How can I stop this wierd output of my lists in react - javascript

I want to make each element in a list clickable separately. I have an array of divs which I will loop into an array soon but for simplicity, I just hardcoded them into it(I am going to add more elements once I figure this out). When I click on the list item div, I want it to turn that Item into the text: "clicked".
I want to keep the files separate because this app will get big and I'm planning to add much more.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Comp from './Comp';
class App extends Component {
state = {
list: [
changetext = event =>{
this.setState({list: = "clicked"});
render() {
return (
<Comp list = {this.state.list}
changetext = {this.changetext}/>
export default App;
The problem here is that when I click on a list item, The is inputting {props.list[0]} and {props.list[1]} into the event object and turn both elements into c and l respectively.. both are the first and second elements in the string array "clicked".
The strange thing is, when I click the c or the l the second time, they act as I wanted them to and separately turn into clicking. So the question is, How can I achieve this without the initial hiccup? Let me know if you need set up information.
import React from 'react';
const Comp = props => {
let listarr = [];
listarr[0] = <div key = {0} onClick = {props.changetext}{props.list[0]}
listarr[1] = <div key = {1} onClick = {props.changetext}>{props.list[1]}
export default Comp;

You have a couple of syntax errors. If you want to change the text to "clicked" you can do it like this:
const Comp = props => {
let listarr = [];
listarr.push(<div key={0} onClick={props.changetext}>{props.list[0]}</div>);
listarr.push(<div key={1} onClick={props.changetext}>{props.list[1]}</div>);
return (
class App extends Component {
state = {
list: [
changetext = event => {
const { textContent } =;
// Always use the callback syntax for setState when you need to refer to the previous state
this.setState(prevState => ({
list: => textContent === el ? "clicked" : el)
render() {
return (
<Comp list={this.state.list}
changetext={this.changetext} />

Just change the method you are passing as a property to be:
so it will look like this:
<Comp list = {this.state.list}
changetext = {this.changetext.bind(this)}/>
Or your other option could be to do this in the constructor:
constructor() {
render() {
<Comp list = {this.state.list}
changetext = {this.changetext}/>


How to use forEach in react js

I want to create a function which iterate over all element with same class and remove a specific class.
It could be done easily using JavaScript.
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box1");
function remove_all_active_list() {
boxes.forEach((element) => element.classList.remove('active'));
But how can I do this similar thing is ReactJs. The problem which I am facing is that I can't use document.querySelectorAll(".box1") in React but, I can use React.createRef() but it is not giving me all elements, it's only giving me the last element.
This is my React Code
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import List from './List';
export class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.keypressed);
keypressed = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode == '38' || e.keyCode == '40') this.remove_all_active_list();
remove_all_active_list = () => {
// boxes.forEach((element) => element.classList.remove('active'));
divElement = (el) => {
el.forEach((element) => element.classList.add('active'))
render() {
return (
<div className="container0">
<List divElement={this.divElement} />
export default App;
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import data from './content/data';
export class List extends Component {
divRef = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
render() {
let listItem ={ title, src }, i) => {
return (
<div className="box1" id={i} ref={this.divRef} key={src}>
<img src={src} title={title} align="center" alt={title} />
return <div className="container1">{listItem}</div>;
export default List;
Please tell me how can I over come this problem.
The short answer
You wouldn't.
Instead you would conditionally add and remove the class to the element, the component, or to the inside your React component.
Here's an example that illustrates both:
import styles from './Example.module.css';
const Example = () => {
const myCondition = true;
const myCollection = [1, 2, 3];
return (
<div className={myCondition ? 'someGlobalClassName' : undefined}>Single element</div>
{ => (
<div key={member} className={myCondition ? styles.variant1 : styles.variant2}>
export default Example;
So in your case:
You could pass active prop to the <ListItem /> component and use as the condition.
Alternatively you could send activeIndex to <List /> component and use index === activeIndex as the condition in your map.
Instead of adding or removing classes to a HTMLElement react takes care of rendering and updating the whole element and all its properties (including class - which in react you would write as className).
Without going into shadow dom and why react may be preferable, I'll just try to explain the shift in mindset:
Components do not only describe html elements, but may also contain logic and behaviour. Every time any property changes, at the very least the render method is called again, and the element is replaced by the new element (i.e. before without any class but now with a class).
Now it is much easier to change classes around. All you need to do is change a property or modify the result of a condition (if statement).
So instead of selecting some elements in the dom and applying some logic them, you would not select any element at all; the logic is written right inside the react component, close to the part that does the actual rendering.
Further reading
Please don't hessitate to add a comment if something should be rephrased or added.
pass the ref to the parent div in List component.
componentDidMount() {
<div ref={this.divRef} className="container1">{listItem}</div>
then in App
divElement = (el) => {
el.childNodes.forEach((element) => element.classList.add('active'))
hope this will work. here is a simple example
import React, { Component } from "react";
import List from "./List";
import "./styles.css";
export class App extends Component {
state = { element: [] };
ref = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
const {
current: { divRef = [] }
} = this.ref;
divRef.forEach((ele) => ele?.classList?.add("active"));
window.addEventListener("keydown", this.keypressed);
keypressed = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode == "38" || e.keyCode == "40") this.remove_all_active_list();
remove_all_active_list = () => {
const {
current: { divRef = [] }
} = this.ref;
divRef.forEach((ele) => ele?.classList?.remove("active"));
// boxes.forEach((element) => element.classList.remove('active'));
render() {
return (
<div className="container0">
<List divElement={this.divElement} ref={this.ref} />
export default App;
import React, { Component } from "react";
import data from "./data";
export class List extends Component {
// divRef = React.createRef();
divRef = [];
render() {
let listItem ={ title, src }, i) => {
return (
ref={(element) => (this.divRef[i] = element)}
<img src={src} title={title} align="center" alt={title} width={100} />
return <div className="container1">{listItem}</div>;
export default List;
Create ref for List component and access their child elements. When key pressed(up/down arrow) the elements which has classname as 'active' will get removed. reference

