Editstrap - internal js error - javascript

Using Edistrap, once "tag" type is selected it throws error saying "uncaught type error, tagsInput.tagsinput is not a function". Traced code:
var tagsInput = html.find("input");
tagClass : function(item) {
return 'label label-info';
html.find(".validate").click(function() {
var allTags = tagsInput.tagsinput('items');
_this.submitEditable(span, allTags.join(_this.options.multipleSeparator), allTags);
I ain't no js programmer so I am asking if this is something I can fix easily.

Solution by Amy:
Include bootstrap-tagsinput.css & bootstrap-tagsinput.js
from https://github.com/bootstrap-tagsinput/bootstrap-tagsinput/tree/master/src
Note that .css file needs to be edited in terms of colors to work with Editstrap.


Getting error while including AngularJS multiple chosen directive

I'm getting the following error while implementing the AngularJS chosen directive.
TypeError: a.map is not a function
at nh.q.writeValue (angularjslatest.js:307)
at Object.e.$render (angularjslatest.js:328)
at angularjslatest.js:310
at angularjslatest.js:146
at m.$digest (angularjslatest.js:147)
at m.$apply (angularjslatest.js:150)
at l (angularjslatest.js:102)
at XMLHttpRequest.s.onload (angularjslatest.js:108)
I'm explaining my code below:
<select chosen
class="form-control oditek-form"
ng-options="s.value as s.name for s in listOfCategory">
My controller code is given below.
$scope.listOfCategory = [{
name: 'Select Category',
value: ''
$scope.category = $scope.listOfCategory[0];
var fileURL = '';
var url1 = '../service/admin/vechile/service/service.php?action=getAllCategoryData';
var method = 'GET';
var data1 = '';
DataService.connectToServerSideScript(method, url1, data1).then(function(response) {
if (response.length > 0) {
angular.forEach(response, function(obj) {
var cdata = {
'name': obj.category_name,
'value': obj.id
}, function(error) {
Here I'm getting all the data but those error is coming in browser console. Here I need to clear those error.
You need to setup your selected model as an array:
$scope.category = angular.isDefined($scope.listOfCategory[0]) ?
[$scope.listOfCategory[0]] : [];
Please note that this also fixes the following error message:
Error: TypeError: a.forEach is not a function
I was facing a same kind of 'chosen multiple select' related problem, which was getting 3 times same error. Error log is like below. The solution may help others.
TypeError: a.map is not a function
at mh.q.writeValue (angular.js:30513)
at e.$render (angular.js:33327)
at Object.c.$render (angular-chosen.min.js:7)
at angular.js:29306
at m.$digest (angular.js:18253)
at b.$apply (angular.js:18531)
at HTMLButtonElement. (angular.js:27346)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
at HTMLButtonElement.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
To bypass the issue, I have maintained 2 variables, one for a model variable and other for a saving variable. e.g.
In controller,
$scope.x = {
draftVar: []
$scope.save = function(){
$scope.x.savingVar = $scope.x.draftVar.join(',');
<select ng-model="x.draftVar" chosen multiple chosen-updater ng-options="xx.id as xx.name for xx in XXs">
<option value=""></option>

Angular select with ngModel gives me [$rootScope:inprog] error

I am not very good with angular, but i know some basics. Now, I have access points and want to assign them to a building. I can select this building with a <select>. I have written a simple controller, but it wont work. What am I making wrong, i cant find a solution.
Edit 1:
I can see the option fields (they are 3). But after I select one of these, my browser console throws the exception
Edit 2: Plunkr -> https://plnkr.co/edit/EIPs8yVlTSaYQ0EuZLTb (i hope, this url works) .. When you click on "Neuer Access-Point" the error will occur, after you select something on "Gebäude"
Select field
<select ng-model="$ctrl.input.building">
<option ng-repeat="building in $ctrl.buildings" ng-value="building.id" ng-bind="building.name"></option>
(function () {
function createController(Building) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.buildings = null;
ctrl.input = {
host: '',
desc: '',
web: '',
building: ''
ctrl.$onInit = function () {
Building.getAll().then(function (res) {
if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {
ctrl.buildings = res.data;
angular.module('app').controller('CreateController', createController)
angular.js:14791 Error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.6.8/$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24apply
at angular.js:88
at p (angular.js:18897)
at m.$digest (angular.js:18319)
at m.$apply (angular.js:18640)
at Object.$$debounceViewValueCommit (angular.js:29394)
at Object.$setViewValue (angular.js:29372)
at angular.js:33596
at m.$eval (angular.js:18533)
at m.$apply (angular.js:18632)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (angular.js:33595)
Here is the issue with your code.
<div id="wrapper" ng-app="accessPoints" ng-controller="RootController **as $root**">
Change it to simply
ng-controller="RootController as anythingButNot$root"
or even just ng-controller="RootController"
Declaring any controller as $root is creating mess for you. $root is the root level controller of your application. Inside your html if you declare any controller as $root, it tries to overwrite $root, creating trouble with digest cycle, hence you are getting the error.
Link to updated plunk => https://plnkr.co/edit/UcJHVmekMqWMXJBnv2Cu?p=preview

