Javascript API for query in Elasticsearch - javascript

If I do below query in Kibana, results : "tim is a good boy" and I want to same thing using js library in eclipse.
GET nirv/_search
"query" : {
"term" : { "user" : "tim" }
I looked everywhere but did not find much of help. So can anyone provide a bit of code for a query to Elasticsearch using JS API in eclipse. What I mean is that I have a function result which provides me what elasticsearch return for particular query.

Are you using the javascript client library provided by Elasticsearch?
Their docs show examples on how to get started and perform a search with the client:
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'nirv'
user: 'tim'
}).then(function (body) {
var hits = body.hits.hits; // "tim is a good boy" should be here *somewhere*
}, function (error) {


Filters in Power BI embed report

I developed a few months ago a NodeJS API to get embed reports from Power BI (using a tenant). I consume this API from an Angular app. Now I want to get the report filtered, and I don't know if this is possible with my actual code.
I used the PowerBI rest API to get the embed report. Reading the docs of microsoft, I see lots of docs like this one, where says that I should create an object with the filters that I want. This is not a problem, but I don't know if this is compatible with mi actual Node API or I should develop a new solution.
My API follows the sample provided by Microsoft, and the code is:
async function getEmbedParamsForSingleReport(
) {
const reportInGroupApi = `${workspaceId}/reports/${reportId}`;
const headers = await getRequestHeader();
// Get report info by calling the PowerBI REST API
const result = await axios.get(reportInGroupApi, { headers });
if (result.status !== 200) {
throw result;
// Convert result in json to retrieve values
const resultJson =;
// Add report data for embedding
const reportDetails = new PowerBiReportDetails(,,
const reportEmbedConfig = new EmbedConfig();
// Create mapping for report and Embed URL
reportEmbedConfig.reportsDetail = [reportDetails];
// Create list of datasets
let datasetIds = [resultJson.datasetId];
// Append additional dataset to the list to achieve dynamic binding later
if (additionalDatasetId) {
// Get Embed token multiple resources
reportEmbedConfig.embedToken =
await getEmbedTokenForSingleReportSingleWorkspace(
return reportEmbedConfig;
With this I obtain the embed report and send back to my app. Is this solution compatible with filters?
Thanks in advance!
Finally, I came out with a solution. In mi Angular app, I use the library powerbi-client-angular. That allows me to define some configuration in the embed report:
basicFilter: models.IBasicFilter = {
$schema: '',
target: {
table: 'items',
column: 'id',
operator: 'In',
values: [1,2,3],
filterType: models.FilterType.Basic,
requireSingleSelection: true,
displaySettings: {
/** Hiding filter pane */
isLockedInViewMode: true,
isHiddenInViewMode: true,
reportConfig: IReportEmbedConfiguration = {
type: 'report',
id: cuantitativeReportID,
embedUrl: undefined,
tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
filters: [this.basicFilter],
accessToken: undefined,
settings: undefined,
With this, I can avoid passing information to the NodeJS API
Yes, It will work fine with this solution. Please find the relevant code below:
Create a filter object:
const filter = {
$schema: "",
target: {
table: "Geo",
column: "Region"
operator: "In",
values: ["West", "Central"]
Add the filter to the report's filters:
await report.updateFilters(models.FiltersOperations.Add, [filter]);
You can refer sample NodeJS application to get embed reports from Power BI.
Please find the the reference here:

Nested JSON Response coming back as [Object] using FB.API?

I know this is something really simple but for the life of me I can't figure out how to parse out the next level json request from this bit of javascript I'm writing in Node.js using the Facebook API.
for(var i = 0; i < userArrayLength; i++) {
.api(usersArray[i] + '/posts?since=2017-05-17', { fields: ['from', 'id'], access_token: 'accessToken' }, function (res) {
console.log(res, {depth: null});
My return has the following:
from: [Object],
id: 'postid_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
I know that all I need to do is step down on level in the JSON to from:name but I just can't get the formatting correct and can't find any good examples online.
I'm new to node and javascript so I'm sure its just something boned headed. Would appreciate any help!

Saving an object to DynamoDB instance via NodeJS

I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but the documentation is a bit confusing for DynamoDB, especially for NodeJS (I do see a lot for Java, however!).
I've done quite a bit of searching and only have found questions pertaining to the old SDK, so hopefully this isn't a duplicate question!
I'm trying to store a Javascript object into my DynamoDB instance. The error I'm getting and the code I'm using is outlined below.
Unable to add item. Error JSON: {
"message": "One or more parameter values were invalid:
Type mismatch for key File expected: S actual: M",
"code": "ValidationException",
"time": "2016-10-29T19:36:02.317Z",
"requestId": [removed],
"statusCode": 400,
"retryable": false,
"retryDelay": 0
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var docClient = new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
"accessKeyId": AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
"secretAccessKey": AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
region: 'us-east-1',
endpoint: ""
var tableName = AWS_TABLE_NAME;
var params = {
TableName: tableName,
Item: {
ProjID: projID,
File: {
name: fileName,
url: fileUrl
docClient.put(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error("Unable to add item. Error JSON:", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
} else {
console.log("Added item:", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
Once again, I'm sure it's a fairly simple issue - I just haven't quite found any documentation to help me out that's updated.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
Is File an attribute in the schema of your table? If it is and it's defined as a String, then the error you are getting is just indicating that you are trying to put a map into a string attribute.
DynamoDB only supports String and Numeric keys so you'll have to revisit your design. Perhaps you can store the File information as a string for the key and then expanded as a map into a separate attribute if need be.

