Get position of click within text (non-input) - javascript

Goal: get text position of a click within non-input elements (spans/divs) with IE11
I have a workbench for users to add and modify content using widgets. There is a main widget that has a list of different types of content, for example it might have something like:
<div class='summaryView'>
<div class='summaryHead'>Summary 1</div>
<div class='summaryContent'>Foo bar baz</div>
A user would click within this and it would open up another widget in which the summary content would be within a textarea (actually a codemirror instance). A new requirement is that if the user clicks between the a and b in bar (for example), when the widget opens up for them to start editing content, the cursor would be in that same place.
The issue I'm having with doing this is knowing the actual position they clicked. I can get the coordinates from the event... but this doesn't really help me (unless maybe I used a monospace font, which is not an option).
I also found document.caretPositionFromPoint and document.caretRangeFromPoint which seemed helpful... and I could do something like:
if (document.caretPositionFromPoint) {
range = document.caretPositionFromPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY);
textNode = range.offsetNode;
offset = range.offset;
} else if (document.caretRangeFromPoint) {
range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY);
textNode = range.startContainer;
offset = range.startOffset;
...and then go from there... Except these are not working for IE11 (which my users are unfortunately stuck with).
Even though documentation seems to indicate it should work with IE. I'm assuming it has something to do with "This is an experimental technology".

I was able to piece some stuff together and come up with this which seems to be working for me in IE11, giving me the parentElement and the text offset of the click:
if (document.body.createTextRange) {
range = document.body.createTextRange ();
range.moveToPoint (event.clientX, event.clientY);
var end = Math.abs( range.duplicate().moveEnd('character', -1000000) );
var rDup = range.duplicate();
range.collapse( false );
var parentElement = rDup.parentElement();
var children = parentElement.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
rDup.moveToElementText( children[i] );
if ( rDup.inRange(range) ) {
parentElement = children[i];
rDup.moveToElementText( parentElement );
var offset = end - Math.abs( rDup.moveStart('character', -1000000) );


How to make click event only trigger on text (not other whitespace within the same element) [duplicate]

