Mirror Javascript Variable Changes - javascript

I am trying to create an object relationship in which object2's nextString property would mirror any change to object1's originalString.
var object1 = {
nestedObject: {
originalString: "old"
var object2 = {
nextString: object1.nestedObject.originalString
object1.nestedObject.originalString = "new";
originalString now is "new" but nextString is still "old"
I have read that this is due to the copy of the string which is made as JS does not use pass-by-reference as a language like C does.
With the sample relationship between object1 and object2 above, is there a way to accomplish what I would like?

Javascript does use pass by reference, however when you do originalString = "new", you're actually assinging a new reference to originalString, so it's no longer pointing at the old value.
What you can do instead is hold a reference to the nestedObject, because the object is not being reassigned, only the string within.
var object1 = {
nestedObject: {
originalString: "old"
var object2 = {
// Hold a reference to the nestedObject
nestedObject: object1.nestedObject,
// Assign a new value
object1.nestedObject.originalString = "new";
// Both objects will reflect the change


Possible to get a reference to the value (location) of a js object key? [duplicate]

I used C++ before and I realized that pointers were very helpful. Is there anything in javascript that acts like a pointer? Does javascript have pointers? I like to use pointers when I want to use something like:
var a = 1;
var b = "a";
document.getElementById(/* value pointed by b */).innerHTML="Pointers";
I know that this is an extremely simple example and I could just use a, but there are several more complex examples where I would find pointers very useful. Any ideas?
No, JS doesn't have pointers.
Objects are passed around by passing a copy of a reference. The programmer cannot access any C-like "value" representing the address of an object.
Within a function, one may change the contents of a passed object via that reference, but you cannot modify the reference that the caller had because your reference is only a copy:
var foo = {'bar': 1};
function tryToMungeReference(obj) {
obj = {'bar': 2}; // won't change caller's object
function mungeContents(obj) {
obj.bar = 2; // changes _contents_ of caller's object
foo.bar === 1; // true - foo still references original object
foo.bar === 2; // true - object referenced by foo has been modified
You bet there are pointers in JavaScript; objects are pointers.
//this will make object1 point to the memory location that object2 is pointing at
object1 = object2;
//this will make object2 point to the memory location that object1 is pointing at
function myfunc(object2){}
If a memory location is no longer pointed at, the data there will be lost.
Unlike in C, you can't see the actual address of the pointer nor the actual value of the pointer, you can only dereference it (get the value at the address it points to.)
I just did a bizarre thing that works out, too.
Instead of passing a pointer, pass a function that fills its argument into the target variable.
var myTarget;
class dial{
this.target = target;
var myDial = new dial((v)=>{myTarget = v;});
This may look a little wicked, but works just fine. In this example I created a generic dial, which can be assigned any target in form of this little function "(v)=>{target = v}". No idea how well it would do in terms of performance, but it acts beautifully.
due to the nature of JS that passes objects by value (if referenced object is changed completely) or by reference (if field of the referenced object is changed) it is not possible to completely replace a referenced object.
However, let's use what is available: replacing single fields of referenced objects. By doing that, the following function allows to achieve what you are asking for:
function replaceReferencedObj(refObj, newObj) {
let keysR = Object.keys(refObj);
let keysN = Object.keys(newObj);
for (let i = 0; i < keysR.length; i++) {
delete refObj[keysR[i]];
for (let i = 0; i < keysN.length; i++) {
refObj[keysN[i]] = newObj[keysN[i]];
For the example given by user3015682 you would use this function as following:
replaceReferencedObj(foo, {'bar': 2})
Assigning by reference and arrays.
let pizza = [4,4,4];
let kebab = pizza; // both variables are references to shared value
console.log(kebab); //[4,4,4,4]
console.log(pizza); //[4,4,4,4]
Since original value isn't modified no new reference is created.
kebab = [6,6,6,6]; // value is reassigned
console.log(kebab); //[6,6,6,6]
console.log(pizza); //[4,4,4,4]
When the compound value in a variable is reassigned, a new reference is created.
Technically JS doesn't have pointers, but I discovered a way to imitate their behavior ;)
var car = {
make: 'Tesla',
nav: {
lat: undefined,
lng: undefined
var coords: {
center: {
get lat() { return car.nav.lat; }, // pointer LOL
get lng() { return car.nav.lng; } // pointer LOL
car.nav.lat = 555;
car.nav.lng = 777;
console.log('*** coords: ', coords.center.lat); // 555
console.log('*** coords: ', coords.center.lng); // 777

Object keys - Javascript: why doesn't work to create object inside object?

