Get ServiceWorkerGlobalScope's variable from window context - javascript

I have a service worker in sw.js, it uses a template engine to get the commit numbre as a version number. I set the cache name like this:
var version = {{ commit_hash }};
self.cacheName = `cache-` + version;
I have some scripts being added to the cache on the worker's install, but there are scripts that are dynamically loaded on the page. I would like to load all the scripts/css on the first load without forcing the user to wait for the app to install first.
I can get all the content on the page with the following code in the bottom of index.html:
var toCache = ['/'];
var css = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for(el of css) {
var href = el.getAttribute("href");
if(href) {
var js = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for(el of js) {
var src = el.getAttribute("src");
if(src) {
That works fine, now I would just need to open the correct cache, fetch files that aren't already present, and store them. Something like:
toCache.forEach(function(url) {
caches.match(url).then(function(result) {
if(!result) {
fetch(url).then(function(response) { => {
cache.put(url, response)
Is there a way to get the cacheName from the service worker inside a script tag in a different file?
And yes, I know that I could simplify this greatly by doing the check in the for/of loops. I broke it apart so it would be easier to describe.

JavaScript executing in the window context cannot access SW's context and vice versa. You have to implement a workaround of some sort.
Remember that you can use postMessage to communicate between the two.

Using this blog I was able to pass messages from the service worker and back. First, I added the following function at the top of sw.js:
function clientPostMessage(client, message){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = function(event){
else {
client.postMessage(message, [channel.port2]);
This allows my service worker to post a message to the window, and then do a callback with a promise.
Then, in my index.html file I added the following to a script tag:
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => {
switch( {
case "addAll":
var toCache = [];
var css = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for(el of css) {
var href = el.getAttribute("href");
if(href) {
var js = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for(el of js) {
var src = el.getAttribute("src");
if(src) {
This listens to any service workers asking for messages, and if it is a "addAll" message, it will get all the scripts and linked content on the page and return an array of the scripts.
Finally, I added the following to my activate event listener function in sw.js:
// Get all the clients, and for each post a message
clients.matchAll().then(clients => {
clients.forEach(client => {
// Post "addAll" to get a list of files to cache
clientPostMessage(client, "addAll").then(message => {
// For each file, check if it already exists in the cache
message.forEach(url => {
caches.match(url).then(result => {
// If there's nothing in the cache, fetch the file and cache it
if(!result) {
fetch(url).then(response => { => {
cache.put(url, response);
For all clients the service worker sends an "addAll" message to the page and gets the result. For each item in the result, it checks if the value is already in the cache and if not, fetches and adds it.
With this method, the install listener of the service worker only needs to contain:
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
if(self.skipWaiting) {
event.waitUntil( => {
return cache.addAll([
It seems to be working well so far, if anyone has any suggestions or sees any errors I'd be happy to hear! You can also tell me how improper this is, but it makes my life a lot easier for adding service workers for pre-existing projects that rely on scripts that aren't bundled together.


Overriding navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia for Screenshare inside electron

I came accross capture screen with electron when rendering a web site when I needed a solution for enabling screenshare inside my electron app;
however the desktopCapturer is always undefined, on my side and the only way I can access;
sources is inside the main process;
I would like to know if there is a way to have sources define when I do something like this
let all_sources = undefined
ipcRenderer.on('SET_SOURCES', (ev, sources) => {
all_sources = sources
console.log("The sources are : ", all_sources)
const wait_function = function() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 4000);
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("myCustomGetDisplayMedia", async () => {
await ipcRenderer.send('GET_SOURCES')
await wait_function(); // want to make sure all_sources is defined
const selectedSource = all_sources[0]; // take the Entire Screen just for testing purposes
return selectedSource;
this is inside the preload js script.

Accessing Service Worker saved IndexedDB data from Content Script via Chrome Runtime Messaging