I have a Div which is as big as half of my page using CSS:
<div id="bigdiv">
I am trying to write a javascript or jquery code which detects click on the text and not the rest of the element. Is there a way to do that?
Since we cannot listen for events directly on the textNodes themselves, we have to take a more creative path to solving the problem. One thing we can do is look at the coordinates of the click event, and see if it overlaps with a textNode.
First, we'll need a small helper method to help us track whether a set of coordinates exists within a set of constraints. This will make it easier for us to arbitrarily determine if a set of x/y values are within the a set of dimensions:
function isInside ( x, y, rect ) {
return x >= rect.left && y >=
&& x <= rect.right && y <= rect.bottom;
This is fairly basic. The x and y values will be numbers, and the rect reference will be an object with at least four properties holding the absolute pixel values representing four corners of a rectangle.
Next, we need a function for cycling through all childNodes that are textNodes, and determining whether a click event took place above one of them:
function textNodeFromPoint( element, x, y ) {
var node, nodes = element.childNodes, range = document.createRange();
for ( var i = 0; node = nodes[i], i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
if ( node.nodeType !== 3 ) continue;
if ( isInside( x, y, range.getBoundingClientRect() ) ) {
return node;
return false;
With all of this in place, we can now quickly determine if a textNode was directly below the clicked region, and get the value of that node:
element.addEventListener( "click", function ( event ) {
if ( event.srcElement === this ) {
var clickedNode = textNodeFromPoint( this, event.clientX, event.clientY );
if ( clickedNode ) {
alert( "You clicked: " + clickedNode.nodeValue );
Note that the initial condition if ( event.srcElement ) === this allows us to ignore click events originating from nested elements, such as an image or a span tag. Clicks that happen over textNodes will show the parent element as the srcElement, and as such those are the only ones we're concerned with.
You can see the results here:
Quick win would be to have
<div id="bigdiv">
<span id="text">TEXT HERE</span>
$('#text').on('click', function() {
Let's alter the content dinamically - I will make the clicking on lala available:
<div id="gig">
<div id="smthing">one</div>lala
<div id="else"></div>
var htmlText = $('#gig').text(); //the big divs text
var children = $('#gig').children(); //get dom elements so they can be ignored later
$.each(children, function (index, child) {
var txt = $(child).text().trim();
if (txt != '') { //if a child has text in him
htmlText = htmlText.replace(txt, 'xxx'); //replace it in the big text with xxx
htmlText = htmlText.split("xxx"); //split for xxx make it arrat
var counter = 0; //the part when the text is added
$.each(htmlText, function (i, el) {
htmlText[i] = el.trim();
if (htmlText[i] != "") { //if there is something here than it's my text
htmlText[i] = '<span id="text">' + htmlText[i] + '</span>'; //replace it with a HTML element personalized
counter++; //mark that you have replaced the text
} else { // if there is nothing at this point it means that I have a DOM element here
htmlText[i] = $(children[i - counter])[0].outerHTML; //add the DOM element
if (children.length >= htmlText.length) { //you might have the case when not all the HTML children were added back
for (var i = htmlText.length - 1; i < children.length; i++) {
htmlText[i + 1] = $(children[i])[0].outerHTML; //add them
htmlText = htmlText.join(""); //form a HTML markup from the altered stuff
$('#gig').html(htmlText); // replace the content of the big div
$('#text').on('click', function (data) { //add click support
See a working example here:
P.S: sorry for the namings and stuff I am a little bit tired.
Are you able to do this, is this what you are looking for?
What the code does:
It's making only the text inside the div although the div could have other divs as well, makes only the text that has no HTML container like a div a span a p an a or something like that and alters it adding it in a span and making it available for clicking.
EDIT - Solution without adding wrapping element
Doing this without a wrapping element is quite a hassle. I managed to get it to work, however this will only work for one liners that are centered vertically AND horizontally.
To see the HTML and CSS that goes along with this, see the
jQuery('#bigDiv').click(function(e) {
// Get the x and y offest from the window
margin_top = jQuery(this).offset().top;
margin_left = jQuery(this).offset().left;
// Get the dimensions of the element.
height = jQuery(this).height();
width = jQuery(this).width();
// Retrieve the font_size and remove the px addition
font_size = parseInt(jQuery(this).css('font-size').replace('px', ''));
// Retrieve the position of the click
click_x = e.pageX;
click_y = e.pageY;
// These variables will be used to validate the end result
var in_text_y = false;
var in_text_x = false;
// Determine the click relative to the clicked element
relative_x = click_x - margin_left;
relative_y = click_y - margin_top;
// Determine whether the y-coordinate of the click was in the text
if (relative_y >= (parseFloat(height) / 2) - (parseFloat(font_size) / 2) &&
relative_y <= (parseFloat(height) / 2) + (parseFloat(font_size) / 2))
in_text_y = true;
// This piece of code copies the string and places it in a invisible div
// If this div has the same font styling and no paddings etc... it can
// be used to get the width of the text
text = jQuery(this).text();
text_width = jQuery('#widthTester').html(text).width();
// Determine whether the x-coordinate of the click was in the text
if (relative_x >= (parseFloat(width) / 2) - (parseFloat(text_width) / 2) &&
relative_x < (parseFloat(width) / 2) + (parseFloat(text_width) / 2))
in_text_x = true;
// If the x and y coordinates were both in the text then take action
if (in_text_x && in_text_y)
alert('You clicked the text!');
Also, this code can be optimized, since the same calculcation is done multiple times, but I thought that leaving the calculcations there better illustrated what was going on.
Solution by adding a wrapping element
If you put a span around the text, then you can add an onClick event handler to the span.
<div id="bigdiv">
<span>CLICK ON THIS TEXT</span>
jQuery code
jQuery('#bigdiv span').click(function() {
If you want to go straight through HTML, you can use
<div id="bigdiv" onclick="myFunction();">
and then simply apply the function afterwards in JS:
function myFunction(){
EDIT: sorry, if you want the text to be affected, put in <p> around the text or <span> ie.
<div id="bigdiv">
<p onclick="myFuncion();"> TEXT </p>

