Refactoring UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps - javascript

I have an IFrameComponent component, inspired by this post.
It looks basically like this :
class IFrameComponent extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(this.props.content !== nextProps.content) {
const html = getHTMLFromContent();
const fdoc = this.iFrame.contentDocument;
render() {
return (<iframe sandbox="..." ref={f => this.iFrame = f} />);
Now that componentWillReceiveProps is considered unsafe, I'm trying to get rid of it.
The ways React advices to refactor componentWillReceiveProps are basically either to use static getDerivedStateFromProps or componentDidUpdate
Sadly, componentDidUpdate will never get called, because shouldComponentUpdate returns false (and I think this is fine ?) and I wouldn't be able to access this.iFrame reference in the static method getDerivedStateFromProps.
How would one refactor this code ?

I think, One possible way is:
let iFrameRefs = {}
class IFrameComponent extends React.Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps (props) {
if (iFrameRefs[]) {
const html = getHTMLFromContent();
const fdoc = iFrameRefs[].contentDocument;
return null
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
render() {
return (<iframe sandbox="..." ref={f => iFrameRefs[] = f} />);
Now from Parent Component pass unique id to each component. You can also manage id in IFrameComponent.
<IFrameComponent id='1' />
<IFrameComponent id='2' />


How can i re-render observable array-data in Mobx?

How can i re-render observable array-data in Mobx?
I used observer decorator in this class.
interface IQuiz {
quizProg: TypeQuizProg;
qidx: number;
state: IStateCtx;
actions: IActionsCtx;
class Comp extends React.Component<IQuiz> {
private _qtype: common.TypeQuiz = '';
private _qtime = 60;
#observable _quizs: common.IQuizData[] = [];
constructor(props: IQuiz) {
public componentWillMount() {
this._quizs = this.props.actions.getData();
public quizSelect(idx: number, v: boolean) {
this._quizs[idx].selected = true;
public render() {
const {state, actions, qidx} = this.props;
let ItemComponent;
if(this._qtype === 'unscramble') ItemComponent = QuizUnscramble;
if(this.props.state.prog !== 'quiz') {
return <QuizList
quizSelect={(idx: number, v: boolean) => {
this.quizSelect(idx, v);
} else {
return (
const Quiz = useTeacher((store: TeacherContext) => (
<Observer>{() => (
I use mobx6 and react-typeacript.
Comp class dosen't re-rendering when i run quizSelect function.
Do not check mobx observable data point of different deeply?
#observable.deep is not working too.
How can i fix it?
I believe the problem lies in the componentWillMount method where you're overwriting the original array which you've marked observable. Things like arrays and objects are handled a bit differently since they are reference types and not value types.
Pushing the elements into the existing array rather than reassignment should fix the issue:
public componentWillMount() {
I found answer.
Reference type need reallocation.
this._quizs[idx].selected = v;
this._quizs = _.cloneDeep(this._quizs);

shouldComponentUpdate() is not being called

I've parent class which contains list of items and renders component for each item of the list. When some item has been changed (even only one), all items in the list are being rerendered.
So I've tried to implement shouldComponentUpdate(). I am using console.log() to see if it is called but I can't see the log. I've found question shouldComponentUpdate is not never called and tried to return return (JSON.stringify(this.props) !=JSON.stringify(nextProps)); but component still renders itself again. So I've tried just to return false (like do not ever update) but it still does. As the last try I've used PureComponent but it is still being rerendered.
How can I stop children re-rendering if the parent list changes and why is ShouldComponentUpdate never called?
I've noticed something what I didn't mention in question, I'm sorry for that. I am using context. If I don't use context -> it's ok. Is there any chance to stop re-render while using context? (I'm not using context on updated item - values of context didn't change).
I've parent class which iterates list and renders TaskPreview component for each item of list:
class Dashboard extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tasks: {},
this.setState(prevState => ({
tasks: {...prevState.tasks, [task._id]: task}
// ... some code
render() {
return (
? null
:,index) =>
<TaskPreview key={task._id} task={task} onChange={this.onTaskUpdate}/>
and I've children TaskPreview class:
class TaskPreview extends React.Component
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
console.log('This log is never shown in console');
return false; // just never!
render() {
console.log('task rendered:',this.props.task._id); // indicates rerender
return(<div>Something from props</div>);
TaskPreview.contextType = TasksContext;
export default TaskPreview;
As #Nicolae Maties suggested I've tried to use Object.keys for iteration instead of direct map but it still doesn't call "shouldComponentUpdate" and still being re-rendered even if there is no changes.
Updated code:
render() {
return (
? null
: Object.keys(this.props.tasks).map((key,index) => {
let task = this.props.tasks[key];
<TaskPreview key={task._id} task={task}/>
Component is being re-rendered because of .contextType.
TaskPreview.contextType = TasksContext;
Also as is mentioned in documentation:
The propagation from Provider to its descendant consumers (including .contextType and useContext) is not subject to the shouldComponentUpdate method, so the consumer is updated even when an ancestor component skips an update. Source:
You have to use context somehow else or do not use it at all.
You can use Context.Consumer which won't force re-render of current component but it might force re-render of its children.
{value => /* render something based on the context value */}
Instead of return (JSON.stringify(this.props) != JSON.stringify(nextProps)); in your shouldComponentUpdate() life cycle, try specifying tasks object like this return (JSON.stringify(this.props.tasks) != JSON.stringify(nextProps.tasks));
Maybe react is creating new instances of your component and replaces the old instances with them. That's why you're probably not getting your lifecycle method invoked. That can happen if the key property you're assigning in the map always changes.
use from pureComponent and array as state:
class Dashboard extends React.PureComponent
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tasks: this.props.tasks
this.setState(prevState => ({
tasks: [...prevState.tasks, task] // render only new task
render() {
const {tasks} = this.state
return (
{ => <TaskPreview key={task._id} task={task} />)}
class TaskPreview extends React.PureComponent
render() {
console.log('task rendered:',this.props.task._id); // indicates rerender
return(<div>Something from props</div>);
In the shouldComponentUpdate() method of your TaskPreview component, you should check if the next props have changes in comparison to the current props. Then if there are changes, return true to update the component, otherwise false.
The following example compares all the fields of props object with the new props object. But you can only check the props you are interested in.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
return !!(Object.keys(nextProps).find(key => nextProps[key] !== this.props[key]));
I tried with below code snippet, shouldComponentUpdate worked as I expected. Could you share your Dashboard initial props ?
class Dashboard extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tasks: {}
onTaskUpdate = task =>
this.setState(prevState => ({
tasks: { ...prevState.tasks, [task._id]: task }
// ... some code
render() {
return (
? null
: Object.keys(this.props.tasks).map((key, index) => {
let task = this.props.tasks[key];
return (
class TaskPreview extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
console.log("This log is never shown in console");
return nextProps.task._id != this.props.task._id;
render() {
console.log("task rendered:", this.props.task); // indicates rerender
return (
<button onClick={() => this.props.onChange(this.props.task)}>
Something from props
my initial props for Dashboard component is :
<Dashboard tasks={{test:{_id:'myId', description:'some description'}}}/>

How do you render a component based on an AsyncStorage value in React Native?

I have a component that looks like this:
export default class Class1 extends Component {
render = async () => {
await AsyncStorage.getItem('someValue', (error, someValue) => {
<Class2 prop1={someValue}/>
What's happening here is that I need to render Class1 based on the value of someValue that is returned from AsyncStorage. The problem is, you can't make the render() method async because async functions return a promise, and render() needs to return a React component.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
For this kind of tasks, you would put the value in your state. And based on the state, you will render the class as required.
In your componentDidMount of Class1, write:
componentDidMount() {
AsyncStorage.getItem('value').then((val) => {
this.setState({ value: val });
Then in your Class1 add a method which will generate the class based on state value:
createClass() {
// do something with the value
if (this.state.value === somevalue) {
return (
<Class2 />
return null;
And in your render method of Class1, type:
render() {
return (
{ this.createClass() }
You can set it to state, for example:
componentDidMount() {
AsyncStorage.getItem('someValue', (e, someValue) => {
Then you can use someValue from state in your render.
Currently, in addition to the async render issue, since you're already passing in a callback to AsyncStorage.getItem(), I'm not sure what using async/await would do.

How to render React (with Redux) component only when props are received?

Let us assume we have a statefull React component (configured to work with Redux):
export class SomeComponent extends Component {
state = {
someObject: {}
componentWillMount() {
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
if(_.isEmpty(news) || _.isEmpty(fakeNews)){
return <div>Loading</div>
return <div>Here all component stuff</div>
SomeComponent.propTypes = {
news: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
fakeNews: PropTypes.array.isRequired
export const Some = connect(
state => ({
news: newsSelectors.list(state),
fakeNews: fakeNewsSelectors.list(state)
)(withStyles(styles)(SomeComponent), withRouter(SomeComponent));
This component will re-render two times during getting news and fake news. In the render method we need to check if both of them are loaded.
Is there any way to trigger render only when all props are loaded?
In a perfect scenario I'd like to have no detailed null/empty check on the set of props. I believe React or Redux should perform this operation on its own as long the prop is configured as required.
You can add a lifecycle method `shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState).
You can add the following method and it should resolve it for you:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (_.isEmpty( || _.isEmpty(nextProps.fakeNews)) {
return false;
return true;
You could do something like:
// HOC factory
function ifComponent (predicate, PlaceHolder) {
return Component => class If extends React.Component {
render () {
if (predicate(this.props)) {
return <Component {...this.props} />
return <PlaceHolder {...this.props} />
// create the customHOC
const whenPropsLoaded = ifComponent(props => && props.fakeNews, Loader);
// compose the two HOCs using the `compose` function in redux (simple function composition)
const News = compose(
As a side note you may be interested in the recompose utility library bad its branch HOC (docs here). I think this is pretty much what you want as you seem to know about HOCs.
If you want to avoid null and undefined values from redux. You can use Selectors it was very easy to avoid those things.
const newsSelectors = (state) => {
if(!state.list) { *//list is null or undefined*
return [] or {} *//your wish (Proptypes required value)*
else {
return state.list
export { newsSelectors };
I think you can solve the issue if you rewrite the render function as below.
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
return (
{news && fakeNews ?
<div>Here all component stuff</div>
: <div>Loading</div> }
I hope this helps you.

React state with calculated fields

I have a react component, which has properties and state. Some fields of state contain input data (uplifted from input control), but there is also fields in the state that must be Calculated based on current State and Props:
The question: what is the best way to update calculated fields of the state (based on other fields of state and props)?
Ugly way to do it:
In this case I get infinite loop of updates or in the best case (if I use PureComponent) double rendering invocation.
The best solution I found so far (but still ugly):
Is to create a calculated object in state, which contains calculated fields and updated in componentWillUpdate avoiding setState:
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props, ctx) {
render() {
console.log("rendering ParentComponent")
return <div>
<label>A=<input value={this.state.A} onChange={e=>{this.setState({})}} /></label> (stored in state of Parent component)
<ChildComponent A={this.state.A} />
class ChildComponent extends React.PureComponent {
constructor(props,ctx) {
render() {
console.log("rendering ChildComponent")
return <div>
<label>B=<input value={this.state.B} onChange={e=>{this.setState({})}} /></label> (stored in state of Child component state)
f(A,B)=<b>{this.state.Calculated.result||""}</b>(stored in state of Child component)
<button onClick={e=>{ this.setState({Calculated:{result:new Date().toTimeString()}}) }}>Set manual value</button>
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
this.state.Calculated.result = getCalculatedResult(nextProps.A, nextState.B)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.state.Calculated.result = getCalculatedResult(nextProps.A, this.state.B)
componentWillMount() {
this.state.Calculated.result = getCalculatedResult(this.props.A, this.state.B)
function getCalculatedResult(a,b) {
const aNum = Number(a)||0
const bNum = Number(b)||0;
const result = (aNum*bNum).toString();
return result;
ReactDOM.render(<ParentComponent/>, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
This is also ugly solution and React does not recommended to mutate state avoiding setState. So what is right solution for that?
In my real application I cannot recalculate f(a,b) every single time during rendering, because it's actually complex object, so I need to cache it somehow and the best way is in the state.
If you are using React 16.8.0 and above, you can use React hooks API. I think it's useMemo() hook you might need. For example:
import React, { useMemo } from 'react'
const MyComponent = ({ ...props }) => {
const calculatedValue = useMemo(
() => {
// Do expensive calculation and return.
[a, b]
return (
{ calculatedValue }
For more details, refer to the React documentation
I wouldn't advice you to store your calculated value inside your state. My approach would be more like this:
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
class Component extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = { value: 0 };
static propTypes = { value: PropTypes.number };
state = { a: 0, b: 0 };
result = () => this.state.a + this.state.b + this.props.value;
updateA = e => this.setState({ a: });
updateB = e => this.setState({ b: });
render() {
return (
A: <input onChange={this.updateA} value={this.state.a} />
B: <input onChange={this.updateB} value={this.state.b} />
Result: {this.result()}
The problem with storing the calculation inside your state is, that the calculation can be mutated by multiple sources. If you use my solution, there is no way, that anything can overwrite the calculation WITHOUT using the correct function to calculate them.
You can save calculated result in this.calculated instead of this.state. It is dependent data. All data which causes update and render is already in state and props.
class Component extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
b: 0
updateThis = (event) => {
this.setState({ b: });
this.calculated.field1=f(nextProps.a, nextState.b)
render() {
return (
A = <input onChange={this.props.updateParent} value={this.props.a} /> <br>
B = <input onChange={this.updateThis} value={this.state.b} /> <br>
f(A,B) = {this.calculated.field1} <br>
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
a: 0
render() {
return (
You're first attempt is the right way to solve this problem. However, you need to add a check to see if state has actually changed:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
if(prevState.field !== this.state.field){
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return this.state.calculatedField !== nextState.calculatedField
You need to check the pieces of state and props that you use in your calculate method and make sure they have changed before updating state again. This will prevent the infinite loop.
It looks like the "state" is the place to store everything (even computed values) you'll need to use on the render function, but usually we have the problem you describe.
Since React 16.3 a new approach for this situation has been given in the way of the static getDerivedStateFromProps (nextProps, prevState) "lifecycle hook".
You should update at least to this version if you haven't, and follow the advice given by the React Team on their blog.
Here is the official documentation for this functionality.
The issue here is that this function is invoked before every render, and being "static" you cannot access the current instance previous props, which is usually needed to decide if the computed value must be generated again or not (I suppose this is your case, as you have stated your computation process is heavy). In this case, the React team suggests to store in the state the values of the related props, so they can be compared with the new ones:
if (nextProps.propToCompute !== prevState.propToComputePrevValue) {
return {
computedValue: Compute(nextProp.propToCompute),
propToComputePrevValue: nextProps.propToCompute
return null;
Do not include redundant information in your state.
A simplified example is having firstName and lastName in your state. If we want to display the full name in your render method, you would simply do:
render() {
return <span>{`${this.state.firstName} ${this.state.lastName}`}</span>
I like this example because it's easy to see that adding a fullName in our state, that just holds ${this.state.firstName} ${this.state.lastName} is unnecessary. We do string concatenation every time our component renders, and we're okay with that because it's a cheap operation.
In your example, your calculation is cheap so you should do it in the render method as well.

