Can't acces my JSON files with ES6 - javascript

I'm working on a little chat application where you can click on different contacts and see / send messages.
I have this users.json file with the contacts:
"street":"3076 raiffeisenstraße",
"dob":"1955-01-08 01:03:55",
"registered":"2012-07-07 16:42:10",
"status": "online"
"street":"2912 manukau road",
"dob":"1982-07-01 12:12:29",
"registered":"2016-03-25 19:15:33",
"status": "online"
I both put them in a list item where I show their name, username and profile picture. This all works out well.
The next I want is that if I click on the specific contact, it shows all their message history.
So as an example for the contact with the username bigwolf465 I use this json file:
"ok": true,
"messages": [
"type": "message",
"user": "me",
"text": "Can I have this?",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"type": "message",
"user": "other",
"text": "No.",
"ts": "1512085950.218404"
"type": "message",
"user": "me",
"text": "Ah, perhaps I’ve miscommunicated. I’m asking for it because I want it.",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"type": "message",
"user": "other",
"text": "I understood that, actually.",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"type": "message",
"user": "me",
"text": "I think maybe you’re not hearing me. I’d like it because I want it.",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"type": "message",
"user": "other",
"text": "There's no problem with my hearing. The problem is that your argument is, as the Romans would say:",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"type": "message",
"user": "other",
"text": "Circulus in probando.",
"ts": "1512085950.000216"
"pin_count": 0
I also want to make a list item for these messages, but it doens't seem to work out. This is the JS code I have right now:
const handleContactClick = ({
currentTarget: $li
}) => {
const loadContactDetails = $li => {
.then(r => r.json())
const parseContactDetail = messages => {
const $container = document.querySelector(`.messages-list`);
const $li = document.createElement(`li`);
const $img = document.createElement(`img`);
$img.setAttribute(`src`, `assets/img/me.png`);
const $p = document.createElement(`p`);
$p.textContent = `${messages.text}`;
When I click on the specific contact, it just adds messages with the text "undefined". I don't really know how to fix it, it seems I can't get acces to the JSON file.

Here's the function, fixed:
const parseContactDetail = person => {
const $container = document.querySelector(`.messages-list`);
person.messages.forEach(m => {
const $li = document.createElement(`li`);
const $img = document.createElement(`img`);
$img.setAttribute(`src`, `assets/img/me.png`);
const $p = document.createElement(`p`);
$p.textContent = `${m.text}`;
The function now properly grabs .messages from the passed data object, then loops over the array, creating a <li> for each element.


JavaScript and Json issue

I Have chosen to go with the database now and make a new collection for each command, it will then collect all the users that use the command.
Does anyone know how I can get multiple arrays in my Json file, I have 3 slash commands on discord that I a trying to collect data from, However when I use to command it just updates the current array in the Json file, I would like to either get all the uses of each command. So that then I can import the Json files to Mongodb.
I am new to JavaScript and using Mongodb so I am still learning so I would really appreciate all the help I can get below I will provide my code samples so you can see if I am doing something wrong.
Example of what I want to achieve
"id": "281185483717869569",
"command": "architect",
"name": "UKzs",
"description": [
"value": "569",
"name": "x"
"value": "663",
"name": "y"
"id": "281185483717869569",
"command": "duke",
"name": "UKzs",
"description": [
"value": "123",
"name": "x"
"value": "123",
"name": "y"
JavaScipt File"INTERACTION_CREATE", async (interaction, msg) => {
const command =;
const args =;
const title = {
command: command,
name: interaction.member.user.username,
description: args,
fs.writeFile("title.json", JSON.stringify(title, null, 2), (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("File has been written");
if (command == "duke") {
const description = => {
return opt.value;
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Would like the duke title!`)
.setDescription(`These are my Coordinates \n ${description}`)
Client.api.interactions(, interaction.token){
data: {
type: 4,
data: await createAPIMessage(interaction, embed),
if (command == "architect") {
const description = => {
return opt.value;
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Would like the architect title!`)
.setDescription(`These are my Coordinates \n ${description}`)
Client.api.interactions(, interaction.token){
data: {
type: 4,
data: await createAPIMessage(interaction, embed),
if (command == "scientist") {
const description = => {
return opt.value;
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Would like the scientist title!`)
.setDescription(`These are my Coordinates \n ${description}`)
Client.api.interactions(, interaction.token){
data: {
type: 4,
data: await createAPIMessage(interaction, embed),
Json File
"id": "281185483717869569",
"command": "architect",
"name": "UKzs",
"description": [
"value": "123",
"name": "x"
"value": "123",
"name": "y"
As you can see there is only one input there from the command, If I use another command like /duke then input my data on discord then it will just update the above Json file.
Even better if someone can point me in the right direction on how to get this to save to a database then I would appreciate it, I am not 100% sure on how to do but I think it has something to do with schemas.
My apologies for answering with a question. But does " I can get multiple arrays in my Json file..." mean "how can I nest arrays in JSON?" Is what you want to know is how to define a JSON array within another JSON array?
If that's what sought, it's:
"id": "281185483717869569",
"command": "architect",
"name": "UKzs",
"array-within-array": [1,2,3, ["one", "two", "three"]],
"description": [
"value": "123",
"name": "x"
"value": "123",
"name": "y"

