Set specific image to Div - javascript

I set multiple image sources for a div using javascript function. I want that when user clicks to the button then only a specific image set to that div.
function changeColor1() {
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredwithoutsleeve/red_withoutsleeve.png)"
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredhalfsleeveroundneck/red_halfsleeve.png)"
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredfullhalf/red_fullhalfsleeve.png)"
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredfullsleeve/red_fullsleeve.png)"
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredfullsleevev-neck/red_fullsleevevneck.png)"
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredshirtsimages/coloredvneck/red_vneck.png)"
<div id="myDIV"></div>
<button style="background-color:red;outline:none" class="colors" onclick="changeColor1()"></button>
#myDIV {
width: 550px;
height: 650px;
background-image: url(coloredshirtsimages/coloredhalfsleeveroundneck/white_halfsleeve.png);
border: 2px solid black;
color: orange;
float: right;
margin-top: 200px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
I changed the image using css and javascript now the image belongs to particular category for example(white_vneck)is goes to div but problem is that only one image was gone to div. I want that other image (red_vneck.png) goes to div when i clicked the button in place of white_vneck.
Please feel free to ask a question if you have any confusion

Pass a parameter to your function to help it understand which image you wish to display:
function changeColor1(pic) {
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(" + pic + ")";
According your code snippet:
function changeColor1(pngName) {
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url("+pngName+")";
<div id="myDIV"></div>
<button style="background-color:red;outline:none" class="colors" onclick="changeColor1('coloredshirtsimages/coloredwithoutsleeve/red_withoutsleeve.png')"></button>
For selecting random image:
var pics =[
'coloredwithoutsleeve/red_withoutsleeve.png' ,
function changeColor1() {
//random selection of pic
var picIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * pics.length);
document.getElementById("myDIV").style = "background-image:url(coloredshirtsimages/" + pics[picIndex] + ")";


Need to enlarge image at click and then reduce it again by clicking again on external javascript file

This large image is defined in the index.html with a class="small" attribute so it shows as a thumbnail.
<img id="smart_thumbnail" class="small" src="https://image.jpg">
On a separate .js file need to create a function to bring it back to it's normal size and then back to thumbnail by clicking it again. NEED to use if/else. What I am trying to do is to switch between class="" and class="small"
So far I have this but it is not working:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var thumbnailElement = document.getElementById("smart_thumbnail");
thumbnailElement.addEventListener("click", function() {
if(thumbnailElement.className = "small";){thumbnailElement.className = "";}
{thumbnailElement.className = "small";}
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Here is something that I made work. It uses JS style properties to change it, not CSS classes. You could copy or reference it:
var imgEl = document.getElementById("Img");
var isBig = false;
imgEl.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (isBig) { = "30px"; = "30px";
isBig = false;
} else { = "100px"; = "100px";
isBig = true;
#Img {
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: red;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
transition: 1s;
<div id="Img">
The CSS class switcher isn't working because '=' is not an equal operator, it is an assignment operator. use '==' or '===' for equal operators.
The code above will only run once when the website is initially loaded. To solve this problem, you will need to modify the code so that it is constantly listening for an event.
The code for it should look something similar to the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Resizing a square with event listeners</title>
<style type="text/css">
.small {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
.large {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
#smart_thumbnail {
background-color: blue;
<div id="smart_thumbnail" class="large"></div>
var thumbnailElement = document.getElementById("smart_thumbnail");
thumbnailElement.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (this.className == "small") {this.className = "large";}
else {this.className = "small";}
I also modified the smart_thumbnail so that it has a large/normal size class as well as a small class.

