Make div appear or disappear with javascript - javascript

I am attempting to make a few divs behave the way I want them to. Here is my relevant HTML:
<ul class="services">
<li class="business-formation" id="services-li-1">Business Formation</li>
<li class="domestic-relations" id="services-li-2">Domestic Relations</li>
<li class="estate-probate" id="services-li-3">Estate & Probate</li>
<div class="business-formation-list" id="business-formation-list">
<li>Items go here</li>
<div class="domestic-relations-list" id="domestic-relations-list">
<li>Items go here</li>
<div class="estate-probate-list" id="estate-probate-list">
<li>Items go here</i>
I want the divs to appear and disappear when the corresponding li is clicked (they are links). Here is my Javascript:
document.getElementById('services-li-1').style.cursor = "pointer";
document.getElementById('services-li-2').style.cursor = "pointer";
document.getElementById('services-li-3').style.cursor = "pointer";
const div1 = document.querySelector('business-formation-list');
const div2 = document.querySelector('domestic-relations-list');
const div3 = document.querySelector('estate-probate-list');
const click2 = document.getElementById('services-li-2');
document.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (event.click2.className = 'domestic-relations') { = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none';
This doesn't make anything happen, but what I wanted it to do is to make the second div appear when the li with the class name "domestic-relations" is clicked. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

If you're using querySelector, you need to tell it that it's a class. You do that by adding . before the class in question.
So document.querySelector('business-formation-list') should be document.querySelector('.business-formation-list').
However, if you're only using it once, it should be an ID, not a class.

Im also fairly new to this and had a similar problem to yours. I came up with a solution, so it might help you as well. The solution is quite long so I hope you can bear with me.
first thing is to change your your div class "domestic/estate/business" to just "list". When you're doing the css for it, you'll want to apply the same style to them. If you need more styling, you can always target the IDs or add another css class.
Once you've done that, apply to that list "display: none;". This will hide all your ul's at once.
The javascript looks something like this. i've added some description as to why I chose to do what I did.
var serviceType = document.querySelectorAll(".serviceType");
var serviceTypeArray =; // this will
//change your serviceType from a nodelist to an Array.
var serviceDescription = document.querySelectorAll(".list"); // to grab the
//list of descriptions and make it into an "array"
for ( i = 0 ; i < serviceTypeArray.length ; i++) {
var services = serviceTypeArray[i]; // I created this variable to store the
// variable "i"
services.addEventListener( "click" , displayServices); }
// created this "for loop" to loop through every element inside the array
//and give it the "click" function
function displayServices() {
var servicePosition = serviceTypeArray.indexOf(this); // when we click the
// event, "this" will grab the position of the clicked item in the array
if (serviceTypeArray[servicePosition].hasAttribute("id") == false) { //
// the hasAttribute returns values of true/false, since initially the
// serviceTypeArray didn't have the "id" , it returns as false
serviceTypeArray[servicePosition].setAttribute( "id" , "hide"); // I've
// added the "setAttribute" function as a unique indicator to allow
// javascript to easily hide and show based on what we are clicking
serviceDescription[servicePosition].style.display = "block"; // When you
//click one of the serviceType, it returns an the index number (aka the
// position it is inside the arrayList)
//this gets stored inside servicePosition(aka the actual number gets
// stored).
// Since i've made an array to store the the description of each service,
// their position in the array correspond with the service's position
//inside the serviceType array made earlier; therefore, when I press one
// particular serviceType (ie i clicked on "business formation"), the
// appropriate text will pop up because the position of both the name and
// its description are in the same position in both arrays made
} else if (serviceTypeArray[servicePosition].hasAttribute("id") == true ) {
//since the serviceType now has an attribute, when we check it, it'll come
// back as true
serviceTypeArray[servicePosition].removeAttribute("id"); //we want to
// remove the id so next time we click the name again, the first "if"
// condition is checked
serviceDescription[servicePosition].style.display = "none"; //this is
// so that the display goes back to "none"
This will allow to click any of the names and display/hide them at will. you can even show 2/3 or all three of them, it's up to you. I hope this helps and I hope the explanation is clear enough!
Let me know if you have any questions for this!


