Javascript objects combining with Jquery? - javascript

I have an issue with manipulating data in Javascript/jQuery and I could use some help.
I have an array of objects that lools like this:
var projects = [
I have another array of objects that looks like this:
ganttEvents = [
text: 'some text',
start_date: '2018/06/13',
end_date: '2018/06/14',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project1',
category: 'scoping',
text: 'some text2',
start_date: '2018/06/14',
end_date: '2018/06/15',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project2',
category: 'scoping',
text: 'some text3',
start_date: '2018/06/15',
end_date: '2018/06/16',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project2',
category: 'design',
text: 'some text4',
start_date: '2018/06/13',
end_date: '2018/06/14',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project2',
category: 'scoping',
text: 'some text5',
start_date: '2018/06/14',
end_date: '2018/06/15',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project3',
category: 'testing',
text: 'some text6',
start_date: '2018/06/15',
end_date: '2018/06/16',
id: '1',
readonly: true,
project: 'project3',
category: 'build',
The project field in the second object will always be one of the objects in the first array.
I then need to end up with an object that looks like this:
source: [
name: "project1", // a project defined in the projects array
desc: "scoping", // the category from the ganttEvents array of objects
values: [
to: "2018/06/13", // the start_date from the ganttEvents array of objects
from: "2018/06/14", // the end_date from the ganttEvents array of objects
desc: "some text", // the text from the ganttEvents array of objects
label: "some text", // the text from the ganttEvents array of objects
name: "project2", // a project defined in the projects array
desc: "scoping", // the category from the ganttEvents array of objects
values: [
to: "2018/06/14",
from: "2018/06/15",
desc: "some text2",
label: "some text2",
to: "2018/06/13",
from: "2018/06/14",
desc: "some text4",
label: "some text4",
name: "project3", // a project defined in the projects array
desc: "testing", // the category from the ganttEvents array of objects
values: [
to: "2018/06/14",
from: "2018/06/15",
desc: "some text5",
label: "some text5",
name: "project3", // a project defined in the projects array
desc: "build", // the category from the ganttEvents array of objects
values: [
to: "2018/06/15",
from: "2018/06/16",
desc: "some text6",
label: "some text6",
There may be several values at all stages for each project and there maybe projects with no events at all that need to be omitted from the source object.
Please can you assist?
The background behind this is that I am pulling a list of events from a SharePoint list using SharePointPlus. This results in the ganttEvents array. I need to plug this in to the jQuery.Gantt library which requires the events to be formatted in a particular way.
I am sorry but i am relatively new to Javascript (Python programmer usually) I have tried different methods of doing this to no avail.

You can use reduce to group the array into an object. Use the concatenated values of project and category as the key. Use Object.values to convert the object into an array.
var ganttEvents = [{"text":"some text","start_date":"2018/06/13","end_date":"2018/06/14","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project1","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text2","start_date":"2018/06/14","end_date":"2018/06/15","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text3","start_date":"2018/06/15","end_date":"2018/06/16","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"design"},{"text":"some text4","start_date":"2018/06/13","end_date":"2018/06/14","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text5","start_date":"2018/06/14","end_date":"2018/06/15","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project3","category":"testing"},{"text":"some text6","start_date":"2018/06/15","end_date":"2018/06/16","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project3","category":"build"}];
var result = Object.values(ganttEvents.reduce((c, v) => {
let k = v.project + "-" + v.category;
c[k] = c[k] || {name: v.project,desc: v.category,values: []};
c[k].values.push({to: v.end_date,from: v.start_date,desc: v.text,label: v.text});
return c;
}, {}));
Without Object.values(), you can loop using for
var ganttEvents = [{"text":"some text","start_date":"2018/06/13","end_date":"2018/06/14","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project1","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text2","start_date":"2018/06/14","end_date":"2018/06/15","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text3","start_date":"2018/06/15","end_date":"2018/06/16","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"design"},{"text":"some text4","start_date":"2018/06/13","end_date":"2018/06/14","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project2","category":"scoping"},{"text":"some text5","start_date":"2018/06/14","end_date":"2018/06/15","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project3","category":"testing"},{"text":"some text6","start_date":"2018/06/15","end_date":"2018/06/16","id":"1","readonly":true,"project":"project3","category":"build"}];
var temp = ganttEvents.reduce((c, v) => {
let k = v.project + "-" + v.category;
c[k] = c[k] || {name: v.project,desc: v.category,values: []};
c[k].values.push({to: v.end_date,from: v.start_date,desc: v.text,label: v.text});
return c;
}, {});
var result = [];
for (var key in temp) result.push(temp[key]);