Javascript : add images in div upon selecting value from select box

I am trying too add image inside dynamically created div. When user create go button it should create div element and image inside it according to value selected in select box. I have created div tag dynamically and created image object in order to get image. but in my code image is not loading inside div. can anyone help me to figure out issue ?
background-image: url("final_images/back.jpg");
/*width: 600px;*/
/*height: 200px;*/
margin-top: 100px;
margin-left: 300px;
margin-right: 190px;
background-color:rgba(255, 234, 134, 0.9);
margin-left: 210px;
width: 160px;
#holder {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
background-color: #ffffff;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class = 'container' id="main">
<form name="myForm">
<select name="mySelect" id="selectBox">
<option value="womens">Women's coat</option>
<option value="mens">Men's coat</option>
<option value="kids">Kid's toys</option>
<option value="mixture">Classic mixture</option>
<option value="earing">Gold Earing</option>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" id="go">
<HR size="4" color="red" id="hr">
<!-- <div id="holder"> </div> -->
imageObj = new Image(128, 128);
// set image list
images = new Array();
var go = document.getElementById('go');
go.addEventListener("click", loadItem);
function loadItem() {
var mainDiv = document.getElementById("main");
var btnPre = document.createElement("input");
//Assign different attributes to the element.
btnPre.type = "button";
btnPre.value = "previous"; = "preBtn";
newdiv = document.createElement('div'); //create a div = 'holder';
mainDiv.appendChild(newdiv); //add an id
var btnNxt = document.createElement("input");
//Assign different attributes to the element.
btnNxt.type = "button";
btnNxt.value = "next"; = "nxtBtn";
var holder = document.getElementById("holder");
if(document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "womens"){
holder.src = images[0] + " Women's coat";
else if(document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "mens"){
holder.src = images[1] + " Men's coat";
A div is not an image container. Replace with img in the createElement fixes this.
Another big problem is the margins you use.
I've made a few adjustments
replaced margin-left with float: right for the select
put margin auto for left and right on the box.
imageObj = new Image(128, 128);
// set image list
images = new Array();
images[0] = "final_images/wcoat.jpg";
images[1] = "final_images/wcoat.jpg";
var go = document.getElementById('go');
go.addEventListener("click", loadItem);
function loadItem() {
var mainDiv = document.getElementById("main");
var btnPre = document.createElement("input");
//Assign different attributes to the element.
btnPre.type = "button";
btnPre.value = "previous"; = "preBtn";
newdiv = document.createElement('img'); //create a div = 'holder';
mainDiv.appendChild(newdiv); //add an id
var btnNxt = document.createElement("input");
//Assign different attributes to the element.
btnNxt.type = "button";
btnNxt.value = "next"; = "nxtBtn";
var holder = document.getElementById("holder");
if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "womens") {
holder.src = images[0] + " Women's coat";
} else if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "mens") {
holder.src = images[1] + " Men's coat";
body {
background-image: url("final_images/back.jpg");
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.container {
width: 400px;
border: inset;
margin-top: 100px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
background-color: rgba(255, 234, 134, 0.9);
#selectBox {
float: right;
width: 160px;
#holder {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
background-color: #ffffff;
<div class='container' id="main">
<form name="myForm">
<select name="mySelect" id="selectBox">
<option value="womens">Women's coat</option>
<option value="mens">Men's coat</option>
<option value="kids">Kid's toys</option>
<option value="mixture">Classic mixture</option>
<option value="earing">Gold Earing</option>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" id="go">
<HR size="4" color="red" id="hr" />
<!-- <div id="holder"> </div> -->
You need to use an image tag instead of a div. You could also load images with CSS but thats probably not what you want.
starting on this line:
var holder = document.getElementById("holder");
var image = new Image(128, 128);
if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "womens") {
image.src = images[0];
holder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Women's coat"));
} else if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "mens") {
image.src = images[1];
holder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Men's coat"));
Let me elaborate.
In the JavaScript code you are creating a div element here
newdiv = document.createElement('div'); //create a div = 'holder';
and then you are searching for element with Id holder and setting new image url.
var holder = document.getElementById("holder");
// holder is <div></div> element
if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "womens") {
holder.src = images[0] + " Women's coat";
} else if (document.getElementById('selectBox').value == "mens") {
holder.src = images[1] + " Men's coat";
holder is a div tag now. it has no src attribute
But div element do not have attribute with name src. so the above code will just add one more attribute to your div tag. but browser will not interpret it.
So if you want load image by setting src attribute, then you probably have to create holder as img tag which has attribute src. like this.
newdiv = document.createElement('img'); //create a img = 'holder';
holder is a img tag. now it has src attribute
now it will work with no problem.

