Visual Studio Code Custom Extension Line Based Note - javascript

I am trying to create an extension for visual studio code, which requires the ability to annotate lines in a file similar to the references shown in the image, linked below.
I want to be able to add an annotation, such as the one shown in the red rectangle, without modifying the source code file. I would like to be able to do so for every line of the source file. I also want to be able to make dynamic modifications to the annotations' contents.
I have searched VSC's documentation as well as elsewhere. I have not found it. Can anyone guide me in the right direction please?
I know the following is incorrect, but I don't know where else to check for how it should be accomplished.
class TestCodeLensProvider implements vscode.CodeLensProvider {
public provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken):
CodeLens[] | Thenable<CodeLens[]> {
return new Array<CodeLens>();
public resolveCodeLens?(codeLens: CodeLens, token: CancellationToken):
CodeLens | Thenable<CodeLens> {
return new CodeLens(new vscode.Range(new vscode.Position(1, 1), new vscode.Position(1, 2)),/*I also don't know how to specify my command here*/ );
export function activate(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
'json', new TestCodeLensProvider()));

The feature in your screenshot is called "Code Lens". More specifcally, you're looking for the registerCodeLensProvider() function of the languages namespace. Or if you're writing a Language Server instead of using the VSCode API directly, the textDocument/codeLens request method.


How can I change Vaadin Components in Java through Javascript

I implemented Shepherd in my Vaadin Project, so i can guide users in tours through my web application.
But, i need to get access from the javascript on the Accordion Components in Vaadin, to open or close specific tabs. For this, i need to have access on the open() and close() method for the Accordion Components. So how can i access them through Javascript?
Already seen the Tutorial on the Website of them:
Vaadin calling java from javascript,
but sadly nothing over there, what could help me.
I already tried to use something like this:
UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs("window.startTour($0, $1)", this, Accordion1.getElement());
But when i try to bind it in javascript through:
window.startTour = (element, accordion) => { ... }
and in this window:
beforeShowPromise: function () {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
element.$server.openAccordion(accordion.$server, 1);
with the following method in java:
public void openAccordion(Object object, int index) {
Accordion accordion = (Accordion) object.get(this);;
i only get the following error message:
Class '...' has the method 'openAccordion' whose parameter 0 refers to unsupported type 'java.lang.Object'
No matter what i use as first parameter, everythin that extends Object doesnt work and i dont know why.
I found a recent post with the same question, but it was not helpful for me:
Unable to send a new bean instance to the server
Im using Intellij and in my Project: Java, Spring, Vaadin and Shepherd
Already tried to use different parameters, but only the int parameter is working, Object doesnt work.
The Problem is, i cant change the opened Tab of the Accordion from the Javascript over the Java, because of this error, so i have to implement for each Accordion 2 methods to open and close it.
Maybe somebody can help me with it or knows some tricks to master this.
When using #ClientCallable you can pass only json or primitive types from JavaScript call to server. There is a real systems boundary here. Object is not supported and furthermore, you can cast that parameter to Java object.

Missing "translate.js" in Google Cloud Translate API

I decided to use Google Cloud Translation API for my project. Everything seemed fine until the moment I tried to run their script. It always says that I need to "Use require([])".
Right after I add square brackets inside my require's argument, it says I have to remove braces around Translate variable, 'cause it's not a constructor (though, in Google's script it is coded SO). I do that, and I get even more errors. Like this:
I dunno how to fix that. Spent whole days trying to figure out what's wrong, but haven't done any progress ever since. Maybe, I'm lacking the translate.js file, since it indicates that on the 2nd picture. But I did everything as said in Quickstart tutorial on Google's official website, and the following command (npm install #google-cloud/translate) does download many packages, but doesn't do anything justice, meaning, it doesn't download any translate.js or something of that sort.
The source code is below:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
async function main(
projectId = 'text-analyzer-1571113830391' // Your GCP Project Id
) {
// [START translate_quickstart]
// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const Translate = require(['#google-cloud/translate']);
// Instantiates a client
const translate = new Translate({projectId});
// The text to translate
const text = 'Hello, world!';
// The target language
const target = 'ru';
// Translates some text into Russian
const [translation] = await translate.translate(text, target);
console.log(`Text: ${text}`);
console.log(`Translation: ${translation}`);
// [END translate_quickstart]
Thanks to #Kolban, I've recalled that Node.js is a server-side API, and it can't do any logic in a browser. To do that, you have to use some third-party product like Webpack to transform your code or, either way, make REST calls via Ajax. Thanks again, Kolban!
The topic can be closed.

PowerBi-Javascript: How do I find out the visualName value for setting a slicer?

