Telerik Error - Parameter name: panelsCreated[6] - javascript

I have a simple page that uses telerik:RadAjaxManager.
For some reason on page load I'm getting this error in browser console:
I googled it, and found lots of articles where they say I need to switch off debug mode in web.config. So it would hide the error, but it doesn't solve it at all.
Any suggestions?


JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token '!' - error caught by Sentry

The error in the title is caught by Sentry (an error tracking tool). Below is a screenshot from Sentry - showing the stack trace.
Note: the script /en_US/iab.autofill.payment.js where handleMessage is located is loaded from Facebook (link here), and I couldn't find this script in the javascript bundle, nor anything related to it. I assume it's loaded by a 3rd party script - I'm using Google Tag Manager (which is also loading Facebook Pixel), Segment (loading Hotjar and Mixpanel), and Snapchat. The error started to appear without any changes in these scripts or the services that they're sending data to.
Note 2: It seems that the error is triggered quite often, about 10-15% of the time. I tried to reproduce it but given that it's a handled error, it doesn't show in the dev console.
Any direction on where to look would be much appreciated.
I'm seeing this a lot, and it seems to be coming 100% from users using Facebook browser on iOS (I guess this is the browser you see when you're using the Facebook app).
I tried to debug this with a snippet:
window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
}, false);
This is from the library you linked. Assuming that is JSON string (not e.g. an object?), without any safeguard seems to be breaking things.
The second console.log doesn't fire, so I think this is causing some unexpected behaviours in my case (buttons not reacting to clicks with js listeners etc)
I don't know if there is a workaround or a way to protect from this in Facebook embedded browser (I guess it's loaded there)
Looking forward to hear more info
i have meet that too, its because the one script facebook inject in. will postMessage(Object), but the another script will listen the message and try to JSON.parse an object ,so it will came out a error. u can use 'vconsole' lib, and add a window.addEventListener('message',(e)=>{console.log(}) and u can see that
Apparently, the issue went away after a couple of weeks without changing anything on my side.

Getting 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'timestamp' of undefined' when using jQuery

I have an error which appear when I import jQuery lib only. I don't know what I can do. I know that it's coming from the file jquery.min.js.
Here is my simple page causing this error :
<script src=""></script>
What I get from my console :
This error has nothing to do with jQuery or its CDN.
From the error log, you can see that the error originates from webspeed.js. Since you precise that you only import the jQuery script, this shows that this error originates from an extension.
The script tries to contact and the request gets blocked by CORB, thus throwing an uncaught error. This also gives a hint that the extension is made likely to be offered by or a related corporation. As #alon-eitan found, this is indeed the case: the speedtest extension includes such a script that has been known for triggering similar errors.
Pausing the extension or configuring it not to run on your website is likely to fix the error. I'd recommend removing it completely, as network speed analysis and much more can already be natively performed by Chrome thanks to Lighthouse.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clearData' of undefined

i got this error when i logged in as guest, but when i logged in as admin , i didn't found it, any solutions?
click here
Thank you
Have you installed the AntiCopy 1.8.2 Joomla Extension? I think this might be related to this...
I just installed it on one of my Joomla 3.6.2 website, setting restrictions on Guest and Public usergroups and get this error 3000+ times and keeps increasing. I disabled the plugin and reloaded the page, and no more errors. So it would appear that there is some issues with this plugin to disable right click, select and copy content.
It seems to add this code to the body tag: onload="setInterval('window.clipboardData.clearData()',20)" which seems to be the source of the error messages

Resolving Unexpected token < in Chrome for Custom 403 Page

I saw some previous topics related to this but was unable to find a related solution.
On my WordPress blog,, I created a custom 403 error page, and now I am getting a seemingly related syntax error in Chrome. I enabled script debugging in the wp config file and checked with developer tools in Chrome, and I get this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < inaccessible:1
This appears to refer to my custom 403 page ( I have BulletProof Security Pro installed, so, to create the custom 403, I replaced the default 403 code with the following line of code via the BPS custom code field:
ErrorDocument 403
From various tutorials that I saw online, this seems like it should be correct, but I'm new to this so perhaps I've made a mistake that is causing the error. Another interesting point is that, after a hard browser refresh, sometimes the syntax error temporarily changes from :inaccessible to :index or maybe it was:index1 (I'm having trouble reproducing it now).
So, have I done something incorrect with my 403 custom code that could be causing the aforementioned error? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide, and please let me know if I need to clarify the question further.
You plugin directory is throwing a 403 error, which means when including <script> tags with src like get redirected to your custom 403 page which is There are a few instances of this for plugins: ultimate-social-deux, zf-wordpress-category-accordian, rain - where their assets that should be publicly accessible are 403ing. Which means, instead of the actual script your custom page is loaded in the script tag, which is as expected, is invalid JavaScript and hence the errors in your console.

Debugging an error message in Firebug

I get this error message in Firebug:
Permission denied for <> to call method Location.toString
It comes from this page:
The login credentials for this page are: | password
When I look at it in Firebug, using the Console --> Errors view, I see that error first, followed by a number of other errors, but I can't really double-click on the errors to see what line they are coming from, and the line isn't written there as far as I can see. There are some line references on the page, but they lead to pretty random spots.
Any ideas how to debug such a thing? I am new to JS and FireBug.
The Location.toString error is usually due to some ad-serving javascript code, trying to get a text version of the current page's location. Firefox denies access to this information to 3rd party scripts by default, since 3rd party scripts should have no business knowing exactly what page you're on.
Basically it's an attempt by ad networks to work around some clients not sending referers, by trying to grab the location data directly.
In firebug under the "bug" icon (upper left when open) you'll see a pause button (in the console tab). This will cause the page to stop loading and jump to the exact error in the script.
However, when I visited the page I do not see any errors.
body' onLoad is:
initializeTreeHike( , );
You don't need to use comma if you wish to pass no parameters to the function.
When I follow the provided link in Firefox 4.0 with Firebug 1.7, I don't receive the error you encountered. What I do receive however is the following:
Syntax error: initializeTreeHike( , );
It appears this is coming from line 326 in add_spotted_trees.php in the following line:
<body onload="initializeTreeHike( , );"
Perhaps you meant to pass in empty strings as parameters?

