Java Script Scoping - javascript

Js community I am new in JS and I have a confusion with JS scopes in this example I have an if statement and I defined inside the block var age and this a local scope then I console log this variable age and I got 25 this is why? is it because of the if statement is defined globally so what is defined inside the block is global too? one more thing I noticed the age variable is attached to the global object which is the window I logged it and I found the age var but I am not sure why this is happening?
var age = 25;

You have some misunderstandings that should be addressed:
var is hoisted to local scope(before evaluation)
console.log(a) // undefined
var a = 25
console.log(a) // 25
let and const are lexical scoped:
{ // this is a block scope, and will only be a scope when evaluated since it is standalone
console.log(a) // reference error
let a = 25;
console.log(a) // 25
console.log(a) // reference error
showing what happens with statement blocks
if (true) {
let a = 25;
console.log(a) // reference error
Control Statements
if statements will only execute if the evaluate to true. true is true. Thus your if statement will always fire in your example and set the hoisted variable to 25.
How you should think of it
console.log(a) // undefined since a got hoisted to top of local scope, which is currently global
var a;
if (false) a = 25;
console.log(a) // undefined
if (true) a = 25;
console.log(a) // 25
More information and what it does to function decleration

If I understand correctly this is due to a concept called hoisting, variable declarations are moved to the top of the current function scope, not block scope.


In the block scope even after initialisation with undefined var type of variable logs out unexpected value

function show() {
var x = 10;
if (true) {
var x = 20;
console.log(x); // 20
But when I not initialise the 'x' manually which is inside the 'if-statement', it initialise with undefined and hoisted to the top and should log the most recent value which is undefined , as 20 is logs out in the above example. But it logs out 10.Why?
function show() {
var x = 10;
if (true) {
var x;
console.log(x); // 10
From MDN - var:
Duplicate variable declarations using var will not trigger an error,
even in strict mode, and the variable will not lose its value, unless
another assignment is performed.
So, unless you re-assign any value to x, variable declared with var will keep its value.
Re-declaring x inside the if block does not create a new variable; x is created only once.
From the Ecmascript spec - 14.3.2 Variable Statement:
A var statement declares variables that are scoped to the running
execution context's VariableEnvironment. Var variables are created
when their containing Environment Record is instantiated and are
initialized to undefined when created. Within the scope of any
VariableEnvironment a common BindingIdentifier may appear in more than
one VariableDeclaration but those declarations collectively define
only one variable.
That is why x in the following statement
var x;
doesn't implicitly gets initialized with undefined; this re-declaration statement didn't re-create the variable x.
function show() {
var x = 10;
if (true) {
var x = undefined; // re-assigned
Note on hoisting: Unless you know this already, variables are NOT literally hoisted/moved to the top of the scope in which they are declared; variable declarations are processed before the code execution, this is why they appear to have moved to the top of the scope.
For more details, see: MDN - var hoisting
So if you are trying to relate above both example, you might confused. see both examples in different way, you will get the answer.

JavaScript variable hoisting behavior [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Are variables declared with let or const hoisted?
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm probably missing something very fundamental but I would like to ask this regardless
var a=100;
function f(){
const a=150
Prints 100 and throws an error while changing const a=150 to var a=150 returns 100 and undefined. I'm unsure why this behavior occurs and any pointers to relevant info is appreciated
In general, this is how hoisting works:
the declaration of the variable is moved to the top
the variable is initialized with a special "hoisted" value
when the program reaches the var/let/const line, the variable is re-initialized with the value mentioned on that line (or undefined if there's none).
Now, your example can be simplified down to this:
let a = 150
which is actually:
a = <hoisted value>
a = 150
It throws an error because, for let and const, the hoisted value is a special object that raises an error when you try to access it.
On the other side, the hoisted value for var is just undefined, so this will print undefined without throwing an error:
var a = 150
Also, there's some confusion (including this very thread) about which variable types are hoisted, and a so-called "dead zone" for let/const vars. It's simpler to think of things this way: everything is hoisted, that is, all variable bindings in a block are created before entering the block. The only difference between var and let/const in this regard is that with the latter you are not allowed to use a binding until you initialize it with a value.
See for more details.
const and let have temporal dead zone so when you try to access const or let before it is instantiated you get an error.
This is not true for var. var is hoisted at the top meaning it is instantiated with a value of undefined just before a function code is run.
The problem is that with new ES6, let and const, hoisting is not applied what this means is that a variable declared with either let or const cannot be accessed until after the declaration, if you do this will throw and error
var a=100;
function f(){
console.log(a)// throws an error because is accessed before is declared....
const a=150
This is commonly called the Temporal Dead Zone
On the other hand using Var will apply hoisting what this does is defines the variable in memory before all the scope is executed...
var a=100;
function f(){
console.log(a)// This won't throw an error
var a=150
the problem is
the variable with const cannot be declared more then once,
and when you declares const a=150 inside a function, it deleted the previous variable and this is why the error is coming
I think the answer your looking for is const is block scope and is not hoisted, whereas var is hoisted.
That's why you get 100, "Error: a is not defined" with:
var a=100;
function f(){
const a=150
and 100, undefined with:
var a=100;
function f(){
var a=150
In the second instance a is declared, but it is not defined yet. You'll see the same result with:
function f() {
var a=150
Since the var inside the function is hoisted.
Bottom line: const variables are not hoisted, var variables are.

