I have an issue: I have to change element position&angle on scroll event. Like my webpage is a long road with background - and I need to animate car movements along this path during the scroll.
I good explanation is here: http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr-path/ - a perfect solution, that meets my requirements. But Unfortunately it's extremely outdated.
Maybe somebody has an up to date solution-library? Or code-ideas, how to animate element via svg-path with page scrolling?
Also i tried http://scrollmagic.io/examples/expert/bezier_path_animation.html - but it's not something that I need, because my path is difficult. Not just a couple of circles.
Here is some vanilla Javascript that moves a "car" along a path according to how much the page has scrolled.
It should work in all (most) browsers. The part that you may need to tweak is how we get the page height (document.documentElement.scrollHeight). You may need to use different methods depending on the browsers you want to support.
function positionCar()
var scrollY = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
var maxScrollY = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
var path = document.getElementById("path1");
// Calculate distance along the path the car should be for the current scroll amount
var pathLen = path.getTotalLength();
var dist = pathLen * scrollY / maxScrollY;
var pos = path.getPointAtLength(dist);
// Calculate position a little ahead of the car (or behind if we are at the end), so we can calculate car angle
if (dist + 1 <= pathLen) {
var posAhead = path.getPointAtLength(dist + 1);
var angle = Math.atan2(posAhead.y - pos.y, posAhead.x - pos.x);
} else {
var posBehind = path.getPointAtLength(dist - 1);
var angle = Math.atan2(pos.y - posBehind.y, pos.x - posBehind.x);
// Position the car at "pos" totated by "angle"
var car = document.getElementById("car");
car.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + pos.x + "," + pos.y + ") rotate(" + rad2deg(angle) + ")");
function rad2deg(rad) {
return 180 * rad / Math.PI;
// Reposition car whenever there is a scroll event
window.addEventListener("scroll", positionCar);
// Position the car initially
body {
min-height: 3000px;
svg {
position: fixed;
<svg width="500" height="500"
viewBox="0 0 672.474 933.78125">
<g transform="translate(-54.340447,-64.21875)" id="layer1">
<path d="m 60.609153,64.432994 c 0,0 -34.345187,72.730986 64.649767,101.015256 98.99494,28.28427 321.2285,-62.62946 321.2285,-62.62946 0,0 131.31984,-52.527932 181.82746,16.16244 50.50763,68.69037 82.04198,196.41856 44.44671,284.86302 -30.25843,71.18422 -74.75128,129.29952 -189.90867,133.34013 -115.15739,4.04061 -72.73099,-153.54318 -72.73099,-153.54318 0,0 42.42641,-129.29953 135.36044,-119.198 92.93404,10.10152 -14.14213,-129.29953 -141.42135,-94.95434 -127.27922,34.34518 -183.84777,80.8122 -206.07112,121.2183 -22.22336,40.40611 -42.06243,226.23742 -26.26397,305.06607 8.77013,43.75982 58.20627,196.1403 171.72594,270.72088 73.8225,48.50019 181.82745,2.02031 181.82745,2.02031 0,0 94.95434,-12.12183 78.7919,-155.56349 -16.16244,-143.44166 -111.68403,-138.77778 -139.9683,-138.77778 -28.28427,0 83.39976,-156.18677 83.39976,-156.18677 0,0 127.27922,-189.90867 107.07617,16.16245 C 634.3758,640.21994 864.69058,888.71747 591.94939,941.2454 319.2082,993.77334 -16.162441,539.20469 153.54319,997.81395"
<path id="car" d="M-15,-10 L15,0 L -15,10 z" fill="yellow" stroke="red" stroke-width="7.06"/>
I adapted Paul LeBau's answer for my purposes in TypeScript and figured I'd leave it here in case it's helpful for anyone.
NOTE: It's broken as hell when running the snippet in Stack Overflow. No clue why when it functions perfectly in VSCode. First thing I'd recommended is full screening the snippet if you can't see the SVG. Then actually try copy/pasting this into your own project before making any claims about there being an issue with the posted code.
