Adding another object inside an existing JSON - javascript

I'm basically trying to save data into a json,
so basically:
"userid1": {
"name" : "user1",
"wins" : "21",
"loss" : "0",
"leaderboard" : "1"
"userid2": {
"name" : "user2",
"wins" : "0",
"loss" : "0",
"leaderboard" : "0"
// how do you push another object, let's say; this time; userid3 which would look like this.
// "userid3": {
// "name" : "user3",
// "wins" : "0",
// "loss" : "0",
// "leaderboard" : "0"
// }
// (using javascript, from another file; let's say it's called "datasave.js")
// here?
I want to add another object instead of rewriting the whole thing. How do I do that?
This is a json file on it's own, there's another .js file and that's where the json file gets parsed. I want to add the object from there.
I've got it working somehow now.; there's a var called "id" and that id's the userId, how do I change the "id" in the picture to the userId?

output = {
"userid1": {
"name" : "user1",
"wins" : "21",
"loss" : "0",
"leaderboard" : "1"
"userid2": {
"name" : "user2",
"wins" : "0",
"loss" : "0",
"leaderboard" : "0"
u3 = {
"name" : "user2",
"wins" : "0",
"loss" : "0",
"leaderboard" : "0"
output.userid3 = u3;

you can use Object.assign
const result = Object.assign(data, objToAdd);
Or bracket notation
data['userId3'] = obj
Or dot notation
data.userId3 = obj
const data = {
"userid1": {
"name": "user1",
"wins": "21",
"loss": "0",
"leaderboard": "1"
"userid2": {
"name": "user2",
"wins": "0",
"loss": "0",
"leaderboard": "0"
const obj = {
"userid3": {
"name": "user3",
"wins": "0",
"loss": "0",
"leaderboard": "0"
Object.assign(data, obj);

you can import another file into your file using js can import your objects too
you can use javascript spread syntax to combine two objects into one
var object1={name:"xyz"}
var object2={surname:"abc"}
then object1={...object1,...object2} // object={name:"xyz",surname:"abc"}


How to delete array element from JSON array of objects by ID

This is probably quite easy, but giving me trouble. Given this JSON structure:
"playlists" : [
"id" : "1",
"owner_id" : "2",
"song_ids" : [
"id" : "2",
"owner_id" : "3",
"song_ids" : [
"id" : "3",
"owner_id" : "7",
"song_ids" : [
How would you delete an object from the array by key/value? In this case by ID? playlist.splice(1,1)? playlist.delete(id)? Not sure how to do this elegantly. Let's say I wish to delete the element with ID = 3, how to get this result:
"playlists" : [
"id" : "1",
"owner_id" : "2",
"song_ids" : [
"id" : "2",
"owner_id" : "3",
"song_ids" : [
Using Array.filter, you can filter out elements that don't match a certain condition. For example:
const result = playlists.filter(playlist => !== '2');
Here's a working demo:
/* Example Data */
const playlists = [
"id" : "1",
"owner_id" : "2",
"song_ids" : [ "8", "32"]
"id" : "2",
"owner_id" : "3",
"song_ids" : ["6", "8","11" ]
/* Takes a list of playlists, and an ID to remove */
const removePlaylistById = (plists, id) =>
plists.filter(playlist => !== id);
/* Removes playlist ID 2 from list, prints result */
const result = removePlaylistById(playlists, '2');
Another option, would be to use Array.findIndex to get the index of an element with given ID, then use Array.splice to remove that element. This will modify the array, without the need for a copy.
For example:
const indexToRemove = playlists.findIndex((pl) => === '2');
playlists.splice(indexToRemove, 1);

C#/Javascript: How to convert JSON string contains parents-child array into multiple parents? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Map and reduce array of objects with a children array down to array of children with parent's id
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'd like to split parents-child array into multiple parents with one child. The JSON string as below:
"Father-Name" : "Jack",
"Mother-Name" : "Rose",
"Children": [{ "Name" : "Lmao" }, {"Name" : "Lol"}]
"Father-Name" : "Donald",
"Mother-Name" : "Melissa",
"Children": null
and my desired output:
"Father-Name" : "Jack",
"Mother-Name" : "Rose",
"Children": { "Name" : "Lmao" }
"Father-Name" : "Jack",
"Mother-Name" : "Rose",
"Children": {"Name" : "Lol"}
"Father-Name" : "Donald",
"Mother-Name" : "Melissa",
"Children": null
I did some searching but there's no matching for this.
The answer is in this link solution. Thanks to #JLRishe
I only modified a null check.
var data = [{
"Father" : "Jack",
"Mother" : "Rose",
"Children": [{ "Name" : "Lmao" }, {"Name" : "Lol"}]
"Father" : "Donald",
"Mother" : "Melissa",
"Children": null
var result = => d.Children!== null ? => ({"Father": d.Father,"Mother": d.Mother, Children: {...c}})) : d).flat();

I need to merge objects. They all have the same keys but differing numerical values. I need to get the sum of values for each key

New to JS and programming in general. I've tried numerous solutions on SO and other resources and cannot seem to figure this out. I have twenty or more objects representing user 'votes'. The all have the same keys and different values depending on the user input. I need to 'tally the votes' by summing the different values and return a single object.
"Seattle" : "1",
"Chicago" : "2",
"New York" : "3"
"Chicago" : "1",
"New York" : "2",
"Seattle" : "3"
"New York" : "1",
"Chicago" : "2",
"Seattle" : "3"
I'd like the three objects above to be distilled to this:
"New York" : "6",
"Seattle" : "7",
"Chicago" : "5"
If you could point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it!
Assuming your votes are in an array, you can reduce it into a single object:
const votes = [
"Seattle" : "1",
"Chicago" : "2",
"New York" : "3"
"Chicago" : "1",
"New York" : "2",
"Seattle" : "3"
"New York" : "1",
"Chicago" : "2",
"Seattle" : "3"
const tally = votes.reduce((a, e) => {
for (const p in e) {
a[p] = a[p] + (+e[p]) || +e[p];
return a;
}, {})
Another option with reduce/keys/map which somewhat more functional looking:
const objs = [{
"Seattle": "1",
"Chicago": "2",
"New York": "3"
"Chicago": "1",
"New York": "2",
"Seattle": "3"
"New York": "1",
"Chicago": "2",
"Seattle": "3"
var result = objs.reduce((r, c) => Object.keys(r).map((x) => r[x] = +r[x] + (+c[x])) && r)

React : Filter or map Object by iterating through list of objects

I have list of CutomerType objects and Customer object. Customer object has the cutomerType id property on it. Based on the customer type id on customer object I have to loop over or map the right customerType object and disaplay the name code.
[ {
"id" : "5436d5fd-e3ea-4e09-be4a-a80967cd72e5",
"code" : "0",
"name" : "UN"
}, {
"id" : "674b76b8-f1ac-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code" : "1",
"name" : "NON-UN"
}, {
"id" : "674b76b8-f1ad-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code" : "2",
"name" : "COS-UN"
}, {
"id" : "674b76b8-f1ae-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code" : "NA",
"name" : NA"
} ]
"id" : "1",
"name": "Jhon",
"type": "5436d5fd-e3ea-4e09-be4a-a80967cd72e5",
This is what you could do.
const customerCodeArray = [{
"id": "5436d5fd-e3ea-4e09-be4a-a80967cd72e5",
"code": "0",
"name": "UN"
}, {
"id": "674b76b8-f1ac-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code": "1",
"name": "NON-UN"
}, {
"id": "674b76b8-f1ad-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code": "2",
"name": "COS-UN"
}, {
"id": "674b76b8-f1ae-5c14-e053-ce5e1cac867d",
"code": "NA",
"name": "NA"
const customer = {
"id": "1",
"name": "Jhon",
"type": "5436d5fd-e3ea-4e09-be4a-a80967cd72e5",
const getCustomerCode = (type) => {
const filterList = customerCodeArray.filter((obj) => === type);
if (filterList.length > 0) {
return filterList[0];
Hope this is clear, if not feel free to ask
const loop = // whole array;
const customer = // customer object
loop.find(el => === customer.type).name
const filteredResult = customerCodeArray.filter(type => === Customer.type);

Convert JSON object

I need to convert JSON object into different format.
My JSON looks like this -
"approver": [
"roleId": "New Approver",
"level": "1",
"firstName": "Alan"
"roleId": "New Approver",
"level": "2",
"firstName": "Alex"
"roleId": "New Approver",
"level": "1",
"firstName": "Mike"
"roleId": "USFA",
"level": "1",
"firstName": "Matt"
"roleId": "USFA",
"level": "1",
"firstName": "John"
Expected output:
Output = [
{ roleName : "New Approver",
levels : [
{ level : "1",
users : ["alan", "mike"] },
{ level : "2",
users : ["alex"] }
] },
{ roleName : "USFA",
levels : [
{ level : "1",
users : ["matt", "john"]
I have tried using reduce function but it does not give me expected results. Could anyone help me convert the object?
How about try like Array.from(JSON_object_here)