calling firebase inside an forEach makes the iteration not work

Im trying to make an array of objetcs including 3 informations: id, title and imageUri. But when i try to get the imageUri value from firebase(an image download URL from firebase) to download this image in another component, the iteration of forEach freezes. Thank you for your time :)
Warning:[Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: JSON.stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures.]
observation: When i remove the firebase part imageUri: firebase..., the whole thing works!
the function:
processData = ( data ) => {
console.log('---------data received from loadData(Main.js:70)--------\n', data)
var localProcessedData = [];
Object.entries(data).forEach( ([key, value]) => {
var event = {
id: key,
title: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, "eventTitle").value,
imageUri:'events/active/' + key + '/image').getDownloadURL()
processedData: localProcessedData,
eventsDataIsLoaded: true,
The type of params the function recieve:
Object {
"-M-I83aV9t1fezOsBn17": Object {
"active": true,
"created": "2020-02-05T02:18:30.772Z",
"description": "Olimpiadas Inter Atletica",
"eventTitle": "oia",
"location": "Uberlandia",
"owner": "p87xn6x8DZTwb6qyTadhkk3UxJV2",
"price": "130",
"startDate": "15",
"time": "14",
"updated": "2020-02-05T02:18:30.772Z",
"-M-KlUH-zQhnIhb6wMH8": Object {
"active": true,
"created": "2020-02-05T14:34:20.399Z",
"description": "Cia 2020",
"eventTitle": "Cia",
"location": "Uberlandia",
"owner": "p87xn6x8DZTwb6qyTadhkk3UxJV2",
"price": "130340",
"startDate": "15",
"time": "14",
"updated": "2020-02-05T14:34:20.399Z",
My goal is to transform that whole data in an array like this:
Array [
Object {
"id": "-M-I83aV9t1fezOsBn17",
"title": "oia",
"imageUri": "image url from firebase"
Object {
"id": "-M-KlUH-zQhnIhb6wMH8",
"title": "Cia",
"imageUri": "image url from firebase"
Based on firebase documentation. FIrebase Storage getDownloadUrl is a promise
solution is to implement an async/await
async processData = ( data ) => {
console.log('---------data received from loadData(Main.js:70)--------\n', data)
var localProcessedData = [];
Object.entries(data).forEach( async([key, value]) => {
var event = {
id: key,
title: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, "eventTitle").value,
imageUri: await'events/active/' + key + '/image').getDownloadURL()
processedData: localProcessedData,
eventsDataIsLoaded: true,
this code is not yet tested.

