getElementById from ancestor element to remove child's class - javascript

I want to use a parent element with getElementById.
For example: I want to use ancestor id "test" to remove class "myClass".
<div id="test">
<div id="test-child-one">
<div id="test-child-two">
<div id="test-child-three">
<div class="myClass"></div>
var element = document.getElementById("test");
element.className = element.className.replace(/\bmyClass\b/g, "");
It won't work. Please help! Thanks.

You could do this:
//If you want to remove the class from all decendants
//Get all decendants with class "myClass"
const childEles = document.getElementById('test').querySelectorAll('.myClass');
//Or per David
const childEles = document.querySelectorAll('#test .myClass');
//Iterate the collection and remove "myClass" from all decendants
for(let x = 0; x < childEles.length; x++){
//If you only want to remove the first decendant
//Or per David
document.querySelectorAll('#test .myClass')[0].classList.remove("myClass);

Do like Ryan Wilson specified it or simple one-liner:
document.getElementById("test").querySelectorAll('.myClass').forEach(function (el) { el.classList.remove("myClass"); });
Or a beautiful way, if you have transpiler between your code and browser:
removeChildrenClass = (parentId, childClass) => document.querySelectorAll(`#${parentId} .${childClass}`).forEach(el => el.classList.remove(childClass));
removeChildrenClass("test", "myClass");

Expanding on the other answers provided, it seems as though you are looking for querySelectorAll. Given that you already have some ancestor element element, querySelectorAll can be used to find all children with the specified class. To build on your example:
Using querySelectorAll
// Example constant element IDs/classes
var parentId = "test";
var targetClass = "myClass";
// The given parent element
var element = document.getElementById(parentId);
// Iterate over all children `elem`s with the target class
element.querySelectorAll(targetClass).forEach(function (elem) {
This is just an example to demonstrate how querySelectorAll can be used on specific elements to solve exactly such a problem. Note that querySelectorAll will match multiple classes containing myClass if they exist, if you want to specifically remove the first such class, you might use querySelector instead.


How to get index, position number of element with certain class with jQuery

I have this markup
<div class="parent">
<div class="one"></div>
<div class="two"></div>
<div class="one"></div>
<div class="two"></div>
My question is: how to get "index" number of element with class two. I'm not asking of regular index number of element in parent div. I need to know that when i'm clicking at first element with class one that next two element have 0 index or it's first element in this list with class two, and so on.
I've tried with index() method and eq() and always i have the real index number of this element in parent div. I hope this is clear, thx for help.
You need to find the elements index in collection of element with sameclass:
$('.parent > div').click(function(){
var index;
index = $('.parent > .one').index(this);
index = $('.parent > .two').index(this);
This should be the faster way to get the index you are looking for.
Instead of retrieving all matches, it just counts the number of elements of the same class among previous leafs in your DOM.
Also, it allows having multiple <div class="parent"> and still work
$('.parent div').click(function() {
// Retrieve clicked element class (one, two)
var elClass = $(this).attr('class');
// Retrieve all previous elements that have the same class
// and count them
var prevElmts = $(this).prevAll('.' + elClass),
numPrevElements = prevElmts.length;
Using jquery you can find index of element which have same class name or tag name
$(".class_name").on("event_name", function() {
var index=($(this).index());
console.log('index : ',index);
This may work for you.
var p = $('.parent'),
current = p.filter('.two'),
index = p.index(current);

firstChild node issue for DOM traversal in Javascript

Building this basic to-do list from scratch to try and teach myself Javascript. I found out through the API that there is a firstChild function that will target the first child of a parent node.
If I have..
<div class = "parentNode">
<div id = "i0">
<div id = "i1">
Then I have some button that is designated to the function:
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function () {
var parentNode = document.getElementById('parentNode');
var childNode = parentNode.firstChild.innerHTML;
Why would this not return TEXT HERE in the alert box?
There are a few things going on here. First, you are looking for an element that does not exist
var parentNode = document.getElementById('parentNode');
is looking for an id. This can be remedied by using an id="parentNode on the element, or you can query by class name instead using querySelectorMDN
var parentNode = document.querySelector('.parentNode');
Next, alert('childNode'); will always alert the string "childNode" and not the variable childNode so that needs to be alert(childNode).
Lastly, and perhaps most interesting, is that .firstChild will get the first childNode of the set of childNodes. This can be a #text node (which it is), becuase of the whitespace used between the end of the <div class = "parentNode"> and the beginning of <div id = "i0">.
As opposed to using .firstChild, you can use children[0] which will only look at elements. Here is a snippet that shows this behavior.
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function () {
var parentNode = document.querySelector('.parentNode');
var childNode = parentNode.children[0].innerHTML;
<button id="myButton" type="button">Click To Check Node</button>
<div class = "parentNode">
<div id = "i0">
<div id = "i1">

How to make querySelectorAll select only from child elements of the current element

