demo
import { useState } from "react";
export const Button = () => {
const [toggleArrow, setToggleArrow] = useState(false);
return (
style={{ width: "50px", height: "50px", margin: "10px" }}
className={`faq-subject ${toggleArrow ? "faq-subject-toggle-arrow" : ""}`}
onClick={() => {
css file, I didn't have the same classes so I created mine.
.faq-subject {
background: blue;
.faq-subject-toggle-arrow {
background: orange;
now you can use it wherever you want for multiple times
import { Button } from "./button";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Button />
<Button />
<Button />
<Button />
<Button />

React pass ref throw functional components in different levels

I would like to scroll to menu element in a page.
I have the menu component which is not a parent of components to which I would like to scroll.
I have found this post that describe a similar problem
Passing ref to a child We want the ref to be attached to a dom element, not to a react component. So when passing it to a child
component we can't name the prop ref.
const myRef = useRef(null)
return <ChildComp refProp={myRef}></ChildComp> } ```
Then attach the ref prop to a dom element. ```jsx const ChildComp =
(props) => {
return <div ref={props.refProp} /> } ```
Here's my app structure
Menu component:
const MenuApp = () => {
return (
<div className="desktop-menu">
<div className="menu-item a-propos">
<p className='button'>Me découvrir</p>
<div className="menu-item competences">
<p className='button'>Compétences </p>
<div className="menu-item experiences">
<p className='button'>Experiences</p>
<div className="menu-item formation">
<p className='button'>Formation </p>
The parent is app component
<div className="App">
<div className="hero">
<HeaderApp />
<ApprochApp />
<Apropos />
<Competences />
<Experiences />
<Formation />
<Recom />
<Contact />
<Footer />
</div >
I would like that mu menus scrolls to the react components in the main App component
So how can I passe the reference from the menu component to the app and use it in components to scroll ?
I do not understand your problem completely though. However, one thing I can see from your question is that you're not forwarding the ref properly.
What you need in this case is forwardRef.
Basically, what you need to do is to create the childComponent as something like this:
const childComponent = React.forwardRef(({...otherProps}, ref) => {
return (<><div ref={ref}>Component content </div></>)
Where you need to use the component all you need to do is this:
const parentComponent = () => {
const reveiwsRef = React.useRef("");
return (
<childComponent ref={reviewsRef} />
You can find more info about this on the react documentation: Forwarding-Refs
I have hope this helps though

React: delay in input changes

I have a rather big array of objects in the parent component's state. And when I pass them as props to children components (which don't have state, only props) I have a huge delay in typing (in children's components) when the input changes.
I have already read answers on similar questions ReactJS delay onChange while typing and advice to use shouldcomponentupdate reactjs : ShouldComponentUpdate for states .
But, unfortunately, I still didn't understand how to apply it in my example: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-example-8vlc2 . Parent component is index.js . So:
1) Should I use componentdidupdate or shouldcomponentupdate() in children's components (StoryList.tsx and StoriesScreenItem/StoriesScreenList) ?
2) Should I add state in children's component to use componentdidupdate or shouldcomponentupdate() ?
3) Why does the input delay happen in my example?
4) Or any other ideas how can I manage this problem?
Any help would be appreciated!
My suggestion would be to create a functional component for a story.
It could look something like this:
export const Story = props => {
const [story, setStory] = useState(props.story);
const handleChange = e => {
const updatedStory = {...story};
updatedStory.caption = e.target.value;
return (
{story.previewUri ? (
objectFit: "cover",
border: "4px solid #1ec1b6"
src={story.previewUri || null}
alt={"Фото сториc"}
) : (
border: "4px solid #1ec1b6",
textAlign: "center",
fontSize: "14px"
Link image
<span>Preview title</span>
style={{ width: "100%" }}
onChange={e => handleChange(e)}
onChange={screens => props.changeScreen(screens, props.index)}
export default Story;
Each of these would have their own state, so you would not have to update the entire array of stories each time a single story is changed.
Which is suspect is what creates the delay.
I Hope this is helpful.

React input focus event to display other component

I was read some tutorial about this. They told me should using ref to do that.
But It's very general.
Here is my problem:
Basically in Header component include NavBar, SearchBar and ResultSearch component.
const Header = () => {
return (
<header className="ss_header">
<Navbar />
<SearchBar />
<ResultSearch />
And In SearchBar component. Whenever I focused on input text. It emit an event and display ResultSearch component by any way (changing style, or ...).
class SearchBar extends Component{
render() {
return (
<div className="search_bar">
<section className="search">
<div className="sub_media container">
<form method="GET" action="" id="search_form">
<Icon icon="search" />
<span className="autocomplete">
placeholder="Search for a movie, tv show, person..." />
Style in ResultSearch component. I was set display: none.
.results_search { display: none; }
I think ResultSearch will receive an event from SearchBar and set back display: block for ResultSearch component. Is possible?
How can I handle that?
My Code here: https://codesandbox.io/s/3xv8xnx3z5
only you should convert Header component like following:
class Header extends Component {
state = {
focus: false
handleInputFocus = () => {
this.setState({ focus: true });
handleInputBlur = () => {
this.setState({ focus: false });
render() {
return (
<header className="ss_header">
{this.state.focus ? <ResultSearch /> : null}
and also in SearchBar component add following attributes to your input:
also, you should remove your CSS about result box.
And, you can see the updated code on the following sandbox:
Still not sure what you're trying to achieve.
This is the way you can handle visibility of result of the search. Let me know if this isn't what you're looking for.

