Content hide/show - javascript

my goal is to hide the content of my homepage when someone visits. onClick to begin button the content should be shown. Content should stay open when user goes to other page and comes back to homepage. But it will be hidden when user closes the window and opens up the homepage again. To achieve this goal I have put the following code but it keeps the content open even when user closes and opens the window. So please help me out.
if (! localStorage.noFirstVisit) {
// hide the element
// check this flag for escaping this if block next time
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
I would highly appreciate if you check website, suggest me fix or show me proper way to achieve this goal.

You can totally use sessionStorage to detect whether it is new tab(window) or not.
When you first visit this page, set sessionStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";.
After you go to another page and back, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit is still "1".
But when you close the tab or browser and open the page newly again, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit will be undefined.
Documentation is here
The documentation also provide the difference between sessionStorage and localStorage.

I would suggest reading this: Detect Close windows event by Jquery
It goes over window unloading (beforeunload), which I believe is what you're after. You can set/unset your localstorage values there based on certain criteria being met; for example:
$(window).on("beforeunload", function() {
if(localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1" {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "[someValue]"
else {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1"

Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
how about adding something like 'ng-cloak' in angular, to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by show/hide.
when clicking the roll-button, it prevents the divs from showing unfinished..


Click Anywhere Pop Up Windows Once pervisit?

Anyone can help how to open new windows when clicked anywhere but only once pervisit.
Example, you visit and click anywhere there, and new window will open but only once, second click will not open windows.
Site example :
My script is
Function popup() { ("","popup","menubar=1,resizable=1,width=450,height=550");
And then put onclick="popup()"
In body.
Code above show new windows every single click on the site. What should i do to make it only show once?
Set a global variable
then in function check for variable's value. After is executed, change the global variable's value, so that will not be executed again.
var a=0;
function popup() {
if(a==0){ ("","popup","menubar=1,resizable=1,width=450,height=550");
Firstly you will need to define to yourself what a visit consists of, i.e. once per day, week, or each time a users lands on your site, every page loaded, etc.
Assuming you want some persistence for your users while they browse, what you need to do on your site is set a condition to be evaluated prior to the first click and if the result indicates a users' first visit then open the page. At the same time, set a value to be checked next time (and most likely all subsequent clicks based on your current implementation). LocalStorage or cookies would be your best options for this.
I would set up something along the lines of:
//check page is loaded
if (cookie.firstVisit) {
//add click event listener
} else {
//set cookie.firstVisit to false
//remove click event listener
Instead of spelling out how to do this with cookies here, have a look at this article which explains it all: How to set/unset cookie with jQuery?
Lastly, opening a new window when someone clicks anywhere on your page without them explicitly wanting that action perform is considered bad practice in most scenarios. However, I do not know your situation so this may be the best course of action but thought it was worth mentioning.

Element is Statement Combined With If Statment Not Responding Properly on Hover

Really need some JQuery help here. I'm about to launch my laptop out the window. I have come a long way with this piece of code an I think I am almost there but I am stuck on the last hurdle.
I am only going to include the pertinent pieces of code here because it is a very large piece.
I have a navigation menu for a mock solar system. Here is the link to the larger external piece if you want to see the whole thing. (please note this uses mostly CSS3).
I have a nav menu for the piece and when you click on the values in the nav menu the current script assigns a class of active. That all works perfectly. I built in a button to test the active state on click and the state changes are working. But I need it to respond to the state change on hover. I am not a JQuery person; I am learning. It almost seems like the hover isn't working because it is responding to the data loaded when the page loads instead of responding in real time. But I am just guessing.
What I need is an if statement that will respond to the live data (not on page load or when the document is ready). The if statement should basically say if this div is active then this other div can appear on hover. But if this div is not active then it cannot appear.
The current if statement I wrote is
$('#uranus .infos').hover(
function () {
The current script that runs when the site loads that sets up the menus is:
var e=$("body"),
r=function() {
e.removeClass("view-2D opening").addClass("view-3D").delay(2e3).queue(function() {
e.toggleClass("data-open data-close");
e.toggleClass("controls-open controls-close");
$("#data a").click(function(e){
var t=$(this).attr("class");
Really need you help. Thanks in advance!
Right now, your block of code is only being checked when the javascript is loaded. At this time, the .uranus element is probably not active, so nothing will happen.
First of all, you want to move this block inside of document ready, otherwise your elements such as .uranus might not even exist yet.
Your logic is very close, but you need to move the if statement inside of the hover function like this:
$('#uranus .infos').hover(
function () {
This way, every time you hover on #uranus .infos, it will only execute the code if the .uranus is also .active

