Reactjs - Importing CSS/JS in component - javascript

I am trying to create a webpage using a HTML theme on Reactjs. I have studied and found there are 4 ways to import CSS at this link. All these ways outputs the same way i.e <style>MY_CSS</style> just before closing HEAD tag.
This is OK for single CSS but when we are using multiple CSS it may conflict with other one.
So my question is can we import CSS so that it will show in not as <style></style>. As <style> tags works as inline CSS and I don't want to use it inline.
2nd question: How can I import Js?
As I am using requirejs to load multiple js, for this I am trying to import require.config.js where my other js are called.
Please have a look what I am getting
Need to have like this below
Please help, thanks in advance!

This is just done via ordinary ES. For example:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import './SomeFileWithStyle.css'
The second line imports a CSS file containing, well, CSS code. You are now able to use the classes specified in there. Follow this guide if you need further help: Styling and CSS - React.
Read more about the ES import statement here: import - JavaScript | MDN

The easiest way to learn React and the way you should structure a React project ( this includes everything, from css, to multiple js files, etc ) is to use create-react-app
Let me try to elaborate a bit.
React is a javascript library. You could, for example, get the library from a cdn and include it in your index.html file much in the same way you would get jquery for example. And, with the library included, you could do things like this:
const element = React.createElement(
'Hello, world!'
const container = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(element, container);
Since you have the library from a cdn, you have access to it's methods, for example createElement and the library will look for a node in the dom with id called root and insert there a h1 node containing Hello, world!. You could then apply to the newly created node a style of your choice.
This example was taken from here
While it is certainly possible to use React this way, you shouldn't, in my opinion.
What you should do is follow the steps outlined in the create-react-app link and bootstrap a project using create-react-app. This will give you a pre configured project, that will allow you to use the library in a modern way.
The project that create-react-app offers you is set up to use a tool called webpack and a tool called babel. Webpack is a module bundler. Using a set of rules, it will take several files and bundle them together. How and why it works is beyond the scope of this question. Babel is a javascript compiler or syntax transformer. Also using a set of rules, it turns ES6 into regular javascript. Again, the how and the way are out of scope. What you should know is, because of webpack and babel, you will be able to write code like this.
import styles from 'style.module.css'
This is done with no effort on your part, because everything is already configured by create-react-app.
This is why I recommend you start with this. Just install it, bootstrap a project and take a quick look at how App.js is set up. You will see there css imports, component imports and will give you a good if shallow overview of how a modern React project works.

Import your .css file from the correct path. I struggled with using <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
in index.html without any luck.
But instead:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/css/style.css"/>
div.custom-div {
background-color: red;
Now, you can use
<div className="custom-div">

You need to use css-loader when creating bundle with wepback.
Install it:
npm install css-loader --save-dev
Read more here


Using a static script tag in a React component

I'm using the default starting project from create-react-app, with the following folder structure:
I have included an external CDN library in the index.html body tag. However, I'm confused about how to use the methods of this library in my map.js component.
Just writing the library methods in my map.js, returns:
Failed to compile
Line 5: 'L' is not defined no-undef
Is there any way I can include a JS CDN library in my React components without actually importing the library as React Component via npm install?
You're loading a component in the DOM, React has no knowledge of the DOM. So you need to create a wrapper component for the DOM library and use the ref prop to access it. If you're a beginner please use React libraries exclusively, if you need third party libraries, start by reading the React docs about third party libraries.
Btw, the error you're seeing is most likely a babel error which can't transform your ES6 classes, it can't find the library you require. I think there are options to configure global environment, so it ignores these errors (but that probably means ejecting from cra).
Take a look at this link:
To reference assets in the public folder, you need to use a special
variable called PUBLIC_URL.
Inside index.html, you can use it like this:
Only files
inside the public folder will be accessible by %PUBLIC_URL% prefix. If
you need to use a file from src or node_modules, you’ll have to copy
it there to explicitly specify your intention to make this file a part
of the build.
When you run npm run build, Create React App will substitute
%PUBLIC_URL% with a correct absolute path so your project works even
if you use client-side routing or host it at a non-root URL.
In JavaScript code, you can use process.env.PUBLIC_URL for similar
It will show you how to do it the way create-react-app prefers.

