Vuejs component click event not working - javascript

I am using Vuejs - Vuikit components and have the following setup:
<div class="uk-scope">
<vk-modal :show="isShow" v-if="config">
<vk-modal-close #click="alert('hello!')" large></vk-modal-close>
<vk-notification :messages.sync="messages"></vk-notification>
<app-breadcrumb :current-view="currentView" />
<!-- render the currently active component/page here -->
<component v-bind:is="currentView"/>
My issue is that, the close modal does not see to fire the #click function.
The parent component, does emit an event, but I would prefer to fire something directly from the close button.
I have tried to use #click.native="someFunction()", but this has not helped!

Hey I've not used vuikit before but from their documents they show this is how to close a modal. I would also remove that v-if="config" as that might be confusing Vue
<div class="uk-scope">
<vk-modal :show.sync="isShow">
<vk-modal-close #click="isShow = false" large></vk-modal-close>
<vk-notification :messages.sync="messages"></vk-notification>
<app-breadcrumb :current-view="currentView" />
<!-- render the currently active component/page here -->
<component v-bind:is="currentView"/>

Have you tried using #click.native="someFunction" note that this does not have ().


Attach a sibling component using ref of a component

I am using a library in my page, I wish to update the input component of this library when it is rendered. More specifically I wish to add an icon to the input box of this library.
The library doesn't provide any slots to perform the same but what we it does give us a ref for the input element. I wish to use this to update the html by attaching an icon as a sibling of the ref.
I want to know if this is possible and a base guide as to how I achieve it
I have tried to use document to perform the same but I feel vue should be able to do it and the state will be consistent post that.
// App.vue (Parent)
<Component ref="componentRef" />
//Component.vue (Child)
<div id="iconMountPoint">
<input ref="inputEleRef">

How to use a querySelector in Nuxt 3?

I'm trying to initialise IntersectionObserver in each page of my website built with Nuxt3.
Therefore, I want to access each HTML element that has a specific CSS class. However, on page change, I noticed that via onMounted hook the detected elements are from the previous page.
Here a easy to reproduce example:
<NuxtPage />
<script setup lang="ts">
onMounted(() => {"index.vue");
<div id="container">
<NuxtLink to="/work">
Go to work
<script setup lang="ts">
onMounted(() => {"work.vue");
<div id="container">
<NuxtLink to="/">
Go to index
Simply, the result in the console always come from the previous DOM. Here the steps:
Load the page on index.vue, you see the right element in the console.
Go to work.vue using the link.
See the console showing the exact same result as previously, yet with an added empty class attribute on #container
My question is, why does onMounted hook doesn't show the right DOM on page change?
I tried to set the page transition to the default mode:
pageTransition: {
mode: 'default',
Nothing changed.
NOTE: I am using nuxt version: 3.0.0-rc.9
For this kind of usage, you should use template refs:
Otherwise, Vue will not behave as expected. More details can be found in this other answer.

Vue - Surround a component with a tag dynamically

What I'm trying to say is the v-if directive can make an entire component (and all its content) disappear based on a condition.
My question is:
is there a way to make only the surrounding tag or component disappear, without removing its content?
You can use dynamic component and :is prop with vue-fragment when you need a root-less component, or directly vue-fragment if that's just what you need.
Another option is to manipulate the DOM directly.
No, you can't do it. The first thing came to my mind is to move your content in separate component to avoid code duplicating and do something like this
<wrapper v-if="condition">
<child />
<child v-else />
If you provide some details on why do you need this, probably we can find a better solution.
2022 Working solution:
Create a universal "template wrapper" component:
<!-- VTemplate.vue -->
Use it in pair with the <component> component:
<script setup>
import VTemplate from './VTemplate.vue'
<component :is="condition ? 'li' : VTemplate">Your content</component>
<!-- Where 'li' is your wrapper tag/component that you want to conditionally hide but not its content -->
<component :is="condition ? 'li' : VTemplate" :class={'list-item': condition}>
Your content
<!-- You can assign attributes like the class to it as well -->
P.s. Also, if anyone knows how to import the <template> component directly or at least how to use it in <component :is> please enlighten :)

Vue: Mysterious ghost props?

In my project, I came across the following code:
Parent component - <ParameterModal>:
<modal-wrapper props="...">
<!-- ... other templates similar to this... -->
<template v-else-if="modalTemplate === 'bitmask_set'">
<template slot="header">
<h4 class="center-text">{{title}}</h4>
<div v-if="errorMessage" class="error-message">
<!-- ... -->
<div v-else>
Warning: unmapped modal template!
<!-- ... -->
Ok, cool, this is using a regular slot and named slot to display a component called <ModalBitmaskSet>. So I look inside modal-wrapper to find the outlets...
Child component - <modal-wrapper>
<!-- some container and wrapper elements and then... -->
<div class="modal-header">
<slot name="header" />
:class="['modal-body', 'display-flex', 'flex-direction-column', modalTemplate]"
style="text-align: center; display: none; padding-bottom: 10px;"
You have unsaved changes.<br />Please click Save or Cancel to proceed.
<md-content v-if="modalContent">{{modalContent}}</md-content>
<slot />
<!-- end containers and wrappers -->
Also cool, there is where the slots are coming out... but how are props being passed to <ModalBitmaskSet>? When I look in Vue DevTools, I can see that props are somehow being passed to this component that don't exist in the parent. On top of this, when I add new components to <ParameterModal>, they sometimes don't get passed props that other components seem to be getting! This is very weird!
As you can see from the photo, this component is somehow getting passed props that aren't listed in the code! Specifically, the props colIndex, fieldSet, indexOffset, methodIndex and rowIndex in this case, although other components on this <ParameterModal> component appear to get different props.
Am I missing something? Where could these ghostly props be coming from?
This line seems the likely cause, though without seeing the code for modalMeta it's difficult to be sure:
This is using the object v-bind syntax, so whatever properties exist in the modalMeta object will be passed as props to the component.

How to pass ref from parent to child component in template

I am using this component
Issue related to triggering element (it is used to calculate where is popover located)
For the triggering element, you can write it in two different ways: use the slot="reference" named slot, or use the v-popover directive and set it to Popover's ref.
Everything ok with default examples. But I am using transparent wrapper for el-popover component like so.
<script id="my-popover" type="x-template">
<!-- Pass on all named slots -->
v-for="slot in Object.keys($slots)"
<span> My popover </span>
It works ok with slot="reference" named slot.
#click="visible = !visible"
Click me
But due to complex layout I need to use v-popover directive. Got no luck with wrapped component.
#click="visible2 = !visible2"
Click me too
So I need somehow to pass in v-popover reference to ref="mypopover" from wrapped component. I.e. pass ref to child directly in template.
I've tried v-popover:popover.$refs.mypopover but that doesn't work.
Related codepen
Click on button Click me too should show popup connected to that button.
The problem is that the ref you want is the one that is on the el-popover but you are using the ref that is set on the my-popover component instead of the one you want.
This is kind of a wierd thing since that component wants a ref but it will be annoying to get one from the component inside your component.
I would put the button and popup with a slot in the same component.