How to format a text in a div with jQuery/Css

I would like to display a text copied from a site, for example Wikipedia, in a div. This text has to be strictly without the tags that the computer copies with the text from wikipedia.
I think that the solution is to set a sort of formatting of the text but I don't know.
This is how it should be (Press OK). But I don't want to paste the text in the code, I have to paste the text in the textarea.
In fact if you try to paste something from Wikipedia in the textarea of this Jsfiddle you will see that the result is horrible and with all the html tags.
<div id="faketxt" contenteditable></div>
<button id='btn'>OK</button>
<button class="fontStyle" onclick="document.execCommand( 'bold',false,null);" title="Bold Highlighted Text"><b>B</b>
<button class="fontStyle" onclick="document.execCommand( 'underline',false,null);"><u>U</u>
</button> <br>
<div id='boxes'>
#faketxt {
-moz-appearance: textfield-multiline;
-webkit-appearance: textarea;
border: 1px solid gray;
height: 28px;
overflow: auto;
padding: 2px;
resize: both;
width: 400px;
width: 150px;
height: 300px;
font-size: 10px;
border-style: solid;
float: left;
display : flex;
$('#btn').click(function() {
var primo = document.getElementById('faketxt');
var wordLimit = 130;
var words = primo.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").split(/\s/);
if (words.length) {
var count = 0;
var div = createDiv();
var bold = false;
words.forEach(function(word) {
if (++count > wordLimit) {
count = 1;
div = createDiv();
if (div.innerHTML) {
div.append(' ');
if (word.indexOf('<b>') != -1) {
bold = true;
if (bold) {
$(div).html($(div).html() + '<b>' +
word + '</b>');
} else {
$(div).html($(div).html() +
if (word.indexOf('</b>') != -1) {
bold = false;
function createDiv() {
div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'fakes';
return div;
innerHTML or jquery's $.html() will pull the content (including HTML) of an element. But textContent or jquery's $.text() will just get the text.
Instead of var words = primo.innerHTML have you tried using var words = primo.textContent or var words = $(primo).text()?
try using
words = primo.textContent.replace(/(<^>]+)>)/ig,"").split(/\s/);
instead of
words = primo.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").split(/\s/);
Rather than getting the innerHTML of the source, simply get the text content using either the javascript or JQuery text() functions.
So, given you are using jQuery, change your words variable to initialise as follows.
var words = $(primo).text().split(/\s/);