Selecting parts of div text via the code

Is it possible to select specific text inside a div using the code. I have a div of text, and I need to iterate through each word selecting it individually, then deslecting and onto the next word.
I'm not talking about simulating a select by changing the background css of the words requiring highlighting, but actually selecting it so the outcome is the same as if the user used the mouse to select it.
I know it's possible inside a text area input, but is it possible on a Div?
Ok this is where I'm at with it after having another look at it today. I can select all the text in a span, but not specifically a range of words within that span. The closest I have come ( code shown below... ) is selecting the range manually, then removing the selection, then reapplying it.
<div contentEditable = 'true' id="theDiv">
A selection of words but only from here to here to be selected
<script type="text/javascript">
setInterval( function() {
var currSelection = window.getSelection();
var storedSelections = [];
if ( currSelection ) {
for (var i = 0; i < currSelection.rangeCount; i++) {
storedSelections.push (currSelection.getRangeAt (i));
currSelection.removeAllRanges ();
if ( storedSelections.length != 0 ) {
currSelection.addRange( storedSelections[0] )
}, 1000 );
The stored selection range object has a startOffset and endOffset property. My question is how do I set this alongside the initial selection via the code ( not via a mouse select ) ?
Please read this article, it's difficult to summarise, so better read it:
This answer here can be useful too:
Can you set and/or change the user’s text selection in JavaScript?
Turns out it's fairly straightforward...
<div id = "theDiv">adsf asdf asdf asdf</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var theDiv = document.getElementById('theDiv')
theDivFirstChild = theDiv.firstChild;
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart( theDivFirstChild, 2 );
range.setEnd( theDivFirstChild, 8);

Find Caret Position Anywhere on page

I'm a part time newish developer working on a Chrome extension designed to work as an internal CR tool.
The concept is simple, on a keyboard shortcut, the extension gets the word next to the caret, checks it for a pattern match, and if the match is 'true' replaces the word with a canned response.
To do this, I mostly used a modified version of this answer.
I've hit a roadblock in that using this works for the active element, but it doesn't appear to work for things such as the 'compose' window in Chrome, or consistently across other services (Salesforce also seems to not like it, for example). Poking about a bit I thought this might be an issue with iFrames, so I tinkered about a bit and modified this peace of code:
function getActiveElement(document){
document = document || window.document;
if( document.body === document.activeElement || document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){// Check if the active element is in the main web or iframe
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');// Get iframes
for(var i = 0; i<iframes.length; i++ ){
var focused = getActiveElement( iframes[i].contentWindow.document );// Recall
if( focused !== false ){
return focused; // The focused
else return document.activeElement;
(Which I originally got from another SO post I can no longer find). Seems as though I'm out of luck though, as no dice.
Is there a simple way to always get the active element with the active caret on every page, even for the Gmail compose window and similar services, or am I going to be stuck writting custom code for a growing list of servcies that my code can't fetch the caret on?
My full code is here. It's rough while I just try to get this to work, so I understand there's sloppy parts of it that need tidied up:
function AlertPrevWord() {
//var text = document.activeElement; //Fetch the active element on the page, cause that's where the cursor is.
var text = getActiveElement();
var caretPos = text.selectionStart;//get the position of the cursor in the element.
var word = ReturnWord(text.value, caretPos);//Get the word before the cursor.
if (word != null) {//If it's not blank
return word //send it back.
function ReturnWord(text, caretPos) {
var index = text.indexOf(caretPos);//get the index of the cursor
var preText = text.substring(0, caretPos);//get all the text between the start of the element and the cursor.
if (preText.indexOf(" ") > 0) {//if there's more then one space character
var words = preText.split(" ");//split the words by space
return words[words.length - 1]; //return last word
else {//Otherwise, if there's no space character
return preText;//return the word
function getActiveElement(document){
document = document || window.document;
if( document.body === document.activeElement || document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){// Check if the active element is in the main web or iframe
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');// Get iframes
for(var i = 0; i<iframes.length; i++ ){
var focused = getActiveElement( iframes[i].contentWindow.document );// Recall
if( focused !== false ){
return focused; // The focused
else return document.activeElement;
I've got it working for the Gmail window (and presumably other contenteditable elements, rather than just input elements).
Edit: the failure around linebreaks was because window.getSelection().anchorOffset returns the offset relative to that particular element, whereas ReturnWord was getting passed the text of the entire compose window (which contained multiple elements). window.getSelection().anchorNode returns the node that the offset is being calculated within.
function AlertPrevWord() {
var text = getActiveElement();
var caretPos = text.selectionStart || window.getSelection().anchorOffset;
var word = ReturnWord(text.value || window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent, caretPos);
if (word != null) {return word;}
I originally used a MutationObserver to account for the Gmail compose div being created after the page load, just to attach an event listener to it.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var nodes = mutation.addedNodes; //list of new nodes in the DOM
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
//attach key listener to nodes[i] that calls AlertPrevWord
observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree:true });
//childList:true notifies observer when nodes are added or removed
//subtree:true observes all the descendants of document as well
Edit: The delegated click handler I've been testing with. Key event handlers so far not working.
$(document).on( "click", ":text,[contenteditable='true']", function( e ) {

