Enable/disable dropdowns when checkbox checked/unchecked - javascript

I'm creating a web app using Java servlets and JSP. I have a table which contains songs. Every song has its own checkbox and drop-down. like this:
You can see that taken songs have their checkbox and drop-down disabled and that's how I want it.
What I want is when the page loads all the drop-downs will be disabled, and when I check one of the available checkboxes the drop-down that is in the same line will be enabled and when I uncheck that checkbox the dropdown will be disabled again.
Here is the JSP code:
<table id="myTable">
<c:forEach items="${Entities}" varStatus="loop">
<td><c:out value="${Entities[loop.index]}"/></td>
<td><input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="selected" value=" ${Entities[loop.index]}" ${checkboxDis[loop.index]} ><br></td>
<select name="myselect" id="drop" disabled >
<option selected disabled>#</option>
<c:when test="${checkboxDis[loop.index].equals('disabled')}">
<i class="fa fa-ban" style="color:red;"></i>
<c:when test="${checkboxDis[loop.index].equals('')}">
<i class="fa fa-check-circle" style="color:green;"></i>
The jQuery code I've done so far:
var selected1 = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input[type='checkbox']").on('change', function() {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
for (var i = 0; i < selected1.length; i++) {
if (selected1[i] == $(this).val()) {
$('#drop')[i].prop("disabled", false);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < selected1.length; i++) {
if (selected1[i] == $(this).val()) {
selected1.splice(i, 1);
$('#drop')[i].prop("disabled", true);
The code isn't working because I don't know how to handle the drop-downs since they have the same names and ids.

Your IDs need to be unique - in this case not needed at all for enabling the select
$(function() {
$("input[type='checkbox']").on('change', function() {
$(this).closest("tr").find("select[name=myselect]").prop("disabled", !this.checked)
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<td><input id="checkbox_1" type="checkbox" name="selected" value="1"></td>
<select name="myselect" id="drop_1" disabled>
<option selected disabled>#</option>
<td><input id="checkbox_2" type="checkbox" name="selected" value="2"></td>
<select name="myselect" id="drop_2" disabled>
<option selected disabled>#</option>

Change your JSP to this:
<td><input id="checkbox_${checkboxDis[loop.index]}" type="checkbox" name="selected" value="${Entities[loop.index]}"><br></td>
<select name="myselect" id="drop_${checkboxDis[loop.index]}" disabled >
<option selected disabled>#</option>
Now your checkboxes and dropdowns have corresponding IDs which you can then use with jQuery:
var selected1 = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input[type='checkbox']").on('change', function() {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
$('#drop_' + $(this).val()).prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$('#drop_' + $(this).val()).prop("disabled", true);
// Instead of a for-loop for removing the unchecked song,
// you can also use Array.filter():
selected1 = selected1.filter(song_id => song_id !== $(this).val());
for (var i = 0; i < selected1.length; i++) {
if (selected1[i] == $(this).val()) {
selected1.splice(i, 1);


Select option by value and change attribute of a selected option

So what I want is to automatically select options in SELECT_1 and SELECT_2 by clicking radio (Yes or No) and set the selected attribute to those options in SELECT_1 and SELECT_2
What I have is:
function selectThis (){
var crytRadioYes = document.getElementById("cryteria_yes");
var crytRadioNo = document.getElementById("cryteria_no");
var selects = document.getElementById("slctbox");
if (crytRadioYes.checked == true){
selects.value = "Good";
} else {
selects.value = "Bad";
if (crytRadioNo.checked == true){
selects.value = "Bad";
} else {
selects.value = "Good";
<!-- choose -->
<td style="width: 15%;"><label><input type="radio" name="cb_Cryteria" id="cryteria_yes" onclick="selectThis()" />Yes</label></td>
<td style="width: 15%;"><label><input type="radio" name="cb_Cryteria" id="cryteria_no" onclick="selectThis()" />No</label></td>
<!-- SELECT_1 -->
<td>Cryteria 1</td>
<select id="slctbox">
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="Good">Good</option>
<option value="Bad">Bad</option>
<!-- SELECT_2 -->
<td>Cryteria 2</td>
<select id="slctbox">
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="Good">Good</option>
<option value="Bad">Bad</option>
As u see it changes value of SELECT_1 by clicking radio, but does not change the value in SELECT_2.
I also dont know how to set attribute "selected"
please help :(
By definition, id attribute needs to be unique.
Simple workaround is to use class attribute and loop over elements having the specified class.
Use querySelectorAll to get the list of the document's elements that match the specified group of selectors.
function selectThis() {
var crytRadioYes = document.getElementById("cryteria_yes");
var crytRadioNo = document.getElementById("cryteria_no");
var selects = document.querySelectorAll(".slctbox");
if (crytRadioYes.checked == true) {
selects.forEach(sel => sel.value = "Good");
} else {
selects.forEach(sel => sel.value = "Bad");
if (crytRadioNo.checked == true) {
selects.forEach(sel => sel.value = "Bad");
} else {
selects.forEach(sel => sel.value = "Good");
<!-- choose -->
<td style="width: 15%;"><label><input type="radio" name="cb_Cryteria" id="cryteria_yes" onclick="selectThis()" />Yes</label></td>
<td style="width: 15%;"><label><input type="radio" name="cb_Cryteria" id="cryteria_no" onclick="selectThis()" />No</label></td>
<!-- SELECT_1 -->
<td>Cryteria 1</td>
<select class="slctbox">
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="Good">Good</option>
<option value="Bad">Bad</option>
<!-- SELECT_2 -->
<td>Cryteria 2</td>
<select class="slctbox">
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="Good">Good</option>
<option value="Bad">Bad</option>

