Session doesn't work - javascript

So, I'm trying to make a web application. During registration, I require from the user to enter his working experience. While at it, I test if the time span in which the user has been working overlaps with previously entered time spans, just to warn him of it. I use controller and JS script for this.
This is my controller method:
public void TimeCheck()
string time = Request.QueryString.ToString();
using (ITExpertsContext db = new ITExpertsContext())
int id = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email.Equals(User.Identity.Name)).UserId;
List<WorkingAt> currentHistory = db.WorkingAts.Where(x => x.UserId == id).ToList();
TimeFrame frame = new TimeFrame();
frame.Since = DateTime.Parse(time.Split('&')[0].Split('=')[1]);
frame.Until = DateTime.Parse(time.Split('&')[1].Split('=')[1]);
foreach (WorkingAt w in currentHistory)
if ((w.Since < frame.Until && w.Until > frame.Until) || (w.Since < frame.Since && w.Until > frame.Since))
Session["Time"] = "1";
Session["Time"] = "0";
And this is my JS method from the view:
function TimeCheck() {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/account/TimeCheck/?since=" + $("#Since").val() + "&until=" + $("#Until").val());
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (request.status == 200 & request.readyState == 4) {
if (sessionStorage.Time == "1") {
var choice = confirm("The time you selected overlaps with your previous working experience. Do you still want to add it?");
if (choice == true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
Problem with all of this is my session does not change at all, aka does not exist. It works well when I set it from JS (for testing purpose). What am I doing wrong?
I'm using latest VS 2017 ver 15.7, so I'm assuming my MVC is 5.2.3, if that's even needed to be known.
The code in controller reaches to the end without any problems. I did the debug of controller line by line and it works as I designed it. Just before "return" I tried reading session["Time"] and it shows it's there. Once the execution goes back to the JS the browser does not show there's a session data under the key "Time", and therefore my "if(sessionStorage.Time == "1")" statement is pointless.

sessionStorage is defined in the HTML5 spec. which is client side only, so setting a Session variable on the server has no effect on sessionStorage client side.
See: Does HTML5 sessionStorage exist on the server or client?


