start second page where first page end in javascript - javascript

I have some issue with the window scroll.
I created a news feed like page using angularjs with database and pagination and ng-repeat.
I want that when user click on load more button window will scroll to last position of the page 1 and then page 2 start, but I tried all option but it not working like what I want.
But it always send me last of the document.
Here is the code for reference...
$scope.feeds = $scope.feeds.concat(;
var i=0;
$scope.iframeHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

Inject $window service in to your controller.
$"your_path/", "_blank")


Aylien News API & Swiper - Pulling content in realtime without slider messing up

I am currently using the Aylien News API ( and Swiper.js slideshow ( to create a sliding news ticker.
The problem I have is that the slider runs through all of the divs one after the other, but when new content comes in, the slider starts jumping between divs and not running through them.
My HTML consists of 3 divs - #aylien-output, then #results, then #story all nested within each other. Each news post is contained within its own #story div which gets created as the data gets pulled in.
At the moment, my Javascript looks like this:
var divListChildren = '';
divListChildren += ele.innerHTML + '';
function getData() {
fetch('http://localhost:3010/test', myInit).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(res) {
fetchedStories = res.stories.filter(
function(story) {
return ! fetchedStories.find (function(fetchedStory) {
return story['id'] === fetchedStory['id'];
const timeOutTime = 60000;
setTimeout(function doSomething() {
console.log('getting new stuff!');
setTimeout(doSomething, timeOutTime);
}, timeOu
Is there any way of being able to refresh the content in realtime without the slider skipping? Or waiting for the slider to loop through the last div and wait for new content until it starts from the beginning again?
I don't want to refresh the page every time as I want it to look seamless.
Thank you!

Node / Express - Append information to list when user hits bottom of page using Snoocore (Reddit API wrapper)

I am working on a private application of a food sub reddit, what I'm retrieving some images witha limit of 20 images per view and when the user reach the bottom of the page it loads more information and appends it, like ajax; I'm doing the request server side and using Snoocore which is an API wrapper for Reddit. Snoocore actually provides a method to fetch information of the next page. From Snoocore's documentation:
// Instead of an HTTP verb, use a Snoocore helper `.listing`
// It will return a "slice" for a listing that has various
// helpers attached to it.
reddit('/r/askreddit/hot').listing().then(function(slice) {
// This is the front page of /r/askreddit
// `slice.children` contains the contents of the page.
// Get a promise for the next slice in this
// listing (the next page!)
}).then(function(slice) {
// This is the second page of /r/askreddit
And this is my code:
reddit('/r/food/hot').listing({limit: 10}).then(result => {
for (var x in result.children){
if (result.children[x].data.link_flair_text === '[Homemade]' || result.children[x].data.link_flair_text === '[homemade]') {
if (result.children[x].data.domain !== '') {
if (result.children[x].data.post_hint !== "rich:video") {
'title': he.decode(result.children[x].data.title),
'imgurl': he.decode(result.children[x].data.url),
'user': result.children[x],
'submission': result.children[x].data.permalink
res.render('index', {
'titleArr': titles
on my Pug template I have:
extends layout
block content
each i in titleArr
img.img-fluid.img-rounded(src= i.imgurl)
p.text-muted #[i #{i.title}]
| #[i ―by ]
a(href="" + i.submission, target="_blank")
| #[i /u/#{i.user}]
listing({limit: 10}) here is important because, well, it limits the post retrieved; actually I'm retrieving only 10, by default it retrieves 25; anyway, I'm looking for a way, how i said that when the user reach bottom of the page it loads more post; do I have to do this via client side? Or can I do this via server side in some way? Tell me if I need to explain my issue more in depth.
What you are looking for is "infinite scrolling", you basically want to do another request when your user reaches the bottom of the page that has been rendered.
This is going to require you to fire an ajax request when your browser scroll reaches the bottom of the page. If you were to use jQuery, your code would look something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var win = $(window);
var parts = location.pathname.split("/");
// assuming a url like where 10
// is the total number of posts you're showing
var pageNumber = parts[3]; //this gives you access to the `10`
// then add 10 to the current page number and
pageNumber += 10
// use that for your ajax request
var url = ""+pageNumber;
// Each time the user scrolls
win.scroll(function() {
// End of the document reached?
if ($(document).height() - win.height() == win.scrollTop()) {
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
// do something with your json of your posts
// then hide the loading gif or image.
This will fire the ajax request whenever your user reaches the bottom of the page, and paginate correctly. This is only the browser side, though.
You will need to edit your server endpoint slightly as well.
For example, you need to increase your limit dynamically
//you could use the req.params method from express to accomplish this
reddit('/r/food/hot').listing({limit: req.params.limit}).then(result => {
for (var x in result.children){
if (result.children[x].data.link_flair_text === '[Homemade]' || result.children[x].data.link_flair_text === '[homemade]') {
if (result.children[x].data.domain !== '') {
if (result.children[x].data.post_hint !== "rich:video") {
'title': he.decode(result.children[x].data.title),
'imgurl': he.decode(result.children[x].data.url),
'user': result.children[x],
'submission': result.children[x].data.permalink
res.render('index', {
'titleArr': titles
Accessing the req.params.limit variable should work. You will need to edit your endpoint definition as well. I'm not sure how you have your server's routing setup right now, but this would be one way you could do it:
app.get('/reddit/posts/:limit', function(req, res) {
console.log('limit is: ', req.params.limit);
The idea here is that you want to increase the number of items you're fetching with each jQuery request. this is a pretty quick and dirty way of doing so, and I'm making some assumptions about how you're handling the server and what you're using, but this should get you 90% of the way there. Hope this helps!