Creating an envelope from a template returning "UNSPECIFIED_ERROR"

When I try to create an envelope from a template I get a response of:
message: 'Non-static method requires a target.' }
Here's what I'm doing so far:
First I login, which returns
{ loginAccounts:
[ { name: '*****',
accountId: '*****',
baseUrl: '******',
isDefault: 'true',
userName: '***** ********',
userId: '*******-*****-*****-*****-*********',
email: '********#*******.com',
siteDescription: '' } ] }
So then I take the baseUrl out of that response and I attempt to create the envelope. I'm using the hapi framework and async.waterfall of the async library, so for anyone unfamiliar with either of these my use of the async library uses the next callback to call the next function which in this case would be to get the url for the iframe, and with our usage of the hapi framework AppServer.Wreck is roughy equivalent to request:
function prepareEnvelope(baseUrl, next) {
var createEntitlementTemplateId = "99C44F50-2C97-4074-896B-2454969CAEF7";
var getEnvelopeUrl = baseUrl + "/envelopes";
var options = {
headers: {
"X-DocuSign-Authentication": JSON.stringify(authHeader),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Disposition": "form-data"
body : JSON.stringify({
status: "sent",
emailSubject: "Test email subject",
emailBlurb: "My email blurb",
templateId: createEntitlementTemplateId,
templateRoles: [
email: "",
name: "Recipient Name",
roleName: "Signer1",
clientUserId: "1099", // TODO: replace with the user's id
tabs : {
textTabs : [
tabLabel : "acct_nmbr",
value : "123456"
tabLabel : "hm_phn_nmbr",
value : "8005882300"
tabLabel : "nm",
value : "Mr Foo Bar"
console.log("--------> options: ", options); // REMOVE THIS ====, options, function(err, res, body) {
console.log("Request Envelope Result: \r\n", JSON.parse(body));
next(null, body, baseUrl);
And what I get back is:
message: 'Non-static method requires a target.' }
From a little googling it look like 'Non-static method requires a target.' is a C# error and doesn't really give me much indication of what part of my configuration object is wrong.
I've tried a simpler version of this call stripping out all of the tabs and clientUserId and I get the same response.
I created my template on the Docusign website and I haven't ruled out that something is set up incorrectly there. I created a template, confirmed that Docusign noticed the named form fields, and created a 'placeholder' templateRole.
Here's the templateRole placeholder:
Here's one of the named fields that I want to populate and corresponding data label:
As a side note, I was able to get the basic vanilla example working without named fields nor using a template using the docusign node package just fine but I didn't see any way to use tabs with named form fields with the library and decided that I'd rather have more fine-grained control over what I'm doing anyway and so I opted for just hitting the APIs.
Surprisingly when I search SO for the errorCode and message I'm getting I could only find one post without a resolution :/
Of course any help will be greatly appreciated. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need any additional information.
Once I received feedback from Docusign that my api call had an empty body it didn't take but a couple minutes for me to realize that the issue was my options object containing a body property rather than a payload property, as is done in the hapi framework.

correct way to use Stripe's stripe_account header from oauth with meteor

I'm trying to build a platform based on Meteor that uses Stripe Connect. I want to use the "preferred" authentication method from Stripe (Authentication via the Stripe-Account header, so that I can create plans and subscribe customers on behalf of my users. I cannot get it to work. I tried with a second params object, similar to the exemple in the documentation:
var stripeplancreate = Meteor.wrapAsync(Stripe.plans.create, Stripe.plans);
var plan = stripeplancreate({
amount: prod.price,
interval: prod.interv,
currency: prod.curr,
metadata: { prodId: prod._id, orgId: org._id },
statement_descriptor: prod.descr
},{stripe_account: org.stripe_user_id});
but I get "Exception while invoking method 'createStripeProduct' Error: Stripe: Unknown arguments ([object Object]). Did you mean to pass an options object? See" which does not seem to accurately reflect the issue but prompted me to try adding stripe_account in the params object itself:
var stripeplancreate = Meteor.wrapAsync(Stripe.plans.create, Stripe.plans);
var plan = stripeplancreate({
amount: prod.price,
statement_descriptor: prod.descr,
stripe_account: org.stripe_user_id
I then get the following error: "Exception while invoking method 'createStripeProduct' Error: Received unknown parameter: stripe_account"
Any ideas? Has anybody managed to have Stripe Connect stripe_account authentication work with Meteor, especially with Meteor.wrapAsync(...)?
This should work for wrapAsync, HOWEVER check out my answer here for possible issues with wrapAsync - Wrapping Stripe create customer callbacks in Fibers in Meteor:
Here is also a great video on wrapAsync:
var createStripePlanAsync = function(shoppingCartObject, callback){
amount: shoppingCartObject.plan.totalPrice,
interval: shoppingCartObject.plan.interval,
name: shoppingCartObject.plan.planName,
currency: "usd",
id: shoppingCartObject.plan.sku //this ID needs to be unique!
}, function(err, plan) {
// asynchronously called
callback(err, plan);
var createStripePlanSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(createStripePlanAsync);
var myShoppingCart = {
customerInfo: {
name: "Igor Trout"
plan: {
totalPrice: 5000,
interval: "month",
name: "Set Sail For Fail Plan",
sku: "062015SSFF"
// Creates the plan in your Stripe Account
Later when you subscribe a customer to a plan you just refer to the plan via the id that you gave the plan when you first created it.
After much trying multiple things, for now, I just managed to get it working using the stripe-sync package instead of the "normal" one + wrapAsync.
var plan = Stripe.plans.create({
amount: prod.price,
},{stripe_account: org.stripe_user_id});
// ... process error