How do I add the ability to edit text within a react component?

So here's the user function I'm trying to create:
1.) User double clicks on text
2.) Text turns into input field where user can edit text
3.) User hits enter, and upon submission, text is updated to be edited text.
Basically, it's just an edit function where the user can change certain blocks of text.
So here's my problem - I can turn the text into an input field upon a double click, but how do I get the edited text submitted and rendered?
My parent component, App.js, stores the function to update the App state (updateHandler). The updated information needs to be passed from the Tasks.jsx component, which is where the text input is being handled. I should also point out that some props are being sent to Tasks via TaskList. Code as follows:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import Header from './Header'
import Card from './Card'
import cardData from './cardData'
import Dates from './Dates'
import Tasks from './Tasks'
import Footer from './Footer'
import TaskList from './TaskList'
const jobItems= [
chore: 'wash dishes'
chore: 'do laundry'
chore: 'clean bathroom'
function App() {
const [listOfTasks, setTasks] = useState(jobItems)
const updateHandler = (task) => {
setTasks( => {
if( === {
return {
chore: task.chore
} else {
return task
const cardComponents = => {
return <Card key = {} name = {}/>
return (
<div className = 'card-container'>
<TaskList jobItems = {listOfTasks} setTasks = {setTasks} updateHandler = {updateHandler}/>
export default App;
import React, {useState} from 'react'
function Tasks (props) {
const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false)
<div className = 'tasks-container'>
isEditing ?
<input type = 'text' defaultValue = {props.item.chore}/>
: <h1 onDoubleClick ={()=> setIsEditing(true)}>{props.item.chore}</h1>
export default Tasks
import React from 'react'
import Tasks from './Tasks'
function TaskList (props) {
const settingTasks = props.setTasks //might need 'this'
return (
{ => {
return <Tasks key = {} item = {item} setTasks = {settingTasks} jobItems ={props.jobItems} updateHandler = {props.updateHandler}/>
export default TaskList
You forgot onChange handler on input element to set item's chore value.
Tasks.jsx must be like below
import React, {useState} from 'react'
function Tasks (props) {
const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false)
const handleInputChange = (e)=>{
// console.log( );
// your awesome stuffs goes here
<div className = 'tasks-container'>
isEditing ?
<input type = 'text' onChange={handleInputChange} defaultValue = {props.item.chore}/>
: <h1 onDoubleClick ={()=> setIsEditing(true)}>{props.item.chore}</h1>
export default Tasks
So, first of all, I would encourage you not to switch between input fields and divs but rather to use a contenteditable div. Then you just use the onInput attribute to call a setState function, like this:
function Tasks ({item}) {
<div className = 'tasks-container'>
<div contenteditable="true" onInput={e => editTask(, e.currentTarget.textContent)} >
Then, in the parent component, you can define editTask to be a function that find an item by its id and replaces it with the new content (in a copy of the original tasks array, not the original array itself.
Additionally, you should avoid renaming the variable between components. (listOfTasks -> jobItems). This adds needless overhead, and you'll inevitably get confused at some point which variable is connected to which. Instead say, <MyComponent jobItems={jobItems} > or if you want to allow for greater abstraction <MyComponent items={jobItems} > and then you can reuse the component for listable items other than jobs.
See sandbox for working example:
Your Task component needs a keyPress handler to set isEditing to false when enter is pressed:
const handleKeyPress = (e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
Your updateHandler should also be passed to the input's onChange attribute, and instead of defaultValue, use value. It also needs to be reconfigured to take in the onChange event, and you can map tasks with an index to find them in state:
const updateHandler = (e, index) => {
const value =;
setTasks(state => [
...state.slice(0, index),
{ ...state[index], chore: value },
...state.slice(index + 1)
Finally, TaskList seems like an unnecessary middleman since all the functionality is between App and Task; you can just render the tasks directly into a div with a className of your choosing.
react-edit-text is a package I created which does exactly what you described.
It provides a lightweight editable text component in React.
A live demo is also available.