django-admin-bootstrapped messing with DateField, TimeField and PointField

I've just added django-admin-bootstrapped to my project. Almost everything is fine.
Actually there are two little bug whitch i'm wondering how to resolve.
The first one is about DateField and TimeField : There is no date/time picker when i'm under django-admin-bootstrapped. When i check the source code, there is no generated source code about the two picker. When i deactivate django-admin-bootstrapped, here is what is missing :
Next to the DateField :
<span class="datetimeshortcuts">
Today |
<a href="javascript:DateTimeShortcuts.openCalendar(0);"
id="calendarlink0"><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_calendar.gif" alt="Calendar">
Next to the TimeField :
<span class="datetimeshortcuts">
Now |
<a href="javascript:DateTimeShortcuts.openClock(1);"
id="clocklink1"><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_clock.gif" alt="Clock">
The second one is about a PointField (i'm working with postGis), without django-admin-bootstrapped, my field is fine, but when it's bootstrapped, i have an error onto OpenLayer.js :
OpenLayers.js:679 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'w' of null
So, two questions (using django 1.8 and django-admin-bootstrapped):
1- How to recover a date/time picker in the admin interface ?
2- How to recover my PointField map picker in the admin interface ?
Thank's all of you. (Here the same issue (1) on github : https://github.com/django-admin-bootstrapped/django-admin-bootstrapped/issues/168 but there is only external workarround (and i prefer a nativ one))
EDIT : From my sitepackage : ./django/contrib/gis/admin/options.py
I've directly changed the line who call OpenLayer.js to OpenLayer.debug.js to provide you more information.
In OpenLayer.debug.js line 40008 is the source of the error :
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.renderer) {
} else {
this.renderer.map = this.map;
var newSize = this.map.getSize();
40008-> newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
newSize.h = newSize.h * this.ratio;
Here the entire JS traceback on OpenLayer.debug.js + index of GeoDjango:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'w' of null ==> OpenLayers.debug.js:40008
newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.OpenLayers.Class.setMap ==> OpenLayers.debug.js:8349
OpenLayers.Map.OpenLayers.Class.addLayer ==> (index):614
geodjango_gps_point.init ==> (index):677 (anonymous function)
<script type="text/javascript">geodjango_gps_point.init();</script>
Two problems were describ and sorry for the poor lisibility. So here some answers :
1 - The DateField and Timefield seems to be issued and this will be fix :
Fix 168 (last update 3 days ago)
2 - My PointField show up correctly after adding this options to settings.py :
DAB_FIELD_RENDERER = 'django_admin_bootstrapped.renderers.BootstrapFieldRenderer'
Thank's all

Meteor template isn't rendering properly

I'm building a notifications page, where the user can see which posts have comments, and I want to display the date of each post, but it's not working.
Here is the code:
<template name="notification">
<li>Someone commented your post, {{postDate}} </li>
notificationPostPath: function() {
return Router.routes.PostPage.path({_id: this.postId});
post: function () {
return Post.findOne({_id: this.postId});
postDate: function() {
return moment(post.submitted).format('dddd, MMMM Do');
The console prints this: Exception from Deps recompute: ReferenceError: post is not defined.
Thanks in advance
I assume the error is being flagged on the following line:
return moment(post.submitted).format('dddd, MMMM Do');
Note that you can't refer to helpers from within other helpers like that (and anyway, post is a function) - you need too add another line at the start of the postDate helper like this:
var post = Post.findOne({_id: this.postId});

KendoUI grid for ASP.net MVC

I have a requirement of a search page in which I am using KendoUI grid to display the search result.
I have a textbox and button and if text is entered and on click event of button I hace to display the grid with the list of users matching to search result.
I am using ASP.net MVC and KENDOUI grid.
My View:
The search box and button:
<div id="SearchSection">
<input type="text" id="txtSearch" class="k-textbox"/>
<button class="k-button"id="btnSearch" style="width:150px">Search</button>
The KendoUI grid
<div id="ADUserSection">
<div id="ADSearchedUser">
List of users in Active directory:
<div id="ADuserGrid">
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.UserLoginName);
columns.Bound(p => p.UserDisplayName);
.DataSource(ds =>
.Read(read =>
read.Action("GetADUser", "ManageUsers")
My JavaScript Function:
$(document).ready(function () {
var enterTest
$("#btnSearch").click(function () {
enterTest = $("#txtSearch").val().trim();
if (enterTest == "") {
else {
var grid = $("kADUser").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.read({ searchText: enterTest });
//**Breaks at this Point**//
function AdditionalData() {
return {
searchText: enterTest
My Controller Action
public JsonResult GetADUser([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, string searchText)
viewmodel.searchedADUser = model.GetUserFromAD(searchText);
return Json(viewmodel.searchedADUser.ToList().ToDataSourceResult(request), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
On the button click event in javascript when I attach the grid to event I get the error the datasource read is not recognised.
Exact error is:
JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'dataSource' of undefined or null reference
Please help me in that. any idea please share or if I am doing anything wrong in my above code please point out.
I am very new to KendoUi and MVC so please elaborate n yur explanation.
I got the above problem becosue of missing # before the grid name.
But Now I habe one more issue, even though I am follwing all the proper step.
In my above AdditionalData javascript function my parameter is not getting set set in the paaremeter
function AdditionalData() {
return {
searchText: enterTest
This searchText is not getting set even tough I am getting value in enterTest.
Any help will be of very great use. I am really stuck in this.
You're trying to access your grid with:
var grid = $("kADUser").data("kendoGrid");
$("kADUser") won't find any elements, because it's looking for a kADUser tag, and the .data() of an empty jQuery set is null.
As a result, when you try to access grid.dataSource, grid is "undefined or null" (which is what the error is telling you).
You should be using an id selector:
var grid = $("#kADUser").data("kendoGrid");
In general, I'd suggest to avoid compound statements and keep it at one statement per line. This will make debugging much easier.