Random card/Image using buttonjavascript

I want to create a card game using java script. Being a beginner at java script, I am finding great difficulty finding a suitable tutorial for what I am trying to do. When the 'start game' button is selected, I want the computer to produce a random card. I have tried many ways of doing this and have came to no avail. Here is my code.
<title> Christmas Assignment </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="xmasass_1.css">
<script type = "text/javascript">
function randomImg(){
var myimages= [];
myimages[1] = "cards/1.gif";
myimages[2] = "cards/2.gif";
myimages[3] = "cards/3.gif";
myimages[4] = "cards/4.gif";
myimages[5] = "cards/5.gif";
myimages[6] = "cards/6.gif";
myimages[7] = "cards/7.gif";
myimages[8] = "cards/8.gif";
myimages[9] = "cards/9.gif";
myimages[10] = "cards/10.gif";
myimages[11] = "cards/11.gif";
myimages[12] = "cards/12.gif";
myimages[13] = "cards/13.gif";
function oddTrivia(){
var randomImg = Math.floor(Math.random()*(oddtrivia.length));
ar total = 0;
function randomImg(){
var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*13)+1;
document.getElementById('img1').src = 'die'+x+'.gif';
document.getElementById('img2').src = 'die'+y+'.gif';
document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = total;
var card1Image;
var card2Image;
var card3Image;
var card4Image;
var card5Image;
var card6Image;
function start(){
var button = document.getElementById("startButton");
button.addEventListener("click", pickCards, false);
card1Image = document.getElementById("1");
card2Image = document.getElementById("2");
card3Image = document.getElementById("3");
card4Image = document.getElementById("4");
card5Image = document.getElementById("5");
card6Image = document.getElementById("6");
function pickCards(){
function setImage(cardImg){
var cardValue = Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * 13);
cardImg.setAttribute("src", "C:Xmas Assignment/cards/" + cardValue + ".gif");
window.addEventListener("load", start, false);
<div id = "settings">
<img src = "settings_img.png" width = "60" height = "60">
<div id = "bodydiv">
<h1> Card Game</h1>
<div id = "computer">
<img src = " cards/back.gif">
<div id = "comp" > Computer </div>
<div id ="arrow">
<img src ="arrow2.png" width = "100" height="100">
<div id = "player">
<img src = " cards/back.gif">
<div id = "play"> Player </div>
<div id = "kittens">
<button id = "startButton" onclick ="randomImg" > Start Game </button>
<div id = "buttons_1">
<button id ="higher"> Higher
<button id = "equal"> Equal
<button id = "lower"> Lower
<button id = "draw"> Draw your Card
<div id = "resetscore"> Reset Score
<div id = "score">
body {
h1 {
#settings {
#bodydiv {
width: 800px;
border-radius: 10px;
#computer {
border-radius: 10px;
position: absolute;
#player {
border-radius: 10px;
position: absolute;
#start_game {
width :120px;
height: 55px;
margin-left: 350px;
border:1px solid black;
#buttons_1 {
text-align: center;
#higher {
font-size: 15px;
#equal {
font-size: 15px;
#lower {
font-size: 15px;
#draw {
margin-top: 30px;
border:1px solid black;
#resetscore {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 40px;
#arrow {
#comp {
You code is kind of hard to read.
You forgot to close the "{" of your main function.
You are declaring "randomImg" again in the body of the "randomImg" function(use a different name).
You wrote
ar total = 0;
I think you meant to write:
var total = 0;
oddtrivia in the function "OddTrivia" is not defined.
y in the inner randomImg function is not defined.
Having poked a little bit at the code, here is a few things:
Problem no 1: randomImg()
It's hard to know your intentions, but you should likely begin with removing the start of your first function randomImg(){.
Because 1) It does not have an end and 2) If it actually spans everything then this line window.addEventListener("load", start, false); will not load on startup (since it does not get executed until randomImg() gets executed, and by then the page has already loaded.)
Problem no 2: Cannot set property 'src' of null"
Now when the first problem is out of the way, you should see "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'src' of null" if you look in your console. Yes, USE YOUR CONSOLE. Click on the error to show what causes it. Here it is:
cardImg.setAttribute("src", "C:Xmas Assignment/cards/" + cardValue + ".gif");
This means that cardImg is null. We backtrack the first call of setImage() and find that the variable card1Image is passed in. So that must mean that card1Image also is null. You can check it yourself by adding a console.log('card1Image', card1Image); in your code. Or you add a breakpoint at that point. (Use the sources-tab in chrome dev tools, click at the line-numbering to add a break point. Refresh the page and it will stop at the break point. Now you can mouse-over variables to see their values.)
Let's look at where 'card1Image' is set.
card1Image = document.getElementById("1");
So why is this returning null? Do we even have a id="1" element in the html? That could be the reason. (It is.)
There are more problems, but I'll stop there, but when you have fixed this part AND have no errors please ask again. Always check your errors and if you ask a question here you should provide errors. And when you can also be more specific with your questions.
What might someone else have done differently?
When it comes to playing cards, why not an array of objects?
var cards = [
{ src : 'cards/1.gif', value: 1 },
{ src : 'cards/2.gif', value: 2 },
{ src : 'cards/3.gif', value: 3 },
{ src : 'cards/4.gif', value: 4 }
]; // (You can of course use code to generate it.)
// Then a function to put cards in the player's hand.
var playerHand = _.sample(cards, 2);
Here I assume lodash, a lightweight library for when you don't want to re-invent the wheel.

How can I change the x position of a div via javascript when I click on another div this way?

