Parse query parameters with regexp - javascript

I need to parse the url /[a.b.c]=value1&filter[a.b.d]=value2
and get 2 groups: 'a.b.c' and 'a.b.d'.
I try to parse with regexp [\?&]filter\[(.+\..+)+\]= but the result is 'a.b.c]=value1&filter[a.b.d'. How can I specify to search for the 1st occurrence?

You may use
See the regex demo
[?&] - a ? or &
filter\[ - a filter[ substring
([^\].]+\.[^\]]+) - Capturing group 1:
[^\].]+ - 1 or more chars other than ] and .
\. - a dot
[^\]]+ - 1 or more chars other than ]
]= - a ]= substring
JS demo:
var s = '/[a.b.c]=value1&filter[a.b.d]=value2';
var rx = /[?&]filter\[([^\].]+\.[^\]]+)]=/g;
var m, res=[];
while(m=rx.exec(s)) {
Note that in case & is never present as part of the query param value, you may add it to the negated character classes, [^\].]+ => [^\]&.]+, to make sure the regex does not overmatch across param values.
Since you need to extract text inside outer square brackets that may contain consecutive [...] substrings with at least 1 dot inside one of them, you may use a simpler regex with a bit more code:
var strs = ['/[a.b.c]=value1&filter[a.b.d]=value2',
var rx = /[?&]filter((?:\[[^\][]*])+)=/g;
for (var s of strs) {
var m, res=[];
while(m=rx.exec(s)) {
if (m[1].indexOf('.') > -1) {
console.log("--- NEXT STRING ----");

This will give you only the groups you mentioned (a.b.c and a.b.d)
This part (?<=[\?&]filter\[) says recognise but don't capture [?&]filter before what you want and this part (?!>\]=) says recognise but don't capture after ] after what you want.
[^\]] this captures everything that isn't a square bracket


regex to extract numbers starting from second symbol

Sorry for one more to the tons of regexp questions but I can't find anything similar to my needs. I want to output the string which can contain number or letter 'A' as the first symbol and numbers only on other positions. Input is any string, for example:
A123asdf456 -> A123456
0qw#$56-398 -> 056398
B12376B6f90 -> 12376690
12A12345BCt -> 1212345
What I tried is replace(/[^A\d]/g, '') (I use JS), which almost does the job except the case when there's A in the middle of the string. I tried to use ^ anchor but then the pattern doesn't match other numbers in the string. Not sure what is easier - extract matching characters or remove unmatching.
I think you can do it like this using a negative lookahead and then replace with an empty string.
In an non capturing group (?:, use a negative lookahad (?! to assert that what follows is not the beginning of the string followed by ^A or a digit \d. If that is the case, match any character .
var pattern = /(?:(?!^A|\d).)+/g;
var strings = [
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
console.log(strings[i] + " ==> " + strings[i].replace(pattern, ""));
You can match and capture desired and undesired characters within two different sides of an alternation, then replace those undesired with nothing:
JS code:
var inputStrings = [
console.log( => v.replace(/^(A)|\D/g, "$1"))
You can use the following regex : /(^A)?\d+/g
var arr = ['A123asdf456','0qw#$56-398','B12376B6f90','12A12345BCt', 'A-123asdf456'],
result = => s.match(/(^A|\d)/g).join(''));