Detect click on the inner text of the element without wrapping the text in a second element

I have a Div which is as big as half of my page using CSS:
<div id="bigdiv">
I am trying to write a javascript or jquery code which detects click on the text and not the rest of the element. Is there a way to do that?
Since we cannot listen for events directly on the textNodes themselves, we have to take a more creative path to solving the problem. One thing we can do is look at the coordinates of the click event, and see if it overlaps with a textNode.
First, we'll need a small helper method to help us track whether a set of coordinates exists within a set of constraints. This will make it easier for us to arbitrarily determine if a set of x/y values are within the a set of dimensions:
function isInside ( x, y, rect ) {
return x >= rect.left && y >=
&& x <= rect.right && y <= rect.bottom;
This is fairly basic. The x and y values will be numbers, and the rect reference will be an object with at least four properties holding the absolute pixel values representing four corners of a rectangle.
Next, we need a function for cycling through all childNodes that are textNodes, and determining whether a click event took place above one of them:
function textNodeFromPoint( element, x, y ) {
var node, nodes = element.childNodes, range = document.createRange();
for ( var i = 0; node = nodes[i], i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
if ( node.nodeType !== 3 ) continue;
if ( isInside( x, y, range.getBoundingClientRect() ) ) {
return node;
return false;
With all of this in place, we can now quickly determine if a textNode was directly below the clicked region, and get the value of that node:
element.addEventListener( "click", function ( event ) {
if ( event.srcElement === this ) {
var clickedNode = textNodeFromPoint( this, event.clientX, event.clientY );
if ( clickedNode ) {
alert( "You clicked: " + clickedNode.nodeValue );
Note that the initial condition if ( event.srcElement ) === this allows us to ignore click events originating from nested elements, such as an image or a span tag. Clicks that happen over textNodes will show the parent element as the srcElement, and as such those are the only ones we're concerned with.
You can see the results here:
Quick win would be to have
<div id="bigdiv">
<span id="text">TEXT HERE</span>
$('#text').on('click', function() {
Let's alter the content dinamically - I will make the clicking on lala available:
<div id="gig">
<div id="smthing">one</div>lala
<div id="else"></div>
var htmlText = $('#gig').text(); //the big divs text
var children = $('#gig').children(); //get dom elements so they can be ignored later
$.each(children, function (index, child) {
var txt = $(child).text().trim();
if (txt != '') { //if a child has text in him
htmlText = htmlText.replace(txt, 'xxx'); //replace it in the big text with xxx
htmlText = htmlText.split("xxx"); //split for xxx make it arrat
var counter = 0; //the part when the text is added
$.each(htmlText, function (i, el) {
htmlText[i] = el.trim();
if (htmlText[i] != "") { //if there is something here than it's my text
htmlText[i] = '<span id="text">' + htmlText[i] + '</span>'; //replace it with a HTML element personalized
counter++; //mark that you have replaced the text
} else { // if there is nothing at this point it means that I have a DOM element here
htmlText[i] = $(children[i - counter])[0].outerHTML; //add the DOM element