Notable additions from Paul's:
A clickToScroll function allowing you to click anywhere on the svg path and have it scroll accordingly (does not work at all in the SO snippet window)
The car (rider) will face towards the direction it's moving
Here's the Typescript version separately as SO doesn't support TS :(
interface PathRider {
ride: () => void;
clickToScroll: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
onClick: (e: MouseEvent, callback: (pt: DOMPoint) => void) => void;
const usePathRider = (
rider: SVGPathElement,
path: SVGPathElement,
rideOnInit = true
): PathRider => {
const maxScrollY = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
const pathLen = path.getTotalLength();
/* Helper Functions */
const radToDeg = (rad: number) => (180 * rad) / Math.PI;
const distance = (a: DOMPoint, b: DOMPoint) =>
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2) + Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2));
/* Click-based Functions */
const step = 0.5; // how granularly it should check for the point on the path closest to where the user clicks. the lower the value the less performant the operation is
let currLen = -step;
const pointArr: DOMPoint[] = [];
while ((currLen += step) <= pathLen)
const onClick = (e: MouseEvent, callback: (pt: DOMPoint) => void) => {
let pt = new DOMPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
const getLengthAtPoint = (pt: DOMPoint) => {
let bestGuessIdx = 0;
let bestGuessDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let guessDist: number;
pointArr.forEach((point, idx) => {
if ((guessDist = distance(pt, point)) < bestGuessDist) {
bestGuessDist = guessDist;
bestGuessIdx = idx;
return bestGuessIdx * step;
const getScrollPosFromLength = (len: number) => (len * maxScrollY) / pathLen;
const clickToScroll = (e: MouseEvent) => {
onClick(e, (point) => {
const lengthAtPoint = getLengthAtPoint(point);
const scrollPos = getScrollPosFromLength(lengthAtPoint);
top: scrollPos,
behavior: 'smooth',
/* Scroll-based functions */
let lastDist: number; // for determining direction
const ride = () => {
const scrollY = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
const dist = (pathLen * scrollY) / maxScrollY;
const pos = path.getPointAtLength(dist);
let angle: number;
// calculate position a little ahead of the rider (or behind if we are at the end),
// so we can calculate the rider angle
const dir = lastDist < dist; // true=right
if (dir ? dist + 1 <= pathLen : dist - 1 >= 0) {
const nextPos = path.getPointAtLength(dist + (dir ? 1 : -1));
angle = Math.atan2(nextPos.y - pos.y, nextPos.x - pos.x);
} else {
const nextPos = path.getPointAtLength(dist + (dir ? -1 : 1));
angle = Math.atan2(pos.y - nextPos.y, pos.x - nextPos.x);
lastDist = dist;
`translate(${pos.x}, ${pos.y}) rotate(${radToDeg(angle)})`
if (rideOnInit) ride();
return {
Snippets for running in SO
const usePathRider = (
rideOnInit = true
) => {
const maxScrollY = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
const pathLen = path.getTotalLength();
const step = 0.5;
let currLen = -step;
const pointArr = [];
while ((currLen += step) <= pathLen)
/* Helper Functions */
const radToDeg = (rad) => (180 * rad) / Math.PI;
const distance = (a, b) =>
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2) + Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2));
/* Closures */
const onClick = (e, callback) => {
let pt = new DOMPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
const getLengthAtPoint = (pt) => {
let bestGuessIdx = 0;
let bestGuessDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let guessDist;
pointArr.forEach((point, idx) => {
if ((guessDist = distance(pt, point)) < bestGuessDist) {
bestGuessDist = guessDist;
bestGuessIdx = idx;
return bestGuessIdx * step;
const getScrollPosFromLength = (len) => (len * maxScrollY) / pathLen;
const clickToScroll = (e) => {
onClick(e, (point) => {
const lengthAtPoint = getLengthAtPoint(point);
const scrollPos = getScrollPosFromLength(lengthAtPoint);
top: scrollPos,
behavior: 'smooth',
let lastDist;
const ride = () => {
const scrollY = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
const dist = (pathLen * scrollY) / maxScrollY;
const pos = path.getPointAtLength(dist);
let angle;
// calculate position a little ahead of the rider (or behind if we are at the end),
// so we can calculate the rider angle
const dir = lastDist < dist; // true=right
if (dir ? dist + 1 <= pathLen : dist - 1 >= 0) {
const nextPos = path.getPointAtLength(dist + (dir ? 1 : -1));
angle = Math.atan2(nextPos.y - pos.y, nextPos.x - pos.x);
} else {
const nextPos = path.getPointAtLength(dist + (dir ? -1 : 1));
angle = Math.atan2(pos.y - nextPos.y, pos.x - nextPos.x);
lastDist = dist;
`translate(${pos.x}, ${pos.y}) rotate(${radToDeg(angle)})`
if (rideOnInit) ride();
return {
const svgRider = document.getElementById('rider');
const svgPath = document.getElementById('path');
const pathRider = usePathRider(svgRider, svgPath);
// Reposition car whenever there is a scroll event
window.addEventListener("scroll", pathRider.ride);
body {
min-height: 3000px;
svg {
position: fixed;
<svg onclick="pathRider.clickToScroll" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 300 285" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"><path
transform="translate(.000002 0.000001)"
d="M-2,-2 L3,0 L -2,2 z"
I am building a game where a spaceship moves into the screen with PC controllers. Now, my remaining part is to make a fireball images drop of the screen randomly with a precise speed and quantity (because the image is only one, we have to multiplicate it). Can someone achieve this?