c# Cefsharp how to make correct sequence of JavaScript actions on the web site

These sequences of actions work with Thread.Sleep, somewhere in 1 second, somewhere in 2 seconds. I think using Thread.Sleep/Task.Delay is not good. Because it can be performed differently on different computers. How do I execute these sequences without using Thread.Sleep?
Or it is OK to using Thread.Sleep/Task.Delay?
private async void ButtonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'';
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript1);
string jsScript2 = "document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript2);
Thread.Sleep(1000); //it is necessary to set exactly 1 seconds
string jsScript3 = "document.getElementsByTagName('a')[2].click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript3);
Thread.Sleep(2000); //it is necessary to set exactly 2 seconds
string jsScript4 = "document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
I tried to use task expectations, but it didn't help me
var task4 = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
I also tried to use DOM rendering expectations, which didn't help either
string jsScript4 = #"
if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
function myInitCode() {
var a = document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();
return a;
My addition (21.04.2022)
In third action instead of using Thread.Sleep, im using "While" loop
Here the algorithm is correct, but for some reason, after pressing the application button, the application is hanging
bool test = false;
while(test == false)
string myScript = #"
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].outerText;
return x;
var task = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(myScript);
task.ContinueWith(x =>
if (!x.IsFaulted)
var response = x.Result;
if (response.Success == true)
var final = response.Result;
if (final.ToString() == textFind.Text)
MessageBox.Show("You found the link");
test = true;
MessageBox.Show("You do not found the link");
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
My addition (23.04.2022)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'' + ";"
+ #"
.then(() => document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click())
.then(() => { var target = document.body;
const config = {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true,
attributeFilter: ['id'],
attributeOldValue: true,
characterDataOldValue: true
const callback = function(mutations)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
alert('I got that link');
}, true);
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(target, config)});
var task1 = chrome.EvaluateScriptAsPromiseAsync(jsScript1);
Using a MutationObserver wrapped in a promise, using EvaluateScriptAsPromiseAsync to evaluate promise. Also didnt help.
I came to the conclusion that JavaScript does not save the code when clicking on a search button or after going to another page. How do I save the JavaScript code/request and continue it after clicking on a search button or after going to another page?
As your JavaScript causes a navigation you need to wait for the new page to load.
You can use something like the following to wait for the page load.
// create a static class for the extension method
public static Task<LoadUrlAsyncResponse> WaitForLoadAsync(this IWebBrowser browser)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<LoadUrlAsyncResponse>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
EventHandler<LoadErrorEventArgs> loadErrorHandler = null;
EventHandler<LoadingStateChangedEventArgs> loadingStateChangeHandler = null;
loadErrorHandler = (sender, args) =>
//Actions that trigger a download will raise an aborted error.
//Generally speaking Aborted is safe to ignore
if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.Aborted)
//If LoadError was called then we'll remove both our handlers
//as we won't need to capture LoadingStateChanged, we know there
//was an error
browser.LoadError -= loadErrorHandler;
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= loadingStateChangeHandler;
tcs.TrySetResult(new LoadUrlAsyncResponse(args.ErrorCode, -1));
loadingStateChangeHandler = (sender, args) =>
//Wait for while page to finish loading not just the first frame
if (!args.IsLoading)
browser.LoadError -= loadErrorHandler;
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= loadingStateChangeHandler;
var host = args.Browser.GetHost();
var navEntry = host?.GetVisibleNavigationEntry();
int statusCode = navEntry?.HttpStatusCode ?? -1;
//By default 0 is some sort of error, we map that to -1
//so that it's clearer that something failed.
if (statusCode == 0)
statusCode = -1;
tcs.TrySetResult(new LoadUrlAsyncResponse(statusCode == -1 ? CefErrorCode.Failed : CefErrorCode.None, statusCode));
browser.LoadingStateChanged += loadingStateChangeHandler;
browser.LoadError += loadErrorHandler;
return tcs.Task;
// usage example
private async void ButtonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jsScript1 = "document.getElementById('story').value=" + '\'' + textFind.Text + '\'';
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript1);
string jsScript2 = "document.querySelector('body > div.wrapper > div.header > div.header44 > div.search_panel > span > form > button').click();";
await Task.WhenAll(chrome.WaitForLoadAsync(),
string jsScript3 = "document.getElementsByTagName('a')[2].click();";
await Task.WhenAll(chrome.WaitForLoadAsync(),
string jsScript4 = "document.querySelector('#dle-content > div.section > ul > li:nth-child(3)').click();";
await chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript4);
You never must work with sleep because time changes between computers and, even in the same computer, a web page may be differ the time required to load.
I work a lot with scraping and IMO the best focus to manage this is working from JavaScript side. You inject/run your JavaScript to fill controls, click buttons...
With this focus, the problem is that navigations make you lose the state. When you navigate to other page, your JavaScript start from scratch. I revolve this sharing data to persist between JavaScript and C# through Bound Object and injecting JavaScript.
For example, you can run action 1, 2 and 3 with a piece of JavaScript code. Before click button, you can use your Bound Object to tell to your C# code that you are going to second page.
When your second page are loaded, you run your JavaScript for your second page (you know the step and can inject the JavaScript code for your 2 page).
In all cases, your JavaScript code must have some mechanism to wait. For example, set a timer to wait until your controls appears. In this way, you can run your JavaScript without wait to the page is fully loaded (sometimes this events are hard to manage).
My scraping library is huge. I'm going to expose pieces that you need to do the work but you need to assemble by yourself.
We create a BoundObject class:
public class BoundObject
public BoundObject(IWebBrowser browser)
this.Browser = browser;
public void OnJavaScriptMessage(string message)
IWebBrowser is an interface of my custom browser, a wrapper to manage all I need. Create a Browser class, like CustomBrowser, for example, implementing this interface.
Create a method to ensure your Bound Object is working:
public void SetBoundObject()
// To get events in C# from JavaScript
var boundObject = new BoundObject();
"bound", boundObject, false, BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);
this.BoundObject = boundObject;
catch (ArgumentException ex)
if (!ex.ParamName.Identical("bound"))
_browserInternal is the CefSharp browser. You must run that method on each page load, when you navigate. Doing that, you have a window.bound object in JavaScript side with an onJavaScriptMessage function. Then, you can define a function in JavaScript like this:
function sendMessage(msg) {
var json = JSON.stringify(msg);
return this;
You can send now any object to your C# application and manage in your CustomBrowser, on OnJavaScriptMessage method. In that method I manage my custom message protocol, like a typical one in sockets environment or the windows message system and generate a OnMessage that I implement in classes inheriting CustomBrowser.
Send information to JavaScript is trivial using ExecuteScriptAsync of CefSharp browser.
Going further
When I work in an intense scraping job. I create some scripts with classes to manage the entire Web to scrap. I create classes, for example, to do login, navigate to different sections, fill forms... like if I was the owner of the WebSite. Then, when page load, I inject my scripts and I can use my own classes in the remote WebSite making scraping... piece of cake.
My scripts are embedded resources so are into my final executable. In debug, I read them from disk to allow edit+reload+test until my scripts works fine. With the DevTools you can try in the console until you get the desired source. Then you add into your JavaScripts classes and reload.
You can add simple JavaScript with ExecuteScriptAsync, but with large files appears problems escaping quotes...
So you need insert an entire script file. To do that, implement ISchemeHandlerFactory to create and return an IResourceHandler. That resource handler must have a ProcessRequestAsync in which you receive a request.Url that you can use to locale your scripts:
this.ResponseLength = stream.Length;
this.MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
this.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
this.Stream = stream;
return true;
stream maybe a MemoryStream in which you write the content of your script file.