In a Chrome Extension, I have no problem adding, updating, and removing data to/from an IndexedDB database accessed by my service worker with Chrome Runtime Messaging sent from my content script. My trouble is doing a full table read from my content script. I do a console.log() to dump out the property before I send it back in my sendResponse in the Chrome Runtime Messaging, and I see the data there properly, but the content script receives an undefined. I assume this is because of the asynchronous nature of getting the data. I tried promises and async/await and the combination thereof and I just can't seem to get anything except an undefined in my content script on the message back from the service worker. I also ran sending a test array back and that worked just fine -- but receiving the IndexedDB table data does not work in the message passing. I also tried to JSONify the data and that didn't help either. What's the catch?
var SW = {};
SW.onReady = function(){
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(o, sender, sendResponse) {
(o.readTable) && sendResponse(SW.readTable(o,sender));
SW.readTable = function(o,sender){
var sTable = o.table;
new Promise((resolve) => {
}).then((asEntries) => {
console.log('SW asEntries',asEntries); // this shows me valid data in tests
var o = {};
// can also change this to fake data with asEntries being a string array and bug goes away in content.js
o.response = asEntries;
return o;
var IDB = {};
// Requires storage (or, even better, unlimitedStorage) permission in your manifest.json file.
// Note also that dev console of service worker will not show data -- have to use toolbar button popup panel (if you have one) and
// dev console from there, or code to access it, which sucks.
IDB.connectStore = function(sTable,sReadWriteSetting,fn){
var conn ='unlimitedStorage', 1);
conn.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
var db =;
conn.onsuccess = function(e) {
var db =;
var tx = db.transaction(sTable,sReadWriteSetting);
var store = tx.objectStore(sTable);
IDB.addToTable = function(sTable,sKey,sVal){
if ((sKey === undefined) || (sKey === '') || (sKey === null) || (sKey === false)) { // auto key by increment
var req = store.count();
req.onsuccess = function(e){
sKey = + 1;
} else {
IDB.removeFromTable = function(sTable,sKey){
IDB.readTableByKey = function(sTable,sKey,fn){
var req = store.get(sKey);
req.onerror = function(e){
req.onsuccess = function(e){
IDB.readTable = function(sTable,fn){
var req = store.getAll();
req.onerror = function(e){
req.onsuccess = function(e){
var CONTENT = {};
CONTENT.onReady = function(){
var o = {};
o.readTable = true;
o.table = 'loadTimes';
if (response.response) { // errors here with response property being undefined
console.log('CONTENT RCVD asEntries',response.response);
Chrome extensions API, unlike Firefox WebExtensions, can't handle Promise returned from a callback or provided in sendResponse,
There's also a bug in your readTable: you need to add return before new Promise((resolve)
The solution is two-fold:
Use return true from the callback to allow asynchronous sendResponse
Call sendReponse inside .then of a Promise chain.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(o, sender, sendResponse) {
if (o.readTable) {
return true;
} else {
sendResponse(); // Chrome 99-101 bug workaround,
Do not use this answer. It is here for posterity reasons and is just a workaround. The chosen solution works.
The fix is to return data in a different message thread:
In the service worker in SW.readTable(), just return variable o with o.response = true and then ignore the response in the content script.
Before returning the variable o from SW.readTable(), do a chrome.runtime.sendMessage({readTableResult = true, data: asEntries},function(response){ /* ignore response */});
In the content script, ignore any response back from the readTable message. So, the if (response.response) {...} condition can be eliminated.
In the content script, add a message listener with chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(o, sender, sendResponse) and look for the condition (o.readTableResult). Once received, the will now contain the asEntries data.

Listen for hot update events on the client side with webpack-dev-derver?

