Select Single DOM Element - javascript

I have a eventlistener looking for a click on DOM elements with a certain class, and then changing innerHTML. It works, except it changes the innerHTML on all elements with the same class, and not just the one clicked. Is there a way to limit the scope to the element that was clicked, or do I need to give all the elements their own ID and call them based on IDs?
This is the function that I'm using:
if ($(".caretUD").html("▼")) {
} else {
console.log("I'm not working...");

Is that helps ?
this is the current clicked element.
Notice that the event.currentTarget is the element where the event is recorded and this the element who fire the event (can be a child of the event.currentTarget or itself). In your case, with a button, it should be the same.
$("button.accordion").click(function(event) {
if ($(this).html("▼")) {
} else {
console.log("I'm not working...");

If .caretUD and button.accordian are both contained with the same container element, what you want is:
$("button.accordion").click(function() {
var caret = $(this).closest(".container").find(".caretUD");
if (caret.html() == "&#9660") {
} else {
console.log("I'm not working");
Replace .container with the actual class of the element that contains the button and the corresponding caret.

var els = document.getElementsByClassName("button.accordion"); // get all the elements with a certain class
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++){
els[i].addEventListener('click',function(e){ = "something"; // e attribute is the key in this solution, as it gets the single DOM element that fired the event
jQuery solution:
if ($(this).html() == "▼") {
} else {
console.log("I'm not working...");


pass/propagate of parent element [duplicate]

I am trying to change the innerHTML of my page to become the innerHTML of the element I click on, the only problem is that i want it to take the whole element such as:
<section class="homeItem" data-detail="{"ID":"8","Name":"MacBook Air","Description":"2015 MacBook A…"20","Price":"899","Photo":"Images/Products/macbookAir.png"}"></section>
Whereas the code that i have written in javascript:
function selectedProduct(event){
target =;
element = document.getElementById("test");
element.innerHTML = target.innerHTML;
will target the specific element that i click on.
What i would like to achieve is when i click on anywhere in the <section> element, that it will take the innerHTML of the whole element rather than the specific one that i have clicked.
I would presume it is something to do with selecting the parent element of the one that is clicked but i am not sure and can't find anything online.
If possible i would like to stay away from JQuery
I think what you need is to use the event.currentTarget. This will contain the element that actually has the event listener. So if the whole <section> has the eventlistener will be the clicked element, the <section> will be in event.currentTarget.
Otherwise parentNode might be what you're looking for.
link to currentTarget
link to parentNode
To use the parent of an element use parentElement:
function selectedProduct(event){
var target =;
var parent = target.parentElement;//parent of "target"
handleEvent(e) {
const parent = e.currentTarget.parentNode;
function getParent(event)
1. document.body.addEventListener("click", getParent, false); returns the parent element of the current element that you have clicked.
If you want to use inside any function then pass your event and call the function like this :
function yourFunction(event){
var parentElement = getParent(event);
var _RemoveBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("remove");
for(var i=0 ; i<_RemoveBtn.length ; i++){
function sample(event){
$(document).on("click", function(event){
var a = $(;
var flaghide = true;
a.each(function(index, val){
if(val == $(container)[0]){
flaghide = false;
if(flaghide == true){
//required code

Why two event listeners are triggered instead of one?

I have element which has two event listeners that are triggered depending of his class name. During click event, his className is changing, and this another class has its own different event listener. Two events should be triggered alternately by every click.
During first click listener calls function editClub, but all the next clicks calls two functions. I don't know why that removed-class-event is triggered. Maybe its because after each event function callListeners is executed, and there are multiple listeners on one object? But should be triggered just one. Later I wrote removeListeners function which remove all existing listeners and put her to call just before callListeners function. But then just editClub function is executed by every click. What's wrong with my code?
function callListeners()
if ( document.getElementsByClassName('editBtn') )
let x = document.getElementsByClassName('editBtn');
for ( let i = 0; i < x.length; i++ )
x[i].addEventListener('click', editClub);
if ( document.getElementsByClassName('saveBtn') )
let x = document.getElementsByClassName('saveBtn');
for ( let i = 0; i < x.length; i++ )
x[i].addEventListener('click', saveClub);
function editClub(event)
//removeListeners(); <-- here I placed removeListeners function
function saveClub(event)
this.setAttribute('src', 'img/\icon_edit.png');
this.setAttribute('class', 'editBtn');
//removeListeners(); <-- here I placed removeListeners function
It looks like you are not removing the classes when the click event happens so after the first click the element has both classes.
Just changing an element's class does not change the event listeners that were setup on it previously. They will still be there unless you explicitly remove them, or the elements themselves are destroyed. And you get multiple calls because you keep adding new listeners without removing the old ones.
You could on each click remove the old listener and add the new listener
function editClub(){
function saveClub(){
But that is a bit tedious. Instead you can setup a delegated event listener on a static parent like document. Doing so allows for a single event listener which will be called when either button is clicked. Then in that listener you can check the element's class, and execute the appropriate function for it:
function clubAction(event){
//get a reference to the element clicked
var element =;
//call the appropriate function
//or just do the work here
} else if(element.classList.contains("saveClub")) {,event);
classList is a property that lets you get,set,remove, and other operations for the classes of the element.
function clubAction(event) {
var element =;
if (element.classList.contains("editClub")) {,event);
} else if (element.classList.contains("saveClub")) {,event);
document.addEventListener("click", clubAction);
function editClub(event) {
this.innerText = "Save";
function saveClub(event) {
this.innerText = "Edit";
.saveClub {
.editClub {
<button class="saveClub">Save</button>
<button class="editClub">Edit</button>