I need remove unnecessary json objects form my result json file using javascript

I have result json file with 10000 of lines. inside the one array object there are some unnecessary json object i need remove. I have tried so many ways but it's didn't work for me. herewith the piece line of json file
"product_id": "easybridge",
"errors": []
"product_id": "learningstudio",
"errors": []
"product_id": "pearsontestprep",
"errors": []
"product_id": "productization",
"errors": []
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
"schema": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items",
"properties": {
"trend": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/trend",
"examples": [
"display": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/display",
"type": "boolean",
"examples": [
"test_id": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/test_id",
"type": "string",
"test_name": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/test_name",
"type": "string",
"maintenance": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/maintenance",
"type": "boolean",
"instance": {
"trend": false,
"display": false,
"test_id": "8597ae3c-e2a9-45c7-b279-bde1710681be",
"test_name": "Equella Pearsonresearch Ping Test",
"nrAlertStatus": "enabled",
"test_locations": [
"alert_state": false,
"location_name": "AWS_US_WEST_2",
"location_label": "Portland, OR, USA",
"included_to_health": false
"included_to_health": false,
"critical_alert_threshold": 60
"name": "required",
"argument": "maintenance",
"stack": "instance.test_ids[1] requires property \"maintenance\""
"product_id": "easybridge",
"errors": []
I just need only
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
if the errors json array is not empty. i don't need even this json how can i remove "schema" json object and other unnecessary json object and arrays specially "schema" json object using java script or java. please help
Loop through the array, look at each object, and create a new array by copying over the data you need.
For instance, I'm taking it you don't care about an object if its array of errors is empty, and that you don't care about the schema ever:
let newJSON = [];
//Assume the json variable is the parsed JSON file you posted.
for (let element of json) {
//Must have at least one error
if (element.errors.length > 0) {
//Create a new object
let newObj = {
"product_id" : element.product_id,
"errors" : []
//Add each errror
for (let error of element.errors) {
//Only copy across what we need
"property" :,
"message" : error.message
//Add object to our new array of JSON
//newJSON is your processed JSON output
The easiest solution can be:
const records = [{
"product_id": "learningstudio",
"errors": []
"product_id": "pearsontestprep",
"errors": []
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [{
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
"schema": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items",
const filteredRecords = => {
record.errors = => {
return {property: error. property, message: error.message};
return record;
You can use map and destructuring assignment to capture only desired properties
let json = [{"product_id": "equella", "errors": [{"property": "instance.test_ids[1]","message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",'xyz': 'not needed','useless': 'not needed',},{'xyz': 'not needed',}]},]
let op ={product_id,errors}) =>{
let { property, message } = errors[0]
return { product_id, errors: {property,message}}

cannot update an array of elements via a 2d iteration

I have two arrays of object, the first array (printerChart, around 80 elements) is made of the following type of objects:
printerBrand: 'Mutoh',
printerModel: 'VJ 1204G',
headsBrand: 'Epson',
headType: '',
compatibilty: [
The second array (items, around 500 elements) is made of the following type of objects:
"customData": {
"brand": {
"value": {
"type": "string",
"content": "hp"
"key": "brand"
"printer": {
"value": {
"type": "string",
"content": "c4280"
"key": "printer"
"name": "DT8 XLXL",
"image": {
"id": "zLaDHrgbarhFSnXAK",
"url": ""
"brandId": "xxxxx",
"companyId": "xxxx",
"createdAt": "2018-03-26T14:39:47.326Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-04-09T14:31:38.169Z",
"points": 60,
"id": "dq2Zezwm4nHr8FhEN"
What I want to do is to iterate via the second array and, if the part of the name of an item (i.e. DT8) is included in an element of the array 'compatibility' of the first array, I would like to include a new properties to it from the element of the first array: printerBrand. I have tried but somehow the iteration doesn't take place correctly. This is what I tried:
items.forEach((item) => {
printerChart.forEach((printer) => {
if (printer.compatibilty.some(compatibleElem => ( {
item.printerBrand = printer.printerBrand;
} else {
item.printerBrand = '';
What am I doing wrong?
You do
Shouldn't you be doing
I suggest to initialize item.printerBrand with an empty string and use a nested approach of some for getting a brand and to exit the loops, if found.
This prevents to get an empty string even if there is a brand to assign.
items.forEach((item) => {
item.printerBrand = '';
printerChart.some(printer => {
if (printer.compatibilty.some(compatibleElem => {
item.printerBrand = printer.printerBrand;
return true;

new persitent menu messenger node js

I am developing a bot in messenger, I need to change my previous persitent menu.
my old menu's code :
requestData = {
"setting_type": "call_to_actions",
"thread_state": "existing_thread",
"call_to_actions": [
"type": "postback",
"title": ......,
"payload": .....,
"type": "web_url",
"title": .....,
"url": ......,
but when I use the new form :
requestData = { "persistent_menu":[
It doesn't work, I would be very grateful if you could help me.