Regex match cookie value and remove hyphens

I'm trying to extract out a group of words from a larger string/cookie that are separated by hyphens. I would like to replace the hyphens with a space and set to a variable. Javascript or jQuery.
As an example, the larger string has a name and value like this within it:
(notice the leading "C")
So first, I need to match()/find facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; with regex. Then break it down to "Conner Department Store"
var cookie = document.cookie;
var facilityValue = cookie.match( REGEX ); ??
var test = "store=874635%7Csomethingelse;facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;store=874635%7Csomethingelse;";
var test2 = test.replace(/^(.*)facility=([^;]+)(.*)$/, function(matchedString, match1, match2, match3){
return decodeURIComponent(match2);
console.log( test2 );
console.log( test2.split('|')[1].replace(/[-]/g, ' ') );
If I understood it correctly, you want to make a phrase by getting all the words between hyphens and disallowing two successive Uppercase letters in a word, so I'd prefer using Regex in that case.
This is a Regex solution, that works dynamically with any cookies in the same format and extract the wanted sentence from it:
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;";
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
Use this Regex (/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g to match the words between -.
Replace any - occurence in the matched words.
Then just join these matches array with white space.
first, you should decode this string as follows:
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;"
var decoded = decodeURIComponent(str);
// decoded = "facility=34222|Conner-Department-Store;"
Then you have multiple possibilities to split up this string.
The easiest way is to use substring()
var solution1 = decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length)
// solution1 = "Conner-Department-Store;"
solution1 = solution1.replace('-', ' ');
// solution1 = "Conner Department Store;"
As you can see, substring(arg1, arg2) returns the string, starting at index arg1 and ending at index arg2. See Full Documentation here
If you want to cut the last ; just set decoded.length - 1 as arg2 in the snippet above.
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1)
//returns "Conner-Department-Store"
or all above in just one line:
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1).replace('-', ' ')
If you want still to use a regular Expression to retrieve (perhaps more) data out of the string, you could use something similar to this snippet:
var solution2 = "";
var regEx= /([A-Za-z]*)=([0-9]*)\|(\S[^:\/?#\[\]\#\;\,']*)/;
if (regEx.test(decoded)) {
solution2 = decoded.match(regEx);
/* returns
length:4] */
solution2 = solution2[3].replace('-', ' ');
// "Conner Department Store"
I have applied some rules for the regex to work, feel free to modify them according your needs.
facility can be any Word built with alphabetical characters lower and uppercase (no other chars) at any length
= needs to be the char =
34222 can be any number but no other characters
| needs to be the char |
Conner-Department-Store can be any characters except one of the following (reserved delimiters): :/?#[]#;,'
Hope this helps :)
edit: to find only the part
facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; just modify the regex to
match facility= instead of ([A-z]*)=:
You can use cookies.js, a mini framework from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network).
Simply include the cookies.js file in your application, and write:
docCookies.getItem("Connor Department Store");

What's the JS RegExp for this specific string?

I have a rather isolated situation in an inventory management program where our shelf locations have a specific format, which is always Letter: Number-Letter-Number, such as Y: 1-E-4. Most of us coworkers just type in "y1e4" and are done with it, but that obviously creates issues with inconsistent formats in a database. Are JS RegExp's the ideal way to automatically detect and format these alphanumeric strings? I'm slowly wrapping my head around JavaScript's Perl syntax, but what's a simple example of formatting one of these strings?
spec: detect string format of either "W: D-W-D" or "WDWD" and return "W: D-W-D"
This function will accept any format and return undefined if it doesnt match, returns the formatted string if a match does occur.
function validateInventoryCode(input) {
var regexp = /^([a-zA-Z]+)(?:\:\s*)?(\d+)-?(\w+)-?(\d+)$/
var r = regexp.exec(input);
if(r != null) {
return `${r[1]}: ${r[2]}-${r[3]}-${r[4]}`;
var possibles = ["y1e1", "y:1e1", "Y: 1r3", "y: 32e4", "1:e3e"];
possibles.forEach(function(posssiblity) {
console.log(`input(${posssiblity}), result(${validateInventoryCode(posssiblity)})`);
function validateInventoryCode(input) {
var regexp = /^([a-zA-Z]+)(?:\:\s*)?(\d+)-?(\w+)-?(\d+)$/
var r = regexp.exec(input);
if (r != null) {
return `${r[1]}: ${r[2]}-${r[3]}-${r[4]}`;
I understand the question as "convert LetterNumberLetterNumber to Letter: Number-Letter-Number.
You may use
and replace with $1: $2-$3-$4
^ - start of string
([a-z]) - Group 1 (referenced with $1 from the replacement pattern) capturing any ASCII letter (as /i makes the pattern case-insensitive)
(\d+) - Group 2 capturing 1 or more digits
([a-z]) - Group 3, a letter
(\d+) - Group 4, a number (1 or more digits)
$ - end of string.
See the regex demo.
var re = /^([a-z])(\d+)([a-z])(\d+)$/i;
var s = 'y1e2';
var result = s.replace(re, '$1: $2-$3-$4');
OR - if the letters must be turned to upper case:
var re = /^([a-z])(\d+)([a-z])(\d+)$/i;
var s = 'y1e2';
var result = s.replace(re,
(m,g1,g2,g3,g4)=>`${g1.toUpperCase()}: ${g2}-${g3.toUpperCase()}-${g4}`
this is the function to match and replace the pattern: DEMO
function findAndFormat(text){
var splittedText=text.split(' ');
for(var i=0, textLength=splittedText.length; i<textLength; i++){
var analyzed=splittedText[i].match(/[A-z]{1}\d{1}[A-z]{1}\d{1}$/);
var formattedString=analyzed[0][0].toUpperCase()+': '+analyzed[0][1]+'-'+analyzed[0][2].toUpperCase()+'-'+analyzed[0][3];
return text;
i think it's just as it reads:
Letter, number, letter, number:
And yes, it's ok to use regex in this case, like form validations and stuff like that. it's just there are some cases on which abusing of regular expressions gives you a bad performance (into intensive data processing and the like)
"HelloY1E4world".replace(/([A-z][0-9][A-z][0-9])/g, ' ');
should return: "Hello world" always comes in handy

