extjs 3.4 getModifiedRecords after markDirty not working - javascript

I am using extjs 3.4 and I want to make records to appear when I use getModifiedRecords.
This is what I did and when I console.log() it I can see
dirty:true and also
modified:{idStyle: "TEST-4", idStyleDtl: 2052, color: 6, colorNm: "BLACK", s1: 0, …}
It clearly shows it has been modified and there's dirty flag but when I do ojbStore.getModifiedRecords() it returns just empty [ ]. I don't understand why it won't return the modified records.. Is there any other condition I need to change?

So lets start with solution(click X button and look into the console): FIDDLE
Now what happens here is that i manually call my own added function in store called markDirtyFix and pass it a record(which i want to mark as dirty) to put it in modified-records list. Actually it is a copied function afterEdit from store. I just commented fireEvent of update(because this forces request to be sent on update, and you want to make it dirty "only locally"):
afterEdit: function(record){
if(this.modified.indexOf(record) == -1){
this.fireEvent('update', this, record, Ext.data.Record.EDIT);//removed
So the miracle happens and store.getModifiedRecords() returns your record in array included.
Now talk about problem. So the problem is that markDirty() looks like this(from official docs):
markDirty: function(){
this.dirty = true;
this.modified = {};
this.fields.each(function(f) {
this.modified[f.name] = this.data[f.name];
and here is not anything that would call afterEdit or something like this to make your records dirty on a store level(well as you see it becomes dirty only on a record level).
Maybe someone say it is meant to be used only on a record level but markDirty doc description says:
Marking a record dirty causes the phantom to be returned by Ext.data.Store.getModifiedRecords ..
So it should have worked(but didn't).


JointJs - Discarding the command in CommandManager.cmdBeforeAdd

In my JointJs application, I want to discard particular commands so that they are not added in the Undo/Redo stack.
I followed the exact same code snippet from the JointJs documentation like below:
var commandManager = new joint.dia.CommandManager({
graph: graph,
cmdBeforeAdd: function(cmdName, cell, graph, options) {
options = options || {};
return !options.ignoreCommandManager;
// ...
// Note that the last argument to set() is an options object that gets passed to the cmdBeforeAdd() function.
element.set({ 'z': 1 }, { ignoreCommandManager: true });
But when I look into the options object in the debug mode, it doesn't contain any property with the name ignoreCommandManager.
I have also tried the below call to set the z value but it didn't work either.
element.set('z', 1 , { ignoreCommandManager: true });
Any idea why the options object is missing this property to ignore the command, please?
Initially, It was failing in Firefox when I posted the question here. The cache was also disabled.
I tried in another browser (Chrome) today without introducing any new changes and it was working without any issues.

Custom and first options in ember-power-select

I'm using Ember-power-select-with-create to make custom selections possible in my dropdowns.
This is the power-select part in the .hbs file.
options=options //array for prefill values
selected=offer.offer //is where we save it to (offer is the model and has an array named offer)
onchange=(action (mut offer.offer)) //default onchange for prefill options
onfocus=(action "handleFocus")
onblur=(action "handleBlur")
oncreate=(action "createOffer" offer.offer) //This calls "createOffer"
as |offer|}}
The "createOffer" function in my .js file looks like this:
It gets two values passed: selected which is offer.offer and searchText which is the input that the user is trying to add.
createOffer(selected, searchText)
if (selected == null)
selected = []; //This is what I'm currently trying: if its null initialize it
if (selected.includes(searchText)) { //Don't add if it's already added
this.get('notify').alert("Already added!", { closeAfter: 4000 });
else { // if it's not yet added push it to the array
This code works perfectly fine for adding those that we predefined as well for custom options, however it does not work if it is the first and a custom offer that we try to add to a new group of offers.
I'm assuming it has something to do with the fact that the array is not yet initialized. A pointer to the fact that it is due to the array not being initialized is that I get an error message along the lines of: Can't call pushObject on undefined. And I'm assuming the reason that it works with predetermined values is that ember-power-select probably initializes it somewhere but I couldn't find any documentation about it.
Thanks for your answers!
If anyone ever stumbles upon this, this was the solution
Calling that when we create the offer and then initializing the offer array like that:
offer.set('offer', []);

Observers/hooks in Meteor

I have some collections which are related to others through an ID.
For instance, I have collections Post and Comments. I want to display the number of comments to each posts. Therefore, I have a field in Post called numComments. I could update this number in a method every time a comment with same postId is either inserted og removed but I will instead use some hooks/observers to ensure the number is always updated.
Therefore, I have created a file server/observers.js with content
added: function(document) {
Posts.update({ postId: document.postId }, { $inc: { numComments: 1 } });
changed: function(document) {
removed: function(document) {
Posts.update({ postId: document.postId }, { $inc: { numComments: -1 } });
I like this kind of solution but is it a good way to do it?
My problem is that since I implemented this functionality, the console window prints an awful lot of errors/warnings. I suspect it is because of the observers.
In the documentation (http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/observe), it says:
observe returns a live query handle, which is an object with a stop method. Call stop with no arguments to stop calling the callback functions and tear down the query. The query will run forever until you call this (..)
I am not sure what it means but I think the observers should be stopped manually.
Have a look at this answer. It might lead you in the right direction, since the example is very similar to what you want. You don't need a dedicated field in your collection to get a reactive counting of your comments, you can build it in your publish function.
I am not sure what it means but I think the observers should be
stopped manually
You're right. In the example linked above, the query is wrapped inside a handle variable. Notice the
self.onStop(function () {
It allows you to make sure that no observers will still be running once you stop publishing.

