Access a nested array in Angular 6 - javascript

So i am attempting to access an Array of objects within a JSON object. I have an API that i am grabbing data from. The API was initially an XML and i converted it to a JSON object, however one i have dashes in my element names. (dang), but i also want to pull from the list of products. Below is an example of the API structure.
The goal is to get the list of products from the API.
Thanks to PXLJoy i was able to come up with the following solution. Note: I am using RXJS 6, therefore everything is wrapped in a pipe.
public getData(): Observable<any> {
const cjData = this.http.get('/assets/json/name.json');
return cjData.pipe(map(res => res['cj-api'].products[0].product));

Accessing properties in JSON can be done with [] square brackets, these are often used for variable keys, i.e
const key = 'cj-api';
const obj = response[key];
or string keys, i.e
const obj = response['cj-api'];
With that said, based on your screenshot, you could get the products array by going:
// response is the object as shown in your screenshot.
response['cj-api'].products[0].product; // your target array


Passing associative array as props not working

I have a React application which handles rooms and their statistics.
Previously, I had the code set up to pass as props to the next component:
the raw statistics (not a concern for the question)
an array of all the rooms set up as follows
I figured it would be simpler for me, though, to have the list of all rooms as an associative array where the keys of each element is the same as the ID it contains. To do that, I utilized a code similar to this in a for loop:
roomsList[rooms[v].ID] = rooms[v];
So that the result would be:
[a001: {...}, a002: {...}, ...]
I then proceeded to pass this style of array, and not the standard one with a numeric index, as a prop to the next component as such:
<StatsBreakdown stats={computedStats.current} roomsList={roomsList} />
Now, the next component sees that prop as an empty array.
Even more weirdly, if I initialize that roomsList array with a random value [0] and then do the same process, I end up with:
I cannot cycle through the array with .map, and, according to JS, the length is actually 0, it's not only Google Chrome.
Is there something I'm missing about the way JSX, JS or React work?
Your original roomsList was an array of objects, whose indices were 0,1,2 etc. roomsList[rooms[v].ID] = rooms[v]; implies you are inserting elements not using a number but an alphanumeric string. Hence your resulting array is no longer an array but an object.
So we can cycle over the object using Object.keys().
const renderRoomDets = Object.keys(roomsList).map(room => {
roomOwner = roomsList[room].owner_id;
return (
<p>{`Room Owner ${roomOwner}`}</p>
But I believe your original form is ideal, because you are reaping no special benefits from this notation.
A better alternative maybe using .find() or .findIndex() if you want iterate over an array based on a specific property.
const matchedRoom = roomsList.find(room => room.ID === 'Srf4323')
Iterate the new array using its keys not indexes.
Or even better store your data in an actual object instead of an array since you're using strings for ids.
First define your object like so:
let data = {};
Then start adding records to it. I'd suggest deleting the ID attribute of the object since you're storing it in the key of your record, it's redundant, and it won't go anywhere unless u delete the entry.
data[ID] = row;
To delete the ID attribute (optional):
row.ID = null;
delete row.ID;
Then iterate through it using
for(let key in data){}

Get data from an array of dictionaries in Javascript

I'm working with a web framework and I'm using variables from Python into Javascript code.
I get next array in Python, which can contain more than one cell with dictionaries inside it:
[[{'lacp_use-same-system-mac': u'no'}, {'lacp_mode': u'passive'}, {'lacp_transmission-rate': u'slow'}, {'lacp_enable': u'no'}]]
I want to be able to access every cell array and, after that, get every keys from the dictionary inside this cell array. Up to now, I only have arrays or dictionaries, so for both cases I did next:
var X = JSON.parse(("{{X|decodeUnicodeObject|safe}}").replace(/L,/g, ",").replace(/L}/g, "}").replace(/'/g, "\""));
Where X is the Python variable. Unfortunately, this does not run with the array I wrote above.
How can I do that?
Thanks beforehand,
I want to be able to access every cell array and, after that, get
every keys from the dictionary inside this cell array
If I understood correctly you want to get the keys of a nested array.
Note: your array isn't valid js.
const arrarr = [[{key1: 'val1'}, {key2: 'val2'}], [{key3: 'val3'}, {key4: 'val4'}]];
arrarr.forEach(arr => {
arr.forEach(e => {
Object.keys(e).forEach(k => console.log(k))
If the depth of nests is of arbitrary depth you can use recursion and check if the child is an array, if it is keep going, else get the keys.

