Send Push Notification from Web Application using AWS PinPoint - javascript

I have a react web application that assigns tickets and a react-native app for user to see their assigned tickets. I want to be able to send a push notification to the user when they are assigned a ticket. I'm looking through PinPoint JavaScript SDK, but having trouble seeing if I can do it. Has anyone been able to accomplish this?

I was able to accomplish this. You use AWS Amplify Analytics to put UserId or any attribute you want to be associated with a user. Then Use Pinpoint SDK to createSegment which attributes target the ones associated with the user. Then Pinpoint SDK to createCampaign for created segment. Hope this helps.


Using AWS SDK to help call and allow a user create a tracker API in JavaScript?

Ive been trying to create a form where users can provide a name and location then create a tracker, to be used alongside Location Services Maps. I fee like i am close but am not sure why its not working nor rendering.
A few initial thoughts based on the code snippet you shared:
I don't know enough about your use case, you wouldn't need to have more than one tracker per asset type when tracking moving objects. If that's the case for you, create trackers using AWS CLI or AWS Console.
If you'd like to create trackers using the JavaScript SDK, first, you need to authenticate your request. See Prerequisites for using Amazon Location Service and Geofencing and Tracking to get more information.
Check your input parameters (params) against the CreateTracker API requirements and make sure you're using the right parameters and passing the right values.
Check your browser's console and post the errors you're getting here to help me better understand the issue.
Note that createTracker creates a new tracker that does not have any data - this means that there is nothing to render yet. To track your assets, you'll need to send position updates to the tracker. See Start Tracking for an example.
Share a bit more about your use case, i.e., what is it you're trying to do. That'll help me better understand the problem.
UPDATE: here is what I'd do for your use case:
Create a tracker using AWS Console or AWS CLI.
Use AWS Amplify to push position updates to the tracker when building iOS or Android apps.
Use AWS IoT Core to send position updates to the tracker when building something else like a web app. See Tracking using MQTT with Amazon Location Service for an example. I'd consider AWS Amplify PubSub to send/receive messages to AWS IoT Core when building on the web.
Send metadata like the name of the food truck, food type, etc. along with position updates using PositionProperties - see Update your tracker with a device position. This would help me attach more information for data visualization or analysis purposes.
Hope this helps.

react native - store object on device and upload on internet reconnection

I’ve looked at the storage api’s for both react-native and expo and I’m struggling to find a suitable way to structure my app.
I’ve made an app for my workplace in which we scan equipment and record the data. At the moment I’m using firebase to upload the data and store on their servers.
My boss has asked whether we can implement a way of storing the data locally if the user has no access to wifi and then upload the data upon internet reconnection.
I’m not sure where to start with this. I understand that I can use NetInfo and add an event listener to monitor the connection. However I’m not sure how I would persist any scanned data with the opening and closing of the app and such.
If anyone could help point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated it.

Automatically access my Google Analytics and display chart publicly on my website

I'm having some difficulties in figuring out the best way to do this:
Using Google Analytics API, or similar Google API, I would like to track a user's activity from the moment they access the page until they reach an end page, which is gonna show them back some charts with THEIR activity on my website. (Nothing too detailed, just how long they've been on each page, how many session etc.)
So far, I've managed follow the Embed API example to access THE USER's Google Analytics account and draw a chart by asking for permission, however when it comes to showing data from MY account I just can't seem to figure it out.
I want my website to automatically use my account (or service account) and draw some charts from my google analytics data and show it to every user.
What would be the best way to approach this? I've read something about access tokens but I don't know if that's the solution. Moreover, my hosting is a shared host and I don't think it allows installing Python Modules like in this example.
Cheers for the help!
If you want to show the user your data, you will have to perform the authentication on the server side. There is no way around this. It is after all, your account's data that they are accessing.
If you are unable to install Google's client library, you need to:
Get an access token using cURL (see how here)
Use that access token to perform server side authentication for the user (see how here)
The user should now be able to access your site without logging in, and see YOUR data.

Facebook API, single user feed?

I haven't had the chance to work with (any) Facebook APIs, I want to create a simple app that will only list posts from a single (specific) FB user, so I don't want to create login for bunch of users.
I just want to have an app that will list everything that a certain person posts on his FB. Is this possible and can someone point me to the right direction? I'll either do it with Node or Rails. Thanks!
I would use koala, simply get an (your) access token from the Graph API Explorer and start exploring. You shouldn't have any issues returning your feed. Koala handles FB's API pagination for you and everything else.

How do I find out if my Open Graph app has already been added to the Timeline programmatically?

Assume, that besides using the "Add to Timeline" Social Plugin I want to show a specific message to the user only if she did not yet add my app to her Timeline.
Is there any method in the JavaScript SDK that lets me check for that?
According to what i have read, add to Timeline plugin is available through the Javascript SDK via the XFBML tag.
There doesn't seem to be a call that we can subscribe to at the moment.
There is no coverage of how to read from the timeline via the various APIs [yet].
However you can capture and save the ID of any post made, store that in your local database and use it to reference off of either for determining what to share or to let them delete previous posts.
This is a good practice even if the ID doesn't help you as both Facebook and the user want you to be transparent in your posting and the management of said posts.