This is a bit of an edge case but it would be helpful to know.
When developing an extension using webpack-dev-server to keep the extension code up to date, it would be useful to listen to "webpackHotUpdate"
Chrome extensions with content scripts often have two sides to the equation:
Injected Content Script
When using webpack-dev-server with HMR the background page stays in sync just fine. However content scripts require a reload of the extension in order to reflect the changes. I can remedy this by listening to the "webpackHotUpdate" event from the hotEmmiter and then requesting a reload. At present I have this working in a terrible and very unreliably hacky way.
var hotEmitter = __webpack_require__(XX)
hotEmitter.on('webpackHotUpdate', function() {
console.log('Reloading Extension')
XX simply represents the number that is currently assigned to the emitter. As you can imagine this changed whenever the build changes so it's a very temporary proof of concept sort of thing.
I suppose I could set up my own socket but that seems like overkill, given the events are already being transferred and I simply want to listen.
I am just recently getting more familiar with the webpack ecosystem so any guidance is much appreciated.
I worked this out by looking around here:
Many thanks to the create-react-app team for their judicious use of comments.
I created a slimmed down version of this specifically for handling the reload condition for extension development.
var SockJS = require('sockjs-client')
var url = require('url')
// Connect to WebpackDevServer via a socket.
var connection = new SockJS(
// Default values - Updated to your own
protocol: 'http',
hostname: 'localhost',
port: '3000',
// Hardcoded in WebpackDevServer
pathname: '/sockjs-node',
var isFirstCompilation = true
var mostRecentCompilationHash = null
connection.onmessage = function(e) {
var message = JSON.parse(
switch (message.type) {
case 'hash':
case 'still-ok':
case 'ok':
case 'content-changed':
// Do nothing.
// Is there a newer version of this code available?
function isUpdateAvailable() {
/* globals __webpack_hash__ */
// __webpack_hash__ is the hash of the current compilation.
// It's a global variable injected by Webpack.
return mostRecentCompilationHash !== __webpack_hash__
function handleAvailableHash(data){
mostRecentCompilationHash = data
function handleSuccess() {
var isHotUpdate = !isFirstCompilation
isFirstCompilation = false
if (isHotUpdate) { handleUpdates() }
function handleUpdates() {
if (!isUpdateAvailable()) return
console.log('%c Reloading Extension', 'color: #FF00FF')
When you are ready to use it (during development only) you can simply add it to your background.js entry point
module.exports = {
entry: {
background: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'reloader.js'),
path.resolve(__dirname, 'background.js')
For actually hooking into the event emitter as was originally asked you can just require it from webpack/hot/emitter since that file exports an instance of the EventEmitter that's used.
if( {
var lastHash
var upToDate = function upToDate() {
return lastHash.indexOf(__webpack_hash__) >= 0
var clientEmitter = require('webpack/hot/emitter')
clientEmitter.on('webpackHotUpdate', function(currentHash) {
lastHash = currentHash
if(upToDate()) return
console.log('%c Reloading Extension', 'color: #FF00FF')
This is just a stripped down version straight from the source:
I've fine-tuned the core logic of the crx-hotreload package and come up with a build-tool agnostic solution (meaning it will work with Webpack but also with anything else).
It asks the extension for its directory (via chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry) and then watches that directory for file changes. Once a file is added/removed/changed inside that directory, it calls chrome.runtime.reload().
If you'd need to also reload the active tab (when developing a content script), then you should run a tabs.query, get the first (active) tab from the results and call reload on it as well.
The whole logic is ~35 lines of code:
/* global chrome */
const filesInDirectory = dir => new Promise(resolve =>
dir.createReader().readEntries(entries =>
Promise.all(entries.filter(e =>[0] !== '.').map(e =>
? filesInDirectory(e)
: new Promise(resolve => e.file(resolve))
.then(files => [].concat(...files))
const timestampForFilesInDirectory = dir => filesInDirectory(dir)
.then(files => => + f.lastModifiedDate).join())
const watchChanges = (dir, lastTimestamp) => {
timestampForFilesInDirectory(dir).then(timestamp => {
if (!lastTimestamp || (lastTimestamp === timestamp)) {
setTimeout(() => watchChanges(dir, timestamp), 1000)
} else {
console.log('%c 🚀 Reloading Extension', 'color: #FF00FF')
// Init if in dev environment => {
if (self.installType === 'development' &&
'getPackageDirectoryEntry' in chrome.runtime
) {
console.log('%c 📦 Watching for file changes', 'color: #FF00FF')
chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(dir => watchChanges(dir))
You should add this script to your manifest.json file's background scripts entry:
"background": ["reloader.js", "background.js"]
And a Gist with a light explanation in the Readme:

What should I do with the redundant state of a ServiceWorker?

