Point chart plot on existing line chart - javascript

I want to show a moving point (image) with X,Y coordinates and theeta angle (only to rotate the object) on an existing line charts using Google chart.
Please suggest me as I am new in integrating Google chart.


How to add text inside scatter plot using Chart.js?

How to render text inside the scatter chart with Chart.Js. The scatter chart (i'm using) has the Zoom/pan plugin, so, i want the text to be anchored to the x/y coordinates of the plot when I'm panning the chart.
Thanks in advance!
Have a look at datalabels plugin. Although you are saying that you have a scatter chart and datalabels does not seem to support this.
Still you could check what you can do with bubble chart, here is a live example.

Draw bubbles to show details in line chart using chart js

I developed a line chart using chartJS. In my chart, I have to draw the data line, and lines with bubbles to show where is the mode, red, and amber in my data. I have figured how to draw the lines. But I don't understand how to draw the bubbles to show the details.
The chart I need to draw is shown in the picture:
Is there any idea how to draw the chart ?
I have found the simple solution.
There is plugins in chartJS called chartjs-plugin-annotation.
These plugins help you make arbitrary lines in the chart and give labels to it.
You can see the example and documentation of chartJS plugin annotation here

retain pie chart size when user zoom using d3js and topojson

JSfiddle Link: http://jsfiddle.net/aumy37nc/1/
I have plotted world map with pie charts on top of it. I want to retain the pie chart when user zooms the map. Right now pie chart gets scaled with the map when the user zooms.
Also tried the solution from the link below but no luck.
Any suggestions appreciated.

OpenLayers: How to show canvas as a vector

I'm working on a project that's using maps to represent a Geo-locations.
each when I hover on any location it should bring a magnifying glass with a donut chart inside of it
I can do this by converting the donut chart from canvas to image and add it to OpenLayer vector as image.
But, the problem is this donut chart may contain a real-time data which could change each second.
So, there is anyway to directly add canvas to vector or similar way to do this.

trend line using Dots chart in Raphael.js

I have to use g.raphaeljs library to create a scatterplot graph. Not only that but i am trying to get a trend line as well, and am wondering how I should go about this.
I was thinking of calculating the mean of the x axis and the y axis and drawing a straight line based on slope.... but am still stuck.
Any help is appreciated.
Also the data used to plot the points on the dot chart is provided by a user.