Here is the code:
Fireball image:
<img src="Photo/fireball.png" id="fireball">
Spaceship image:
<img src="Photo/Spaceship1.png" id="icon-p">
Spaceship moving with controllers + prevent it from going out of screen:
let display = document.getElementById("body");
let rect = icon;
let pos = { top: 1000, left: 570 };
const keys = {};
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
keys[e.keyCode] = true
window.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
keys[e.keyCode] = false
const loop = function() {
if (keys[37] || keys[81]) { pos.left -= 10; }
if (keys[39] || keys[68]) { pos.left += 10; }
if (keys[38] || keys[90]) { pos.top -= 10; }
if (keys[40] || keys[83]) { pos.top += 10; }
var owidth = display.offsetWidth;
var oheight = display.offsetHeight;
var iwidth = rect.offsetWidth;
var iheight = rect.offsetHeight;
if (pos.left < 0) { pos.left = -10; }
if (pos.top < 0) { pos.top = -10; }
if (pos.left + iwidth >= owidth) { pos.left = owidth - iwidth; }
if (pos.top + iheight >= oheight) { pos.top = oheight - iheight; }
rect.setAttribute("data", owidth + ":" + oheight);
rect.style.left = pos.left + "px";
rect.style.top = pos.top + "px";
let sens = setInterval(loop, 1000 / 60);
// Random X coordiante
function rndScreenX(offset) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - offset));
// Set fireball coordinates (X is random)
let fireballElement = document.querySelector('#fireball');
let fireball = {
x: rndScreenX(fireballElement.offsetWidth),
y: 0
const loop = function() {
// Change fireball Y
fireball.y += 10;
fireballElement.style.top = fireball.y + 'px';
if (fireball.y > window.innerHeight) {
// Fireball is out of window
// Reset Y and get new random X
fireball.x = rndScreenX(fireballElement.offsetWidth);
fireballElement.style.left = fireball.x + 'px';
fireball.y = 0;
fireballElement.style.left = fireball.x + 'px';
let sens = setInterval(loop, 1000 / 60);
#fireball {
position: absolute;
/* Ignore this rule if you're using an image */
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background: red;
border-radius: 40% 40% 50% 50%;
<img src="Photo/fireball.png" id="fireball">
This solution includes three configurable variables: spawnRate, advanceRate, and fallDistance. It uses them to determine how often new fireballs spawn, how often they move down the screen, and how far they move on each 'tick'.
The "main" part of the script consists of two setInterval calls, one to handle spawning new fireballs, and the other to handle advancing them down the screen.
(See the in-code comments for further explanation.)
display = document.getElementById("display"), // Container element
fireballs = [], // Array to hold all fireball objects
fallDistance = 6; // Measured in `vh` units (but could be whatever)
spawnRate = 2000,
advanceRate = 500;
// Adds the first fireball immediately
// Moves all fireballs down every 500 milliseconds
const advancerTimer = setInterval(
function(){ advanceAll(fireballs, fallDistance, display); },
// Spawns a new fireball every 2000 milliseconds
const spawnerTimer = setInterval(
function(){ spawnFireball(fireballs); },
// Defines a function to add a fireball to the array
function spawnFireball(fireballs){
img = document.createElement("img"), // Element to add to screen
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 96) + 2, // Random `x` position
y = 3; // `y` position starts near top of screen
img.src = "https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.UyMqod0eO6Qcmco1Zrmj0QAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1",
img.classList.add("fireball"); // To style fireballs
img.style.left = x + "vw"; // `x` position will never change
newFb = { x, y, img }; // `fb` object includes coords + img element
fireballs.push(newFb); // Adds the new fireball to the array
// Defines a function to advance a fireball's position
function advance(fb, distance){
fb.y += distance;
// Defines a function to draw a fireball in the container
function draw(fb, container){
if(fb.y > 100){ return; } // Ignores below-screen fireballs
fb.img.style.top = fb.y + "vh"; // Updates the location on screen
container.appendChild(fb.img); // The `img` property holds our DOM element
// Defines a function to advance and draw all fireballs
function advanceAll(fireballs, distance, container){
for(let fb of fireballs){
advance(fb, distance);
draw(fb, container)
#display{ height: 99vh; width: 99vw; position: relative; }
.fireball{ height: 2em; width: 2em; position: absolute; }
<div id="display"></div>
I'm writing a component (React) which draws a fancy box around a bit of text with SVG. The component receives the width and height of the dom element and draws a polygon derived from those values. Simplified example follows:
import React from 'react';
const Box = ({ dimensions }) => {
const { width, height } = dimensions;
const mod = 10;
const tlX = 0;
const tlY = 0;
const trX = tlX + width;
const trY = tlY;
const brX = trX;
const brY = trY + height;
const blX = 0;
const blY = tlY + height;
return (
<svg height={height + 50} width={width + 200}>
points={`${tlX},${tlY} ${trX},${trY} ${brX},${brY} ${blX},${blY}`}
style={{ fill: 'black', fillOpacity: '0.5' }}
In this stripped down example the result is a rectangle with straight corners based on the width and height of the supplied dom element. In reality these values are given some random modifiers to create more of a trapezoid, as in fig A.
