HTML5 Web Notification Permission Issue - javascript

I'm trying to implement HTML5 Notification API in my chat application. When I'm working on my localhost, everything works fine (The browser prompts me whether i need to allow notification from this site or not).
But when i try to access my application running in my local machine from some other machine which all connected in the same network. The browser is not prompting anything.
To Sum up my problem:
http://localhost:3000/home - This works! - This doesn't works this way. (Even if try my from my computer or from other computer)
This is the code I'm using for notification api implementation
function createNotification(response){
if(!('Notification' in window)){
console.log("This browser does not Notification")
if(Notification.permission === 'granted'){
createNotification(response) // function to createNotification from response
}else if(Notification.permission !== 'denied'){
Notification.requestPermission((permission) => {
if(permission === 'granted'){
function createNotification(response){
// Construct the Notification
let title = response.sender_name
let notificationOptions = {
body: response.message,
icon: default_profile_pic
// Close the Notification after 3 seconds
let notification = new Notification(title, notificationOptions)
P.S: I'm using ReactJS, Redux for my front-end development.

In Chrome 62 and newer you cannot request notification api at all unless the site is https:// secured. (see issue 779612) If you do have https on the site you should be able to use notifications and background push notifications.


Firebase Cloud Messaging: Prevent background notifications in javascript client

I have a live score display website which is implemented with Google's channel API to push live score updates to the browser. Since Google is shutting down the channel API, I have to move to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
When I migrated to FCM, I had to add a service worker javascript file (firebase-messaging-sw.js). Whenever a score update is pushed to the browser, if the user is in another browser tab or the user has closed my web page tab, A notification appears to the user.
I don't need this notification and I want to disable it. Also, when user moves to another browser tab, I want to prevent the push message from going into the service worker and route it to my web page, so that when user returns to the tab again, the latest score is updated in the webpage.
Is there any way to achieve this?
You should pass a parameter (depends what you need to do) in the body of message like this:
$msg = [
'title' => pushTitle,
'body'=> pushBody,
'icon'=> icon.png,
'image'=> image.png,
'active'=> 1
The above is PHP but is also working in the same way-idea in any programming language. If you use Firebase then you should use cloud functions.
then in your js file:
messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(function(payload) {
console.log('Received background message', payload);
if( == 1){
var notificationTitle =;
var notificationOptions = {
return self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationOptions);
If I had your code(what did you have done until now) I would gave you an exact answer.
If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask.

ADAL.JS and Offline Web App

I have a web page where I implement ADAL.JS.
When browsing the page via the web it works perfectly; however when I try to view it on an iPhone, and I have saved it as a shortcut on the desktop using the Add to Homescreen button, things go haywire.
The initial page (index.html) shows correctly using the apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag; however, when the authentication is invoked, I am taken to a real browser window. Once redirected back to index.html, I am still in the separate browser window not the Web App view.
Ultimately, I want to have this as an offline web site with all page functionality running in the view produced by apple-mobile-web-app-capable. Any other ideas as to how to implement this are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This is one of the big problems currently existing in iOS webapps. Every link or redirection opens up in a new window.
You can fix it changing window.location.href with JavaScript.
Seem to be missing something...I get at urlNavigate not defined error...suggestions?
alert('Running Auth');
online = navigator.onLine;
authContext = new AuthenticationContext({
tenant: azureTenant,
clientId: azureClientId,
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location,
//redirectUri: ""
if (urlNavigate)
{'Navigate to:' + urlNavigate);
{'Navigate url is empty');
if (authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash)) {
var err = authContext.getLoginError();
if (err) {
alert('Error on callback')
else {
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
if (user) {
//We have a user in cache and are using those credentials
console.log('Signed in as: ' + user.userName);
} else {
console.log('Not signed in.')
if (online)
alert('signing in');
alert('currently offline');
Ok...I made the change and the error is gone but I don't understand how this is supposed to address the issue. When I add my page to my IPhone home screen ( and then click on the tile I am taken to the test.html page. On that page page there is an auth function that executes which uses adal.js and takes me to "". This shows up in the scope of my IOS Web app and has my account listed and the Use another account option. I click on my account or choose the Use another account option and I am taken to another page that is opened in Safari.