I gotta a companion script for a serviceworker and I'm trialling right now.
The script works like so:
((n, d) => {
if (!(n.serviceWorker && (typeof Cache !== 'undefined' && Cache.prototype.addAll))) return;
n.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js', { scope: './book/' })
.then(function(reg) {
if (!n.serviceWorker.controller) return;
reg.onupdatefound = () => {
let installingWorker = reg.installing;
installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {
switch (installingWorker.state) {
case 'installed':
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
} else {
// This is the initial serviceworker…
console.log('May be skipwaiting here?');
case 'waiting':
case 'redundant':
// Something went wrong?
console.log('[Companion] new SW could not install…')
}).catch((err) => {
//console.log('[Companion] Something went wrong…', err);
function updateReady(worker) {
λ('refreshServiceWorkerButton').on('click', function(event) {
worker.postMessage({ 'refreshServiceWorker': true } );
λ('cancelRefresh').on('click', function(event) {
function λ(selector) {
let self = {};
self.selector = selector;
self.element = d.getElementById(self.selector);
self.on = function(type, callback) {
self.element['on' + type] = callback;
return self;
let refreshing;
n.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', function() {
if (refreshing) return;
refreshing = true;
})(navigator, document);
I'm a bit overwhelmed right now by the enormity of the service workers api and unable to "see" what one would do with reg.installing returning a redundant state?
Apologies if this seems like a dumb question but I'm new to serviceworkers.
It's kinda difficult to work out what your intent is here so I'll try and answer the question generally.
A service worker will become redundant if it fails to install or if it's superseded by a newer service worker.
What you do when this happens is up to you. What do you want to do in these cases?
Based on the definition here I am guessing just print a log in case it comes up in debugging otherwise do nothing.
You should remove any UI prompts you created that ask the user to do something in order to activate the latest service worker. And be patient a little longer.
You have 3 service workers, as you can see on the registration:
active: the one that is running
waiting: the one that was downloaded, and is ready to become active
installing: the one that we just found, being downloaded, after which it becomes waiting
When a service worker reaches #2, you may display a prompt to the user about the new version of the app being just a click away. Let's say they don't act on it.
Then you publish a new version. Your app detects the new version, and starts to download it. At this point, you have 3 service workers. The one at #2 changes to redundant. The one at #3 is not ready yet. You should remove that prompt.
Once #3 is downloaded, it takes the place of #2, and you can show that prompt again.
Write catch function to see the error. It could be SSL issue.
/* In main.js */
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then(function(registration) {
console.log("Service Worker Registered", registration);
.catch(function(err) {
console.log("Service Worker Failed to Register", err);

Update HTML object with node.js and javascript

I'm new to nodejs and jquery, and I'm trying to update one single html object using a script.
I am using a Raspberry pi 2 and a ultrasonic sensor, to measure distance. I want to measure continuous, and update the html document at the same time with the real time values.
When I try to run my code it behaves like a server and not a client. Everything that i console.log() prints in the cmd and not in the browesers' console. When I run my code now i do it with "sudo node surveyor.js", but nothing happens in the html-document. I have linked it properly to the script. I have also tried document.getElementsByTagName("h6").innerHTML = distance.toFixed(2), but the error is "document is not defiend".
Is there any easy way to fix this?
My code this far is:
var statistics = require('math-statistics');
var usonic = require('r-pi-usonic');
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var jsdom = require("jsdom");
var htmlSource = fs.readFileSync("../index.html", "utf8");
var init = function(config) {
usonic.init(function (error) {
if (error) {
} else {
var sensor = usonic.createSensor(config.echoPin, config.triggerPin, config.timeout);
var distances;
(function measure() {
if (!distances || distances.length === config.rate) {
if (distances) {
distances = [];
setTimeout(function() {
}, config.delay);
var print = function(distances) {
var distance = statistics.median(distances);
if (distance < 0) {
process.stdout.write('Error: Measurement timeout.\n');
} else {
process.stdout.write('Distance: ' + distance.toFixed(2) + ' cm');
call_jsdom(htmlSource, function (window) {
var $ = window.$;
function documentToSource(doc) {
// The non-standard window.document.outerHTML also exists,
// but currently does not preserve source code structure as well
// The following two operations are non-standard
return doc.doctype.toString()+doc.innerHTML;
function call_jsdom(source, callback) {
[ 'jquery-1.7.1.min.js' ],
function(errors, window) {
function () {
if (errors) {
throw new Error("There were errors: "+errors);
echoPin: 15, //Echo pin
triggerPin: 14, //Trigger pin
timeout: 1000, //Measurement timeout in µs
delay: 60, //Measurement delay in ms
rate: 5 //Measurements per sample
Node.js is a server-side implementation of JavaScript. It's ok to do all the sensors operations and calculations on server-side, but you need some mechanism to provide the results to your clients. If they are going to use your application by using a web browser, you must run a HTTP server, like Express.js, and create a route (something like http://localhost/surveyor or just http://localhost/) that calls a method you have implemented on server-side and do something with the result. One possible way to return this resulting data to the clients is by rendering an HTML page that shows them. For that you should use a Template Engine.
Any DOM manipulation should be done on client-side (you could, for example, include a <script> tag inside your template HTML just to try and understand how it works, but it is not recommended to do this in production environments).
Try searching google for Node.js examples and tutorials and you will get it :)