restangular save ignores changes to restangular object

I'm trying to call save on a restangularized object, but the save method is completely ignoring any changes made to the object, it seems to have bound the original unmodified object.
When I run this in the debugger I see that when my saveSkill method (see below) is entered right before I call save on it the skill object will reflect the changes I made to it's name and description fields. If I then do a "step into" I go into Restangular.save method. However, the 'this' variable within the restangular.save method has my old skill, with the name and description equal to whatever they were when loaded. It's ignoring the changes I made to my skill.
The only way I could see this happening is if someone called bind on the save, though I can't why rectangular would do that? My only guess is it's due to my calling $object, but I can't find much in way of documentation to confirm this.
I'm afraid I can't copy and paste, all my code examples are typed by hand so forgive any obvious syntax issues as typos. I don't know who much I need to describe so here is the shortened version, I can retype more if needed:
state('skill.detail', {
url: '/:id',
data: {pageTitle: 'Skill Detail'},
tempalte: 'template.tpl.html'
controller: 'SkillFormController',
resolve: {
isCreate: (function(){ return false;},
skill: function(SkillService, $stateParams){
return SkillService.get($stateParams.id, {"$expand": "people"}).$object;
my SkillService looks like this:
angular.module('project.skill').('SkillService', ['Restangular, function(Retangular) {
var route="skills";
var SkillService= Restangular.all(route);
SkillService.restangularize= function(element, parent) {
var skill=Restangular.restangluarizeElement(parent, elment, route);
return skill;
return SkillService;
Inside of my template.tpl.html I have your standard text boxes bound to name and description, and a save button. The save button calls saveSkill(skill) of my SkillFormController which looks like this:
$scope.saveSkill=function(skill) {
skill.save().then(function returnedSkill) {
toaster.pop('success', "YES!", returnedSkill.name + " saved.");
...(other irrelevant stuff)
If it matters I have an addElementTransformer hook that runs a method calling skilll.addRestangularMethod() to add a getPeople method to all skill objects. I don't include the code since I doubt it's relevant, but if needed to I can elaborate on it.
I got this to work, though I honestly still don't know entirely why it works I know the fix I used.
First, as stated in comments restangular does bind all of it's methods to the original restangularizedObject. This usually works since it's simply aliasing the restangularied object, so long as you use that object your modifications will work.
This can be an issue with Restangular.copy() vs angular.copy. Restangualar.copy() makes sure to restangularize the copied object properly, rebinding restangualr methods to the new copy objects. If you call only Angular.copy() instead of Restangualar.copy() you will get results like mine above.
However, I was not doing any copy of the object (okay, I saved a master copy to revert to if cancel was hit, but that used Restangular.copy() and besides which wasn't being used in my simple save scenario).
As far as I can tell my problem was using the .$object call on the restangular promise. I walked through restangular enough to see it was doing some extra logic restangularizing methods after a promise returns, but I didn't get to the point of following the $object's logic. However, replacing the $object call with a then() function that did nothing but save the returned result has fixed my issues. If someone can explain how I would love to update this question, but I can't justify using work time to try to further hunt down a fixed problem even if I really would like to understand the cause better.

Strange behavior from ko.editables

I'm using the ko.editables plugin for knockout, and it doesn't appear to be caching the previous value correctly. Does anyone have experience with this plugin?
If I do something like this:
var item = { Name: ko.observable("initial") };
selectedItem = ko.observable(item);
What ends up happening is that selectedItem().Name is still "second", even though it should be "initial".
I looked into the source file, but I don't understand enough about the way JavaScript handles variables to know if what I'm seeing is right or wrong.
I set a breakpoint in the following place within ko.editables.js:
result.rollback = function () {
if (inTransaction()) {
result(oldValue); //breakpoint
What I found was that oldValue had picked up the new value of the observable, even though commit was never called. Everything I've tried looks exactly like the samples. What am I missing?
I've updated the code sample. My original code does have the ko.editable() line in it, but thank you to Robert.westerland for pointing it out. It still doesn't work with this extra line.
I know this is an old post, but could be useful for others. I think you might need to call "commit" before the "beginEdit", and I also had to include "true" as a second parameter when calling ko.editable.
Your updated code::
var item = { Name: ko.observable("initial") };
selectedItem = ko.observable(item);
ko.editable(selectedItem, true);