Illustration of desired result
In the fig B you can see my problem with this method. When drawing a longer or shorter box, the figure looks squished. What I want is for the box to behave like in fig C, in that it will draw the horizontal lines at a given angle until it has reached a certain width.
From what I can intuit this should be possible with some math savvy, but I am unable to quite figuring it out on my own.
Thanks in advance for any input, and please let me know if I'm being unclear on anything.
A "trapezoid" shape is apparently not what I'm looking for. My apologies. I just want a sort of janky rectangle. I was asked to show the code I've been using in more detail. As you will see I am basically just taking the values from the last example and messing them up a bit by adding or subtracting semi-randomly.
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const point = (core, edge) => getRandomArbitrary(core - edge, core + edge);
const Box = ({ dimensions }) => {
const { width, height } = dimensions;
const mod = 10;
const tlX = point(25, mod);
const tlY = point(40, mod);
const trX = point(width + 55, mod);
const trY = point(25, mod);
const brX = point(width + 25, mod);
const brY = point(height - 25, mod);
const blX = point(5, mod);
const blY = point(height - 40, mod);
return (
<svg height={height + 50} width={width + 200}>
points={`${tlX},${tlY} ${trX},${trY} ${brX},${brY} ${blX},${blY}`}
style={{ fill: 'black', fillOpacity: '0.5' }}
Box.propTypes = {
dimensions: PropTypes.shape({
width: PropTypes.number,
height: PropTypes.number,
export default Box;
In order to calculate the y for the top right point I'm imagining a circle with the center in the top left point. The radius of the circle is tlX - trX, The angle is -5 degs but you can change it to what you need. In order to calculate the value for the y you can do
const trY = tlY - (tlX - trX)*Math.sin(a1)
To calculate the y for the bottom right point I'm doing the same only this time the angle is 5 degs, the center in the bottom left point and the radius of the circle is blX - brX
const brY = blY - (blX - brX)*Math.sin(a2)
The important part of the demo is this:
//calculating the points for the polygon
const tlX = BB.x-10;
const tlY = BB.y-5;
const trX = tlX + 20 + BB.width;
//const trY = tlY - 10;
const trY = tlY - (tlX - trX)*Math.sin(a1)
const brX = trX - 5;
const blX = tlX + 5;
const blY = tlY + 10 + BB.height;
//const brY = trY + 30+ BB.height;
const brY = blY - (blX - brX)*Math.sin(a2)
Next comes a demo where I'm using plain javascript. Please change the length of the text to see if this is what you need.
let bb = txt.getBBox();
let m = 10;
// the blue rect
// the bounding box of the blue rect
let BB = theRect.getBBox();
//the angles for the polygon
let a1 = -5*Math.PI/180;
let a2 = -a1;
//calculating the points for the polygon
const tlX = BB.x-10;
const tlY = BB.y-5;
const trX = tlX + 20 + BB.width;
//const trY = tlY - 10;
const trY = tlY - (tlX - trX)*Math.sin(a1)
const brX = trX - 5;
const blX = tlX + 5;
const blY = tlY + 10 + BB.height;
//const brY = trY + 30+ BB.height;
const brY = blY - (blX - brX)*Math.sin(a2)
let points = `${tlX},${tlY} ${trX},${trY} ${brX},${brY} ${blX},${blY}`;
poly.setAttributeNS(null, "points", points)
let polybox = poly.getBBox();
svg.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", `${polybox.x-2} ${polybox.y-2} ${polybox.width+4} ${polybox.height+4}`)
svg.setAttributeNS(null, "width",3*(polybox.width+4))
function updateSVGelmt(o,elmt) {
for (let name in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
elmt.setAttributeNS(null, name, o[name]);
svg{border:1px solid}
<svg id="svg">
<polygon id="poly"
style="stroke: black; fill:none"
<rect id="theRect" fill="#d9d9ff" />
<text id="txt" text-anchor="middle">element</text>
I'm making a small game with one player and blocks that builds up the environment. The problem I'm having is knowing the difference between when the player hits the ground (the top of a block), and hitting a wall (the side of the block).
So far the player can walk on the ground just fine, but when he meets a wall, he immediately jumps to the top of that block.
This is my collision detector:
function collisionDetector(){
if(myPlayer.y + myPlayer.h > c.height){ //Bottom of the canvas
myPlayer.vy = 0;
myPlayer.ay = 0;
myPlayer.y = c.height - myPlayer.h;
myPlayer.onGround = true;
console.log(myPlayer.y + myPlayer.h, c.height);
if(myPlayer.x + myPlayer.w >= c.width){ //right side of canvas
myPlayer.x = c.width - myPlayer.w;
myPlayer.vx = 0;
if(myPlayer.x <= 0){ //Left side of canvas
myPlayer.x = 0;
myPlayer.vx = 0;
function hitTest(a,b){ //hitTest between two objects
if(a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h && a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w){
return true;
for(var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++){ //Loop through blocks
if(hitTest(myPlayer, blocks[i])){ //If it touches a block
myPlayer.y = blocks[i].y - myPlayer.h;
myPlayer.onGround = true; //onGround = ready to jump
I realized that I'm setting the players y pos to be on top of what ever block it hits, but I cannot figure out a solution to this problem. Can anyone help me or at least lead me in the right direction? Thanks!