Render unique divs for each hovered element

minimum reproducible example:
I currently have a new element being rendered when either of 2 other elements are hovered over. But i would like to render different things based upon which element is hovered.
In the example below and in the codepen, there are 2 hoverable divs that are rendered; when they are hovered over, it changes the state and another div is rendered. I would like for the HoverMe2 div to render text "hello2". Currently, whether i hover hoverme1 or 2, they both just render the text "hello".
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
class HoverExample extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleMouseHover = this.handleMouseHover.bind(this);
this.state = {
isHovering: false
handleMouseHover() {
toggleHoverState(state) {
return {
isHovering: !state.isHovering
render() {
return (
Hover Me
Hover Me2
{this.state.isHovering && <div>hello</div>}
render(<HoverExample />, document.getElementById("root"));
You need to keep the state of item which you have hovered that's for sure
const { Component, useState, useEffect } = React;
class HoverExample extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleMouseHover = this.handleMouseHover.bind(this);
this.state = {
isHovering: false,
values: ['hello', 'hello2'],
value: 'hello'
handleMouseHover({target: {dataset: {id}}}) {
this.setState(state => {
return {
isHovering: !state.isHovering,
value: state.values[id]
render() {
return (
Hover Me
Hover Me2
{this.state.isHovering && <div>{this.state.value}</div>}
<HoverExample />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
You can pass the context text as shown in example. This is working code:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
// Drive this using some configuration. You can set based on your requirement.
export const HOVER_Hello1 = "Hello1";
export const HOVER_Hello2 = "Hello2";
class HoverExample extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleMouseHover = this.handleMouseHover.bind(this);
this.state = {
isHovering: false,
contextText: ""
handleMouseHover = (e, currentText) => {
isHovering: !this.state.isHovering,
contextText: currentText
toggleHoverState(state) {
render() {
return (
onMouseEnter={e => this.handleMouseHover(e, HOVER_Hello1)}
onMouseLeave={e => this.handleMouseHover(e, HOVER_Hello1)}
Hover Me
onMouseEnter={e => this.handleMouseHover(e, HOVER_Hello2)}
onMouseLeave={e => this.handleMouseHover(e, HOVER_Hello2)}
Hover Me2
{this.state.isHovering && <div>{this.state.contextText}</div>}
export default HoverExample;
If the whole point is about linking dynamically messages to JSX-element you're hovering, you may store that binding (e.g. within an object).
Upon rendering, you simply pass some anchor (e.g. id property of corresponding object) within a custom attribute (data-*), so that later on you may retrieve that, look up for the matching object, put linked message into state and render the message.
Following is a quick demo:
const { Component } = React,
{ render } = ReactDOM,
rootNode = document.getElementById('root')
const data = [
{id:0, text: 'Hover me', message: 'Thanks for hovering'},
{id:1, text: 'Hover me too', message: 'Great job'}
class HoverableDivs extends Component {
state = {
messageToShow: null
enterHandler = ({target:{dataset:{id:recordId}}}) => {
const {message} ={id}) => id == recordId)
this.setState({messageToShow: message})
leaveHandler = () => this.setState({messageToShow: null})
return (
{{text,id}) => (
this.state.messageToShow && <div>{this.state.messageToShow}</div>
render (
<HoverableDivs {...{data}} />,
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="root"></div>
As #CevaComic pointed out, you can do this with CSS. But if you want to use React, for example, because your actual problem is more complex, here is the answer.
You will need a way to tell apart the two elements. It could be done with some neat tricks, like setting an unique id to each element, passing a custom argument, or something else.
But I would advise against "cool tricks" as it's more difficult to understand what is going on, and the code is more prone to errors. I think the best way it to use a dumb approach of unique functions for unique elements.
Each onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave has to be an unique function (e.g. handleMouseHover1 and handleMouseHover2), and each of those functions need to control unique state (for example, isHovering1 and isHovering2). Then you have to render the element you want based on the state. Of course, for a real-world code, you will probably want to use more descriptive names to make the code more comprehensible. The full code would look something like this.
class HoverExample extends Component {
state = {
isHovering1: false,
isHovering2: false
handleMouseHover1 = () => {
this.setState(({ isHovering1 }) => ({ isHovering1: !isHovering1 }));
handleMouseHover2 = () => {
this.setState(({ isHovering2 }) => ({ isHovering2: !isHovering2 }));
render() {
const { isHovering1, isHovering2 } = this.state;
return (
Hover Me1
Hover Me2
{isHovering1 && <div>hello1</div>}
{isHovering2 && <div>hello2</div>}
Also, updated example:
Note: I have also edited the code to add some syntax sugar which exists with newer ECMAScript versions. Instead of binding the function, you can use the arrow function format, e.g. fn = () => { ... }. The arrow function means the this context is automatically bound to the function, so you don't have to do it manually. Also, you don't have to initialize this.state inside the constructor, you can define it as a class instance property. With those two things together, you do not need the constructor at all, and it makes the code a bit cleaner.

