how to use javascript to play google drive video? - javascript

I saw a question like mine on this page: How to play video from google drive using javascript?
However, I have a question. For some reason, this answer from that question:
Google provides some GET-params like export and id with google-drive:
to give you the ability to insert an uploaded video into a HTML5-video-tag.
This should work:
$("#play").click(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<button id="play" style="margin-top: 300px;">Play</button>
<video id="video" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Works well when I test it out on the w3schools tryit:
I switched that code for my code, I just use it as my practice area.
But when I place my own video in with the same formula, just switching the original google drive video with my own, my video controls are greyed out and clearly can not play the video. My original video is uploaded on my google photos, put in a named folder on my google drive, where both folder and video are open to anyone with the link access.
I don't understand why the original video works fine, and mine doesn't. It's frustrating because I know using this way of putting a google drive video into the video tag allows me to use my custom controls to control the video. But something is going on with my video for some reason.
Here is my code with the original one, you'll see it's the same.
$("#play").click(function() {
$("#play2").click(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<button id="play" style="margin-top: 300px;">Play</button>
<video id="video" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<button id="play2" style="margin-top: 300px;">Play</button>
<video id="video2" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Lots of help will be GREAT!!!!!!!!

According to me, there is permission problem with your drive video.Because I have tried to hit on your link I am getting error of permission. But previous drive's video((working fine)) easily accessible.

Go to your video in Google Drive.
Right-click and select get shareable links, then change your sharing setting to 'On - Public on the Web'.
Refer Image for sharing setting


Win 7 + IE 11 First video plays but second and later videos won't play

I've a list of video's in a page. The videos are fetched from Server via Rest API and are used in html as below. The first video plays well but later video's wont play. The resolution are same for all video. This works well in other browsers and platform.
<video width="645" height="425" id="myvideo" class ='video' controls controlsList="nodownload">
<source id="source" src="" type="video/mp4">
In my source tag, I've mentioned type="video/mp4"
In JS Side I do the below
$("#source")[0].src = <path-to-the-video>;
This works great on all browers and platform except for windows 7 and ie 11.
The error I get is
MEDIA12899: AUDIO/VIDEO: Unknown MIME type.
I've checked over the net
to add the type="video/mp4" which is already there and does not solve the problem.
The video resolutions are correct because the same video works in the same IE and Window when played in a separate HTML file.
What am I missing?
Error Screen Shot
Same Video working in same browser when added to a html file
<video width="645" height="425" class="video" id="myvideo" style="display: inline-block;" controls="" controlslist="nodownload">
<source id="source" src="http://hostname.com1/video2" type="video/mp4">

Play Spotify song preview in audio element

I am trying to build a feature on my web application that pulls the preview url from Spotify's API, and play the preview when the user clicks on the audio controls. I am able to save the correct URL in the source, but the song does not play. I looked at the MDN Docs, but still could not get it to work. Here is a snippet of my code in JSX:
<div className="audio-container">
<audio controls="controls">
<source src={this.props.songs[2].href} type="audio"/>
<p className="font-style">{this.props.songs[2].name}</p>
I do not receive any errors. Is there anything obvious I am missing? Thank you in advanced!
This should work if you use type="audio/mpeg"
Working example below:
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
For anybody who may find this useful later, I got the audio to work by removing the source tag and putting the preview url directly in the audio tag. Example:
<audio controls src="..."></audio>

html <video> doesn't play sound on some videos

I don't understand, I have a project with Angular2 and in my home component, I try to display a video with html5. The problem is that sometimes, on some videos, the tag doesn't play sound:
<div class="video-gallery">
<video id="video" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="420" poster="assets/imgs/video_logo.png" >
<source src="assets/videos/{{videos[0].name + videos[0].extension}}" type="video/mp4" />
When I say 'on some videos' I mean it's not up to the extension, some videos are mp4 and play sound and others (mp4) don't. Same thing for mkv for example. I only get the video but no sound. What could be the problem ? I work with Chrome's last version so I don't think it's from chrome because it is supposed to support video and sound of html5 . Can it be from the video tag ?

Playing videos one after another in html5 video player

I want to play a video after another video so I use this code
<video id="example_video_1" autoplay controls="none" width="640" height="300" poster="vlcsnap-2015-01-10-20h41m11s114.png" onended="run()">
<source src="intro.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<source src="intro.webm" type='video/webm' />
<source src="intro.ogv" type='video/ogg' />
<p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video</p>
videoPlayer = document.getElementById("example_video_1");
function run(){
var nextVideo = "video2.mp4";
videoPlayer.src = nextVideo;;
This works fine in chrome but when i play this in firefox the 2nd video (video2.mp4) dose not play, as firefox dose not support mp4 format. So is there any process to set the second video in mp4, webm and ogg file format so that most of browsers can play the video.
Your last source <source src="intro.ogv" type='video/ogg' /> Is wrong. You wrote two different formats .ogg is for audio. And you need to establish a folder name that the file is in. With this you need to have the HTML5/CSS3 file right next to the folder in a separate folder. This is the correct code:
<source src="foldername/intro.ogv" type='video/ogv' />
Other than that your code is in great shape.
***I do not know anything about your script because I know nothing about JavaScript, or JQuery. Hopefully this was useful! Sorry :(

How to remove the error message from <video> in win8 app? (html/js)

How can I disable the left-bottom error message within the video element in a win8 app?
I think you need to provide a bit more information about what exactly are you trying to do ?
As of now, I think providing the correct video source will help with removing the error message.
<video id="video" width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
<source src="Videos/abc.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
Where Videos is a folder in the project package and abc.mp4 is the video file inside the Videos folder.
Hope this helps :)

