Copying the content of an arrow function to a regular function - javascript

I was reading about Arrow Functions and found out that they can't have their context changed.
I was creating a module that receives a function and then changes its context. But since the user could be inputing an arrow function I couldn't make it happen.
So I was wondering if, since it's not possible to change an arrow function context, I could copy its content and create a new function that does the same, but now with a controlled context.
Any ideas how it could be achieved?
An example is something like this:
class Foo {
constructor(name) { = name;
sayMyName() {
class Scope {
constructor(reqId) { = new Foo('Hi!');
this.reqId = reqId;
do(callback) {
const func = callback.bind(this, this);
class Controller {
constructor() { = new Foo('Hello!');
unscoped(req, res, next) {
var a = 1;
scoped(req, res, next) { => {
var a = 1;
I want to return 'hi' in Controller.scoped and 'hello' in Controller.unscoped

Neither Function.prototype.bind nor nor Function.prototype.apply can be used on arrow functions to change their context.
var arrowFunc = () => {console.log(this === myObject);};
var functionExpression = function() { console.log(this === myObject); };
var myObject = { id : "sampleObject"};
var boundFunctionExpression = functionExpression.bind(myObject);
console.log("Function expression bound with Function.prototype.bind :");
var boundArrowFunc = arrowFunc.bind(myObject);
console.log("Arrow function bound with Function.prototype.bind :");
console.log("Arrow function called with :");;
console.log("Arrow function called with Function.prototype.apply :");
arrowFunc.apply(myObject, []);
So no, I don't think you can achieve this.
More on the differences between arrow function and function expressions / declarations.


inherit javascript function prototype outside it closure

I am using JavaScript prototype chaining technique to chain functions as shown below:
var foo = (function () {
function fn(arg) {
if (!(this instanceof fn)) {
return new fn(arg);
this.arg = arg;
return this;
var func = function (element) {
return fn(element);
fn.prototype = {
bar: function () {
return this;
func.functions = fn;
return func;
I would like to know how to access fn.prototype so I can add more functionality to the foo prototype outside its closure.
If I just simply do as follows, it won't work:
foo.prototype.baz = function () {
However if fn assigned to the foo (func.functions = fn;) as it shown in the foo private closure I can do as follow and it will works:
foo.functions.prototype.baz = function () {
Is there any other way to achieve this?
I think you are un-necessarily overcomplicating this. You can chain by simply doing this:
const foobar = function(){return this} // Initialize a new Object
const foo = text => {
const me = new foobar()
me.text = text = a => (alert(me.text+": "+a), me)
return me
foo('A').bar('Test').bar('Test chained')
// Update the foobar class with baz
foobar.prototype.baz = function() {alert('BAZ worked!');return this}
Note: Click Run code snippet to see the output
That's it!
You can also do this with ES6 classes like:
class foobar {
constructor(text) {
this.text = text;
bar(a) {alert(this.text+": "+a);return this}
const foo = text => new foobar(text)
foo('A').bar('Test').bar('Test chained')
// Update the foobar class with baz
foobar.prototype.baz = function() {alert('BAZ worked!');return this}