Error dynamically updating an array list in ReactJs

I am learning reactJS and so I am trying my hands on an example. This example has a form textfield that can add an item to an existing array on click of a button. I am having errors here as when I enter a text and click on the button, the array list is not updated except I try to make changes to the text entered in the textfield. This is what I am doing:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
currentName : '',
arrays : ['john', 'james', 'timothy']
render() {
const showNames = => {
const values = <li>{thisName}</li>;
return values;
const getText = (e) => {
let value =;
currentName : value
const addToUsers = () => {
return (
<p>Add new name to List</p><br/>
<input type="text" onChange={getText}/>
<button type="button" onClick={addToUsers}>Add User</button>
export default App;
There are a host of things wrong with this, but your issue is likely that you need to use setState to modify state.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
names: ['john', 'james', 'timothy']
addToUsers = () => {
prevState => ({
names: [...prevState.names, this.input.value]
render() {
const names =
(name, index) => <li key={index}>{name}</li>
return (
<p>Add new name to List</p><br/>
<input type="text" ref={e => this.input = e} />
<button type="button" onClick={this.addToUsers}>Add User</button>
export default App;
This quick edit changes a few things:
Uses setState for the addToUsers method
Eliminate onChange tracking and pull the name directly from the input when the button is clicked
Move the addToUsers method out to the component class rather than defining it on render
Rename this.state.arrays to this.state.names
Simplify conversion of this.state.names into list items
Set key on array elements (name list items)
Use prevState in setState to avoid race conditions
You need to make sure you update state using the setState method.
When you update arrays you are reaching into the state object and manipulating the data directly instead of using the method.
Instead try something like:
const addToUsers = () => {
const newArray = this.state.arrays.concat([this.state.currentName]);
arrays: newArray
You probably must add
to your functions.
Also change this
const addToUsers = () => {
to this
const addToUsers = () => {
this.setState({here put your variable})

can't reach unordered list if it's created in the return of the render function

I need to get the same result I got, just by using react
I can't seem to find a way to reach the unorderd list if I creat it in the return of the render function, I'm new to react and just found out that getElementById just returns null in this case
(create an unordered list, Clicking on one of the items toggle the color of the item's text color)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import './style.css';
var defaultColor = 'black'
var specialColor = 'red'
var itemList =[1,2,3,4,5]
var id = document.getElementById('list')
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
name: 'React'
function toggleColor(ctrl)
if(ctrl.color == specialColor){
ctrl.color = defaultColor
ctrl.color = specialColor;
function createLiWithColorToggle(item){
var newLi= document.createElement('li')
var newFont= document.createElement('font')
newFont.innerHTML = item
newFont.onclick = ()=>toggleColor(newFont)
render() {
return (
render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'));
HTML file:
<div id="root"></div>
<ul id = "list"></ul>
When working with react you shouldn't try to create DOM elements yourself. Your components define the desired markup given the current state of your app. Rendering an unordered list could e.g. look like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
const defaultColor = "black";
const specialColor = "red";
// your initial data for the list
const initialItems = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
class App extends Component {
state = {
items: initialItems,
selected: null
handleClick = item => this.setState({ selected: item });
render() {
const { items, selected } = this.state;
return (
{ => (
onClick={() => this.handleClick(item)}
cursor: "pointer",
color: item === selected ? specialColor : defaultColor
{`Item ${item}`}
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Working example on codesandbox
As you can see it is not necessary to create DOM elements yourself at all. React will handle all that for you. You just have to define the markup given the current state of the component.
You are not returning anythig (just an empty div) in the render method, you need to include something inside the return() block:
render() {
return (
// Return something
For more info, check docs