Deleting a button onclick from a class

onclick of a button with a class of obliterate, I want to have my following code take a bunch of identical buttons, besides its unique id and then delete it. The Buttons can be through innerHTML at any time from user input. I want to remove the button onclick, after a confirm This is my current code:
document.getElementsByClassName('obliterate').onclick = function() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?')){
//get this then remove it with remove(;
Should be straight forward, attach event handler to elements, remove element
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.obliterate');
for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++) {
elems[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?') ) {
}, false);
If the elements don't exist on pageload, you have to delegate, and doing that without library can be somewhat complicated, depending on what selector you want to match, if there are children inside the clicked element etc. but here's a simlified version
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var clicked =;
var elems = []'.obliterate'));
if ( elems.indexOf(clicked) !== -1 ) {
if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?') ) {
}, false);
You can use the bind function to provide context so in your case:
element.onclick = function(){ ... }.bind(this);

Can you target an elements parent element using

I am trying to change the innerHTML of my page to become the innerHTML of the element I click on, the only problem is that i want it to take the whole element such as:
<section class="homeItem" data-detail="{"ID":"8","Name":"MacBook Air","Description":"2015 MacBook A…"20","Price":"899","Photo":"Images/Products/macbookAir.png"}"></section>
Whereas the code that i have written in javascript:
function selectedProduct(event){
target =;
element = document.getElementById("test");
element.innerHTML = target.innerHTML;
will target the specific element that i click on.
What i would like to achieve is when i click on anywhere in the <section> element, that it will take the innerHTML of the whole element rather than the specific one that i have clicked.
I would presume it is something to do with selecting the parent element of the one that is clicked but i am not sure and can't find anything online.
If possible i would like to stay away from JQuery
I think what you need is to use the event.currentTarget. This will contain the element that actually has the event listener. So if the whole <section> has the eventlistener will be the clicked element, the <section> will be in event.currentTarget.
Otherwise parentNode might be what you're looking for.
link to currentTarget
link to parentNode
To use the parent of an element use parentElement:
function selectedProduct(event){
var target =;
var parent = target.parentElement;//parent of "target"
handleEvent(e) {
const parent = e.currentTarget.parentNode;
function getParent(event)
1. document.body.addEventListener("click", getParent, false); returns the parent element of the current element that you have clicked.
If you want to use inside any function then pass your event and call the function like this :
function yourFunction(event){
var parentElement = getParent(event);
var _RemoveBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("remove");
for(var i=0 ; i<_RemoveBtn.length ; i++){
function sample(event){
$(document).on("click", function(event){
var a = $(;
var flaghide = true;
a.each(function(index, val){
if(val == $(container)[0]){
flaghide = false;
if(flaghide == true){
//required code

disable onclick event on div when clicking on inside <a> link (No js framework)

I have this piece of code:
<div id="mydiv" onclick="ajax_call()">
I'd like ajax_call() to be called only when clicking on empty space inside div but not on "Mylink". Is it possible without any external javascript framework?
Moreover I have this piece of css:
background-color: blue;
Is it possible to disable the :hover stylesheet when the cursor is placed over "Mylink" (in order to suggest that clicking on "Mylink" won't trigger ajax_call() but will take to myurl)?
Attach the function at child element with click event, After clicked on child element it's handler stops the immediate propagation, As a result ajax_call() will not be invoked.
<div id="mydiv" onclick="ajax_call()">
function ajax_call(){
alert("empt space");
//this function stops the propagation and not triggered above
//function when clicked on child element.
function notCall(event) {
return false;
I'm not sure what you want but if I keep my imagination may be that this work, lucky !
$("div#mydiv a").hover(function(){
Sure, what you need is the event target || scrElement
function ajax_call() {
var target = ? : event.srcElement;
if("mydiv") { alert("good to go"); }
See :
Edit/Update ( missed the second part ) - Started to answer this before the q was closed - but might as well as it now ..
For the second part of the question - it is not possible to set parent elements in CSS ( it flows top to bottom ) - for that some more JS is needed.
#mydiv:hover { background-color:green; color:#fff}
#mydiv.anchorhover, #mydiv.anchorhover:hover { background-color:white;}
Then JS
var _mydiv = document.getElementById("mydiv");
var _mydiv_anchors = _mydiv.getElementsByTagName("a");
function toggleClass() {
var addClass=true, cls="anchorhover";
if((_mydiv.className).indexOf(cls) >= 0){ addClass=false; }
if(addClass) {
_mydiv.className=_mydiv.className+=' '+cls;
} else {
/* remove */
_mydiv.className=_mydiv.className.replace(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cls+'(\\s|$)'),' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
for(var i=0, len=_mydiv_anchors.length; i<len; ++i) {
_mydiv_anchors[i].onmouseover = toggleClass;
_mydiv_anchors[i].onmouseout = toggleClass;
^ That feels like quite a trip compared to how simple jquery abstracts it .. >
$("#mydiv a").hover(function() {
}, function() {
Either way, the principle is : to add a style class to the parent element on mouseover and remove it on mouseout