Make browser's back button work when using hide and show (jquery)

I've seen the new website of megaupload (mega) and we've got this:
Ok, if I press on left-menu contacts, it only reloads the white part on the image, if I press messages, the same, it only reloads white part. But if I go from contacts to messages and I press browser's back button, it goes from messages to contact and only reloads white part as always.
In my website, I do the same using jquery hide and show, but obviously, if I press browser's back button it doesn't hide the div and shows the other one.
My web site is only one html file and there are 4 div that get shown or hidden depending on the button you press, this is an example:
$("#btn_contact").click(function () {
$("#body_aux").hide() ;
Can anybody tell me how to find this with jquery or whatever I have to use.
I don't know if I've explained myself well, if not, ask me to do it better.
I would appreciate any help. Thanxs a lot.
Maybe it'd be easier for you and more appropiate to make "content_contact.html", "content_home.html", and so on and use .load() function as Ozan Deniz said. You wouldn't have to change margins, positions, etc. and back button would work withouth programming. I think is not appropiate to make the whole website using just one html file, showing and hiding div's, ofcourse you can do this but maybe is not the right way. I'm newbie at this, but that's what an expert told me beacuse I was doing something similar to that.
Hope to help you.
You can use jquery load function to load white part
For example;
And in back button event you can load the white part
jquery hide and show
window.onbeforeunload = function() { $('#result').hide(); }; or
window.onbeforeunload = function() { $('#result').show(); };
jquery load function
window.onbeforeunload = function() { $('#result').load('ajax/test.html'); };

How To make the popup stay on the same area after close

I got this popup that when you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the close button, it scrolls the user to the top of the page
here's what it looks like:
whole javascript code:
I would like the user to not get redirected to the top of the page after close. how do we do that?
I would appreciate any help. thanks
You can make to position fixed on the screen no matter where you are on the page.
#stp-close { /* Probably you need to use stp-main ! */
position: fixed;
You may need to set another selector if stp-close is not used for the popup. I might be #stp-main from what I can see in the JS.
it sounds like the JS function isn't stopping the postback of clicking the link, add a return false; to the end of stpFlush. It also may be worth putting action.stopPropagation() at the start of the function too.

Page reload doesn't reset jQuery / CSS styles

I'm designing an HTML page which has one button. The user clicks the button and a simple jQuery script animates that div away, revealing lower page content. You can see it here.
I've noticed that it looks/works fine the first time, but if I refresh the page with the browser button, it doesn't fully reset. The initial container is only half on the page. If I enter the URL again and load the page, it resets as expected.
NOTE: This only happens if you scroll down a bit after clicking the initial button... which seems weird.
I had no idea that there was any difference between these two operations, but there clearly is. What is the difference and how can I fix this problem from happening?
Here's my jQuery code, in case it's relevant:
var faqs = $("#FAQ");
$("#more").animate({top:'-=1066px'}, 600, function() {$("#background").hide();} );
$("body").css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
console.log("jquery loaded");
It happens because it is cached by the browser.
If you styles are regularly modiefied, then as easy fix is to attach a unique id on the end of the reference, like
<link href="style.css?time=168768234928" ..../>
What it does, it makes the browser think it is a new request everytime it loads.
It happens because browser trying to scroll to the same position, what was before page reload. To check it, try press button and don't scroll to bottom of page and then reload page.
Okey, the reason is clear.
Now we need solution. Try this:
#more {display:none}
in your css. And then use
in your $("#learnmore").click() function. I hope this will solve the problem.