Extract word between '=' and '('

I have the following string
where I need to extract AWORDHERE.
Sometimes there can be space in between.
234234= AWORDHERE('sdf.'aa')
Can I do this with a regular expression?
Or should I do it manually by finding indexes?
The datasets are huge, so it's important to do it as fast as possible.
Try this regex:
Check Demo
in Javascript it would like that:
var myString = "234234=AWORDHERE('sdf.'aa')";// or 234234= AWORDHERE('sdf.'aa')
var myRegexp = /\d+=\s?(\w+)\(/g;
var match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
console.log(match[1]); // AWORDHERE
You could do this at least three ways. You need to benchmark to see what's fastest.
Substring w/ indexes
function extract(from) {
var ixEq = from.indexOf("=");
var ixParen = from.indexOf("(");
return from.substring(ixEq + 1, ixParen);
function extract(from) {
var spEq = from.split("=");
var spParen = spEq[1].split("(");
return spParen[0];
Regex (demo)
Here is some sample regex you could use
This says
[^=]+ - One or more character which is not an =
= - The = itself
( - creates a matching group so you can access your match in code
[^(]+ - One or more character which is not a (
) - closes the matching group
.* - Matches the rest of the line
the /g on the end tells it to perform the match on all lines.
Using look around you can search for string preceded by = and followed by ( as following.
Regex: (?<==)[A-Z ]+(?=\()
(?<==) checks if [A-Z ] is preceded by an =.
[A-Z ]+ matches your pattern.
(?=\() checks if matched pattern is followed by a (.
Regex101 Demo
var str = "234234= AWORDHERE('sdf.'aa')";
var regexp = /.*=\s+(\w+)\(.*\)/g;
var match = regexp.exec(str);
alert( match[1] );
I made my solution for this just a little more general than you asked for, but I don't think it takes much more time to execute. I didn't measure. If you need greater efficiency than this provides, comment and I or someone else can help you with that.
Here's what I did, using the command prompt of node:
> var s = "234234= AWORDHERE('sdf.'aa')"
> var a = s.match(/(\w+)=\s*(\w+)\s*\(.*/)
> a
[ '234234= AWORDHERE(\'sdf.\'aa\')',
index: 0,
input: '234234= AWORDHERE(\'sdf.\'aa\')' ]
As you can see, this matches the number before the = in a[1], and it matches the AWORDHERE name as you requested in a[2]. This will work with any number (including zero) spaces before and/or after the =.

RegEx needed to split javascript string on "|" but not "\|"

We would like to split a string on instances of the pipe character |, but not if that character is preceded by an escape character, e.g. \|.
ex we would like to see the following string split into the following components
I'm expecting to be able to use the following javascript function, split, which takes a regular expression. What regex would I pass to split? We are cross platform and would like to support current and previous versions (1 version back) of IE, FF, and Chrome if possible.
Instead of a split, do a global match (the same way a lexical analyzer would):
match anything other than \\ or |
or match any escaped char
Something like this:
var str = "1|2|3\\|4|5";
var matches = str.match(/([^\\|]|\\.)+/g);
A quick explanation: ([^\\|]|\\.) matches either any character except '\' and '|' (pattern: [^\\|]) or (pattern: |) it matches any escaped character (pattern: \\.). The + after it tells it to match the previous once or more: the pattern ([^\\|]|\\.) will therefor be matches once or more. The g at the end of the regex literal tells the JavaScript regex engine to match the pattern globally instead of matching it just once.
What you're looking for is a "negative look-behind matching regular expression".
This isn't pretty, but it should split the list for you:
var output = input.replace(/(\\)?|/g, function($0,$1){ return $1?$1:$0+'\n';});
This will take your input string and replace all of the '|' characters NOT immediately preceded by a '\' character and replace them with '\n' characters.
A regex solution was posted as I was looking into this. So I just went ahead and wrote one without it. I did some simple benchmarks and it is -slightly- faster (I expected it to be slower...).
Without using Regex, if I understood what you desire, this should do the job:
function doSplit(input) {
var output = [];
var currPos = 0,
prevPos = -1;
while ((currPos = input.indexOf('|', currPos + 1)) != -1) {
if (input[currPos-1] == "\\") continue;
var recollect = input.substr(prevPos + 1, currPos - prevPos - 1);
prevPos = currPos;
var recollect = input.substr(prevPos + 1);
return output;
doSplit('1|2|3\\|4|5'); //returns [ '1', '2', '3\\|4', '5' ]