if (children.length >= htmlText.length) { //you might have the case when not all the HTML children were added back
for (var i = htmlText.length - 1; i < children.length; i++) {
htmlText[i + 1] = $(children[i])[0].outerHTML; //add them
htmlText = htmlText.join(""); //form a HTML markup from the altered stuff
$('#gig').html(htmlText); // replace the content of the big div
$('#text').on('click', function (data) { //add click support
See a working example here:
P.S: sorry for the namings and stuff I am a little bit tired.
Are you able to do this, is this what you are looking for?
What the code does:
It's making only the text inside the div although the div could have other divs as well, makes only the text that has no HTML container like a div a span a p an a or something like that and alters it adding it in a span and making it available for clicking.
EDIT - Solution without adding wrapping element
Doing this without a wrapping element is quite a hassle. I managed to get it to work, however this will only work for one liners that are centered vertically AND horizontally.
To see the HTML and CSS that goes along with this, see the
jQuery('#bigDiv').click(function(e) {
// Get the x and y offest from the window
margin_top = jQuery(this).offset().top;
margin_left = jQuery(this).offset().left;
// Get the dimensions of the element.
height = jQuery(this).height();
width = jQuery(this).width();
// Retrieve the font_size and remove the px addition
font_size = parseInt(jQuery(this).css('font-size').replace('px', ''));
// Retrieve the position of the click
click_x = e.pageX;
click_y = e.pageY;
// These variables will be used to validate the end result
var in_text_y = false;
var in_text_x = false;
// Determine the click relative to the clicked element
relative_x = click_x - margin_left;
relative_y = click_y - margin_top;
// Determine whether the y-coordinate of the click was in the text
if (relative_y >= (parseFloat(height) / 2) - (parseFloat(font_size) / 2) &&
relative_y <= (parseFloat(height) / 2) + (parseFloat(font_size) / 2))
in_text_y = true;
// This piece of code copies the string and places it in a invisible div
// If this div has the same font styling and no paddings etc... it can
// be used to get the width of the text
text = jQuery(this).text();
text_width = jQuery('#widthTester').html(text).width();
// Determine whether the x-coordinate of the click was in the text
if (relative_x >= (parseFloat(width) / 2) - (parseFloat(text_width) / 2) &&
relative_x < (parseFloat(width) / 2) + (parseFloat(text_width) / 2))
in_text_x = true;
// If the x and y coordinates were both in the text then take action
if (in_text_x && in_text_y)
alert('You clicked the text!');
Also, this code can be optimized, since the same calculcation is done multiple times, but I thought that leaving the calculcations there better illustrated what was going on.
Solution by adding a wrapping element
If you put a span around the text, then you can add an onClick event handler to the span.
<div id="bigdiv">
<span>CLICK ON THIS TEXT</span>
jQuery code
jQuery('#bigdiv span').click(function() {
If you want to go straight through HTML, you can use
<div id="bigdiv" onclick="myFunction();">
and then simply apply the function afterwards in JS:
function myFunction(){
EDIT: sorry, if you want the text to be affected, put in <p> around the text or <span> ie.
<div id="bigdiv">
<p onclick="myFuncion();"> TEXT </p>

