Dialogflow API how to send request using the api - javascript

I have developed a small chat application using dialogflow fallowing this tutorial.
this works fine. i want to send requests to this application from my alredy developed web application instead of using their web view (Web Demo). I thought it should be possible with their api (https://dialogflow.com/docs/reference/api-v2/rest). but their is no api exposed to send queries. am i missing something or is there no way to do this. ?

They changed the name fairly dramatically, and the names of many of the fields in the JSON, but the function is pretty much the same. You'll need to use the project.agent.sessions.detectIntent method.

You can find all the details about Dialogflow RESTful API here.
As Prisoner mentioned, you can use
POST /v2/{session=projects/*/agent/sessions/*}:detectIntent
For v2.projects.agent.sessions


How do I prevent the Google API from being used by others?

I'm going to make a project using the Google translate api and I'm thinking of uploading this project to a server and just sharing it with my friends. But unfortunately the Api Key that I will use in the project can be accessed clearly in the JavaScript file. This is a very bad situation. To prevent this, I have limited the Google Cloud Api and as far as I understand it is only allowed to be used on the links I allow. It cannot be used on other links. Now my main question is, is this method enough to protect Api from malicious people? Do I need to do anything else? Thank you in advance for your answers.
Best practice in these cases is to use .env files to keep data like API keys private.
You have to create a server for that which will perform OAuth and then send an API request to google.
You can get help about how to implement OAuth from this topic provided by google: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/javascript-implicit-flow
If you send/attach your API key in frontend like javascript which is basically a frontend language then it can be used to:
Send fake requests which will use all of the bandwidth etc.
You should also consult the TOS.
On November 5th 2014 Google made some changes to the APIs terms of Service.
Like you I had an issue with the following line.
Asking developers to make reasonable efforts to keep their private
keys private and not embed them in open source projects.
That is however really only an issue if you are releasing the source code of your app as an Open source project for example.
If your just hosting this on a server then what you shoudl do is set up limitations for the api key adding_application_restrictions you can limit it so that the api key can only be used from your server and no where else.

Azure Active Directory for securing Custom JS Frontend and Java Rest API

I've currently got a REST API (written in Java using Spring) and a frontend for that API (written in Javascript using Express) which will query that API for the data to display. I've not gotten too far along in the frontend, and wanted to add in my Authorization/Authentication. I would like to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) for this - we have users in AAD, so this is what we're pursuing. I understand that I can use the MSAL.js library to get an access_token that I can then send to my Java REST API for validation. However, I'm not able to find any decent documentation or examples for this specific case, though. I see a some Javascript Single Page Application (SPA) documentation and examples, but seeing as this is AuthN/AuthZ, I don't want to have a kinda correct solution, because this is important stuff. I also want to make sure I'm handling caching, sign outs, etc, in the right manner.
If anyone could point me in the direction of some documentation, examples, readings, etc, I'd be very appreciative!
You can use MSAL.js to easily integrate with the front end of your API for authentication/authorization of your users.
For java web apps, you can use the MSAL4J authentication library, so that the application can be integrated with the Microsoft identity platform. It allows you to log in to a user or application using a Microsoft identity (Azure AD, Microsoft account, and Azure AD B2C account) and obtain a token to call the Microsoft API.
For more details, please check:here.

Publishing data from an array to a google spread sheet

I am working on a project where I run a web page from a local server using Xampp. In the web page I have a button which when clicked produces an array of 24 elements. I want this array to be written to my online google sheet.
My Question:
1)Can I post data from a web page running on a local server like Xampp to an online server like google sheet?
2)If yes, then is it possible to do it with php and javascript without any jquery?
3)If it is possible please show me the right path.
I am new to web development. Please help me. Thank you in advance for helping.
Yes it is possible to post data from your localhost as long as you have an internet connection.
to do such things I recommend you to read Sheets API Guides
You will also find there a sample code to write data to a spreadsheet on this page
Still an API key is required for public spreadsheets for other requests you need to use OAuth 2.0 as told here
If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an individual's private data), then the application must provide an OAuth
2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to.
If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key
or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for
also as an advice and if you know javascript you could use Google App Script to get Started, after validating the implementation of the library into your project and console you will find built-in functions.

Create a GET request to Coinbase with JavaScript

I have very basic knowledge in JS and C#, and now I'm trying to build my first web app with JS. I want to create a web app which creates a GET request to Coinbase website and takes the current price of Bitcoin, Ethereum and etc. and show it in my web app.
Can you provide me a website where i can start with?
Thank you.
Coinbase has a maintained API you can use to fetch the data you need. They support various solutions (REST, Websocket, etc.), depending on your requirements.
Resources for getting started with general web development is an entirely different beast. I would suggest Angular's Heroes Tutorial, and from there read up on AJAX or Websockets (for the latter, I suggest socket.io).
Expect 100-250 hours work.

Is it possible to connect your background script to mongoDB server? If Yes, How?

I am creating a google chrome extension. I have a background script from which I want to send and retrieve some data from MongoDB database. How do I do that? I'm new in chrome extension development.
YES. It's possible. But, It's not a good idea to expose a database to the public internet at all. Implement a REST like method in your backend code and authorize calls to it using some web standard auth scheme, such as OAuth or HTTP Basic auth. Hitting the DB directly is way too dangerous. You can receive/send data from DB accordingly. Saying That if you still want to go ahead here's a link to help you with that For full REST capabilities, consider using an external REST Interface such as Sleepy.Mongoose.

