Extracting information from database using JSON and AJAX - javascript

I'm trying to make a simple "search" box using Javascript, AJAX, php and JSON. For this project, I'm just using the database "world" I downloaded from mqsql website.
I'm running into a problem when trying to extract the information from my database. It just takes the first line of information and then I get this
error: "SCRIPT5007: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'Continent' of undefined or null reference
ajaj.js (65,3)"
Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give me!
Here is my ajaj.js code:
var ajaxRequest=new XMLHttpRequest();
var input;
var button;
function init(){
input = document.getElementById('search');
input.addEventListener("keyup", sendRequest, false);
button = document.getElementById('sendButton');
button.addEventListener("click", sendSecondRequest, false);
function sendRequest(){
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = getRequest;
var searchTxt = "country=" + input.value;
ajaxRequest.open("GET", "getCountries.php?" + searchTxt, true);
function getRequest(){
if (ajaxRequest.readyState==4 && ajaxRequest.status==200){
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(ajaxRequest.responseText);
var dataList = document.getElementById('countries');
for(var i = 0; i<jsonObj.length; i++){
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = jsonObj[i]['Name'];
function sendSecondRequest(){
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = getSecondRequest;
var infoCountry = "country=" + input.value;
ajaxRequest.open("GET", "getCountries2.php?" + infoCountry, true);
function getSecondRequest(){
if (ajaxRequest.readyState==4 && ajaxRequest.status==200){
var jsonObj2 = JSON.parse(ajaxRequest.responseText);
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[0]["Code"] + "<br>";
document.getElementById("result2").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[2]["Continent"] + "<br>";
document.getElementById("result3").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[7]["Population"] + "<br>";
It's here where the problem lies, I just don't know how to get it to work:
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[0]["Code"] + "<br>";
document.getElementById("result2").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[2]["Continent"] + "<br>";
document.getElementById("result3").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[7]["Population"] + "<br>";
I've tried a few different solutions but I can't get it working, I've tried to combine the code into one line using:
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "LANDSKOD: " + jsonObj2[0]["Code"] + "<br>" + "Continent: " + jsonObj2[2]["Continent] + "<br>";
but that doesn't seem to work for me either.
Rest of my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajaj.js"></script>
<h1>Sök information om ett land</h1>
<input type="text" list="countries" id = 'search' placeholder="Land">
<datalist id="countries">
<button type="button" id="sendButton">Hämta information</button>
<p id="result"></p>
<p id="result2"></p>
<p id="result3"></p>
$country = $_GET['country'];
// Kör frågan mot databasen world och tabellen country
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE Name Like ? ORDER BY Name");
$tableRows = array();
// Lägger resultatet i vår array
$tableRows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Här konverteras och skickas resultatet i JSON-format
echo json_encode($tableRows);
$country = $_GET['country'];
// Kör frågan mot databasen world och tabellen country
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE Name Like ? ORDER BY Name");
$tableRows = array();
// Lägger resultatet i vår array
$tableRows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Här konverteras och skickas resultatet i JSON-format
echo json_encode($tableRows);
define ('DB_USER', 'root');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'Abc12345');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'world');
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';charset=utf8';
$db = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
EDIT: I just got the answer from the comments, the information is on the same row, not different, therefore it didn't work with
but it did work with
Thank you #sean!

It means that jsonObj2[2] isnt object. It seems like you dont have 3 rows (jsonObj2[2]) in database return array.
jsonObj2[0]["Code"] + jsonObj2[0]["Continent"] + sonObj2[0]
It should work but dont know why you target to rows 0,2,7.