Tag-like autocompletion and caret/cursor movement in contenteditable elements

I'm working on a jQuery plugin that will allow you to do #username style tags, like Facebook does in their status update input box.
My problem is, that even after hours of researching and experimenting, it seems REALLY hard to simply move the caret. I've managed to inject the <a> tag with someone's name, but placing the caret after it seems like rocket science, specially if it's supposed work in all browsers.
And I haven't even looked into replacing the typed #username text with the tag yet, rather than just injecting it as I'm doing right now... lol
There's a ton of questions about working with contenteditable here on Stack Overflow, and I think I've read all of them, but they don't really cover properly what I need. So any more information anyone can provide would be great :)
You could use my Rangy library, which attempts with some success to normalize browser range and selection implementations. If you've managed to insert the <a> as you say and you've got it in a variable called aElement, you can do the following:
var range = rangy.createRange();
var sel = rangy.getSelection();
I got interested in this, so I've written the starting point for a full solution. The following uses my Rangy library with its selection save/restore module to save and restore the selection and normalize cross browser issues. It surrounds all matching text (#whatever in this case) with a link element and positions the selection where it had been previously. This is triggered after there has been no keyboard activity for one second. It should be quite reusable.
function createLink(matchedTextNode) {
var el = document.createElement("a"); = "yellow"; = "2px";
el.contentEditable = false;
var matchedName =; // Remove the leading #
el.href = "" + matchedName; = matchedName;
return el;
function shouldLinkifyContents(el) {
return el.tagName != "A";
function surroundInElement(el, regex, surrounderCreateFunc, shouldSurroundFunc) {
var child = el.lastChild;
while (child) {
if (child.nodeType == 1 && shouldSurroundFunc(el)) {
surroundInElement(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc, shouldSurroundFunc);
} else if (child.nodeType == 3) {
surroundMatchingText(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
child = child.previousSibling;
function surroundMatchingText(textNode, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
var parent = textNode.parentNode;
var result, surroundingNode, matchedTextNode, matchLength, matchedText;
while ( textNode && (result = regex.exec( ) {
matchedTextNode = textNode.splitText(result.index);
matchedText = result[0];
matchLength = matchedText.length;
textNode = (matchedTextNode.length > matchLength) ?
matchedTextNode.splitText(matchLength) : null;
surroundingNode = surrounderCreateFunc(matchedTextNode.cloneNode(true));
parent.insertBefore(surroundingNode, matchedTextNode);
function updateLinks() {
var el = document.getElementById("editable");
var savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
surroundInElement(el, /#\w+/, createLink, shouldLinkifyContents);
var keyTimer = null, keyDelay = 1000;
function keyUpLinkifyHandler() {
if (keyTimer) {
keyTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
keyTimer = null;
}, keyDelay);
<p contenteditable="true" id="editable" onkeyup="keyUpLinkifyHandler()">
Some editable content for #someone or other
As you say you can already insert an tag at the caret, I'm going to start from there. The first thing to do is to give your tag an id when you insert it. You should then have something like this:
<div contenteditable='true' id='status'>I went shopping with <a href='#' id='atagid'>Jane</a></div>
Here is a function that should place the cursor just after the tag.
function setCursorAfterA()
var atag = document.getElementById("atagid");
var parentdiv = document.getElementById("status");
var range,selection;
if(window.getSelection) //FF,Chrome,Opera,Safari,IE9+
parentdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));//FF wont allow cursor to be placed directly between <a> tag and the end of the div, so a space is added at the end (this can be trimmed later)
range = document.createRange();//create range object (like an invisible selection)
range.setEndAfter(atag);//set end of range selection to just after the <a> tag
range.setStartAfter(atag);//set start of range selection to just after the <a> tag
selection = window.getSelection();//get selection object (list of current selections/ranges)
selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any current selections (FF can have more than one)
parentdiv.focus();//Focuses contenteditable div (necessary for opera)
selection.addRange(range);//add our range object to the selection list (make our range visible)
else if(document.selection)//IE 8 and lower
range = document.body.createRange();//create a "Text Range" object (like an invisible selection)
range.moveToElementText(atag);//select the contents of the a tag (i.e. "Jane")
range.collapse(false);//collapse selection to end of range (between "e" and "</a>").
while(range.parentElement() == atag)//while ranges cursor is still inside <a> tag
range.move("character",1);//move cursor 1 character to the right
range.move("character",-1);//move cursor 1 character to the left the actual cursor to the position of the ranges cursor
/*OPTIONAL: = ""; //remove id from a tag
Tested and fixed script. It definitely works in IE6, chrome 8, firefox 4, and opera 11. Don't have other browsers on hand to test, but it doesn't use any functions that have changed recently so it should work in anything that supports contenteditable.
This button is handy for testing:
<input type='button' onclick='setCursorAfterA()' value='Place Cursor After <a/> tag' >