An object becomes undefined after passing into an if statement [duplicate]

I have been playing with ES6 for a while and I noticed that while variables declared with var are hoisted as expected...
console.log(typeof name); // undefined
var name = "John";
...variables declared with let or const seem to have some problems with hoisting:
console.log(typeof name); // ReferenceError
let name = "John";
console.log(typeof name); // ReferenceError
const name = "John";
Does this mean that variables declared with let or const are not hoisted? What is really going on here? Is there any difference between let and const in this matter?
#thefourtheye is correct in saying that these variables cannot be accessed before they are declared. However, it's a bit more complicated than that.
Are variables declared with let or const not hoisted? What is really going on here?
All declarations (var, let, const, function, function*, class) are "hoisted" in JavaScript. This means that if a name is declared in a scope, in that scope the identifier will always reference that particular variable:
x = "global";
// function scope:
(function() {
x; // not "global"
var/let/… x;
// block scope (not for `var`s):
x; // not "global"
let/const/… x;
This is true both for function and block scopes1.
The difference between var/function/function* declarations and let/const/class declara­tions is the initialisation.
The former are initialised with undefined or the (generator) function right when the binding is created at the top of the scope. The lexically declared variables however stay uninitialised. This means that a ReferenceError exception is thrown when you try to access it. It will only get initialised when the let/const/class statement is evaluated, everything before (above) that is called the temporal dead zone.
x = y = "global";
(function() {
x; // undefined
y; // Reference error: y is not defined
var x = "local";
let y = "local";
Notice that a let y; statement initialises the variable with undefined like let y = undefined; would have.
The temporal dead zone is not a syntactic location, but rather the time between the variable (scope) creation and the initialisation. It's not an error to reference the variable in code above the declaration as long as that code is not executed (e.g. a function body or simply dead code), and it will throw an exception if you access the variable before the initialisation even if the accessing code is below the declaration (e.g. in a hoisted function declaration that is called too early).
Is there any difference between let and const in this matter?
No, they work the same as far as hoisting is regarded. The only difference between them is that a constant must be and can only be assigned in the initialiser part of the declaration (const one = 1;, both const one; and later reassignments like one = 2 are invalid).
1: var declarations are still working only on the function level, of course
Quoting ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015) specification's, let and const declarations section,
The variables are created when their containing Lexical Environment is instantiated but may not be accessed in any way until the variable’s LexicalBinding is evaluated.
So, to answer your question, yes, let and const hoist but you cannot access them before the actual declaration is evaluated at runtime.
ES6 introduces Let variables which comes up with block level scoping. Until ES5 we did not have block level scoping, so the variables which are declared inside a block are always hoisted to function level scoping.
Basically Scope refers to where in your program your variables are visible, which determines where you are allowed to use variables you have declared. In ES5 we have global scope,function scope and try/catch scope, with ES6 we also get the block level scoping by using Let.
When you define a variable with var keyword, it's known the entire function from the moment it's defined.
When you define a variable with let statement it's only known in the block it's defined.
function doSomething(arr){
//i is known here but undefined
//j is not known here
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
//i is known here
//i is known here
//j is not known here
for(let j=0; j<arr.length; j++){
//j is known here
//i is known here
//j is not known here
doSomething(["Thalaivar", "Vinoth", "Kabali", "Dinesh"]);