Where do external dependencies live in vanilla JS web components?

I'm experimenting with using web components for a project — essentially custom elements powered by attributes, ideally imported by <link rel="import">.
Here's the problem: I can't find conclusive guidance on where to stick any external libraries my component relies on, such as moment.js or even jQuery.
Most component examples I've seen strictly use vanilla JS. When they do use an external library, they often seem to drop them in using Bower or npm and and refer to them explicitly within the component's HTML:
<script type="text/javascript"
These days I'm more accustomed to using webpack to bundle dependencies, so this seems a bit odd.
My question: is it considered better form to include each component's library dependencies within the component directory, or have a central node_modules folder at the project level? How does webpack fit into this?
It's better to have a central node_modules folder at the project level. Most people use Webpack to bundle their code with their dependencies. They use require or import their modules for each component.
import React from 'react'
import $ from 'jquery'
import React from 'react'
import A from 'a.component.js'
import B from 'b.component.js'
Webpack will have one "entry": app.js and compile it output: app.min.js
It's easier to manage (update, delete, add) dependencies with npm.
The browser will load one file instead of multiple external files.
External info:

ReactJS include or import custom or external javascript file

I have a very basic question regarding ReactJS and pretty much between being beginner and intermediate.
I have designed my web application UI in webflow and now developing the frontend application in ReactJS.
So, now I have two JS files called mordenizr.js and webflow.js which I have to import in to my ReactJS component and pages JSX files. I wanted to know How could I import external or custom JavaScript files like these in to ReactJS and they are in plain/obfuscated/minified JS and not in ES6 format.
PS: I have created the project using create-react-app so not able to change or see webpack & babel configuration too
Thank you.
I don't see why import 'path/to/mordenizr' and import 'path/to/webflow' wouldn't just work.
After all, javascript files (even "plain/obfuscated/minified" ones) are valid ES6, so webpack should be able to import them like normal.
It does not matter whether these files are ES6 format or not, import 'mordenizr' should work in either case. The reason for this is that when Webpack transpiles your ES6 files, imports will get back to require format.
["babel-plugin-import": "^1.0.1"] for webpack
plugins: ['transform-runtime','transform-decorators-legacy',['import', {
libraryName: 'antd',
style: 'css',

A very simple query - Loading plain old javascript file with webpack

Should be quite a common question for a webpack newbie but unfortunately couldn't find a solution -
My project uses webpack. I need to use a library but it needs to be used as the old way of adding script tag like
<script src="//"></script>
However I am looking for some way through webpack (a loader or in some other way) such that I can use it like
import ortc from "realtime-framework"
import * as ortc from "realtime-framework"
You will need to either:
Install it from a package manager like npm;
Download the file locally and import it;
Or include it the normal way with a script tag, making sure it is included before your script.

How to include external Javascript library in an Ionic 2 TypeScript project?

I build an Ionic Project using Ionic 2, Angular 2 and TypeScript to test the framework a bit. I need to include an external library (ntc.js) to my project, since I need it to name hex colors.
I know including a Javascript library to TypeScript should work, since whatever works in JS works in TS. I just don't want to include it the wrong way.
I tried to add the library to www/build/js, but it doesn't seem to work and it doesn't seem like the good way to do this. I tried to search for ways to do this but found nothing (might be because Angular 2 and Ionic 2 is still fresh).
Things like :
import * as ntc from '../../js/ntc';
doesn't seem to work as well, even if my library is located at the right place. TypeScript doesn't seem to read my file properly, if it reads it at all.
What is the good way to do this? Where should I place my .js file in my project directory?
You import it by adding it to your index.html like any other regular javascript file.
Then in your ts file you do:
declare var Tree:any;
Then in your code, you can use the Tree variable, albeit it exists in the Javascript file. this line of code is basically telling the typescript compiler there is a variable out there Tree which it should ignore.
Besides doing a declare var which tells ts that the variable exists you can use typings of typescript.
By writing
typings install libraryname
In your console you get a file that already has declare var/class and you can see all of its functions/properties when you import it.
import {lib} from 'libraryname';