Is there any way to know if a certain button has been pressed in a certain location inside a div element in JavaScript?

Basically I'm trying to make a todo list app similar to Trello. I have a button that when pressed turns into an input element, gets a "To Do Task" item and adds that to a list. This is achieved by this piece of code:
function createCardBoxNode(title){
/*HTML looks like:
<div class="task-card">
<div class="writings">
<p class="title">Tasks To Do</p>
<ul id="tasks">
<li>Task 1</li>
<button class="btn-add-task">
Add New Task...
var containerBox = createElement('div', {class:'task-card'});
var writingPartBox = createWritingAreaNode(title);
var newTaskBtn = createElement('button', {class:'btn-add-task show'},'Add New Task...');
var newTaskInput = createElement('input', {class:'new-task hide', type:'text', placeholder:'New Task'});
//When 'add new task' is clicked, make it an input area
newTaskBtn.addEventListener('click', function(){
// when input is entered, that's a new "To Do Task" so add it to the list
newTaskInput.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){
if (e.keyCode === 13){
// If Enter is pressed
var newTask = createListItems(newTaskInput.value);
var listArea = document.getElementById('tasks');
newTaskInput.value = '';
return containerBox;
This works fine until I add another Card at the same time and decide to add new tasks to the second card. Then every task gets added to the first card. I wonder if there is any way to check if the "input" that's being sent is going to a specific card checking the card's title. I don't have any limits on how many tasks can be added to each card, and don't want to add that. I also want the user to be able to work on two separate cards at the same time. As a beginner, I also want to fix this using only JavaScript. I hope I've explained the issue well enough.
I have tried doing this:
if (document.querySelector('.title').innerText === title){
var newTask = createListItems(newTaskInput.value);
var listArea = document.getElementById('tasks');
newTaskInput.value = '';
But then I cannot add anything new to the second box.
I think your main problem is that you use the <ul> with the same id for different cards.
First of all, change your markup and replace <ul id="tasks"> with <ul class="tasks-list">
<div class="task-card">
<div class="writings">
<p class="title">Tasks To Do</p>
<ul class="tasks-list"> <!-- !!! here !!! -->
<li>Task 1</li>
<button class="btn-add-task">
Add New Task...
and then change that selector in your keyup handler:
var listArea = containerBox.querySelector('.tasks-list');
// ...
Also, it would be better to declare
var listArea = containerBox.querySelector('.tasks-list');;
outside your handler.
I solved it on my own.
The trick is to not select anything at all. Everytime you queryselect anything, or get an element using it's ID - it will select the first element with that id or class.
What I ended up doing is to combine two of my functions, have a function generate my and then just straight up append the list items into that ul. No selection whatsoever.

jQuery Check if Element is in results of .prevAll() or .nextAll()