<div id = "SiteContainer">
<div id = "NavigationButtons"></div>
<div id = "ShowReelContainer">
<div id= "NavigationBackward" name = "back" onclick="setPosition();">x</div>
<div id= "NavigationForward" name = "forward" onclick="setPosition();">y</div>
<div id = "VideoWrapper">
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/A.png" alt="A"></img>
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/B.png" alt="B"></img>
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/C.png" alt="C" ></img>
var wrapper = document.querySelector("#VideoWrapper");
function setPosition(e)
if( = "forward")
if!( = "-200%")
{ = - 100%;
if( = "back")
if!( = "0%")
{ = + 100%;
Hi, I am very new to javascript. What I am trying to do, is change the x-position of a div when another div (NavigationForward or NavigationBackward) is clicked. However it does not appear to do anything at all. Basically if the div with name forward is clicked, I want to translate the VideoWrapper -100% from it's current position and +100% when "back". The css div itself VideoWrapper has a width of 300%. Inside this div as you can see is a SlideShowItem which is what will change. Perhaps I am adding and subtracting 100% the wrong way?
Thanks everyone for helping me out with this...I had just one more query, I am trying to hide the arrows based on whether the wrapper is at the first slide or the last slide. If its on the first slide, then I'd hide the left arrow div and if it's on the last, I'd hide the right arrow, otherwise display both of em. Ive tried several ways to achieve this, but none of em work, so Ive resorted to using copies of variables from the function that works. Even then it does not work. It appears that my if and else if statements always evaluate to false, so perhaps I am not retrieving the position properly?
function HideArrows()
var wrapper2 = document.getElementById("VideoWrapper");
var offset_x2 =;
if(parseInt(offset_x2,10) == max_x)
document.getElementById("NavigationForward").display = 'none';
else if(parseInt(offset_x2,10) == min_x)
document.getElementById("NavigationBackward").display = 'none';
document.getElementById("NavigationForward").display = 'inline-block';
document.getElementById("NavigationBackward").display = 'inline-block';
//html is the same except that I added a mouseover = "HideArrows();"
<div id = "ShowReelContainer" onmouseover="HideArrows();">
To achieve this type o slider functionality your div VideoWrapper must have overflow:hidden style, and your SlideShowItemdivs must have a position:relative style.
Then to move the slides forward or backward you can use the style left which allows you to move the divs SlideShowItem relative to it's parent VideoWrapper.
I've tested this here on JSFiddle.
It seems to work as you described in your question, although you may need to do some adjustments, like defining the width of your slides, how many they are and so on.
For the sake of simplicity, I defined them as "constants" on the top of the code, but I think you can work from that point on.
position:relative; height:100px; white-space:nowrap;width:500px;
margin-left:0px; border:1px solid #000; overflow:hidden; }
width:500px; height:100px;display:inline-block;position:relative; }
#NavigationForward, #NavigationBackward{
cursor:pointer;float:left; background-color:silver;margin-right:5px;
margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; padding:10px; }
<div id = "SiteContainer">
<div id = "NavigationButtons">
<div id = "ShowReelContainer">
<div id= "NavigationBackward" name = "back" onclick="setPosition('back');">prev</div>
<div id= "NavigationForward" name = "forward" onclick="setPosition('forward');">next</div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div id = "VideoWrapper">
<div class= "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:blue;">
Slide 1
<div class = "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:yellow;">
Slide 2
<div class = "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:pink;">
Slide 3
var unit = 'px'; var margin = 4; var itemSize = 500 + margin; var itemCount = 3; var min_x = 0; var max_x = -(itemCount-1) * itemSize;
function setPosition(e) {
var wrapper = document.getElementById("VideoWrapper");
var slides = wrapper.getElementsByTagName('div');
var offset_x = slides[0].style.left.replace(unit, '');
var curr_x = parseInt(offset_x.length == 0 ? 0 : offset_x);
if(e == "forward")
if(curr_x <= max_x)
for(var i=0; i<slides.length; i++)
slides[i].style.left= (curr_x + -itemSize) + unit;
else if(e == "back")
if(curr_x >= min_x)
for(var i=0; i<slides.length; i++)
slides[i].style.left= (curr_x + itemSize) + unit;
} }
After you analyze and test the code, I don't really know what's your purpose with this, I mean, you maybe just playing around or trying to develop something for a personal project, but if you are looking for something more professional avoid to create things like sliders on your own, as there are tons of plugins like this available and well tested out there on the web.
Consider using jQuery with NivoSlider, it works like a charm and is cross browser.
I would recommend using jQuery, this will reduce your coding by quite a bit. Can read more here:
I've created a simple fiddle for you to take a look at. This example uses the .animate() method to reposition two div elements based on the CSS 'left' property.
#container {
position: absolute;
left: 1em;
top: 1em;
right: 1em;
bottom: 1em;
overflow: hidden;
#one, #two {
position: absolute;
color: white;
#one {
background: pink;
width: 100%;
#two {
background: blue;
width: 100%;
left: 100%;
<div id="container">
<div id="one">Div One</div>
<div id="two">Div Two</div>
var one, two, container;
function animateSlides(){
left : '-100%'
}, 1000, function(){
left : 0
}, 1000);
left : 0
}, 1000, function(){
}, 1000);
one = $('#one');
two = $('#two');
container = $('#container');
setInterval(animateSlides, 2000);
JSFiddle Example:

