Get the last instance of data from a list - javascript

I am very new to Javascript and have no idea how to do this. I have a web page that is displaying data. The user enters some data for a search and then a results page is shown displaying the results of the search.
I want some text at the top showing the search criteria. This is anychart stuff by the way but the javascript concept should be the same.
So in the code below apiInstanceList contains all the search criteria (origin, destination and dates) and the code below would always show the search criteria of the first search!
So the first search will be in ${apiInstanceList[0], a second search would be in ${apiInstanceList[1], etc. What I want to do is always show the LATEST data, whether it be the first search or the "nth" search. Not sure how to do this in Javascript!
myChart.title('Results for flight from ' + "${apiInstanceList[0].origin}" + ' to ' + "${apiInstanceList[0].destination}" + ' from ' + "${apiInstanceList[0].departureDate}" + ' to ' + "${apiInstanceList[0].returnDate}");
How do I always show the search criteria from the latest search? Any help appreciated. Javascript noob!

apiInstanceList[apiInstanceList.length - 1]
Or to be more specific:
var lastPoint = apiInstanceList[apiInstanceList.length - 1];
myChart.title('Results for flight from ' + lastPoint.origin + ' to ' + lastPoint.destination + ' from ' + lastPoint.departureDate + ' to ' + lastPoint.returnDate);

You can also do:


How to add an ID value to a div append

I have a "fault-counter" that stores a value of all incorrect answers. It starts at 0 and goes up one for every wrong answer.
I'm looking to have the results screen show the amount of faults you've made. So if the div #fault-counter has a value of 3, the end text will say "Sorry, you've made 3 faults!"
This is the code I've tried, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas on how to do this?
var faultcounter = $('#fault-counter');
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + $('#fault-counter') + ' faults!</h1>');
The HTML for the 'fault-counter' looks like this:
<div id="fault-display">
<div id="fault-counter">0</div>
And the jQuery being used to increase the value for every wrong answer is this:
$('#fault-counter').html(function(i, val) { return val*1+1 });
Try this, as your fault-counter is a div than .text() should suffice.
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + $('#fault-counter').text() + ' faults!</h1>');
var faultcounter = $('#fault-counter').val();
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + faultcounter + ' faults!</h1>');
You'll have to grab the value from #fault-counter using .val() and then append the variable, instead of the jQuery selector to the #slickQuiz.
That being said, i'm assuming you're using an input or select for #fault-counter. Otherwise .text() would be sufficient
i think there is a problem :
var faultcounter = $('#fault-counter');
if $('#fault-counter') is a input control then use "VAL()" :
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + $('#fault-counter').val() + ' faults!</h1>');
if $('#fault-counter') is a DIV control then use "html()" :
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + $('#fault-counter').html() + ' faults!</h1>');
var faultcounter = $('#fault-counter').text();
$('#slickQuiz').prepend('<h1>Sorry, you have ' + faultcounter + ' faults!</h1>');
This is what you want to use because you mentioned that #fault-counter is a div. If that's so then you'll want to use the .text method. If it's an input or textarea then use the .val method.

How to filter by part of value using OData?

I have a table where lies some data and I change shown data according to some conditions (using OData).
For example:
"(LastDate eq null or LastDate ge datetime'" + date + "')"
"Status eq 0"
Now I need to filer what is shown in my table by some value from textbox and there are problem. I have used second thing:
"(Order eq '" + search + "' or SellerName eq '" + search + "' or ItemType eq '" + search + "' or ItemDescription eq '" + search + "')"
Works fine EXCEPT that this is eq. I need to find item not only by full match. I saw that there could be used so called contains, but I didn't get how it supposed to look if I have many or. And... I simply reveived An unknown function with name 'contains' was found error.
How can I accomplish this?
the .net implementation of OData has support for "substringof" that works the same as you would expect a contains to work.
filter=substringof(SellerName, ‘urn’)
Returns records with SellerNames containing the string “urn”.
You can or them togeather like what you have already with eq.
filter=substringof(SellerName, ‘urn’) or substringof(Order, ‘urn’)
See here for more details:
Please try this below
var columnVal = value.toLowerCase();
?$filter= (indexof(tolower(COLUMN_ID), columnVal)) gt -1
This is working for me.

