How to reference a directory in javascript - javascript

I am trying to access a specific directory in javascript. I tried to have access to it using require keyword as shown below
const path = require('../../var/opt/personal/guest/op/op_12201/data/persGuesOapDataFolder00/');
but when i run the code i get the following error:
Error: Cannot find module '../../var/opt/personal/guest/op/op_12201/data/persGuesOapDataFolder00/'
please let me know how import or to use a directory in javascript

You can't possibly just import a directory unless there is index.js file within it. And in that index.js file, it should at least contain:
import Foo from './Foo.js'
import Bar from './Bar.js'
export {
And then you can finally import it:
import {Foo, Bar} from '../../components';

When you point to a directory without specifying the file, the index.js file is imported. I do not think it's possible to import an entire directory. If you want to import all the functions of a directory, you can create an index.js and explicitly export them.
See: node.js require all files in a folder?

you can do this in two different way
consider the following folder structure
-- app/
|- asset/
|- user.js
|- main.js
here main.js you can import the user.js in this way import user from '../asset/user'
other way is installing dotenv using npm i dotenv --save and following way
import user from './asset/user


How can I configure my node package so I can load sources without specifying the src directory?

I have a Node package with this basic structure :
In my package.json, I have "main": "./src/index.js" and the module loads fine. However, when I try to import a specific JavaScript file, I need to specify the full path relative to the package.
import a from 'my-package'; // OK
import b from 'my-package/b'; // NOT FOUND
import b from 'my-package/src/b'; // OK
Is there a solution so the src directory is used without requiring to specify it when importing?
In the root directory of your package my-package create an index.js file and export everything you would want to have direct access to.
Example index.js:
import a from './src/a';
import b from './src/b';
module.exports.a = a;
module.exports.b = b;

Import npm module as source code

I want to import the source code for vue-form-generator to make some changes to the source code. Being new to Node and Javascript, I really have no idea what I'm doing. Can someone please guide me through the steps?
Since my Vue project is in Typescript, previously when I was using npm install vue-form-generator I'd created vfg.d.ts
declare module "vue-form-generator" {
const VueFormGenerator: any;
export default VueFormGenerator;
and my main.ts was
import VueFormGenerator from 'vue-form-generator';
Vue.component('VueFormGenerator', VueFormGenerator);
Now I have copied everything from their /src to my /src/component/form-generator but have no idea how to make it so I can use as previously.
If you are creating your own fork of vue-form-generator, you may add type declarations right there as well.
create file index.d.ts in your copy of src/component/form-generator:
const VueFormGenerator: any;
export default VueFormGenerator;
There is no need to have declare module ... in there because this index.d.ts is right next to index.js, so TypeScript compiler should find it when you import it as
import VueFormGenerator from './relative-path-to/form-generator/index';
and generated javascript code will find it as index.js there. Note that the import path must be relative because otherwise, without any path mapping, it will look for the module in node_modules, not in your sources.
You also have to remove all references to the previous type declaration file, vfg.d.ts, in your project.

Cannot find meteor module

I am trying to run a meteor app but keep getting the Cannot find module error when I try to import one of my files.
My folder directory:
In my main.js I am trying to import tasks.js:
import '../client/imports/api/tasks.js';
This throws the error Error: Cannot find module '../client/imports/api/tasks.js'.
My tasks.js:
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const Tasks = new Mongo.collection('tasks');
Does anyone know what might be going on?
You can't import a /client based file from the /server side. Files stored under a client directory are only bundled and made available to the client side of the application (the part that runs in a users browser). Files stored under a server directory are only bundled and made available on the server side, running via Node.
Get rid of the /client prefix from your tasks.js reference, to be able to reference the import from both sides. For example:
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
const Tasks = new Mongo.Collection('tasks');
export default Tasks;
Then in /app/client/main.js or /app/server/main.js, you could reference the tasks.js file like:
import Tasks from '/imports/api/tasks.js';
The problem is in file structure.
Your imports/ folder should be on the same level with client/ and server/.

Import files from parent directory into React Native app

I have a file hierarchy as follows:
In my login.js file, I attempt to import the users.js redux into my code as such:
import { actions as usersActions} from "../../../redux/modules/users";
It is shared code and I cannot put the redux code in native/
The error I get is:
Unable to resolve module ../../../redux/modules/users. ... Unable to find this module in its module map or any of the node_modules directories.
I've looked at the other questions, such as: React import from parent directory but in the comments it states it to be impossible. I've also tried the fixes in but that seems to be mostly for node-modules.
Try creating a symbolic link inside the native directory that references the parent directory

React & Jest: Cannot find module from test file

Setting up a Jest test ('App-test.js') for a Redux action ('App.js') in a directory app/__tests__:
Here's the header of App.js:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'
import * as App from '../../modules/actions/App.js'
In app/ there is a module config.js. This is being imported where it is needed.
The problem is, when I run my Jest tests, such as App-test.js, it is looking for config and not finding it:
FAIL __tests__/actions/App-test.js
Runtime Error
Error: Cannot find module 'config' from 'User.js'
And User.js is importing config like so:
import config from 'config'
User.js is another action being used App.js.
Any ideas?
You should specify the module location, otherwise Node.js will try to guess the location for you, like:
The problem in your code is the assumption that node will look for the file in the desired location, as you can see in the algorithm I provided in the previous lines.
To fix the issue you have to specify the location inside your User.js file, for example, check the hypothetical file organization:
Then, you'd import inside User.js:
import config from '../config.js'
The file config.js is relative to User.js, located in the parent directory.