If you run the code, you could see the variable j is only known in the loop and not before and after. Yet, our variable i is known in the entire function from the moment it is defined onward.
There is another great advantage using let as it creates a new lexical environment and also binds fresh value rather than keeping an old reference.
for(var i=1; i<6; i++){
for(let i=1; i<6; i++){
The first for loop always print the last value, with let it creates a new scope and bind fresh values printing us 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Coming to constants, it work basically like let, the only difference is their value can't be changed. In constants mutation is allowed but reassignment is not allowed.
const foo = {}; = 42;
console.log(; //works
const name = []
console.log(name); //works
const age = 100;
age = 20; //Throws Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
If a constant refers to an object, it will always refer to the object but the object itself can be changed (if it is mutable). If you like to have an immutable object, you could use Object.freeze([])
As per ECMAScript® 2021
Let and Const Declarations
let and const declarations define variables that are scoped to the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment.
The variables are created when their containing Environment Record is instantiated but may not be accessed in any way until the variable's LexicalBinding is evaluated.
A variable defined by a LexicalBinding with an Initializer is assigned the value of its Initializer's AssignmentExpression when the LexicalBinding is evaluated, not when the variable is created.
If a LexicalBinding in a let declaration does not have an Initializer the variable is assigned the value undefined when the LexicalBinding is evaluated.
Block Declaration Instantiation
When a Block or CaseBlock is evaluated a new declarative Environment Record is created and bindings for each block scoped variable, constant, function, or class declared in the block are instantiated in the Environment Record.
No matter how control leaves the Block the LexicalEnvironment is always restored to its former state.
Top Level Lexically Declared Names
At the top level of a function, or script, function declarations are treated like var declarations rather than like lexical declarations.
let and const are hoisted but not initialized.
Referencing the variable in the block before the variable declaration results in a ReferenceError, because the variable is in a "temporal dead zone" from the start of the block until the declaration is processed.
Examples below make it clear as to how "let" variables behave in a lexical scope/nested-lexical scope.
Example 1
var a;
console.log(a); //undefined
console.log(b); //undefined
var b;
let x;
console.log(x); //undefined
console.log(y); // Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined
let y;
The variable 'y' gives a referenceError, that doesn't mean it's not hoisted. The variable is created when the containing environment is instantiated. But it may not be accessed bcz of it being in an inaccessible "temporal dead zone".
Example 2
let mylet = 'my value';
(function() {
//let mylet;
console.log(mylet); // "my value"
mylet = 'local value';
Example 3
let mylet = 'my value';
(function() {
let mylet;
console.log(mylet); // undefined
mylet = 'local value';
In Example 3, the freshly declared "mylet" variable inside the function does not have an Initializer before the log statement, hence the value "undefined".
From MDN web docs:
In ECMAScript 2015, let and const are hoisted but not initialized. Referencing the variable in the block before the variable declaration results in a ReferenceError because the variable is in a "temporal dead zone" from the start of the block until the declaration is processed.
console.log(x); // ReferenceError
let x = 3;
in es6 when we use let or const we have to declare the variable before using them.
eg. 1 -
// this will work
u = 10;
var u;
// this will give an error
k = 10;
let k; // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'k' before initialization.
eg. 2-
// this code works as variable j is declared before it is used.
function doSmth() {
j = 9;
let j;
console.log(j); // 9
let and const are also hoisted.
But an exception will be thrown if a variable declared with let or const is read before it is initialised due to below reasons.
Unlike var, they are not initialised with a default value while hoisting.
They cannot be read/written until they have been fully initialised.