How to get the total of the list ordered, with Javascript

I'm making a code of a online delivery webpage, and I having a hard time trying to figure out how to output the total of the list ordered by the user.
function ListOrder(){
document.getElementById('order').innerHTML += "<div id=\"YourOrders\">" + + document.getElementById('FoodName').value + document.getElementById('quantity').value + document.getElementById('Totality').value + "</div><br>";}
Edited: I want to know how I can get the sum of the total price. So, I placed a parseInt between the document.getElementById('Totality').value . It looks like this now,
function ListOrder(){
document.getElementById('order').innerHTML += "<div id=\"YourOrders\">" + + document.getElementById('FoodName').value + document.getElementById('quantity').value + parseInt(document.getElementById('Totality').value) + "</div><br>";}
Can someone help me make a function or something for that? Javascript only, please. I'm still kinda new at it.
function ListOrder(){
document.getElementById('order').innerHTML +=
"<div id=\"YourOrders\">" +
parseInt(document.getElementById('FoodName').value) +
parseInt(document.getElementById('quantity').value) +
parseInt(document.getElementById('Totality').value) +
the kernel of your code should look like the following (double + operator deleted, reformatted):
function ListOrder(){
document.getElementById('order').innerHTML +=
"<div id=\"YourOrders\">" + (
+ document.getElementById('quantity').value
+ document.getElementById('Totality').value
+ "</div><br>"
You've phrased your question in a way that suggests you wish to output an order list assembled from the content of all (html) elements with certain ids.
this won't work reliably:
Ids should be document unique.
The Js functions you use do not iterate over lists.
instead, proceed along the following lines (which assume that you import jquery, a cross-browser dom-handling and ajax library (which you should use anyway :)):
function ListOrder(){
var e_orders = $("<div id=\"YourOrders\">");
$(".FoodName").each ( function ( idx_fn, e_fn ) {
+ $(e_fn).nextAll('.quantity').val()
+ $(e_fn).nextAll('.Totality').val()
return e_orders;
The code template assumes that the source data are elements with value attributes being marked with css classes quantity, Totality and 'FoodName``, that these elements are siblings and unique within a container element for each item incl. quantity information. It should be flexible enough to be tailored to your actual needs and html structure.

jQuery append trouble with url parameter

I've been working for hours trying to get the single and double quotes nested correctly in order for this search result display to work, with having a dynamically appended "uniqueId" in part of the URL string on output.
Basically, the part of the JS code that is giving me trouble is this:
$('#results-list').append("<li rel='" + this.uniqueId + "'>" + this.dateTimeStamp + " — " + this.message + " — " + "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
I want to have the "this.uniqueId" after the equal sign so that it generates a dynamic URL, which I then am going to link to a "details" page for that unique ID.
Can anyone please help me with the "this.uniqueId" syntax to get this correctly inserted into the URL for output?
Sorry if I am being unclear, I am learning all of this by the day :)
ps... this does work, but it has a hardcoded uniqueID... what I want is a dynamic one based on the row, which is working as far as the "rel" part goes, just not the anchor part...
$('#results-list').append("<li rel='" + this.uniqueId + "'>" + this.dateTimeStamp + " — " + this.message + " — " + "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId=32'>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
thanks again for any help with this syntax (or if there's a better way to go about what I'm trying to do)...
The quoting in your HTML for the anchor isn't quite right. You have this:
+ "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" +
I think it should be this (fix quoting on the link URL):
+ "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId=" + this.uniqueId + "'>XXX</a>" +
You could see what's going on better if you build the string into a variable and then do a console.log() on the string of HTML you've built or look at its contents in the debugger.
Replace this part of your code:
... uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
for this one:
... uniqueId=" + this.uniqueId + "'>XXX</a>" + "</li>");

Yelp API display only one ID using jQuery

I am trying to display the reviews of a Restaurant using Yelps API. I copied Smashing Magazines version of implementing API from their jQuery ebook. The problem is that using this method there are two stores being queried because the previous owners had the same phone number. Yelp can use phone numbers to query reviews and ratings. I need only the currently open store's reviews to display. I want to do it by some how showing Yelp's node elemnt ID. Each store has a unique identifier according to Yelps API and uses node element ID. The ID of the store i want to solely display is ID="Y6D43boKItksYx_d-RQL4g"
The Code Looks Like:
function showData(data) {
$.each(data.businesses, function(i,business){
// extra loop
var bizContent = '<p><img src="' + business.rating_img_url + '" img=""/><br>'+ business.review_count + ' reviews from</p>';
$.each(, function(i,review){
var content = '<div class="comments-block"><p>Posted by ' +review.user_name + ' on ' + + 'via';
content += '<img src="' + review.user_photo_url + '" img=""/>';
content += '<p><img src="' + review.rating_img_url + '" img=""/><br>';
content += review.text_excerpt + '</p>';
content += '<p>Read the full review<br>';
function writeScriptTag(path) {
var yelpScript=document.createElement('script');
// note the use of the "callback" parameter
writeScriptTag( ""+
"&phone="+"(408) 292-2070"+
Im a little new to jQuery so I wouldn't know where to begin or what I should start with to display queried results that only have
ShowOnly="id":"Y6D43boKItksYx_d-RQL4g" or something similar.
Thanks For Reading.
You can't with API vsersion 1.
With APIv2 you can query a specific business by id:
Some sample code to help you get started is available on github:

