How to stub constant functions when using ES Modules with sinon.js? - javascript

With ES Modules, we define some exported functions as const and it is often a standard practice. However, during unit testing, these const functions can't be stubbed out which seems problematic from a unit testing perspective. For example,
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { bindNodeCallback } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
// readFile :: string, string => Observable<string>
export const readFile$ = bindNodeCallback(fs.readFile);
// readJson :: string => Observable<any>
export function readJson(fileName) {
return readFile$(fileName, 'utf-8')
.pipe(map((rawFile) => JSON.parse(rawFile)));
Now to unit test readJson, I would typically want to stub readFile$ function. Unfortunately, following Sinon code doesn't work:
// Setup data - stubs / mocks
const stub = sinon.stub(myFs, 'readFile$').returns(json$);
Since Sinon is simply changing reference myFs.readFile$, original const still points to the original function which is in turn called by readJson function.
Any suggestion - how can I really stub/mock constant function within the same module?

const is constant one can't change it using "normal" code. Unfortunately sinon is not magic. You need to instrument your code to allow changing constant value.
Assuming you are using babel to transpile you could use babel-plugin-rewire.
After adding it to your babel config you would be able to do the following injection in your test code
import { default as readJson, __RewireAPI__ as rewire } from './path/to/readJson.js'
const stub = sinon.stub(myFs, 'readFile$').returns(json$)
rewire.__set__('readFile$', stub)
// readJson() would now call provided stub

I believe Sinon has a way to do this, without the use of third party packages (e.g. Babel). Here is their documentation page about it, with a simple example: How to stub a dependency of a module. I just tried it myself and it seems to work.
Sorry, I don't have time to share any code here in my reply. I know that is poor form :-/ But hopefully the link helps some people.


mock moment.js in node using jest

I'm trying to mock moment.js in order to predict my integration tests.
I've been trying to mock jest like this:
import moment from 'moment'
jest.mock('moment', () => () => ({valueOf: () => 100})
But when I run my test, the source code uses the normal moment.
I have succeeded in overriding moment behavior by doing this, but it is not good enough as it override more functions which I don't want to change.
when I have to mock a moment.js function, I do it using stubs from Sinon.js (
It goes basically like this:
import * as sinon from 'sinon'
import moment from 'moment'
const stubValueOf = sinon.stub(moment, 'valueOf');
Important: a good practice using stubs is only use it for a specific test and not the whole test file. So, after every time you use it, use stubValueOf.restore(). If you want to 'stub' the method with different values in the same test, use stubValueOf.reset().

ES6 module import a function value [duplicate]

Is it possible to pass options to ES6 imports?
How do you translate this:
var x = require('module')(someoptions);
to ES6?
There is no way to do this with a single import statement, it does not allow for invocations.
So you wouldn't call it directly, but you can basically do just the same what commonjs does with default exports:
// module.js
export default function(options) {
return {
// actual module
// main.js
import m from 'module';
var x = m(someoptions);
Alternatively, if you use a module loader that supports monadic promises, you might be able to do something like
System.import('module').ap(someoptions).then(function(x) {
With the new import operator it might become
const promise = import('module').then(m => m(someoptions));
const x = (await import('module'))(someoptions)
however you probably don't want a dynamic import but a static one.
Here's my solution using ES6
Very much inline with #Bergi's response, this is the "template" I use when creating imports that need parameters passed for class declarations. This is used on an isomorphic framework I'm writing, so will work with a transpiler in the browser and in node.js (I use Babel with Webpack):
export default (Param1, Param2) => class MyClass {
console.log( Param1 );
import MyClassFactory from './MyClass.js';
let MyClass = MyClassFactory('foo', 'bar');
let myInstance = new MyClass();
The above will output foo in a console
Real World Example
For a real world example, I'm using this to pass in a namespace for accessing other classes and instances within a framework. Because we're simply creating a function and passing the object in as an argument, we can use it with our class declaration likeso:
export default (UIFramework) => class MyView extends UIFramework.Type.View {
getModels() {
// ...
UIFramework.Models.getModelsForView( this._models );
// ...
The importation is a bit more complicated and automagical in my case given that it's an entire framework, but essentially this is what is happening:
// ...
getView( viewName ){
const ViewFactory = require(viewFileLoc);
const View = ViewFactory(this);
return new View();
// ...
I hope this helps!
Building on #Bergi's answer to use the debug module using es6 would be the following
// original
var debug = require('debug')('http');
// ES6
import * as Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('http');
// Use in your code as normal
debug('Hello World!');
I've landed on this thread looking up for somewhat similar and would like to propose a sort of solution, at least for some cases (but see Remark below).
Use case
I have a module, that is running some instantiation logic immediately upon loading. I do not like to call this init logic outside the module (which is the same as call new SomeClass(p1, p2) or new ((p1, p2) => class SomeClass { ... p1 ... p2 ... }) and alike).
I do like that this init logic will run once, kind of a singular instantiation flow, but once per some specific parametrized context.
service.js has at its very basic scope:
let context = null; // meanwhile i'm just leaving this as is
console.log('initialized in context ' + (context ? context : 'root'));
Module A does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console has now "initialized in context root"
Module B does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console stays unchanged! module's script runs only once
So far so good: service is available for both modules but was initialized only once.
How to make it run as another instance and init itself once again in another context, say in Module C?
This is what I'm thinking about: use query parameters. In the service we'd add the following:
let context = new URL(import.meta.url).searchParams.get('context');
Module C would do:
import * as S from 'service.js?context=special';
the module will be re-imported, it's basic init logic will run and we'll see in the console:
initialized in context special
Remark: I'd myself advise to NOT practice this approach much, but leave it as the last resort. Why? Module imported more than once is more of an exception than a rule, so it is somewhat unexpected behavior and as such may confuse a consumers or even break it's own 'singleton' paradigms, if any.
I believe you can use es6 module loaders.
System.import("lib/math").then(function(m) {
You just need to add these 2 lines.
import xModule from 'module';
const x = xModule('someOptions');
Here's my take on this question using the debug module as an example;
On this module's npm page, you have this:
var debug = require('debug')('http')
In the line above, a string is passed to the module that is imported, to construct. Here's how you would do same in ES6
import { debug as Debug } from 'debug'
const debug = Debug('http');
Hope this helps someone out there.
I ran into an analogous syntax issue when trying to convert some CJS (require()) code to ESM (import) - here's what worked when I needed to import Redis:
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
ESM Equivalent
import connectRedis from 'connect-redis';
const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
You can pass parameters in the module specifier directly:
import * as Lib from "./lib?foo=bar";

Mocking/stubbing objects that are only defined in a closure

First of all, for testing my library, I'm using Mocha and Chai, but I'm probably going to need Sinon too sometime.
This is the library:
import Service from 'service'; // a third-party module out of my control
const service = Service(...);
class MyLib {
... uses `service` in a bunch of different ways ...
... service.put(foo) ...
... service.get(bar) ...
export default MyLib;
This is basically the test file:
import MyLib from '../my-lib.js';
describe('MyLib', () => {
describe('a method that uses the service', () => {
The service object makes some calls to remote servers, which I can't really do in the tests. Therefore, I'm thinking I should stub the service's methods or mock the entire service object. However, since the object is constant and only reachable through the MyLib closure, I don't know how.
Ideally I don't wish to change the API of MyLib to e.g. inject the service object in the constructor.
I use Babel 6 with the es2015 preset, if it matters.
How should I approach this?
There are a few ways to do it.
The simplest way without extra libraries
Save service as a class property and call it from there:
import Service from 'service';
const service = Service(...);
class MyLib {
constructor() {
this.service = service;
... now you should call service in a bit different way
... this.service.put(foo) ...
... this.service.get(bar) ...
export default MyLib;
Then you can rewrite service instance in your tests:
it('should call my mock', () => {
const lib = new MyLib();
lib.service = mockedService; // you need to setup this mock, with Sinon, for example
assert.ok(mockedService.put.calledOnce); // works
Mock require() function
There are some libraries that allow you to override results of require() function. My favourite one is proxyquire. You can use it and your module will get mockedSerice instead of real:
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
it('should call my mock', () => {
const MyLib = proxyquire('./my-lib', {
// pass here the map of mocked imports
service: mockedService
const lib = new MyLib();
assert.ok(mockedService.put.calledOnce); // works
Use rewire to get access into module closure
Rewire is a special library that instruments module code so then you can change any local variable there
import rewire from 'rewire';
it('should call my mock', () => {
const MyLib = rewire('./my-lib')
const lib = new MyLib();
// __set__ is a special secret method added by rewire
MyLib.__set__('service', mockedService);
assert.ok(mockedService.put.calledOnce); // works
Also, there is a babel-plugin-rewire for better integration with your tools.
All methods above are nice you may pick that seems better for your issue.
I was dealing with the same thing recently.
You can take advantage of
In the test you are writing, require/import the service the same way you do in the file you are testing.
Then use Sinon to stub the methods you are using within the file to test.
sinon.stub(Service, put).returns()
When the file requires the service, it will use the modified module.
I haven't tested your exact case, where you are creating instance of the service and only after that you work with it, but a bit of playing with it should help you achieve what you want, and it is all without any external libraries, only simple sinon stub.
Your tests for MyLib shouldn't test service, so I would suggest mocking all or most of it. You should just check that MyLib is calling the right functions on service with the right arguments.
I'm not sure about sinon, but that looks like a pretty standard way to import and use a library, I would be surprised if it doesn't support mocking service.

Writing tests for javascript module using webpack's require.ensure function

I am running mocha tests on my server, testing source scripts an isolated unit test manner.
One of the scripts I am testing makes a call to Webpack's require.ensure function, which is useful for creating code-splitting points in the application when it gets bundled by Webpack.
The test I have written for this script does not run within a Webpack context, therefore the require.ensure function does not exist, and the test fails.
I have tried to create some sort of polyfill/stub/mock/spy for this function but have had no luck whatsoever.
There is a package, webpack-require, which does allow for the creation of a webpack context. This can work but it is unacceptably slow. I would prefer to have some sort of lightweight polyfill targeting the require.ensure function directly.
Any recommendations? :)
Here is a very basic starting point mocha test.
The mocha test loads a contrived module containing a method which returns true if require.ensure is defined.
export default {
requireEnsureExists: () => {
return typeof require.ensure === 'function';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('When requiring "foo"', () => {
let foo;
before(() => {
foo = require('./foo.js');
it('The requireEnsureExists() should be true', () => {
Ok, I finally have an answer for this after much research and deliberation.
I initially thought that I could solve this using some sort of IoC / DI strategy, but then I found the source code for Node JS's Module library which is responsible for loading modules. Looking at the source code you will notice that the 'require' function for modules (i.e. foo.js in my example) get created by the _compile function of NodeJs's module loader. It's internally scoped and I couldn't see an immediate mechanism by which to modify it.
I am not quite sure how or where Webpack is extending the created "require" instance, but I suspect it is with some black magic. I realised that I would need some help to do something of a similar nature, and didn't want to write a massive block of complicated code to do so.
Then I stumbled on rewire...
Dependency injection for node.js applications.
rewire adds a special setter and getter to modules so you can modify their behaviour for better unit testing. You may
inject mocks for other modules
leak private variables
override variables within the module.
rewire does not load the file and eval the contents to emulate node's require mechanism. In fact it uses node's own require to load the module. Thus your module behaves exactly the same in your test environment as under regular circumstances (except your modifications).
Perfect. Access to private variables is all that I need.
After installing rewire, getting my test to work was easy:
export default {
requireEnsureExists: () => {
return typeof require.ensure === 'function';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import rewire from 'rewire';
describe('When requiring "foo"', () => {
let foo;
before(() => {
foo = rewire('./foo.js');
// Get the existing 'require' instance for our module.
let fooRequire = moduletest.__get__('require');
// Add an 'ensure' property to it.
fooRequire.ensure = (path) => {
// Do mocky/stubby stuff here.
// We don't need to set the 'require' again in our module, as the above
// is by reference.
it('The requireEnsureExists() should be true', () => {
Aaaaah.... so happy. Fast running test land again.
Oh, in my case it's not needed, but if you are bundling your code via webpack for browser based testing, then you may need the rewire-webpack plugin. I also read somewhere that this may have problems with ES6 syntax.
Another note: for straight up mocking of require(...) statements I would recommend using mockery instead of rewire. It's less powerful than rewire (no private variable access), but this is a bit safer in my opinion. Also, it has a very helpful warning system to help you not do any unintentional mocking.
I've also seen the following strategy being employed. In every module that uses require.ensure check that it exists and polyfill it if not:
// Polyfill webpack require.ensure.
if (typeof require.ensure !== `function`) require.ensure = (d, c) => c(require);

is there any way to obtain a reference to (and use) an es6/2015 import in the same expression? [duplicate]