(Let me know if you need more of the code)
PS: the player is just a head. No body hiding behind the blocks.
So basically, what you need to do is to check collision between many points in the player.
In the snippet you can show many points represented in the player.
Bottom almost-left and almost-right (in blue), check against below blocks. They are not fully left or right, in order to prevent a race condition which will allow the player to climb walls. In that case, if the player is pushing against a wall and jumping, the collider will detect both side collision and bottom collision as true, then the player will quickly move to the top until there are no more blocks.
Left and right points (in black), check against edges of the blocks. This is just a point instead of two like the bottom edge, because we don't need more for this particular case. One more for each side could be easily added to get a better detection.
Top point (in red) checks against the top blocks. This is in the middle in order to allow the player a more easy way to tranverse the map. If this is not needed, you would need to add one more point like in the bottom edge (but never reaching the far edge, because that will generate a race condition).
So in summary, to have a good collision detection based on points (instead of raycasts), you need to detect the player like if it where a rounded shape, in order to prevent strange behaviours.
You can player around with the map layout by altering the layout variable. 0's are empty space, 1's are brown blocks and 2's are green blocks.
The collisionDetector fuction has comments to understand what's going on.
Also I have added a jump feature since I understand you would need that as well.
const c = document.getElementById('canvas');
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
// map layout
const layout =
// convert layout to blocks
const blocks = [...layout].reduce((a, c, i) => {
if (i === 0 || c === "\n") a.push([]);
if (c === "\n") return a;
const y = a.length - 1;
const row = a[y];
const x = row.length;
row.push({x: x * 32, y: y * 32, t:c, w:32, h:32});
return a;
}, []).reduce((a, c) => a.concat(c), []);
// player starting position
const myPlayer = {x: 32*1.5, y: 0, h: 32, w: 16, onGround: true};
const gravity = -1;
let pkl = 0, pkr = 0;
let pvely = 0;
function render() {
// player logic
const pvelx = pkr + pkl;
const speed = 2;
myPlayer.x += pvelx * speed;
myPlayer.y -= pvely;
if (pvely > -2) pvely += gravity;
const debugColliders = collisionDetector();
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// player render
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFD9B3';
ctx.fillRect(myPlayer.x, myPlayer.y, myPlayer.w, myPlayer.h);
function renderLayout() {
const colors = {'1': '#A3825F', '2': '#7FAC72'}
blocks.forEach(b => {
if (+b.t > 0) {
ctx.fillStyle = colors[b.t];
ctx.fillRect(b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
window.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {
pkr = 1;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
pkl = -1;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowUp') {
if (myPlayer.onGround)
pvely = 8;
myPlayer.onGround = false;
window.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {
pkr = 0;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
pkl = 0;
function collisionDetector(){
const p = myPlayer;
const playerTop = p.y;
const playerLeft = p.x;
const playerRight = playerLeft + p.w;
const playerBottom = playerTop + p.h;
const playerHalfLeft = playerLeft + p.w * .25;
const playerHalfRight = playerLeft + p.w * .75;
const playerHMiddle = playerLeft + p.w * .5;
const playerVMiddle = playerTop + p.h * .5;
if(playerBottom > c.height){ //Bottom of the canvas
p.vy = 0;
p.ay = 0;
p.y = c.height - p.h;
p.onGround = true;
if(playerRight >= c.width){ //right side of canvas
p.x = c.width - p.w;
p.vx = 0;
if(playerLeft <= 0){ //Left side of canvas
p.x = 0;
p.vx = 0;
blocks.forEach(b => { //Loop through blocks
if (b.t === "0") return; // If not collidable, do nothing
const blockTop = b.y;
const blockLeft = b.x;
const blockRight = blockLeft + b.w;
const blockBottom = b.y + b.h;
// Player bottom against block top
if ((playerBottom > blockTop && playerBottom < blockBottom) && // If player bottom is going through block top but is above block bottom.
((playerHalfLeft > blockLeft && playerHalfLeft < blockRight) || // If player left is inside block horizontal bounds
(playerHalfRight > blockLeft && playerHalfRight < blockRight))) { // Or if player right is inside block horizontal bounds
p.y = blockTop - p.h;
p.onGround = true;
// Player top against block bottom
if ((playerTop < blockBottom && playerTop > blockTop) && // If player top is going through block bottom but is below block top.
((playerHMiddle > blockLeft && playerHMiddle < blockRight))) { // If player hmiddle is inside block horizontal bounds
p.y = blockBottom;
p.onGround = false;
// Player right against block left, or player left against block right
if (playerVMiddle > blockTop && playerVMiddle < blockBottom) { // If player vertical-middle is inside block vertical bounds
if ((playerRight > blockLeft && playerRight < blockRight)) { // If player vmiddle-right goes through block-left
p.x = blockLeft - p.w;
} else if ((playerLeft < blockRight && playerRight > blockLeft)) { // If player vmiddle-left goes through block-right
p.x = blockRight;
return function debug() {
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(playerLeft, playerVMiddle, 1, 1);
ctx.fillRect(playerRight, playerVMiddle, 1, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(playerHMiddle, playerTop, 1, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
ctx.fillRect(playerHalfLeft, playerBottom, 1, 1);
ctx.fillRect(playerHalfRight, playerBottom, 1, 1);
html, body{ width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }
canvas { background: #7AC9F9; display: block; }
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Introduce a block[i].type attribute. For instance if block[i].type=='floor' then make player stay on floor. If for another instance block[i].type=='wall' then make it stop moving through the wall. When block[i].type=='brick' or square or block or whatever, them it's a mixture of two.
Another part to be edited is when you check the collisions. What if you have only one-direction collision? What I am saying is maybe use or instead of and in this part if(a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h && a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w){
Also you could check each collision separately, like
function hitTest(a,b){ //hitTest between two objects
var collisions = {up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false};
collisions.up = (a.y + a.h > b.y ) || collisions.up
collisions.down = (a.y < b.y + b.h ) ||collisions.down
collisions.right = ( a.x + a.w > b.x) || collisions.right
collisions.left = (a.x < b.x + b.w) || collisions.left
return collisions
var escapeFrom = {
down: function(player, block){
player.y = block.y + block.h;
player.onGround = true; //onGround = ready to jump
up: function(player, block){
// you logic to escape from hitting the ceiling
// and for the next 2
left: function(player, block) {},
right: function(player, block){}
// Now here you check whether your player hits blocks
for(var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++){ //Loop through blocks
cls = hitTest(myPlayer, blocks[i]) //If it touches a block
Object.keys(cls).map(function(direction, ind){
if (cls[direction]){
// call escape from function to escape collision
escapeFrom[direction](myPlayer, blocks[i]);
This is highly unoptimized, the whole your code is unoptimized, but at least it can help to move further.
I am making a 3D project with threejs which allows control of the camera with mouse for computer devices, and also allows control with touch events and deviceorientation event for smartphones.
As an example, this site works the same way as what I want to do.
As I am using OrbitControls to move camera on the PC version, I bound the touchstart/move/end events to mousedown/move/up and it works perfectly.
The problem is when I try to add the device orientation event's values. Here is what I tried to add in OrbitControls.js :
THREE.OrbitControls = function (object, domElement) {
const scope = this;
let lastBeta = 0;
let lastGamma = 0;
this.deviceOrientation = {};
function onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent(event) {
scope.deviceOrientation = event;
// Z
var alpha = scope.deviceOrientation.alpha
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.alpha)
: 0;
// X'
var beta = scope.deviceOrientation.beta
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.beta)
: 0;
// Y''
var gamma = scope.deviceOrientation.gamma
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.gamma)
: 0;
// O
var orient = scope.screenOrientation
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.screenOrientation)
: 0;
rotateLeft(lastGamma - gamma);
rotateUp(lastBeta - beta);
lastBeta = beta; //is working
lastGamma = gamma; //doesn't work properly
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent, false);
As beta's values are within a [-180,180] degree range the vertical rotation encounters no problem, whereas gamma's range is [-90,90] and values are also changing suddenly when orientating device' screen up and down (even if, I think, it should return horizontal rotation).
And even when converting gamma's range to make it takes values from -180 to 180, the sudden shifts make everything goes wrong.
I guess that I have to use quaternions as in deviceOrientationControls.js, but I really don't know how it works and every attempt I've made so far was a fail. Can someone help me please?
PS: Here is a link to the description on the deviceorientation event to have a better comprehension of what really are alpha beta and gamma.
I added a snippet bellow to show the beta and gamma variations.
let deltaBeta = 0;
let deltaGamma = 0;
if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function (e) {
const beta = (e.beta != null) ? Math.round(e.beta) : 0;
const gamma = (e.gamma != null) ? Math.round(e.gamma) : 0;
deltaBeta = Math.abs(beta - deltaBeta);
deltaGamma = Math.abs(gamma - deltaGamma);
$("#beta").html("Beta: " + beta);
$("#gamma").html("Gamma: " + gamma);
if (Math.abs(deltaBeta) > Math.abs(Number($("#deltaBeta").html()))) {
if (Number($("#deltaBeta").html()) >= 30) {
$("#deltaBeta").removeAttr("class", "blue").addClass("red");
if (Math.abs(deltaGamma) > Math.abs(Number($("#deltaGamma").html()))) {
if (Number($("#deltaGamma").html()) >= 30) {
$("#deltaGamma").removeAttr("class", "blue").addClass("red");
}, true);
} else {
$("#gamma").html("deviceorientation not supported");
.red {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
.blue {
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span id="beta"></span>
<span> [-180; 180]</span>
<span id="deltaBeta" class="blue">0</span>
<span id="gamma"></span>
<span> [-90; 90]</span>
<span id="deltaGamma" class="blue">0</span>
I found a solution using a function to convert quaternions to radians, so I wanted to share it if someone wants to do a click/touch+device orientation control using OrbitControls.