Using PHP to populate Javascript Variables

I'm trying to populate a Drop-Down menu from a csv file located on a network share.
I've come as far to get the file to create all the options successfully when the file is in the wwwroot folder however, now I'm faced with the external url reference issue.
Ajax does not support local File:/// directories and when attempting to use the network share location it also fails: \\Server\Folder\File.csv
Is there any way to read the data from the csv file using php or other server-side language in order to perform my work on the data?
Code Below for your reference:
function SubmitBy(){
url: encodeURI('./PrinterLookup.csv'),
success: function(data) {
var splitData=data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < splitData.length; i++) {
var colData = splitData[i];
var strucData = colData.substr(0, colData.indexOf("="));
$('#SubmitBy').append("<option value=\"" + strucData + "\">" +
strucData + "</option>");
Looking for something like this,,, to bypass the ajax url limitation:
function SubmitBy(){
$Datapath = "\\Server\Folder\Document.csv";
$Data = file_get_contents($Datapath);
var data = $Data;
var splitData=data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < splitData.length; i++) {
var colData = splitData[i];
var strucData = colData.substr(0, colData.indexOf("="));
$('#SubmitBy').append("<option value=\"" + strucData + "\">" +
strucData + "</option>");
Any assistance on this will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
in this line var data = $Data; you need to print $Data see below
function SubmitBy(){
$Datapath = "file:///Server/Folder/Document.csv";
$Data = file_get_contents($Datapath);
var data = <?php echo $Data; ?> //correction here
var splitData=data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < splitData.length; i++) {
var colData = splitData[i];
var strucData = colData.substr(0, colData.indexOf("="));
$('#SubmitBy').append("<option value=\"" + strucData + "\">" +
strucData + "</option>");
Please check first this is .php file .
If this is .php file.
$Datapath = "\\Server\Folder\Document.csv";
$Data = file_get_contents($Datapath);
function SubmitBy(){
var data = <?php print_r( $data ); ?>;
var splitData=data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < splitData.length; i++) {
var colData = splitData[i];
var strucData = colData.substr(0, colData.indexOf("="));
$('#SubmitBy').append("<option value=\"" + strucData + "\">" +
strucData + "</option>");