Sort array object based on another array in javascript

How can i sort and rearrange an array that looks like this
fields = [
uid: '2c2162cc-37d0-f1e3-96c2-6d9ccb50f38d',
field: new ObjectId("627f816d8443318c6aaa1220"
uid: '2aa60f96-135b-e179-2b46-516c87a877cc',
field: new ObjectId("6283cb3ca573a56e11587c46"),
to match the arrangement of this array:
order = [ '6283cb3ca573a56e11587c46', '627f816d8443318c6aaa1220' ]
Here is the output I’m looking for:
uid: '2aa60f96-135b-e179-2b46-516c87a877cc',
field: new ObjectId("6283cb3ca573a56e11587c46"),
uid: '2c2162cc-37d0-f1e3-96c2-6d9ccb50f38d',
field: new ObjectId("627f816d8443318c6aaa1220"),
findIndex and sort but I am very confused
fields.sort((a: any, b: any) => order.indexOf(a.field) - order.indexOf(b.field)) // It does not work
You need to use sort method on the array. And then compare the index of field on the order array.
const data = [
uid: '2aa60f96-135b-e179-2b46-516c87a877cc',
field: "6283cb3ca573a56e11587c46",
value: 'test val 6'
uid: '2c2162cc-37d0-f1e3-96c2-6d9ccb50f38d',
field: "627f816d8443318c6aaa1220",
value: ''
const order = [ '6283cb3ca573a56e11587c46', '627f816d8443318c6aaa1220' ];
data.sort((a,b) => order.indexOf(a.field) - order.indexOf(b.field));
Notice: ObjectId class is not defined here, so I changed it to string here for simplicity.

Returning the ids from the object within the arrays

I have a multidimensional javascript array of objects that I am trying to use to simply collate the Unit id into a new array as shown below.
What is the best solution for returning the id within the inner value so I just get an array of the ids whatever I try seems to not work
units: [
id: 10000282,
name: "Group 1",
id: 10000340,
name: "Group 2",
id: 10000341,
name: "Group 3",
units: [
id: 10000334,
name: "Group 4",
Expected output - just return an array with simply the ids
ids = [ 10000282, 10000340, 10000341, 10000334 ]
Assuming that data is in variable data:
> => =>
[ 10000282, 10000340, 10000341, 10000334 ]
This assumes you're in an environment where .flat() is a thing.
If that's not the case, the longer way around is
const ids = [];
data.forEach(o => {
o.units.forEach(u => {

Map value from array to different array type

Im trying to add to an array of object list of objects with key value (typescript)
Hardcoded value
const Runtimes: QuickPickItem[] = [{
label: '$(package-dependents-16) Merge Branch',
description: '$(git-commit) 1 commit',
detail: '$(diff-added) 3 $(diff-modified) 2'
label: '$(package-dependents-16) commit Branch',
description: '$(git-commit) 2 commit',
detail: '$(diff-added) 3 $(diff-modified) 2'
When I do it like this it works!
const pick = await input.showQuickPick({
step: 1,
totalSteps: 2,
placeholder: 'Choose runtime',
items: Runtimes,
activeItem: typeof state.resourceGroup !== 'string' ? state.resourceGroup : undefined,
Now I’ve array of objects which I want to put inside the Runtime =
Array(2) [Object, Object]
Object {id: "14", name: "event1”, description: "delete order event", …}
Object {id: "89", name: "event2", description: "create order event", …}
I want to use the name and description.
I want that this = Runtimes (name & description)
I tried to create an interface
interface myObj {
name: string;
description: string;
But still I see one entry, any idea?
At the end runtime should look like
const Runtimes: QuickPickItem[] = [{
label: 'event1',
description: 'delete order event'
label: 'event2',
description: 'create order event'
I need it to be array of object with label and description
currently I've tried with
const Runtimes: [] = .map(((item: { name: string; description: string }) => (, item.description));
But I get just the name and not an object with name and description