I'm essentially creating a wizard with tabs on a web app and tabs before the active one will be styled one way (in green) indicating completion, and tabs after it styled a different way to indicate not complete (in gray).
<div class="tabContainer">
<ul class='tabs'>
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>
In a custom function I'm writing called setTab(), I pass which tab I want to be active and then attempt to modify all other tabs to have styles indicated above.
function setTab(tabId) {
var $active, $content, $links = $('ul.tabs').find('a');
// Make tab active
$active = $($links.filter('[href="#tab'+tabId+'"]')[0] || $links[0]);
$active.find('span').addClass('badge btn-info');
$content = $($active.attr('href'));
// If Tab before, show as complete
var previousTabs = $active.prevAll('a');
previousTabs.find('span').removeClass('btn-info').addClass('badge btn-success');
// If Tab after, show as incomplete
var nextTabs = $active.nextAll('a');
// Hide the remaining content
$links.not($active).each(function () {
// Show Content
I'm looking for a way to check if an element is in the results of a prevAll() or nextAll() command in jQuery.
I've tried to figure it out using $.inArray and $.each but haven't had much luck. I'm guessing the first didn't work because the result set is an object, not an array. And the second one doesn't work because I need to compare it to an element which isn't available inside the $.each function. I'm sure with enough tweaking I could figure that one out, but there has to be a better way.
What is the best way of determining whether an element exists before or after another element, and if it is using the prevAll and nextAll methods I've been attempting, how can I do a boolean match with that result set?
You could use index:
$('element').nextAll().index(el) != -1
If you're passed the selected badge, you can avoid all of this by just marking all the previous badges as "completed". Something like:
var setTab = function (tabBadge) {
tabBadge.prevAll('.badge').addClass('completed').removeClass('inProgress todo');
tabBadge.addClass('inProgress').removeClass('completed todo');
// ignore the addClass here if the gray badges are the default style
tabBadge.nextAll('.badge').addClass('todo').removeClass('inProgress completed');
Note this functionality is very similar to star rating plugins, which is where the prevAll idea comes from.
compare the native JS elements inside a loop :
var set = $('element').nextAll(),
elem = $('#someElement'),
in_collection = false;
set.each(function() {
if ( this === elem.get(0) ) in_collection = true;
or you can use is() to check if any elements inside a collection matches a selector:
var set = $('element').nextAll(),
elem = $('#someElement'),
in_collection =;
Using a combination of various answers, I made something work:
* Set active tab and adjust other tabs in process
function setTab(tabId) {
var $active, $content, $links = $('ul.tabs').find('a');
// Make tab active
$active = $($links.filter('[href="#tab'+tabId+'"]')[0] || $links[0]);
$active.find('span').addClass('badge btn-info');
$content = $($active.attr('href'));
// If Tab before, show as complete
var previousTabs = $active.parent().prevAll('li').find('a');
previousTabs.each(function(index, el) {
$(el).find('span').removeClass('btn-info').addClass('badge btn-success');
// If Tab after, show as incomplete
var nextTabs = $active.parent().nextAll('li').find('a');
nextTabs.each(function(index, el) {
// Hide the remaining content
$links.not($active).each(function () {
// Show Content
Looks like the DOM is what was messing me up...I needed to go up a level. Thanks for all the great answers!

Scroll to a particular element in a UL list with dynamic ids

I read the question Scroll to a particular element w/ jQuery and in the question, the original HTML code already has ids to the paragraph elements. However, in my case, I generate the element (list element) dynamically and create ID on runtime. How would I scroll to that particular element with or without jQuery?
To give more detail about my problem:
I am creating a phonegap project to get the list of contacts in the iPhone and display a scrolling list (I use the iscroll plugin) in a div. I categorize the first names A-E, F-J, K-O, P-T, U-Z and group them. If the user touches F-J on the side (as you find in iPhone contacts app), the div should scroll to the first contact that belongs to group F-J..
<div id ="tablediv">
<div id="scroller"></div>
<div id="sorter">
<span id="gr1">A-E</span>
<span id="gr2">F-J</span>
var g1 = ['a','b','c','d','e']; //contact's first name starting with these chars
var g2 = ['f','g','h','i','j']; //contact's first name starting with these chars
var idg1=null, idg2=null; // first id of the contact which was in g1, g2
//Array is an array of objects
//example: array = [ {'fname':'x','lname':'y','number':'123'},{..},{..}];
function generateTable(array) {
gpDiv = document.getElementById("scroller");
pDiv = document.createElement("ul"); = "thelist";
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
cDiv = document.createElement("li"); = 'cd'+i; //id created dynamically
cDiv.textContent = array[i].fname+"\u000a"+array[i].lname;
var ch0 = array[i].fname[0].toLowerCase();
if($.inArray(ch0,g1)!=-1 && idg1==null) {
idg1 =;
if($.inArray(ch0,g2)!=-1 && idg2==null) {
idg2 =;
function goToG1(id) {
function goToG2(id) {
The above code doesn't work, as I think since the ids are allotted at runtime, I am not able to scroll to that particular element. Please help
Hmmm, All I needed to do was this.
function goToG1(id) {
It appears to me that the ids still work even though they are allotted at run time.
You code worked more or less - you were however using code:
Instead of
Other than that it works - see here:

remove class from current group

The easiest way to see the problem is checking the code here:
What I need to do is once a thumbnail is clicked, to removed the "selected" class from all other thumbnails that are in this same or without removing them from the other galleries on the page. Right now, I have everything working except the class removal. Someone helped me in another question but wasn't quite specific enough (my javascript skills aren't all that great!) I'm using jQuery. Thanks for the help.
Well in that case, I'm not sure why this doesn't work properly:
var activeOpacity = 1.0,
inactiveOpacity = 0.6,
fadeTime = 100,
clickedClass = "selected",
thumbs = ".thumbscontainer ul li img";
$(thumbs).fadeTo(1, inactiveOpacity);
$(this).fadeTo(fadeTime, activeOpacity);
// Only fade out if the user hasn't clicked the thumb
if(!$(this).hasClass(clickedClass)) {
$(this).fadeTo(fadeTime, inactiveOpacity);
$(thumbs).click(function() {
// Remove selected class from any elements other than this
var previous = $(thumbs+'.'+clickedClass).eq();
var clicked = $(this);
if(clicked !== previous) {
clicked.addClass(clickedClass).fadeTo(fadeTime, activeOpacity);
I see you're using jQuery (and have edited your question accordingly).
With jQuery, it's really easy to get a list of matching elements using CSS syntax:
var list = $('#parentId > .selected');
That gets a list of the direct children of the element with the ID "parentId" that have the class "selected". You can then do things with them, such as:
Then add "selected" to the element you want to select.
Edit I think this should do it:
$(thumbs).click(function() {
// Remove selected class from any elements other than this
var clicked, previous;
clicked = $(this);
if (!clicked.hasClass(clickedClass)) {
previous = $(thumbs+'.'+clickedClass);
previous.removeClass(clickedClass).fadeTo(fadeTime, inactiveOpacity);
clicked.addClass(clickedClass).fadeTo(fadeTime, activeOpacity);
I'm assuming there that the "selected" class isn't necessary for the fade effect to look right.
Note how the above will completely ignore the click if the clicked element already has the class. If you don't want that, remove the hasClass check and add .not(clicked) to the end of the previous = $(thumbs+'.'+clickedClass) line, but I don't know what your fade in would do at that point if you've already done it once.
I'm not getting the hover stuff; I thought you wanted this to happen on click, not hover.
You should take a look at
So the point would be to first iterate trough all the images and unset the classname and than set the class on the active one.
Use .closest('.jcarousel-clip') to get the parent div,
then find all the thumbnails and use .removeClass('selected').
Hi Andy it isn't clear your question, but I am going to try to help you.
I am trying to help, and my skills on javascript arent that good either, plus I am not sure if I undertood the question right, please, dont vote me down.
function focusme(){
function changeToCurrent(obj){
var menucont = document.getElementById('menu');
var arrLink = menucont.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0 ; i < arrLink.length; i++){
obj.className = "current";
<div class="menu" id="menu" >
<a href='' id='focusme' onclick='changeToCurrent(this)'>link1</a>
<a href='' onclick='changeToCurrent(this)'>Once Only link2</a>
<a href='' onclick='changeToCurrent(this)'>link3</a>
<a href='' onclick='changeToCurrent(this)'>link4</a>
<a href='' onclick='changeToCurrent(this)'>link5</
Hope it helps.