Not able to save json back in chrome extension

I am trying to create a chrome extension for Twitch and I'm facing a small issue which I cannot figure out how to solve. I must say my javascript knowledge is not the best (I am a C# developer) and this time not even google could help me (maybe because I don't know the correct search terms).
So to the problem. The goal of this extension is to notify you when a streamer changes games during live stream. I would like to notify the user only once per game changed. I have an array which contains objects, this object is a class with some properties, one of the properties is game. This array is then parsed into a json string to be saved in the browser localstorage. Below is the code i'm using to check what game is the streamer playing and trying to set the property game to that value. Then parsing the array back to json string and set the localstorage.
function checkPlaying() {
var twitchUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.twitchUsers);
if (twitchUsers.length > 0) {
var f = (function () {
var xhr = [];
for (i = 0; i < twitchUsers.length; i++) {
(function (i) {
if (twitchUsers[i].isOnline) {
xhr[i] = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr[i].open('GET', REQUEST_BASE + REQUEST_CHANNELS + twitchUsers[i].id, true);
xhr[i].setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json')
xhr[i].setRequestHeader('Client-ID', CLIENT_ID)
xhr[i].onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr[i].readyState == 4 && xhr[i].status == 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr[i].responseText);
var currentGame =;
if (twitchUsers[i].game != currentGame) {
twitchUsers[i].game = currentGame;
if (twitchUsers[i].notify) {
"type": "basic",
"iconUrl": twitchUsers[i].logo,
"title": "TwitchWatcher",
"message": twitchUsers[i].name + ' is currently playing ' + twitchUsers[i].game
localStorage.twitchUsers = JSON.stringify(twitchUsers);
The issue is that localStorage.twitchUsers never gets the new values, and this causes the extension to keep notifying the user with the same game.
I have tried to change the position of localStorage.twitchUsers = JSON.stringify(twitchUsers); to inside of the for loop and to the outside of the f variable, but I had no success.
Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Check if user has been timed out in Devise

Because I'm using javascript to perform an action instead of a controller method, I need to check if a user has been timed out before that action is rendered. To do this, I tried added and deleting cookies in my application_controller.rb like this:
Warden::Manager.after_set_user do |user,auth,opts|
auth.cookies[:signed_in] = 1
Warden::Manager.before_logout do |user,auth,opts|
auth.cookies.delete :signed_in
and in my javascript file:
myCookie = getCookie("signed_in");
if (myCookie == null)
//redirect to sign in page
} else {
//perform my action
function getCookie(name) {
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1) {
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) return null;
begin += 2;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1) {
end = dc.length;
return decodeURI(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
However, this doesn't seem to work on session timeout, only on logout. I've seen a couple hacky ways to accomplish this, but I can't seem to find anything directly from Devise or Warden to use or override a method to test if a user has been timed-out or take action if a user has been timed-out. I'm on Rails 5 and Devise 4.2.1.
You will need to make a request that action to the server to see if the user has timedout, because when you set the timeout, that is server side, so there is no change in the client when this time passed out, the only way to know is to make an ajax request to the server to see if the session timedout user.timedout?( or make the validation directly on the request for the action (in the controller), the user will always try to run the action, but on the server, you validate if the user has timedout, then you don't let them do it and redirect to the login page.