JQuery hide all elements

I want to hide the table row if one of the <span> tags has the class from the value variable.
The variable val comes from a select box.
$(".hostgroup").change(function(event) {
var val = $(this).val();
$("#groups > span").each(function() {
$("#groups > span").each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass(val)) {} else {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select class="hostgroup" data-placeholder="Choose a hostgroup...">
<option value="delete">delete</option>
<option value="add">add</option>
<option value="OS">OS</option>>
<td id="groups">
<span class="add">add,</span>
<span class="OS">OS,</span>
<td id="groups">
<span class="delete">delete,</span>
<span class="OS">OS,</span>
For example: I select delete and it should only display table rows that not have got a <span> with the delete class. But now it will hide all results.
will hide entire rows with spans in them with "delete" class. Swap the class to the value of your choosing in the "change" event.
It should be like this:
$(".hostgroup").change(function(event) {
var val = $(this).val();
You could search for the class based on the tr, see the working example below :
$(".hostgroup").change(function(event) {
var val = $(this).val();
$("tr").each(function() {
if ( $(this).find('.' + val).length ) {
} else {
.hd {
display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select class="hostgroup">
<td class="groups">
<span class="add">add,</span>
<span class="OS">OS,</span>
<td class="groups">
<span class="delete">delete,</span>
<span class="OS">OS,</span>

make an input text into read only when one value is selected from drop down list using jquery

i have one select box there in that options are,
if you select 'NONE' the all text box should be editable.
if you select 'current' the class="current" those text box should be editable and remaining should be only readonly.
similarly same like to future also. When i select future the future text boxes should be editable and remaining should be readonly
if(this.value == ""){
} else{
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="curator">
<tbody id="tableToModify">
<select id="cognizant" class="discount-type" >
<option value="">none</option>
<option value="1">current</option>
<option value="2">future</option>
<input type="text" id="clientbi" class="current"/>
<input type="text" id="cognizantbi" class="current"/>
<input type="text" id="futurevsm" class="future" />
<input type="text" id="futuresymbols" class="future" />
Let's change your javascript code only.
We need to use jQuery's change() function (documentation) and then validate the selected option.
The final code:
var value = $(this).val();
if(value == ''){
$('#curator input[type="text"]').removeAttr('readonly');
else if(value == '1'){
$('#curator input[type="text"]').attr('readonly', true);
$('#curator .current').removeAttr('readonly');
else if(value == '2'){
$('#curator input[type="text"]').attr('readonly', true);
$('#curator .future').removeAttr('readonly');
See it in action: https://jsfiddle.net/x5fdLqff/4/
switch(this.value) {
case "":
case "1":
case "2":
<table id="curator">
<tbody id="tableToModify">
<select id="cognizant" class="discount-type" >
<option value="">none</option>
<option value="current">current</option>
<option value="future">future</option>
<input type="text" id="clientbi" class="current myinputs"/>
<input type="text" id="cognizantbi" class="current myinputs"/>
<input type="text" id="futurevsm" class="future myinputs" />
<input type="text" id="futuresymbols" class="future myinputs" />
var type = $("#cognizant").val();
$( ".myinputs" ).each(function( index ) {
$( this ).prop('readonly', false);
if(type != ""){
$("."+type).each(function( index ) {
$( this ).prop('readonly', true);
I have change option value in select box and made little change in javascript code.
hope it works for you.
As an alternative approach, with a small change in the html. You add a class name of 'none' to all the input fields, which is the same as option 1.
<table id="curator">
<tbody id="tableToModify">
<select id="cognizant" class="discount-type" >
<option value="">none</option>
<option value="1">current</option>
<option value="2">future</option>
<input type="text" id="clientbi" class="current none"/>
<input type="text" id="cognizantbi" class="current none"/>
<input type="text" id="futurevsm" class="future none" />
<input type="text" id="futuresymbols" class="future none" />
Then the jQuery to be like this. Comments explain approach.
$('#cognizant').on("change", function() {
//Set all text boxes to readonly
$("input[type='text']").prop("readonly", true);
//Select the option text, based on its value.
var text = $("#cognizant option[value='"+$(this).val()+"']").text();
//Set the property readonly to false on the selected class.
$("."+text).prop('readonly', false);