I take the initial orientation (x1,y1,z1) and calculate the new one (x2,y2,z3) and the difference between them is the variation of the rotation done by the camera. I add these line to the initial update function
this.update = function () {
// Z
const alpha = scope.deviceOrientation.alpha
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.alpha)
: 0;
// X'
const beta = scope.deviceOrientation.beta
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.beta)
: 0;
// Y''
const gamma = scope.deviceOrientation.gamma
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.gamma)
: 0;
// O
const orient = scope.screenOrientation
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.screenOrientation)
: 0;
const currentQ = new THREE.Quaternion().copy(scope.object.quaternion);
setObjectQuaternion(currentQ, alpha, beta, gamma, orient);
const currentAngle = Quat2Angle(currentQ.x, currentQ.y, currentQ.z, currentQ.w);
// currentAngle.z = left - right
this.rotateLeft((lastGamma - currentAngle.z) / 2);
lastGamma = currentAngle.z;
// currentAngle.y = up - down
this.rotateUp(lastBeta - currentAngle.y);
lastBeta = currentAngle.y;
function onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent(event) {
scope.deviceOrientation = event;
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent, false);
function onScreenOrientationChangeEvent(event) {
scope.screenOrientation = window.orientation || 0;
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', onScreenOrientationChangeEvent, false);
var setObjectQuaternion = function () {
const zee = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
const euler = new THREE.Euler();
const q0 = new THREE.Quaternion();
const q1 = new THREE.Quaternion(-Math.sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, Math.sqrt(0.5));
return function (quaternion, alpha, beta, gamma, orient) {
// 'ZXY' for the device, but 'YXZ' for us
euler.set(beta, alpha, -gamma, 'YXZ');
// Orient the device
// camera looks out the back of the device, not the top
// adjust for screen orientation
quaternion.multiply(q0.setFromAxisAngle(zee, -orient));
} ();
function Quat2Angle(x, y, z, w) {
let pitch, roll, yaw;
const test = x * y + z * w;
// singularity at north pole
if (test > 0.499) {
yaw = Math.atan2(x, w) * 2;
pitch = Math.PI / 2;
roll = 0;
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);
// singularity at south pole
if (test < -0.499) {
yaw = -2 * Math.atan2(x, w);
pitch = -Math.PI / 2;
roll = 0;
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);
const sqx = x * x;
const sqy = y * y;
const sqz = z * z;
yaw = Math.atan2((2 * y * w) - (2 * x * z), 1 - (2 * sqy) - (2 * sqz));
pitch = Math.asin(2 * test);
roll = Math.atan2((2 * x * w) - (2 * y * z), 1 - (2 * sqx) - (2 * sqz));
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);
I am building prototype tool to draw simple diagrams.
I need to draw an arrow between two boxes, the problem is i have to find edges of two boxes so that the arrow line does not intersect with the box.
This is the drawing that visualize my problem:
How to find x1,y1 and x2,y2 ?
-- UPDATE --
After 2 days finding solution, this is example & function that i use:
var box1 = { x:1,y:10,w:30,h:30 };
var box2 = { x:100,y:110,w:30,h:30 };
var edge1 = findBoxEdge(box1,box2,1,0);
var edge2 = findBoxEdge(box1,box2,2,0);
function findBoxEdge(box1,box2,box,distant) {
var c1 = box1.x + box1.w/2;
var d1 = box1.y + box1.h/2;
var c2 = box2.x + box2.w/2;
var d2 = box2.y + box2.h/2;
var w,h,delta_x,delta_y,s,c,e,ox,oy,d;
if (box == 1) {
w = box1.w/2;
h = box1.h/2;
} else {
w = box2.w/2;
h = box2.h/2;
if (box == 1) {
delta_x = c2-c1;
delta_y = d2-d1;
} else {
delta_x = c1-c2;
delta_y = d1-d2;
//intersection is on the top or bottom
if (w*Math.abs(delta_y) > h * Math.abs(delta_x)) {
if (delta_y > 0) {
s = [h*delta_x/delta_y,h];
c = "top";
else {
s = [-1*h*delta_x/delta_y,-1*h];
c = "bottom";
else {
//intersection is on the left or right
if (delta_x > 0) {
s = [w,w*delta_y/delta_x];
c = "right";
else {
s = [-1*w,-1*delta_y/delta_x];
c = "left";
if (typeof(distant) != "undefined") {
//for 2 paralel distant of 2e
e = distant;
if (delta_y == 0) ox = 0;
else ox = e*Math.sqrt(1+Math.pow(delta_x/delta_y,2))
if (delta_x == 0) oy = 0;
else oy = e*Math.sqrt(1+Math.pow(delta_y/delta_x,2))
if (delta_y != 0 && Math.abs(ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)) <= w) {
d = [sgn(delta_y)*(ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)),sgn(delta_y)*h];