scope of "this" in async function of ionic angular app

I'm trying to execute a function, which is not found, UNLESS I save a reference to the function in a seperate variable:
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
var buildFunc = this.buildObject();
The buildObject function only executes if I save it before executing this.updateBiography (async function) and execute it via the variable I saved it in (buildFunc).
The following does NOT work:
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
I expose all functions via a service object:
var service = {
all: all,
updateBiography: updateBiography,
get: get,
updateCheck: updateCheck,
return service;
When I log the "this" object while Im right before the execution of buildFunc, it logs window/global scope. Why is this and how should I deal with this? I do not want to save all my async methods in a seperate variable only to remember them. How should I deal with this problem and why does it not work?
The entire service:
(function () {
.module('', [])
.factory('Biography', Biography);
Biography.$inject = ['$http'];
function Biography($http) {
var biographyObject = { } ;
var service = {
all: all,
updateBiography: updateBiography,
get: get,
updateCheck: updateCheck,
return service;
var self = this;
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
function updateBiography() {
return $http.get("Apicall adress")
.then(function (resp) {
}, function (err) {
console.log('ERR', err);
function all() {
return biographyObject;
function get(name) {
var biography = biographyObject;
for (var i = 0; i < biography.length; i++) {
if (biography[i].name === name) {
return biography[i];
return null;
function buildObject() {
var temp = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('biography'));
biographyObject = temp;
function isNewVersionNeeded() {
prevTimeStamp = window.localStorage.getItem('biographyTimeStamp');
var timeDifference = ( - prevTimeStamp);
timeDifference = 700000;
if (timeDifference < 600000) {
return false;
else {
return true;
The context (different from function scope) of your anonymous function's this is determined when it's invoked, at a later time.
The simple rule is - whatever is to the left of the dot eg myObj.doSomething() allows doSomething to access myObj as this.
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
this.updateBiography().then(function() {
// whichever object has this anonymous function defined/invoked on it will become "this"
Since you're just passing your function reference, you can just use this
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
and if this.buildObject is dependent on the context (uses the this keyword internally), then you can use
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
this is determined by whatever context (object) the function is invoked on, and it appears that an anonymous function, or a function not referenced through an object defaults to having a window context. the bind function replaces all instances of this with an actual object reference, so it's no longer multi-purpose
same function invoked in different contexts (on different objects)
var obj = {
a: function () {
var aReference = obj.a;
aReference(); // logs window, because it's the default "this"
obj.a(); // logs obj
The reason is here 'this' refers to callback function.You can't access 'this' inside callback.Hence solution is,
function Biography($http) {
var self = this;
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {
Using ES6 syntax:
function updateCheck() {
if (this.isNewVersionNeeded()) {

Check if a private function exists inside an object in JavaScript

How can I check if a private function exist inside an object?
var myObj = function(){
var myFunc = function(){};
var init = function(){
//has myFunc been defined?
I know that I can do this:
if (typeof myFunc == 'function') {
//myFunc exist
But this is checking the global scope.
How can I limit this to my objects scope?
Here is the most simplified case that i need:
var myComponent = function () {
var exportExcel = function () {
this.export = function (type) {
if('export'+type is a private function in this scope){
window["export"+type]()//but in local scope;
And here is my work around for now :
var myComponent = function () {
var Exports = {
Excel: function () {
this.export = function (type) {
if (Exports.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
} else {
alert('This Export type has not been implemented Yet ! or it never will ... how knows? well i don\'t ...');
As you probably noticed:
function myFunc () {};
function myObj () {
function init () {
if (myFunc) // passes
You could cheat a bit :-|
function myObj () {
var isdef = { myFunc: true };
function myFunc () {};
function init () {
if (isdef.myFunc) // do something
I wonder why one would do that though.
Bases on the extra information given, the most practical pattern is what you're calling the "temporary workaround": keeping your functions in a private object, keyed by type.
var myComponent = function () {
var exporters = Object.create(null, {
"Excel": function () {
// do magic export here
this.export = function (type) {
if (type in exporters) {
// defined locally
return exporters[type].call(this); // binding is optional
} else {
// no export for you!
This prevents two things:
Referencing the function via string composition,
Querying the global scope (or, actually, any scope in between your component and the global scope).
This may not be your design principle, you could further extend this code to allow for adding / removing exporters.