What I'm asking is how to implement the equivalent functionality of jQuery's children() with HTML5's querySelector/querySelectorAll, i.e. how do I designate the current element in the selector pattern.
For example:
<div id="foo">
<div class="bar" id="div1">
<div class="bar" id="div1.1">
<div class="bar" id="div2"></div>
With document.getElementById('foo').querySelectAll('') all three divs will be selected. What if I only wanna get div1 and div2, not div1's child div1.1? How do I write [[current node]] > like css selector?
Could anybody shed some light on this?
In your example you have did id="foo", so above example works.
But in a situation when parent element has no ID, but you still want to use querySelectorAll to get immediate children - it is also possible to use :scope to reference element like this:
var div1 = document.getElementById('div1'); //get child
var pdiv = div1.parentNode; //get parent wrapper
var list = pdiv.querySelectorAll(':scope >');
Here query will be "rooted" to pdiv element..
Actually there is a pseudo-class :scope to select the current element, however, it is not designated as being supported by any version of MS Internet Explorer.
There's no selector for designating the element from which the .querySelectorAll was called (though I think something may have been proposed).
So you can't do anything like this:
var result = document.getElementById('foo').querySelectorAll('[[context]] >');
What you'd need would be to select from the document, and include the #foo ID in the selector.
var result = document.querySelectorAll("#foo >");
But if you must start with an element, one possibility would be to take its ID (assuming it has one) and concatenate it into the selector.
var result = document.querySelectorAll("#" + + " >");
If it's possible that the element doesn't have an ID, then you could temporarily give it one.
var origId =
if (!origId) {
do {
var id = "_" + Math.random().toString(16)
} while (document.getElementById(id)); = id;
var result = document.querySelectorAll("#" + + " >"); = origId;
You can just use like this:
document.querySelectorAll('#foo >')

javascript selectors

How does one select DOM elements in javascript?
Like for example:
<div class="des">
<div class="desleft">
<p>Lorem Ipsum.</p>
<div class="Right">
Now how do i select h1? This is just a part of a bigger Page, so cannot use getElementsByTagName(), since others might get selected. Also since there might be other h1's in the document later, i cannot attach the index(body's) to above.
Is there a simple way to select, say <h1> tag which is under the classname of desleft?
I cannot use jQuery or any other libraries.
You can use this to get to your H1:
var des = document.getElementsByClassName('des')
var fc = des[0].getElementsByTagName('h1')
alert(fc[0].innerHTML) has selectors now ( Here are 2 different ways that worked for me on Chrome. You may want to use querySelectorAll function that returns a list.
<script type="text/javascript">
//looks for <h1> tag under <div> with className "des"
showOff1 = function() {
var x = document.querySelector(".des h1");
//looks for <div> tag with className "desleft" and then use previousSibling to traceback <h1> tag
showOff2 = function() {
var y = document.querySelector("div.desleft");
var z = y.previousSibling.previousSibling;
<body onload="showOff2();">
Use querySelectorAll
You can use querySelectorAll:
// Will return a NodeList even if there is only one element found
var heading = document.querySelectorAll('.des > h1');
heading[1].style.color = 'red'; // NodeList is similar to an array
This will return a NodeList.
Use querySelector to return the first element found:
var first_heading = document.querySelector('.des > h1'); = 'blue';
Commonly used with an id selector #single-header-id.
Here's a demo
Would be a function that you can start with, and then you can filter for the DOMElements that have the class.
var h1_array = document.getElementsByTag('h1');
var h1_class_array = [];
for (var i=0, len=h1_array.length; i < len; i++) {
if (h1_array[i].className.indexOf('classname') !== -1) {
The .indexOf function returns -1 if the needle is not found in the haystack.
Now re-reading your question, why not just give your h1's id's ?
DOM traversal is one of javascript's glaring issues (enter jQuery).
a simple getElementById() would save you a headache, and ids on all your h1's would be much cleaner in the end than trying to formulate an algorithm to select them by other means.
If you mean to select a h1 that is before the first element of class desleft, you could always do this:
previousSibling needs to be called twice because of the empty text node between the two. That's why using libraries to do this stuff is really the best way to go.
var h1 = document.querySelector('.desleft').previousElementSibling;
Find element with className='desleft' using selector '.desleft'
Just move back to previous element (not to previous node!)

JS Prototype get element by class?

I got the following code and I'm trying to make it match on a class instead of on an id:
<div id='testdiv'>
<div class="lol">
[First Title|<a class="external" href=""></a>]
Another line
[Second Title|<a class="external" href=""></a>]
More text
[Third Title|<a class="external" href=""></a>]
var textContainer = document.getElementById("testdiv");
var linkText = textContainer.innerHTML;
var pattern = /\[([^|]+)\|([^>]+.?)[^<]*(<\/a>)\]/g;
var result = linkText.replace(pattern, "$2$1$3");
textContainer.innerHTML = result;
Full example:
How can I make it match on "myclass" instead?
Use a css selector in prototype.
var textContainer = $$('div.myclass')[0];
I think you need the $$ method. It selects DOM elements that match a CSS selector strict. In this case you want
var elements = $$('.myclass');
It returns a list of all matching elements in document order. You can access them by index or operating on all of them with things like each
This is what Prototype is about. getElementById is oooold
Here is a working example of how you would use each in Prototype to loop through all elements with a class of order-cc-charged.
var order_cc_charged = 0;
$$('order-cc-charged').each(function (elem) {
order_cc_charged += parseFloat($('order-cc-charged').innerHTML);