Why doesn't this assignment throw a ReferenceError?

Consider three cases, where both a and k are undefined:
if (a) console.log(1); // ReferenceError
var a = k || "value"; // ReferenceError
seems reasonable, but...
var a = a || "value"; // "value"
Why doesn't the last case throw a ReferenceError? Isn't a being referenced before it's defined?
This is because of one of var's "features" called hoisting. Per the link:
Because variable declarations (and declarations in general) are processed before any code is executed, declaring a variable anywhere in the code is equivalent to declaring it at the top. This also means that a variable can appear to be used before it's declared. This behavior is called "hoisting", as it appears that the variable declaration is moved to the top of the function or global code. (emphasis mine)
So, for example:
var a = "foo";
Instead of throwing a ReferenceError as you might expect, since a is referenced before it is defined, it logs undefined. This is because, as mentioned earlier, the declaration is processed first and essentially happens at the top, which means it's the same as:
var a;
a = "foo";
The same goes for functions as mentioned earlier:
function foo() {
var a = "foo";
That's the same as:
function foo() {
var a;
a = "foo";
To see why, look into the ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification:
13.3.2 Variable Statement
A var statement declares variables that are scoped to the running execution context’s VariableEnvironment. Var variables are created when their containing Lexical Environment is instantiated and are initialized to undefined when created.
A variable defined by a VariableDeclaration with an Initializer is assigned the value of its Initializer’s AssignmentExpression when the VariableDeclaration is executed, not when the variable is created. (emphasis mine)
From this, we can gather that the var declarations are created before any code is executed (in their lexical environment) and are scoped to the containing VariableEnvironment, which is either in the global scope, or in a function. They are initially given the value undefined. The next part explains that the value that the var is assigned to is the value of the right hand side when the declaration is executed, not when the variable is created.
This applies to your situation because in your example, a is referenced like it is in the example. Using the information earlier, your code:
var a = a || "value";
Can be rewritten as:
var a;
a = a || "value";
Remember that all declarations are processed before any code is executed. The JavaScript engine sees that there's a declaration, variable a and declares it at the top of the current function or global scope. It is then given the value undefined. Since undefined is falsey, a is assigned to value.
In contrast, your second example throws a ReferenceError:
var a = k || "value";
It can also be rewritten as:
var a;
a = k || "value";
Now you see the problem. Since k is never a declared anywhere, no variable with that identifier exists. That means, unlike with a in the first example, k is never declared and throws the ReferenceError because it is referenced before declaration.
But how do you explain var a = "123"; var a = a || "124"; // a = "123"?
From the ES2015 Language Specification again:
Within the scope of any VariableEnvironment a common BindingIdentifier may appear in more than one VariableDeclaration but those declarations collective define only one variable.
To put it plainly: variables can be defined in the same function or global scope more than once, but always define the same variable. Thus, in your example:
var a = "123";
var a = a || "124";
It can be rewritten as:
var a;
a = "123";
a = a || "124";
Declaring a in the same function or global scope again collectively only declares it once. a is assigned to "123", then it is assigned to "123" again because "123" is truthy.
As of ES2015, you should, in my opinion, no longer use var. It has function scoping and can cause unexpected assignments like those mentioned in the question. Instead, if you still want mutability, try using let:
let a = a || "value";
This will throw a ReferenceError. Even though all variables are hoisted, no matter which declarator you use (var, let, or const), with let and const it is invalid to reference an uninitialized variable. Also, let and const have block scope, not function scope. This is more clear and normal regarding other languages:
function foo() {
var a = 3;
console.log(a); //logs 3
function foo() {
let a = 3;
console.log(a); //ReferenceError
var a = k || 'value';
var a = a || 'value';
a is declared when you call var a but k is not, that why first line is ReferenceError and second line is 'value'
if (a) console.log(1); // ReferenceError
in this case i think there is no doubt as a is not declared anywhere before using it so refrence error
var a = k || "value"; //ReferenceError
same case here k is not declared and we are trying to use it
var a = a || "value"; //"value"
now in this case when we are trying use a (a in r.h.s) that time a is already declared before using it and hence no error
Adding to this if you want to know difference between reference error and undefined
refrence error -indicate variable is not declared yet whereas
undefined - it is special value in javascript assigned to any variable as soon as it is declared undefined indicates that variable is declared but has not taken any value

when I use global scope variable without 'var', its showing me Error. why?

See my example code below
alert(a); // undefined
alert(b); // It is Error, b is not defined.
var a=1;
When both variable a and b are in global scope, why I am getting error message for b. But there is no error message for variable a ? what is the reason ?
can anyone please explain me ?
The first alert shows undefined because the var statements are hoisted to the top of the enclosing scope, in other words, var statements and function declarations are made before the actual code is executed, in the parsing stage.
When your code is executed, is equivalent to:
var a; // declared and initialized with `undefined` before the code executes
alert(a); // undefined
alert(b); // ReferenceError, b is not declared.
The second alert doesn't even executes, trying to access b gives you a ReferenceError because you never declared it, and you are trying to access it.
That's how the identifier resolution process works in Javascript, if an identifier is not found in all the scope chain, a ReferenceError exception is thrown.
Also, you should know that assigning an identifier without declaring it first (as b = 10) does not technically declares a variable, even in the global scope, the effect may be similar (and it seems to work), at the end the identifier ends as a property of the global object, for example:
var a = 1;
b = 10;
// Similar effect:
window.a; // 1
window.b; // 10
But this is just due the fact that the global object is the top-most environment record of the scope chain.
Another difference between the two above is that the identifier declared with var produces a non-configurable property on the global object (cannot be deleted), e.g.:
delete window.a; // false
delete window.b; // true
Also, if you are in the scope of a function, and you make an assignment to an undeclared identifier, it will end up being a property of the global object, just like in the above example, whereas the var statement will create a local variable, for example:
var a = 1;
b = 10;
typeof window.a; // 'undefined', was locally scoped in the above function
typeof window.b; // 'number', leaked, an unintentional global
I would really discourage make assignments to undeclared identifiers, always use var to declare your variables, moreover, this has been disallowed on ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, assignments made to undeclared identifiers throw a ReferenceError:
(function(){'use strict'; b = 10;})(); // throws a ReferenceError