Preventing reloading Ajax data when back-button is clicked in both Chrome and IE

I am currently working on a website in which the home page displays the most recent 10 blog entries. When I scroll down, and when I reach almost the end of the last item on screen, another 10 blog entries are automatically loaded, and so on (this is the infinite scrolling feature).
If a user clicks on any blog entry, then he/she is taken to another page to display the details about that blog entry. When the user clicks the back button, he/she is taken to the home page that has the entries displayed.
Please note, the home page loads the data using Ajax.
Assume the following scenario:
A user goes to the site, and entries 1 to 10 are loaded (via Ajax).
The user scrolls down, and the next 10 entires, specifically entries 11 to 20 are loaded (via Ajax as well). Note that the page now has entires 1 to 20 displayed.
The user scrolls further down, and now entries 21 through 30 are loaded, for a total of 1 through 30 blog entries being displayed on the page.
The user clicks on entry 25, and the page for entry 25 is displayed.
The user clicks the back button, and all items, 1 through 30 are displayed.
Now, if the users uses FireFox, Opera, or Safari, and when that user performs step 5 (i.e, clicks the back button to go back to the home page) then the blog entries are just displayed on screen, and without being re-loaded. However using IE and on Chrome, when the user clicks on the back button, the page is reloaded, and only items 1 through 10 are displayed.
I do not like the IE and Chrome behaviour. The user should see items 1 though 30. How can I ensure all browsers behave like FireFox?
Here is the code I am using
First, hers is my html
<section id="content">
<section id="articles">
<!-- This section is filled by jQuery/Ajax -->
<section id="loading-spinner">
<img src="ajax-loader.gif" />
And here is my jQuery
* This file uses a bunch of programming concepts, but the most important one is ensuring ajax calls run as a critical section
* ... (this means if ajax is already called, then another instance of JavaScript cannot get into the critical section)
* .. For more details, please read:
load_more_posts = function () {
// If we almost reach the bottom of the document, then load more posts
if ( jQuery(window).scrollTop() >= jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height() - 300) {
// If the value of the promise is not pending, then we can call the load_posts function (the load_posts function will change the status to pending when it is executing the ajax request)
if (ajax_status.state() !== "pending") {
function load_posts() {
ajax_status = jQuery.ajax({
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
if(, 'load_page') == false) {
else {
// Show the spinner
url: '../link/to/get_poasts.php',
data: {
action: 'load_posts',
js_query_data: query_data,
js_page:, 'page_to_load')
success: function (response) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
var number_of_post_items = response.posts_array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < number_of_post_items; i++) {
// If the item is already returned from the database and posted. then we skip it, otherwise, keep insert a new record
if (jQuery('#articles').find('#article-' + response.posts_array[i].post_id).length == 0) {
// Add 'article'
jQuery('#articles').append('<article id="article-' + response.posts_array[i].post_id + '"></article>');
// More code here to add details about each article, such as title, excerpt...etc.
// Increase the value of the page to load by 1, and save it.
page =, "page_to_load");
page = page + 1;, "page_to_load", page);
jQuery(window).on('scroll', load_more_posts);
else {
// Display error message
jQuery('#articles').append('<div>' + response.message + '</div>');
// Make sure no further AJAX requests are made, 'load_page', false);
}).always(function() {
// Hide the spinner
return ajax_status;
// Create a new promise. This will be used to ensure that no two calls hit the critical section at the same time
// ... (the critical section in this case is the time when we retrieve data from the database. We only want one call at a time)
var ajax_status = new jQuery.Deferred();
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Hide the loading spinner first
// We resolve the promise, making sure it is ready (this is an intial state)
// Initial values that are used, 'page_to_load', 1);
// This parameter is used to stop loading pages when no more items are available to be displayed, 'load_page', true);
// Initial loading of poasts
// Enable on scrolling to load more pasts (to allow infinite scrolling)
jQuery(window).on('scroll', load_more_posts);
You'll find some information about how it works in the "good" browsers in this answer:
Is there a cross-browser onload event when clicking the back button?
Here you'll find a way to emulate it in IE:
Differences in Internet Explorer and Firefox when dynamically loading content then going forward and back
Not quite sure why it doesn't work in Chrome though.
Just so everyone knows, here is the solution I came up with that is consistent in all browsers. Unfortunately this solution requires a reloead/refresh button to reload the data. I tried to avoid that but could not. Until both IE and Chrome tackle the bfcache issue, I will stick to this solution.
First, here is the new html
<section id="content">
<a id="refresh">
<img src="link/to/refresh.png" title="Refresh" alt="refresh" />
<section id="articles">
<!-- This section is filled by jQuery/Ajax -->
<section id="loading-spinner">
<img src="ajax-loader.gif" />
And this is the javascript
* This file uses a bunch of programming concepts, but the most important one is ensuring ajax calls run as a critical section
* ... (this means if ajax is already called, then another instance of JavaScript cannot get into the critical section)
* .. For more details, please read:
load_more_posts = function () {
// If we almost reach the bottom of the document, then load more posts
if ( jQuery(window).scrollTop() >= jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height() - 300) {
// If the value of the promise is not pending, then we can call the load_posts function (the load_posts function will change the status to pending when it is executing the ajax request)
if (ajax_status.state() !== "pending") {
function load_posts() {
ajax_status = jQuery.ajax({
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
if(, 'load_page') == false) {
else {
// Show the spinner
url: '../link/to/get_poasts.php',
data: {
action: 'load_posts',
js_query_data: query_data,
js_page: sessionStorage.getItem("page_to_load")
success: function (response) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
var number_of_post_items = response.posts_array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < number_of_post_items; i++) {
// If the item is already returned from the database and posted. then we skip it, otherwise, keep insert a new record
if (jQuery('#articles').find('#article-' + response.posts_array[i].post_id).length == 0) {
// Add 'article'
jQuery('#articles').append('<article id="article-' + response.posts_array[i].post_id + '"></article>');
// More code here to add details about each article, such as title, excerpt...etc.
var history_session = get_history_session_name();
var history = sessionStorage.getItem(history_session);
var article_content = jQuery('#articles').find('#aarticle-' + response.posts_array[i].post_id)[0].outerHTML;
sessionStorage.setItem(history_session, history + article_content);
// Increase the value of the page to load by 1, and save it.
page = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem("page_to_load"));
page = page + 1;
sessionStorage.setItem("page_to_load", page);
jQuery(window).on('scroll', load_more_posts);
else {
// Display error message
jQuery('#articles').append('<div>' + response.message + '</div>');
// Make sure no further AJAX requests are made, 'load_page', false);
}).always(function() {
// Hide the spinner
return ajax_status;
function get_history_session_name () {
session_name = 'history___' + escape(location.href);
return session_name;
// Create a new promise. This will be used to ensure that no two calls hit the critical section at the same time
// ... (the critical section in this case is the time when we retrieve data from the database. We only want one call at a time)
var ajax_status = new jQuery.Deferred();
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Hide the loading spinner first
// We resolve the promise, making sure it is ready (this is an intial state)
// This parameter is used to stop loading pages when no more items are available to be displayed, 'load_page', true);
// Get the name of the history session
var history_session = get_history_session_name();
if (sessionStorage.getItem(history_session) === null) {
// Set the history session storage
sessionStorage.setItem(history_session, "");
// Initial values that are used
sessionStorage.setItem("page_to_load", 1);
// Load the posts
// Load from history when the back button is clicked
else {
// Enable on scrolling to load more pasts (to allow infinite scrolling)
jQuery(window).on('scroll', load_more_posts);
// Reload data when the refresh button is clicked
// ... We are using a refresh button because if we go to a page that already had history, ...
// ... and even though we went to that page without using the back button (i.e, via links or directly via the url), ...
// ... then the history session will be displayed. ...
// ... Therefore a reload button is needed to overcome this problem if you like to reload data
jQuery("#refresh").click(function () {
// Reset/clear the articles section first
// reset the 'load_page' variable, 'load_page', true);
// Reset/clear the history session storage
sessionStorage.setItem(history_session, "");
// Start with loading page 1
sessionStorage.setItem("page_to_load", 1);
// Load the posts
Hope this helps.