Create notification by webworker

In article about notifications Mozzila says:
Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.
Worker can be created without any warnings
var worker = new SharedWorker('scripts/worker.js');
But when I try to do this inside shared worker:
var notification = new Notification("Hi there!");
It doesn't work. Webworker works fine, it does a XMLHttpRequest, it can read data from main thread and push messages to it but notification doesn't appear. I can't debug it because console is unavailable inside webworker. Permission was granted in main thread and the notifications are also available here.
If it is important I use Chrome 47.0.2526.111 m for developing and debugging. I noticed that Facebook invokes notifications even when FB tab is closed so I am trying to implement something similar.
You are doing something wrong. I had absolutely no problems running notifications in web workers.
This code works perfectly on jsfiddle:
Worker example
SharedWorker example
Please try following code:
var worker = new SharedWorker("worker.js");
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
function workerFN() {
function onmessage(e) {
switch( {
case "notification" :
var notification = new Notification("Hi there!");
console.error("Unknown message:",;
self.onconnect = function(e) {
for(var i=0,l=e.ports.length; i<l; i++) {
e.ports[i].addEventListener('message', onmessage);
e.ports[i].start(); // Required when using addEventListener. Otherwise called implicitly by onmessage setter.
Also console works quite well for me in web workers.

Register gcm for chrome

I have a chrome Apps use push notification of GCM. I have a problem, when i don't login account on chrome. I can't receive registerId from GCM. I think a idea. When registerId empty, i show notification, request user login to chrome and show login page account on chrome. But because of security concerns , the chrome does not allow access to its setting from external links . How is open "chrome://settings/" from external links? Can register to gcm, If i don't want login account on chrome?
My code:
function setValue()
//var thongtin=$('#status').val();
//var thongtin = document.getElementById('status').innerText;
if(registrationId == "")
// Pop up a notification to show notification.
chrome.notifications.create(getNotificationId(), {
iconUrl: 'gcm_128.png',
type: 'basic',
message: 'You must sign in account gmail on google chrome!'
}, function() {});
//event click to notification
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function() {
window.location.href = "chrome://settings/"
//" +registrationId+"&device=android
//document.getElementById('webviewSendData').src = "" +registrationId+"&DEVICE=desktop";
document.getElementById('webviewSendData').src = ""+registrationId+"&device=android";
//document.getElementById('webviewSendData').src = "" +registrationId+"&device=android";
//var url = "" +registrationId+"&device=android";
//document.getElementById('status').innerHTML="Infomation New";
// Pop up a notification to show notification.
This code don't run.
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function() {
window.location.href = "chrome://settings/"
I fix code as Derek 朕會功夫.
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function() {
chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://settings/"});
And receive error notify: Error in event handler for notifications.onClicked:TypeError: Can't read property 'create' of underfined.
I'm afraid at the moment it's not possible.
Chrome Apps don't have access to tabs/windows API that can open privileged pages; that's why Derek's suggestion does not work.
In future, they may be a way to do this with chrome.browser API. See this feature request, this proposal, and please leave feedback there with your use case.

Adobe DPS Android Entitlement

We are stuck with an Adobe DPS project. We cant get our DPS android app to do Entitlement for our print subscribers and we were wondering if anyone out there has managed to get this right.
We've used Adobe's tutorial here:, with isEntitlementViewer set to true.
The code asks for a username and password and then via Adobe's API AdobeLibraryAPI.js, it authenticates a user via our own API. the very same code is working 100% in the iPad version of the app.
The file that actually processes the login (called LoginDialog.js) contains the following code within a function called clickHandler (we’ve added a few javascript alerts to try debug the login process)
// Login using the authenticationService.
var transaction = adobeDPS.authenticationService.login($username.val(), $password.val());
alert("1: "+transaction.state ); //returns “1: 0”
transaction.completedSignal.addOnce(function(transaction) {
alert("2: "+transaction.state ); //never returns
var transactionStates = adobeDPS.transactionManager.transactionStates;
if (transaction.state == transactionStates.FAILED) {
$("#login .error").html("Authentication Failed.")
} else if (transaction.state == transactionStates.FINISHED){
alert("3: "+transaction.state ); //never returns
}, this);
alert("4: "+transaction.error ); //never returns
Anyone out there with some DPS/android/Entitlement experience?
Android Entitlement only works after an integrator ID is registered with Adobe, as the android viewers service routes are only configured via the integrator ID.
If you do not have an integrator ID, you need to acquire one from Adobe Support.
Also it is worth mentioning, that in contrary to iOS, Android DPS viewers only support one base Route/URL for Authentication and Entitlements.
For Example whereas in iOS you can have the login been done via the first URL:
The second URL for entitlements can be on a different URL:
In android both URLs have to be the same, e.g.: and