Not getting a response from php in ajax handleResponse

I am trying to execute a search on database. My goal is to take a search form and use ajax to request PHP to return a result. Problem is, I am not getting a response in ajax handleRequest function. Also, how do I send back a xml response from php. Here is my code. Sorry for the clutter.
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Form</title>
<script src="js/validate.js"></script>
<body onload="setfocus();">
<span id="error"></span>
<form id ="searchForm" method="POST" action="/php/validate.php"
onsubmit="event.preventDefault(); process();">
<input type="text" placeholder="Eg. Canada" name="country" id="country_id"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" required/>
<br />
<input type="text" placeholder="Eg. Toronto" name="city" id="city_id"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" required/>
<br />
<label for="featues">Features</label>
WiFi<input type="checkbox" name="wifi" value="wifi" />
TV<input type="checkbox" name="tv" value="tv" />
Breakfast<input type="checkbox" name="breakfast" value="breakfast" />
<br />
<label>Room Type</label>
<select name="roomtype">
<option name="mastersuite" value="mastersuite">Master Suite</option>
<option name="suite" value="suite">Suite</option>
<option name="largeroom" value="largeroom">Large Room</option>
<option name="smallroom" name="smallroom">Small Room</option>
<br />
<label>Price Range</label>
<input type="text" name="minrange" id="price_min_range_id"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" />
<input type="text" name="maxrange" id="price_max_range_id"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" />
<br />
<label>Stay date</label>
<br />
<label>Arrival Date</label>
<input type="date" name="arrival" id="arrival" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" required/>
<label>departure Date</label>
<input type="date" name="departure" id="departure" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"
onblur="validate(this.id, this.value);" />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="search" value="search">
<div id="responseDiv"></div>
var xmlHttp;
//var serverAddr;
//var error;
var response;
function createHttpRequestObject(){
var responseObj;
//for IE
var vers = new Array("MSXML2.XML.Http.6.0",
for(var i=0; i<vers.length && !responseObj; i++){
responseObj = new ActiveXObject(vers[i]);
responseObj = false;
else{ //for all other browser
responseObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
responseObj = false;
if(!responseObj || responseObj === false){
alert("Failed to create response object");
return responseObj;
function process(){
xmlHttp = createHttpRequestObject();
var firstname = encodeURIComponent(
var roomtype = encodeURIComponent(
var minrange = encodeURIComponent(
var maxrange = encodeURIComponent(
var city = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("city_id").firstChild.value);
var country = encodeURIComponent(
var arrivalDate = encodeURIComponent(
var departureDate = encodeURIComponent(
var amenity_breakfast = encodeURIComponent(
var amenity_tv = encodeURIComponent(
var amenity_wifi = encodeURIComponent(
//get other filed values
xmlHttp.open("POST", "php/validate.php", true);
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
xmlHttp.send("firstname=" + firstname + "&roomtype="+ roomtype + "&country="+ country + "&city=" + city + "&minrange=" + minrange + "&maxrange=" + maxrange + "&arrivalDate="+arrivalDate + "&departureDate="+ departureDate + "&breakfast="+
amenity_breakfast + "&tv="+amenity_tv + "&wifi="+ amenity_wifi);
alert("Error connecting to server");
function handleResponse(){
var docdiv = document.getElementById("responsediv");
var table = "";
//the search info as xml
//var response = xmlHttp.responseXML;
response = xmlHttp.responseXml;
if(!response || response.documentElement){//catching errors with IE, Opera
alert('Invalide Xml Structure:\n'+ response.responseText);
var rootNodeName = response.documentElement.nodeName;
if(rootNodeName=="parseerror"){//catching error with firefox
alert('Invalid Xml Structure:\n');
var docroot = response.documentElement;
var responseroot = docroot.getElementByTagName("response");
//extracting all hotel values from search
var hotels = new Array(responseroot.getElementByTagName("hotels"));
table = "<table border='1px solid' margin='2px' padding='5px'>";
for(var i=0; i<hotels.legnth; i++){
var hotelroot = hotels[i].getElementTagName("name");
var hotelname = hotelroot.firstChild.data;
var hoteladd = hotels[i].getElementByTagName("hoteladd").firstChild.data;
var reqRoomNum = hotels[i].getElementTagName("reqroom").firsChild.data;
table +="<tr>";
//row = table.append(row);
//name column
table += "<td>";
table += hotelname + "</td>";
//address column
table += "<td>";
table += hoteladd + "</td>";
//desired roomttype
table += "<td>";
table += reqRoomNum + "</td>";
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
docdiv.innerHTML= table;
function validate(fieldId, value){
//var error = 0;
//var errortext = '';
/*case 'name':
var chk_name_regex = /^[A-Za-z ]{3,30}$/;
if(value.length<4 &&!chk_name_regex.test(value)){
print_error('Name format wrong',fiedlId);
case 'country_id':
var chk_country_regex = /^[A-Za-z- ]{4,50}$/;
if(value.length<4 && !chk_country_regex.test(value)){
print_error('Country name format wrong',fieldId);
case 'city_id':
var chk_city_regex = /^[A-Za-z- ]{4,50}$/;
if(value.length<4 && !chk_city_regex.test(value)){
print_error('City name format wrong',fieldId);
case 'price_min_range_id':
var r = value;
print_error('Min range must be zero atleast',fieldId);
case 'price_max_range_id':
r = value;
if(!(r>=0 && r>=document.getElementById('price_min_range_id').firstChild.value)){
print_error('Max index must be atleast zero or greater than min',fieldId);
case 'arrival':
var arrival = value;
var datecomp = arrival.explode("/");
var monthOk = parseInt(datecomp[0])>=1 && parseInt(datecomp[0])<=12;
var getleapday = parseInt(datecomp[2]) % 4===0 &&
parseInt(datecomp[2])%100===0 && parseInt(datecomp[2])%400===0;
var dayOk = parseInt(datecomp[1])>=1 && parseInt(datecomp[2])<=31;
var yearOk = parseInt(datecomp[2])>2015;
if(monthOk && dayOk && yearOk){
print_error('Date format is wrong',fieldId);
function print_error(msg, fieldId){
var errorSpan = document.getElementById('error');
errorSpan.innerHTML = "<p text-color='red'>" + msg + "</p>";
function setfocus(){
function just_check(){
//config script
//vars for all the fileds
$country = $city = $wifi = $tv = $breakfast = $minrange = $maxrange
= $arrival = $departure = $roomtype = '';
//server side input validation
$country = inputValidation($_POST['country']);
$city = inputValidation($_POST['city']);
$minrange = inputValidation($_POST['minrange']);
$maxrange = inputValidation($_POST['maxrange']);
$arrival = inputValidation($_POST['arrivalDate']);
$departure = inputValidation($_POST['departureDate']);
$roomtype = $_POST['roomtype'];
$wifi = true;
$tv = true;
$breakfast = true;
//echo $country . " " . $city . '<br >';
//connect to mysql
$db = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME)
or die('Could not connect to db');
//query the database matching fields;
$query = "SELECT hotel_id, hotel_name FROM allhotels WHERE ";
//echo $query . '<br />';
$query .= "(hotel_country='$country') AND";
//echo $query . '<br />';
$query .= " (hotel_city='$city') AND";
$query = substr($query,0, -4);
// echo $query . '<br />';
$res = $db->query($query);
//echo $query . '<br />';
echo $db->errno . '->' . $db->error;
//setting header to XML
header('ContentType: text/xml');
//creating XML response string"
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$response = $dom->createElement("response");
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
//matching room field value for query
if($roomtype == 'mastersuite'){
$roomfield = 'hotel_master_suites';
else if($roomtype == 'suite'){
$roomfield = 'hotel_suite';
else if($roomtype == 'largeroom'){
$roomfield = 'hotel_large_rooms';
$roomfield = 'hotel_small_rooms';
//query with the roomfield and hotel_id value
$htl_id = $row['hotel_id'];
$subquery = "SELECT hotel_add, $roomfield FROM spechotel WHERE ".
"(hotel_id = $htl_id) AND ($roomfield > 0) AND";
$subquery .= " (wifi=1) AND";
//echo $subquery . '<br />';
$query .= " (tv=1) AND";
//echo $query . '<br />';
$query .= " (breakfast=1) AND";
//echo $query . '<br />';
$subquery = substr($subquery,0, -4);
// echo $query . '<br />';
//echo $subquery . '<br />';
$subrow = $db->query($subquery);
$subrow = $subrow->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$hotel_header = $dom->createElement("hotels");
$hotel_name = $dom->createElement("name");
$hotel_add = $dom->createElement("hoteladd");
//$hotel_postal = $hotel_header->apppendChild("hotelpostal");
$hotel_req_room = $dom->createElement("reqroom");
$xmlString = $dom->saveXML();
//print table
//close connection
//return search
function print_search_result(){
global $xmlString;
echo $xmlString;
function inputValidation($data){
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;