jQuery conditionally change events depending on .html( 'string' ) values
Please feel free to change the heading if you think I've worded it wrong.
I'm running a wordpress site with multilingual control. And my menu/navigation is dynamic, controlled via the wordpress admin. The multilingual language plugin also changes the dynamic menu/navigation content, as well as page content.
My Contact button, which is in the dynamic navigation, opens a sliding menu using jQuery. Very simple animation using top css. The contact button is on the page twice, hence why I'm not using the .toggle for iterations. See jsFiddle.
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
// run this if button says 'Close'
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// close slide animation
// change text back to 'Contact'
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// open slide animation
// change text to 'Close'
Because I'm running multilingual on the site. The navigation spelling changes. See jsFiddle flag buttons for example. This is fine, the animation still runs OK, because it's using the button class 'contact-button'.
But because I'm using the .html to replace the text of the button to "Close" and then on the second iteration, back to "Contact" - obviously this is a problem for other languages, as it always changes to English 'close' and back to English 'Contact'
But my three languages and words that I need the iterations to run through are...
Contact - Close
Contatto - Cerca
Contacto - Chiudere
Can anyone help me expand my script to accommodate three languages, all my attempts have failed. The jsFiddle has the script.
The language functionality in the fiddle is only for demo purposes, so the iteration sequence can be tested from the beginning. I understand if you change the language whilst the menu is open (in the fiddle), it will confused it. But when the language is changed on my site, the whole page refreshes, which closes the slide and resets the sequence. So it does not matter.
Any pro help would be awesome thanks!!!
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// Var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// Var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close' || 'Cerca'|| 'Chiudere' ) {
// run this if button says Close or Cerca or Chiudere
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// Close slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Close') {
$button.html('Contact'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Cerca') {
$button.html('Contatto'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Chiudere') {
$button.html('Contacto'); }
// Change text back to Contact in correct language
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// Open slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Contact') {
$button.html('Close'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Contatto') {
$button.html('Cerca'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Contacto') {
$button.html('Chiudere'); }
// Change text back to Close in the correct language
See my attempt script above which is not working on this jsFiddle.
Here's a working example:
When one of the language buttons gets clicked, it stores the strings for Contact and Close using jQuery's .data() method. Then, when the contact/close button gets clicked, it refers to those strings rather than having it hard-coded.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
$("#english").click(function() {
$("#spanish").click(function() {
$("#italian").click(function() {
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
} else {
All you need to do to modify the "close" text appropriately is by editing the close property inside the calls to data() that occur in each of the click events.
You should never depend on label strings ... especially in a multilingual environment. Instead you should use placeholders that you store in an attribute (maybe using .data()). Then you write your own setters for the labels depending on the value of the attribute.
var myLabels = {'close': ['Close', 'Cerca', 'Chiudere'], 'contact' : ['Contact', 'Contatto', 'Contacto']};
var currLang = 2; // to select italian
// to set the label
$'mylabel', 'close');
if($'mylabel') == 'close') {
$'mylabel', 'contact');
} else {
$'mylabel', 'close');