How to toggle text when a specific value in drop-down AND checkbox is checked

So right now, I have:
<td class="label">Status:</td>
<select name="bookStatus" id="status">
<option value="-1">- Select -</option>
<option value="0">- Active -</option>
<option value="1">- Disabled -</option>
<option value="2">- Cancelled -</option>
<div id=outprint style="display:none">
<td class="label">Out of Print?</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="outOfPrint" id="chk"/></td>
<div id="showthis" style="display:none">
<td class="label">Remove from ALL QUEUES and Notify?</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="removeAndNotify"/></td>
and my script as:
$('#status').change(function () {
var show = $(this).val();
if (show != "-1") {
else {
$('#chk').change(function (){
if (show == "1") {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
} else {
else {
Basically I am looking for the hidden texts to pop up
When the drop-down menu is changed AND when it's set to Disabled
and you check the checkbox, the last checkbox appears.
The problems I am having are:
1) When I click on Disabled and check the checkbox, and then I change the Disabled to another option, the hidden text still pops up.
2) You click on any option other than the default one, then you click on the checkbox first before you change the option from the drop-down menu to Disabled -> the hidden text does not show up.
How would I approach this?
Changes made: Invalid htmls fixed, Improper event bindings fixed.
Your HTML:
<td class="label">Status:</td>
<select name="bookStatus" id="status">
<option value="-1">- Select -</option>
<option value="0">- Active -</option>
<option value="1">- Disabled -</option>
<option value="2">- Cancelled -</option>
<table id=outprint style="display:none">
<td class="label">Out of Print?</td>
<input type="checkbox" name="outOfPrint" id="chk" />
<table id="showthis" style="display:none">
<td class="label">Remove from ALL QUEUES and Notify?</td>
<input type="checkbox" name="removeAndNotify" />
var show;
$('#status').change(function() {
show = $(this).val();
if (show != "-1") {
} else {
$('#chk').change(function() {
if (show == "1") {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
} else {
} else {
I guess you just need to reset the state of your hidden controls to default once you change the options from the dropdown and then iterate through the logic.
$('#status').change(function () {
var show = $(this).val();
if (show != "-1") {
else {
$('#chk').change(function (){
if (show == "1") {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
} else {
else {
function ResetState()
$('#chk').prop("checked", false);
Example : https://jsfiddle.net/DinoMyte/up4j39qr/4/

Once button is click the dropdown will reset

I have this script:
$(function () {
/* function for dynamic numbering */
function updateRowOrder() {
$('td.id').each(function (i) {
$(this).text(i + 1);
/* if input textValue get press keyboard enter */
$("#textValue").keydown(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
/* if get so trigger to addBtn */
$(document).on("click", "#addBtn, .delRow ", function (e) {
/* if document clicked is addBtn */
if ($(this).is("#addBtn")) {
/* Append template script to table tbody */
$($("#template").html()).appendTo("#dataTables-example tbody");
/* Append textValue value to class rowValue and change classname */
$(".rowValue").append($("#textValue").val()).attr("class", "rowValues");
$(".taskValue").append($("#task").val()).attr("class", "taskValues");
$(".roleValue").append($("#role").val()).attr("class", "roleValues");
var appendComma = ($(".roleValue1").val() == '') ? '' : ' , ';
$(".roleValue1").append(appendComma + $("#id_select").val()).attr("class", "roleValues");
/* Update Numbering */
else {
/* Just remove the tr on the click of a mouse */
/* Update Numbering */
$('.up, .down').click(function(e){
var row = $(this).parents("tr:first");
//selects all of row's tds except position number
// var row = $(this).parents("tr:first");
// selects the entire row
if ($(this).is(".up")) {
else if ($(this).is(".down")){
$('tbody tr[class="move"] td:first-child').each(function(idx, item) {
/* clearing input textValue */
$('select option').filter(function(i){ return this.hasAttribute('selected') }).prop('selected', 'selected');
I include here that when addBtn click the drop down o select tag will reset into its default value.
This code:
$('select option').filter(function(i){ return this.hasAttribute('selected') }).prop('selected', 'selected');
And this is my sample table:
<table class="table table-bordered" id="dataTables-example">
<td><input type="text" id="textValue" class="typeahead form-control"/></td>
<td>Task Code</td>
<select name="" id="task" class="selectpicker form-control">
<option value="default" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Default</option>
foreach($tasktype as $task)
<option value="<?=$task['TaskCode']?>"><?=$task['TaskCode']?></option>
<td>Primary Role Code</td>
<select name="" id="role" class="selectpicker form-control">
<option value=""></option>
foreach($rolecode as $role)
<option value="<?=$role['RoleName']?>"><?=$role['RoleName']?></option>
<td>Secondary Role Code</td>
<select id="id_select" class="selectpicker form-control" multiple data-live-search="true">
foreach($rolecode as $role)
<option value="<?=$role['RoleName']?>"><?=$role['RoleName']?></option>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="addBtn"><i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw"></i>Add</button>
When I try it, I select values then click the Add button but still it not reset but instead it display the one I selected. And when I add again without choosing anything in the drop down, the value is null or no value.
I think it is working at the back-end but not working on the one I display.
Anyone tell me what is the problem?
Set the value on the select, not the selected property on the option.
function displaymessage() {
$("select").each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0 });}
This Will reset the drop down value to index number 0.