Getting an image source from JSON data

I'm attempting to call a PHP file and have it return a result (a single record's 'pageLocation') from a database table ('page'). I then want to get that result into a variable, so I can use it while creating an image in html.
Currently, the image is being created but the source is not feeding into it, leaving a default empty image at the correct size.
// Loads a list of comics created by the user from the database.
function loadComic()
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var getID = '<?php echo $_SESSION["userID"]; ?>';
var url = "loadCom.php?userID="+getID;
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
// JSON parsing for 'loadComic'.
function loadComicJSON(response)
var arr = JSON.parse(response);
var i;
var out = "";
if (arr.length == 0)
//Non-relevant code affecting layout if no comics are found.
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
// Gets image source from database.
imgSrc = "";
tempID = arr[i].comicID;
$.post("getCover.php", {'comicID':tempID}, function(result)
imgSrc += ("" + result);
// Creates image item and associated radio button.
out += "<hr><br><img name = '" + ('com' + arr[i].comicID) + "' id='" + ('com' + arr[i].comicID) + "' onclick='resizeThumb(this)' height='100px;' src='" + imgSrc + "'><input name='comicList' type='radio' id='" + arr[i].comicID + "' value='" + arr[i].comicID + "'>" + arr[i].comicName + " </option><br><br>";
PHP (getCover.php):
if (isset($_POST["comicID"]))
$checkID = $_POST["comicID"];
$query = ("SELECT FIRST (pageLocation) FROM page WHERE comicID = '$checkID' ORDER BY pageNum");
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
echo ($result);
$checkID = null;
echo "Error. No comic found.";
Thanks for any help provided.
You need to get he data from the result, like:
$row = $result->fetch_assoc()
Also, yes, Jim G is right, you need to escape that POST variable.

$.getJSON always failing

Apologies if this has been answered before but I couldn't find what I was looking for. So, I use $.getJSON to send some variables to a php file. The file returns success as true but for some reason always triggers the .fail function.
The weird thing is, it all works fine on my laptop, just not on the computer at university. Connection to the database is fine, like I said everything works and it returns all the correct data but doesn't trigger the success function.
function request_user_review() {
$.getJSON("user_review_list.php", success_user_review).fail(fail_user_review);
function success_user_review(response) {
if (response.success) {
var user_review_list = "";
$("#user_reviews .review_cafe").remove();
$("#user_reviews .review").remove();
$("#user_reviews .rating").remove();
$("#user_reviews .review_choice").remove();
for (var i = 0; i < response.rows.length; i++) {
var review_cafe = '<tr id="row_' + response.rows[i].id + '"><td class="review_cafe">'
+ response.rows[i].cafe + '</td>';
var review = '<td class="review">'
+ response.rows[i].review + '</br>Review left: ' + response.rows[i].date + '</td>';
var rating = '<td class="rating">'
+ response.rows[i].rating + '/5</td>';
var review_choice = '<input type="hidden" class="cafe_id" value="' + response.rows[i].cafe_id + '" /><td class="review_choice"><button onclick="request_edit(this.id)" id="edit_' + response.rows[i].id + '" class="btn_edit">Edit</button><button onclick="request_delete_review(this.id)" id="delete_' + response.rows[i].id + '" class="btn_delete">Delete</button></td></tr>';
user_review_list += review_cafe + review + rating + review_choice;
} else {
$("#review_message").html("Review failed to be loaded!").trigger("create").trigger("refresh");
function fail_user_review() {
$("#review_message").html("Connection down?").trigger("create").trigger("refresh");
<?php //user_review_list.php
require_once "sql.php"; //connection to database and query is handled here
require_once "logged_in.php";
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$session_id = $_SESSION['userid'][0];
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$query = "SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE user = $session_id;";
if ($result_set = Sql::query($query)) {
$result['success'] = true;
$result['message'] = "Your Reviews" ;
$rows = mysqli_num_rows($result_set);
$result['rows'] = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<$rows; $i++) {
$tmpRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_set);
$php_date = strtotime($tmpRow['date']);
$formatted_php_date = date('M d, Y', $php_date );
$tmpRow['date'] = $formatted_php_date;
$result['rows'][$i] = $tmpRow;
} else {
$result['message'] = "Failed to read Reviews" ;
The messages you get mean you're trying to parse something that's already JSON. My earlier statement about parsing JSON is not going to be of much help here because you're not just getting back a string that needs to be converted to JSON -- which you really shouldn't be with $.getJSON().
You're getting back a JSON with an invalid encoding somewhere along the line, so trying to parse it won't help you. Validate your JSON first and foremost (the error could be due to your differing server settings between machines) using jsonlint, and continue from there.

autoincrement id in javascript variable

didn't really succes with assigning values to new ids in my while(row) statement:
Here is an easy example, hope you understand what I want to do. Thanks
while(rows = mysql_fetch_data){
$id = $id + 1;
$teamname = rows['team'];
var team = '<?php echo $teamname; ?>';
var id = 'id_<?php echo $id; ?>';
//Here I want to save the teamnames as javascript variable "id_1", "id_2" etc, which I can use outside the while statement.
//For each row id = id_1, id_2, id_3, id_4.
//I want to make id_1 a variable which outputs teamname
//So that
//var id_1 = team; //team 1
//var id_2 = team; //team 2
var id_1;
var id_2;
document.write("Teamname 1 = " + id_1 + "</br> Teamname 2 = " + id_2); //Here I want output of teamname 1 and 2.
I would recommend using an array rather than individual variables, as you have a list of team names:
$teamnames = [];
while(rows = mysql_fetch_data){
$teamnames[] = rows['team'];
var teamnames = <?php echo json_encode($teamnames); ?>;
Then you end up with a client-side JavaScript array of team names. While you could then output them with document.write, there's probably a better option.
But here's your document.write updated to use the array:
var n;
for (n = 0; n < teamnames.length; ++n)
// Note: There's almost certainly a better choice than `document.write`
document.write("Teamname " + (n + 1) + " = " + teamnames[n] + "</br>");
Replace your code with the following and it should give you the output that you're after...
$id_counter = 1; //Initialise counter
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc()){
echo 'var id_'.$id_counter.' = "'.$rows['team'].'";'; //Echo row in the format: var id_X = "team_name";
$id_counter++; //Increment the counter
document.write("Teamname 1 = " + id_1 + "</br> Teamname 2 = " + id_2); //Here I want output of teamname 1 and 2.