I'm attempting to use Microsoft's PowerBi-Javascript library to embed a report in a webpage. I want to apply a slicer on load, that depends on the actual page I'm on (so can't be done by defaults on the report).
The library wiki gives a way to do this by setting slicers in the config passed to the embed function. The slicer object looks something like this (from the documentation
interface ISlicer {
// Selects a slicer to change.
selector: SlicerSelector;
// A new state of the slicer
state: ISlicerState;
interface ISlicerSelector {
$schema: string;
visualName: string;
I'm happy with setting up the state using the filtering examples given, but I'm having problems finding the visualName for the selector - I can't see it in the interface (on viewing or editing), and I've tried using the names/headers etc I can see, none of which work.
How do I find out and/or set what this visualName is?
I've not found a way in the UI to see this. Hopefully there is a better way than the below, but this does work.
However, it is possible to find out using the api, or using this library if you're able to mess around running some code locally.
In my case, I found out by (while developing locally) finding the page and then the visuals that were displaying once the report had rendered, logging the data to the console, and identifying which visual was the one I wanted.
Something like:
report.on('rendered', () => {
report.getPages().then(pages => {
pages[0].getVisuals().then(visuals => console.log(visuals))
Where in this case I only cared about the first page.
This then logged some data to the console about each visual, including co-ordinate values and visualName, so I was able to identify the one I was interested in and see its visualName property.
Confusingly, the visualName property looks more like an id (although not a guid).
You can set the Visual Title (not the Slicer Title) on the slicer under General > Title > Text.
Then, you can find the slicer using the visual.title property.
For example,
report.on('rendered', () => {
report.getPages().then(pages => {
pages[0].getVisuals().then(visuals => console.log(
visuals.find(visual => visual.title === "MySlicer")

Moving created files with JXA

I'm new to JXA scripting, but I'm attempting to troubleshoot some older scripts currently in place here at work. They loop through an InDesign document and create several PDFs based on it. Previously, they would be stored in a folder called "~/PDFExports". However, this doesn't work with 10.10.
If I change the code to just place the PDFs in "~/", it works fine. From there, I'd like to move the files to "~/PDFExports", but I can't seem to find an answer on how to do that. I've seen things about making calls to ObjC, or to call Application('Finder'), but neither work - they both return undefined.
Am I just missing something basic here, or is it really this hard to simply move a file with JXA?
EDIT: Some syntax for how I'm creating the folder in question and how I'm attempting to work with Finder.
//This is called in the Main function of the script, on first run.
var exportFolder = new Folder(exportPath);
if(!exportFolder.exists) {
//This is called right after the PDF is created. file is a reference to the
actual PDF file, and destination is a file path string.
function MoveFile(file,destination){
var Finder = Application("Finder");
Application('Finder').move(sourceFile, { to: destinationFolder });
alert("File moved");
Adobe apps have long included their own embedded JS interpreter, JS API, and .jsx filename extension. It has nothing to do with JXA, and is not compatible with it.
InDesign's JSX documentation:
(BTW, I'd also strongly advise against using JXA for Adobe app automation as it has a lot of missing/broken features and application compatibility problems, and really isn't fit for production work.)
Here's the link to Adobe's InDesign Scripting forum, which is the best place to get help with JSX:
You could use Cocoa to create the folder
var exportFolder = $.NSHomeDirectory().stringByAppendingPathComponent("PDFExports")
var fileManager = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager
var folderExists = fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(exportFolder)
if (!folderExists) {
fileManager.createDirectoryAtPathWithIntermediateDirectoriesAttributesError(exportFolder, false, $(), $())
and to move a file
var success = fileManager.moveItemAtPathToPathError(sourceFile, destinationLocation, $());
if (success) alert("File moved");
Consider that destinationLocation must be the full path including the file name
and both sourceFile and destinationLocation must be NSString objects like exportFolder
Could it be that the folder is missing ? Could be your reference to the folder object not valid ? Any syntax to show ?
I will share some of what I learned about JXA move and duplicate methods. I am not a professional programmer just an attorney that is passionate about automation. My comments come from much trial and error, reading whatever I could find online, and A LOT of struggle. The move method does not work well with Finder. Use the System Events move method instead. The duplicate method in Finder works just fine. The duplicate method does not work well in system events. This is a modified snippet from a script I wrote showing move() using System Events.
(() => {
const strPathTargetFile = '/Users/bretfarve/Documents/MyFolderA/myFile.txt';
const strPathFolder = '/Users/bretfarve/Documents/MyFolderB/';
/* System Events Objects */
const SysEvents = Application('System Events');
const objPathFolder = SysEvents.aliases[strPathFolder];
SysEvents.move(SysEvents.aliases.byName(strPathTargetFile), {to: objPathFolder});

Drupal - OpenLayers - Alter popup behavior

I have modified the popup behavior js file: openlayers_behavior_popup.js directly in the module located at openlayers/plugins/behaviors.
It's working fine per my expected but I do not want to put my own modification in the original module, I want to add it attach to my existing module but I don't know how to do this.
I want the site not to take the behavior at openlayers/plugins/behaviors but follow with my popup behavior code from my own module.
Drupal.openlayers.addBehavior('openlayers_behavior_popup', function (data, options) {
// normal
var popupSelect = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layers,
// my change here!!
onUnselect: function(feature) {
// normal
How can I alter the behavior code of openlayers?
I have solved my issue on this topic by load the modification javascript file in my custom module as following:
function mycustom_openlayers_init() {
// you might want to load only at some specific page
// if you want so, please have a look to function arg() of drupal
// place condition before loading the js file below
drupal_add_js ( drupal_get_path ( 'module', 'mycustom_openlayers' ) . '/js/openlayers_behavior_popup.js', array(
'weight' => '9999',
) );
By specifying the setting of weight bigger, my javascript is loaded after loading the original openlayers popup file and then it overrides the behavior of the original to take mine instead.
I don't know if it is the right thing to do but it works for me.
Please let me know if other people could give me a programmatic solution on that and better than above.