A native way of adding custom JavaScript functions into a method-calls chain

I would like to known if there is a native way of doing this :
Object.prototype.chain = function(f) { return }
function fun1() {
return this
function fun2() {
return this
.chain(checkSomething() ? fun1 : fun2)
But I do not feel like changing the prototype of Object. Is there a way to do this without modifying the prototype of Objects or the other constructors that I use (and am not the developer of)
Edits :
I feel I do not explain very well, so let' add some details :
What I would like to do is to use some APIs I do not define. someObject is defined like the following, with chainable methods :
var someObject = {
method1: function(val) {
// do something
return this
method2: function() {
// do something
return this
method3: function() {
// do something
return this
Now imagine I cannot change this code, because this object is from a library, and so I don't want to. Then, imagine that I would like to chain methods and some custom functions (see my first snippet) for many more different objects. The simplest thing to do is to attach a chain method to Object.prototype.
But I think that it could result in conflicts in the future. I am looking for a way to do the same thing without touching the prototype.
I'm surprised there are no answers to this to be honest.
There are many ways to natively introduce chaining. I like to use the revealing module pattern.
So I create a basic model (Go ahead and chuck this in your chrome of firefox console)
var Dog = function(name) {
var self = this; = name;
var core = {
this.movement = function(){ //this function will be exposed including its returned functions for chaining
console.log( + " is getting restless... ");
var jump = function(){
console.log( + " jumps around ");
return this //returns the movement scope
var run = function(){
console.log( + " has decided to run");
return this //returns the movement scope
return {
console.log("A Pup has been born, we shall call him... " + name);
movement:self.movement //only .movement is exposed to the outside world
Now create a new dog using var p = new Dog("doggyName");
now, you can chain functions. Try:
You should get the console logged text that corresponds with each function.
By returning the scope of this after executing your movement function you expose the additional functions that are returned in that scope (see the comments in the code). These can then be chained onto the end of your current function provided they are in the same scope. This allows you to scope specific parts of your code. For example with this dog, all movement is scoped to self.movement, you could have all eating scoped to and so on
Read up on the revealing module pattern. Though this is not the only way to do it.
The wrapper is something that will wrap any object to make it compatible with "chaining" and will add another chain method that will allow you to plug external functions and still get the chaining.
Check this example:
function myObj() {
this.state = {
a: 1
this.method1 = function () {
this.method2 = function () {
this.method3 = function () {
this.method4 = function () {
function objectChainWrapper(obj) {
this.chain = function (fn) {;
return this;
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof obj[prop] == 'function') {
this[prop] = (function (methodName) {
return function () {
return this;
var obj = new myObj();
var wrapper = new objectChainWrapper(obj);
var chainMethod = function(){ console.log('chain') };
var chainMethodState = function(){ console.log(this.state) };
To "plug" an unbound function into the object's method chain you can assign it to a property and call that:
function fn() {
document.write('hi ');
return this;
someObj = {
meth1: function() {
document.write('meth1 ');
return this;
meth2: function() {
document.write('meth2 ');
return this;
[someObj._=fn, '_']()
This doesn't look very pretty if you ask me. A more readable option is to add the chain method on the fly, like:
function chainable(obj) {
obj.chain = function(fn) {
return obj;

javascript this in 'static method'

Class.method = function () { this.xx }
Class.prototype.method = function () { this.xx }
var clazz = new Class();
When I call the 4th line this in the function will refer to clazz
But when Class.method() is executed, what will this refer to?
this within the Class.prototype.method function will still refer to the Class instance. This isn't a static method, a static (i.e. one per class) method would be something like:
Class.method = function () {
// I am a static method
For example:
var Example = function () { = "DefaultName";
Example.prototype.setName = function (name) { = name;
var test = new Example();
console.log(; // "foo"
If you call .method() on your constructor function itself (without new), this will still be bound to the Class object. The this value always depends on the type of invocation, since you are calling the function from within an object (= a method), this will be bound to that context.
Class = function() {
this.xx = "hello";
Class.method = function () { this.xx }
Class.prototype.method = function () { alert(this.xx) }
var clazz=new Class();
clazz.method(); // display "hello";
Class.method() // undefined
it will refer to the object calling the Class.method function.