IE javascript error - possibly related to setAttribute?

I am using Safalra's javascript to create a collapsible list. The script works across several browsers with no problem. However, when I apply the javascript to my own list, it fails to act as expected when I use IE (I'm using 7 at the moment). It simply writes the list, without the expand and contract images.
I copied the Safalra's javascript precisely, so I assume the error must be in my own list. This is how I generated my list:
<body onLoad="makeCollapsible(document.getElementById('libguides'));">
<ul id="libguides">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
(Yes, I do close the body tag eventually.) When I run this in IE, it tells me that line 48 is causing the problem, which appears to be:
Here's the entire function:
function makeCollapsible(listElement){
// removed list item bullets and the sapce they occupy'none';'0';'0';
// loop over all child elements of the list
var child=listElement.firstChild;
while (child!=null){
// only process li elements (and not text elements)
if (child.nodeType==1){
// build a list of child ol and ul elements and hide them
var list=new Array();
var grandchild=child.firstChild;
while (grandchild!=null){
if (grandchild.tagName=='OL' || grandchild.tagName=='UL'){'none';
// add toggle buttons
var node=document.createElement('img');
I confess I'm too much of a javascript novice to understand why that particular line of code is causing the error. I looked at some of the other questions here, and was wondering if it might be a problem with setAttribute?
Thanks in advance.
Edited to add:
Here's the code for the createToggleFunction function. The whole of the script is just these two functions (plus declaring variables for the images).
function createToggleFunction(toggleElement,sublistElements){
return function(){
// toggle status of toggle gadget
if (toggleElement.getAttribute('class')=='collapsibleClosed'){
// toggle display of sublists
for (var i=0;i<sublistElements.length;i++){
Edited to add (again):
Per David's suggestion, I changed all instances of setAttribute & getAttribute...but clearly I did something wrong. IE is breaking at the 1st line (which is simply the doctype declaration) and at line 49, which is the same line of code where it was breaking before:
Here's the first function as written now:
function makeCollapsible(listElement){
// removed list item bullets and the sapce they occupy'none';'0';'0';
// loop over all child elements of the list
var child=listElement.firstChild;
while (child!=null){
// only process li elements (and not text elements)
if (child.nodeType==1){
// build a list of child ol and ul elements and hide them
var list=new Array();
var grandchild=child.firstChild;
while (grandchild!=null){
if (grandchild.tagName=='OL' || grandchild.tagName=='UL'){'none';
// add toggle buttons
var node=document.createElement('img');
node.src = CLOSED_IMAGE;
node.className = 'collapsibleClosed';
And here's the second function:
function createToggleFunction(toggleElement,sublistElements){
return function(){
// toggle status of toggle gadget
// Use foo.className = 'bar'; instead of foo.setAttribute('class', 'bar');
if (toggleElement.className == 'collapsibleClosed') {
toggleElement.className = 'collapsibleOpen';
toggleElement.src = OPEN_IMAGE;
} else {
toggleElement.className = 'collapsibleClosed';
toggleElement.src = CLOSED_IMAGE;
// toggle display of sublists
for (var i=0;i<sublistElements.length;i++){
Internet Explorer (until version 8, and then only in best standards mode) has a very broken implementation of setAttribute and getAttribute.
It effectively looks something like this:
function setAttribute(attribute, value) {
this[attribute] = value;
function getAttribute(attribute, value) {
return this[attribute];
This works fine iif the attribute name matches the property name, and the property takes a string value.
This isn't the case for the class attribute, where the matching property is className.
Use foo.className = 'bar'; instead of foo.setAttribute('class', 'bar');
That is probably not what you want. Does createToggleFunction return a function? If it doesn't, then I bet you meant this:
node.onClick = function() { createToggleFunction(node, list); };
If my guess is right then the way you have it will set the onClick event handler to be the result of createToggleFunction, not a function like it needs to be.