else if (Math.abs(-1*oy + (w * delta_y/delta_x)) <= h) {
d = [sgn(delta_x)*w,sgn(delta_x)*(-1*oy + w * (delta_y/delta_x))];
if (delta_y != 0 && Math.abs(-1*ox+(h * (delta_x/delta_y))) <= w) {
d = [sgn(delta_y)*(-1*ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)),sgn(delta_y)*h];
else if (Math.abs(oy + (w * delta_y/delta_x)) <= h) {
d = [sgn(delta_x)*w,sgn(delta_x)*(oy + w * (delta_y/delta_x))];
if (box == 1) {
return [Math.round(c1 +d[0]),Math.round(d1 +d[1]),c];
} else {
return [Math.round(c2 +d[0]),Math.round(d2 +d[1]),c];
} else {
if (box == 1) {
return [Math.round(c1 +s[0]),Math.round(d1 +s[1]),c];
} else {
return [Math.round(c2 +s[0]),Math.round(d2 +s[1]),c];
tl;dr -> Look at the jsbin code-example
It is our goal to draw a line from the edges of two Rectangles A & B that would be drawn through their centers.
Therefore we'll have to determine where the line pierces through the edge of a Rect.
We can assume that our Rect is an object containing x and y as offset from the upper left edge and width and height as dimension offset.
This can be done by the following code. The Method you should look at closely is pointOnEdge.
// starting with Point and Rectangle Types, as they ease calculation
var Point = function(x, y) {
return { x: x, y: y };
var Rect = function(x, y, w, h) {
return { x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h };
var isLeftOf = function(pt1, pt2) { return pt1.x < pt2.x; };
var isAbove = function(pt1, pt2) { return pt1.y < pt2.y; };
var centerOf = function(rect) {
return Point(
rect.x + rect.width / 2,
rect.y + rect.height / 2
var gradient = function(pt1, pt2) {
return (pt2.y - pt1.y) / (pt2.x - pt1.x);
var aspectRatio = function(rect) { return rect.height / rect.width; };
// now, this is where the fun takes place
var pointOnEdge = function(fromRect, toRect) {
var centerA = centerOf(fromRect),
centerB = centerOf(toRect),
// calculate the gradient from rectA to rectB
gradA2B = gradient(centerA, centerB),
// grab the aspectRatio of rectA
// as we want any dimensions to work with the script
aspectA = aspectRatio(fromRect),
// grab the half values, as they are used for the additional point
h05 = fromRect.width / 2,
w05 = fromRect.height / 2,
// the norm is the normalized gradient honoring the aspect Ratio of rectA
normA2B = Math.abs(gradA2B / aspectA),
// the additional point
add = Point(
// when the rectA is left of rectB we move right, else left
(isLeftOf(centerA, centerB) ? 1 : -1) * h05,
// when the rectA is below
(isAbove(centerA, centerB) ? 1 : -1) * w05
// norm values are absolute, thus we can compare whether they are
// greater or less than 1
if (normA2B < 1) {
// when they are less then 1 multiply the y component with the norm
add.y *= normA2B;
} else {
// otherwise divide the x component by the norm
add.x /= normA2B;
// this way we will stay on the edge with at least one component of the result
// while the other component is shifted towards the center
return Point(centerA.x + add.x, centerA.y + add.y);
I wrote a jsbin, you can use to test with some boxes (lower part, in the ready method):
You might want to take a look at a little Geometry helper I wrote some time ago on top of prototype.js
I really hope, that this helps you with your problem ;)
To draw a line between those boxes, you'd first have to define where you want the line to be.
Apparently you want to draw the lines/arrows from the right edge of Rect A to the left edge of
Rect B, somewhat like this:
Assuming your know the origin (upper left Point as { x, y } of a Rect) and its Size (width and height), you first want to determine the position of the center of the edges:
var rectA, rectB; // I assume you have those data
var rectARightEdgeCenter = {
// x is simply the origin's x plus the width
x: rectA.origin.x + rectA.size.width,
// for y you need to add only half the height to origin.y
y: rectA.origin.y + rectA.size.height / 2.0
var rectBLeftEdgeCenter = {
// x will be simply the origin's x
x: rectB.origin.x,
// y is half the height added to the origin's y, just as before
y: rectB.origin.y + rectB.size.height / 2.0
The more interesting question would be how to determine, from which edge to which other edge you might want to draw the lines in a more dynamic scenario.
If your boxes just pile up from left to right the given solution will fit,
but you might want to check for minimum distances of the edges, to determine a possible best arrow.