Asynchronous recursive functions in javascript

I am trying to stream mp3 data from my server to the client side. I am doing this using Ajax. The server sends 50 kilobytes per request. I wrote two functions: one that gets the mp3 data and one that plays them. The first function takes the 50 kilobytes, decodes them and stores the decoded data in an array then it calls itself recursively. The second function starts playing as soon as the first element in the array is filled with data. The problem is that this works for the first 50kilobytes only then it fails. What I want to do is keep my get_buffer function running until the server tells it no more data to send, and keep my play() function playing data until there is no more elements in the array.
Here is my two functions:
function buffer_seg() {
// starts a new request
buff_req = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Request attributes
var method = 'GET';
var url = '/buffer.php?request=buffer&offset=' + offset;
var async = true;
// set attributes, url, async);
buff_req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
// keeps loading until something is recieved
if (!loaded) {
buffering = true;
buff_req.onload = function() {
segment = buff_req.response;
// if the whole file was already buffered
if (segment.byteLength == 4) {
return true;
} else if (segment.byteLength == 3) {
return false;
// sets the new offset
if (offset == -1) {
offset = BUFFER_SIZE;
} else {
offset += BUFFER_SIZE;
//decodes mp3 data and adds it to the array
audioContext.decodeAudioData(segment, function(decoded) {
if (index == 0) {
Second function:
function play() {
// checks if the end of buffer has been reached
if (index == buffer.length) {
loaded = false;
if (buffer_seg == false) {
return false;
loaded = true;
// new buffer source
var src = audioContext.createBufferSource();
src.buffer = buffer[index++];
// connects
time += src.buffer.duration;
src.onended = function() {
The recursive call to buffer_seg is in the main body of buffer_seg, not in the callback, so it happens immediately - not, as you seem to intend, after a response is received. Second, this also means that the recursive call is unconditional when it should be based on whether the previous response indicated more data would be available. If this isn't just crashing your browser, I'm not sure why. It also means that chunks of streamed audio could be pushed into the buffer out of order.
So to start I'd look at moving the recursive call to the end of the onload handler, after the check for end of stream.
In the 2nd function, what do you intend if (buffer_seg == false) to do? This condition will never be met. Are you thinking this is a way to see the last return value from buffer_seg? That's not how it works. Perhaps you should have a variable that both functions can see, which buffer_seg can set and play can test, or something like that.

C# boolean function is returning an object from server to client

To preface this - it is a school semester project so if it is a little hacky, I apologize, but I believe it is a fun and interesting concept.
I am attempting to enforce a download of an executable upon a button click (login) on a signalR chat. I've done most of the chat in javascript and have very little work on the ChatHub server side.
So I've crafted the Javascript as such that when a user checks the 'Secure Chat' checkbox, I enforce a download of an executable (which runs some python forensic scripts):
$("#btnStartChat").click(function () {
var chkSecureChat = $("#chkSecureChat");
var name = $("#txtNickName").val();
var proceedLogin = false;
if (":checked")) {
proceedLogin = chatHub.server.secureLogin();
isSecureChat = true;
} else {
proceedLogin = true;
The chatHub.server.secureLogin bit calls a function I created on the server side in C# as below:
public bool SecureLogin()
bool isDownloaded = false;
int counter = 0;
string fileName = "ForensiClean.exe";
string userPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
string downloadPath = (userPath + "\\Downloads\\" + fileName);
// try three times
while(isDownloaded == false && counter < 3)
if (System.IO.File.Exists(downloadPath))
isDownloaded = true;
counter = enforceDownload(counter, fileName, downloadPath);
return isDownloaded;
public int enforceDownload(int count, string fileName, string path)
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri("http://myURL/Executable/" + fileName), path);
return count;
Both functions seem pretty straight-forward - I see if it's already been downloaded, if not I enforce the download. It works while in development. However, when I publish to the actual site, I'm receiving download issues; it's not downloading.
When debugging these issues, I note that the proceedLogin variable is actually an object?!?! (as shown in the image). Please help with any ideas, I'm stumped.
It looks like proceedLogin is a promise object.
Try this:
if (":checked")) {
proceedLogin = response;
isSecureChat = true;
} else {
proceedLogin = true;
I ended up solving this issue, by moving all of my download code into JS per: Start file download by client from Javascript call in C#/ASP.NET page? It is, after all, a school project - so I gotta get moving on it.
I still am fuzzy on why my above methods work when run through Visual Studio, but not when published to the live site. Thank you #Cerbrus and #SynerCoder for your responses.