How To Efficiently Extract Certain Information From A POJO

I am working a lot with firebase, and am trying to load certain information from the database. The original data comes from a query, and is returned to me in a POJO. The console prints this when the original data is returned:
-KhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq: "-JhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq"
-OhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq: "-LhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq"
What I need to do is grab each of the values (-JhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq and -LhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq) separately, and query the real-time database again for each one. I can manage that aspect, but I cannot seem to figure out how to separate the values.
I have already tried to get a single output by doing:
console.log(vals[0]) but it just returned undefined, and splitting the string by " would be very inefficient for large data sets. Any ideas?
To access the values, you can iterate the snapshot's children using the snapshot's forEach method. The keys and values of the children can be obtained using the key property and the val() method:
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((childSnapshot) => {
console.log(childSnapshot.key); // The child's key: e.g. "-KhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq"
console.log(childSnapshot.val()); // The child's value: e.g. "-JhQ76OEK_848CkIFhAq"
To solve this issue, all I did was convert the object returned into an array by using this code below:
var Array = Object.keys(datalist).map(function(k) { return datalist[k] });
Works like a charm, and I can now run a simple for loop for Array

Parse Cloud Query array contains value

I have a parse data model like...
children - Array of pointers to Child objects
I'm trying to create a query that says...
Find all Parents where the children array contains the specific Child object.
It's sort of the opposite of this function from the docs.
query.containedIn("playerName", ["Jonathan Walsh", "Dario Wunsch", "Shawn Simon"]);
// note you can also do this with object pointers which is EXACTLY opposite to what I want.
This will find all the players where the playerName is contained in the given array.
I want this but I want to give a value and that value to be in the array for the key.
I imagine it's something like...
query.contains("children", someChildObject);
but the docs for contains shows it only works for substrings of strings.
How would I do what I'm looking for?
You should use query.equalTo for key with an array type.
Try query like following:
var ChildClass = Parse.Object.extend('ChildClass');
var childObj = new ChildClass(); = 'objId';
// you don't need to do above if you already have the object.
query.equalTo("children", childObj);
ref. Queries on Array Values

How do I access this javascript object?

{"profit_center" :
{"branch": {"work_order":"1","cutover":"1","site_survey":"1","branch_number":"3310","quote":"1","configuration":"1","purchase_order":"1","hardware_swap":"1"}},
I tried accessing it in ajax through this,
data.profit_center //data here is the ajax variable e.g. function(data)
or through this data["profit_center"]
but no luck
How do I access this javascript object properly. ?
By the way that code above is from console.log(data)
Result from console.log(data.profit_center) and console.log(data["profit_center"]) is undefined
You can put your datain a variable like
var json = data
and you can access profit_center like
alert(json.profit_center.profit_center_name); //Alabama
for(var i =0 ;i<json.profit_center.branches.length;i++){
Okay I have found out why it is undefined, It is a json object so I need to parse it before i can access it like a javascript object.
var json = JSON.parse(data);
Then that's it.
First parse your data if you've not already done so.
You can access, for example, each branch_number like so:
var branches = data.profit_center.branches;
for (var i = 0, l = branches.length; i < l; i++) {
In summary, profit_center is an object and branches is an array of objects. Each element in the array contains a branch object that contains a number of keys. Loop over the branches array and for each element access the branch object inside using the key names to get the values.
The profit center name can be found by accessing the profit_center_name key on the profit_center object:
console.log(data.profit_center.profit_center_name); // Alabama
You could even use the new functional array methods to interrogate the data and pull out only those branches you need. Here I use filter to pull those objects where the purchase_order is equal to 2. Note that the numeric values in your JSON are strings, not integers.
var purchaseOrder2 = branches.filter(function (el) {
return el.branch.purchase_order === '2';
DEMO for the three examples