Create a key map for all paths in a recursive/nested object array

I have an n levels deep nested array of tag objects with title and ID. What I'm trying to create is a an object with IDs as keys and values being an array describing the title-path to that ID.
I'm no master at recursion so my attempt below doesn't exactly provide the result I need.
Here's the original nested tag array:
const tags = [
title: 'Wood',
id: 'dkgkeixn',
tags: [
title: 'Material',
id: 'ewyherer'
title: 'Construction',
id: 'cchtfyjf'
title: 'Steel',
id: 'drftgycs',
tags: [
title: 'Surface',
id: 'sfkstewc',
tags: [
title: 'Polished',
id: 'vbraurff'
title: 'Coated',
id: 'sdusfgsf'
title: 'Quality',
id: 'zsasyewe'
The output I'm trying to get is this:
'dkgkeixn': ['Wood'],
'ewyherer': ['Wood', 'Material'],
'cchtfyjf': ['Wood', 'Construction'],
'drftgycs': ['Steel'],
'sfkstewc': ['Steel', 'Surface'],
'vbraurff': ['Steel', 'Surface', 'Polished'],
'sdusfgsf': ['Steel', 'Surface', 'Coated'],
'zsasyewe': ['Steel', 'Quality']
So I'm building this recursive function which is almost doing it's job, but I keep getting the wrong paths in my flat/key map:
function flatMap(tag, acc, pathBefore) {
if (!acc[]) acc[] = [...pathBefore];
if (tag.tags) {
tag.tags.forEach(el => flatMap(el, acc, pathBefore))
return acc
const keyMap = flatMap({ title: 'Root', id: 'root', tags}, {}, []);
console.log("keyMap", keyMap)
I'm trying to get the path until a tag with no tags and then set that path as value for the ID and then push the items 'own' title. But somehow the paths get messed up.
Check this, makePaths arguments are tags, result object and prefixed titles.
const makePaths = (tags, res = {}, prefix = []) => {
tags.forEach(tag => {
const values = [...prefix, tag.title];
Object.assign(res, { []: values });
if (tag.tags) {
makePaths(tag.tags, res, values);
return res;
const tags = [
title: "Wood",
id: "dkgkeixn",
tags: [
title: "Material",
id: "ewyherer"
title: "Construction",
id: "cchtfyjf"
title: "Steel",
id: "drftgycs",
tags: [
title: "Surface",
id: "sfkstewc",
tags: [
title: "Polished",
id: "vbraurff"
title: "Coated",
id: "sdusfgsf"
title: "Quality",
id: "zsasyewe"

Fetch multiple properties from an array of objects and form a new one : Javascript

Been trying to do the following thing:
I have an array of objects ,
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
Would want to fetch the "text" and "field" out of it and form a new array of objects something like this:
result = [ { "field" : "firstName" , value : "aabFaa" , type :"add"},
{ "field" : "firstName" , value : "aAaaaa" , type: "add"}
Here type is hard coded one, where as rest are fetched from the "arr"
Whats the easier way to do this?
Have tried this:
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
let result = => a.text);
But this has to be written in multiple lines to get desired properties.Is there an easier approach?
use map with Object Destructuring.
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
const output ={field, text}) => ({field, value: text, type: "add"}));
Using map seems like a good approach, but you would return a new object and not just one property:
let result = => ({value: a.text, type: 'add', field: a.field}));
let result = => ({
field: obj.field,
value: obj.text,
type: "add"