JQuery/Javascript works on & off

I am using JQuery 1.3.2-min in a project to handle JavaScript animations, ajax, etc. I have stored the file on the same server as the site instead of using Google. When I run the site locally on my development machine, everything works fine in FF, IE, Opera, and Safari (all the latest versions - I work from home and I only have 1 machine for personal use and development use) except for some CSS differences between them and when I go to the live site on my machine it works fine also. I have cleared my caches and hard refreshed the page, and it still works.
This is where it gets interesting however. When I send the site to my boss to test in various OS/Browser configurations, one page doesn't work correctly, some of it works, some doesn't. Also, the client (who uses IE 8) has also confirmed that it is not completely working - in fact he has told me that the page will work fine for a hour, and then just "turn off" for a while. I have never heard of this sort of thing before, and google isn't turning too much up. I have a hunch it may partly be with JQuery's .data(), but I'm not sure.
The page is basically nested unordered lists, and three basic actions happen on the list.
The top most unordered list is set to visible (all list via css are set to display: none to keep them hidden on a fresh page request); all list items divs are given a hover action of full opacity on mouseon, and faded back to 50% opacity on mouseoff; and then whenver a paragraph is clicked, the top most unordered list in that list item is displayed.
Here is my Javascript file for the page:
$(function() {
// Set first level ul visible
$('div#pageListing ul:first').css('display', 'block');
// Disable all the hyperlinks in the list
$('div#pageListing li a').click(function() {
var obj;
obj = $(this).parent(0).parent('div:first');
return false;
// List Item mouse hovering
$('#pageListing li').hover(
// Mouse On
function() {
if ($(this).children('div').attr('id') !== 'activePage') {
$(this).children('div').css('opacity', 1).css('filter',
}, // Mouse off
function() {
if ($(this).children('div').attr('id') !== 'activePage') {
$(this).children('div').css('opacity', 0.4).css('filter',
// Active list item highlighting
$('#pageListing li div').click(function() {
// Sub-list expanding/collapsing
$('#pageListing p.subpageslink').click(function() {
// Get next list
var subTree = $(this).parent('div').next('ul');
// If list is currently active, close it, else open it.
if ('active') != true) {'active', true);;
} else {'active', false);
// Double clicking of list item - edit a page
$('#pageListing li div').dblclick(function() {
var classes = $(this).attr('class');
var classArray = classes.split(' ');
var pageID = classArray[1];
// Handle button clicking
$('button#addPage').click(function() {
$('button#editPage').click(function() {
var div = $('div#activePage');
var classes = div.attr('class');
var classArray = classes.split(' ');
var pageID = classArray[1];
$('button#delPage').click(function() {
var div = $('div#activePage')
var classes = div.attr('class');
var classArray = classes.split(' ');
var pageID = classArray[1];
// Highlighting of page when clicked
function highlight(obj) {
// Get previous hightlighted element
// and un-highlight
var oldElement = $('div#activePage');
oldElement.css('background', 'white');
oldElement.css('opacity', 0.4).css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=40)');
// highlight current selection
obj.attr('id', 'activePage');
obj.css('opacity', 1).css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=100)');
obj.css('background', '#9dc0f4');
// add appropiate action buttons
$('button.pageButton').css('display', 'inline');
function addPage() {
window.location = "index.php?rt=cms/editPage";
function delPage(page) {
var confirm = window.confirm("Are you sure? Any sub-pages WILL BE deleted also.");
if (confirm) {
var url = './components/cms/controller/forms/deletePage.php';
$.ajax( {
url : url,
type : 'GET',
data : 'id=' + page,
success : function(result) {
if (!result) {
document.location = "index.php?rt=cms";
} else {
window.alert('There was a problem deleting the page');
function editPage(page) {
var url = "index.php?rt=cms/editPage/" + page;
window.location = url;
Is it possible that you are linking to (some of) the script files using a src that points to a file on your local disk/HDD? If so, that would explain why it works only on your machine, as then only your machine has access to the script file.
Thank you one and all for your suggestions. The end problem was miscommunication. I work from home, and upload my projects to a SVN server, which the boss then uses to update the live server. Somehow, the correct files were not getting updated - a communication error on my part. Another possible reason was that the page, while being declared XHTML 1.0 Strict, had something like 50 validation errors (mosting incorrectly nested UL), and I cleaned that up to 5 errors. So thank you all, but again a sad example of the importance of team work communication.