Is it possible to pass options to ES6 imports?
How do you translate this:
var x = require('module')(someoptions);
to ES6?
There is no way to do this with a single import statement, it does not allow for invocations.
So you wouldn't call it directly, but you can basically do just the same what commonjs does with default exports:
// module.js
export default function(options) {
return {
// actual module
// main.js
import m from 'module';
var x = m(someoptions);
Alternatively, if you use a module loader that supports monadic promises, you might be able to do something like
System.import('module').ap(someoptions).then(function(x) {
With the new import operator it might become
const promise = import('module').then(m => m(someoptions));
const x = (await import('module'))(someoptions)
however you probably don't want a dynamic import but a static one.
Here's my solution using ES6
Very much inline with #Bergi's response, this is the "template" I use when creating imports that need parameters passed for class declarations. This is used on an isomorphic framework I'm writing, so will work with a transpiler in the browser and in node.js (I use Babel with Webpack):
export default (Param1, Param2) => class MyClass {
console.log( Param1 );
import MyClassFactory from './MyClass.js';
let MyClass = MyClassFactory('foo', 'bar');
let myInstance = new MyClass();
The above will output foo in a console
Real World Example
For a real world example, I'm using this to pass in a namespace for accessing other classes and instances within a framework. Because we're simply creating a function and passing the object in as an argument, we can use it with our class declaration likeso:
export default (UIFramework) => class MyView extends UIFramework.Type.View {
getModels() {
// ...
UIFramework.Models.getModelsForView( this._models );
// ...
The importation is a bit more complicated and automagical in my case given that it's an entire framework, but essentially this is what is happening:
// ...
getView( viewName ){
const ViewFactory = require(viewFileLoc);
const View = ViewFactory(this);
return new View();
// ...
I hope this helps!
Building on #Bergi's answer to use the debug module using es6 would be the following
// original
var debug = require('debug')('http');
// ES6
import * as Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('http');
// Use in your code as normal
debug('Hello World!');
I've landed on this thread looking up for somewhat similar and would like to propose a sort of solution, at least for some cases (but see Remark below).
Use case
I have a module, that is running some instantiation logic immediately upon loading. I do not like to call this init logic outside the module (which is the same as call new SomeClass(p1, p2) or new ((p1, p2) => class SomeClass { ... p1 ... p2 ... }) and alike).
I do like that this init logic will run once, kind of a singular instantiation flow, but once per some specific parametrized context.
service.js has at its very basic scope:
let context = null; // meanwhile i'm just leaving this as is
console.log('initialized in context ' + (context ? context : 'root'));
Module A does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console has now "initialized in context root"
Module B does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console stays unchanged! module's script runs only once
So far so good: service is available for both modules but was initialized only once.
How to make it run as another instance and init itself once again in another context, say in Module C?
This is what I'm thinking about: use query parameters. In the service we'd add the following:
let context = new URL(import.meta.url).searchParams.get('context');
Module C would do:
import * as S from 'service.js?context=special';
the module will be re-imported, it's basic init logic will run and we'll see in the console:
initialized in context special
Remark: I'd myself advise to NOT practice this approach much, but leave it as the last resort. Why? Module imported more than once is more of an exception than a rule, so it is somewhat unexpected behavior and as such may confuse a consumers or even break it's own 'singleton' paradigms, if any.
I believe you can use es6 module loaders.
System.import("lib/math").then(function(m) {
You just need to add these 2 lines.
import xModule from 'module';
const x = xModule('someOptions');
Here's my take on this question using the debug module as an example;
On this module's npm page, you have this:
var debug = require('debug')('http')
In the line above, a string is passed to the module that is imported, to construct. Here's how you would do same in ES6
import { debug as Debug } from 'debug'
const debug = Debug('http');
Hope this helps someone out there.
I ran into an analogous syntax issue when trying to convert some CJS (require()) code to ESM (import) - here's what worked when I needed to import Redis:
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
ESM Equivalent
import connectRedis from 'connect-redis';
const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
You can pass parameters in the module specifier directly:
import * as Lib from "./lib?foo=bar";