I don't know if I am mind-collapsed or just need to work harder with objects, but I don't get why this doesn't work:
const obj = {};
const obj['pagination']['searchword'] = searchWord;
It says:
Cannot set property 'searchWord' of undefined
It looks like I can't create that kink of object:
I tried to with const obj.pagination['searchword'] = searchWord;
If you want to create an object inside an object, you have to define the object explicitly somewhere. If you try to access a property of an object as if it was a nested object, one won't automatically be created.
For your case, it would be easier to define the object all at once, in one statement, not two:
const obj = {
pagination: {
searchword: searchWord
If you have to assign after object initialization, then you'd do:
obj.pagination = {
searchword: searchWord
If you change the searchWord variable name so it matches the lower-case property name, you can use shorthand notation:
obj.pagination = {
You have to define obj['pagination'] first. Now you are assigning to an undefined.
obj is an empty object. But what is obj['pagination']? it is not set yet. And while obj['pagination'] is not set you are trying to assign a property to it.
you also can assign an empty object.
obj['pagination'] = {};
and then you can do this.
obj['pagination']['searchword'] = searchWord;
Another way to do this
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'pagination', {
searchword: searchWord

Manipulating object in array changes object outside of array?

I don't understand why this behavior is happening. Lets say I define an object and make an array of 3 of this object. If I modify the objects in the array, it affects all instances of the object? Could someone explain why this is? Also, how do I make an array with independent "Copies" of the object to get the desired behavior? Thanks!
testObject = {"value1":"a","value2":"b"};
objArray = [];
for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
var newobj = testObject; //make a new testObject
objArray.push(newobj); //push new object to array
delete objArray[0].value2 // Desired, delete value 2 ONLY from array object 0
objArray[2].value2 //Undefined? Why is value2 missing from object 2
testObject.value2 //Undefined? Why is value2 missing from original object?
As opposed to primitives (strings, numbers, booleans, symbols null, undefined), objects in javascript are passed by reference. Variables serve as placeholders/pointers to these objects. To create a copy of an object without the risk of mutation you'd use spread (barring compatibility):
const newObject = { ...testObject };
or traditionally, Object.assign(), passing an empty object literal to avoid mutability of the original testObject:
const newObject = Object.assign({}, testObject);
As far as deep cloning, MDN suggests using a combination of JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify(). So for example:
const testObject = { value: "a", other: { value2: b } };
const newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testObject));
You are pushing same object's reference again and again in the loop.
for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
var newobj = testObject; //no new object,same object's reference again
objArray.push(newobj); //push new object to array
It should be
for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
var newobj = {"value1":"a","value2":"b"}; //make a new testObject
objArray.push(newobj); //push new object to array
When creating an Object in JavaScript, you are actually creating a reference to that object. You can store this in a variable and pass it around ... perhaps append it to an array. When you go to do operations on an object reference, it finds the original object that the reference points to and updates it. Thus when you use .push it's not creating a new object but simply pushing the reference to that object. If you update it in one spot it will update it in the other and any others where you have assigned that reference.
Copying an object into a new object is generally called cloning. There are a lot of different ways to clone objects in JavaScript with varying results.
You can use var newobj = { ...testObject } as the other answer suggests. This spread operator essentially copies the properties of testObject and creates a new object (declared with the outer { }). The reference to that new object is then assigned to newobj. You can think of it as doing this:
var newobj = {
value1: testObject.value1,
value2: testObject.value2,
However, you should keep in mind that this gives you only one level of cloning. That is to say if your object contains other objects then the reference to that object will be assigned as the property rather than a clone of that object. For example: let's say you had:
var testObject = { obj: { a: "b" } };
var newobj = { ...testObject };
delete testObject.obj.a;
console.log(newobj); // { obj: {} }
In order to solve this, you need to do what is called a deep clone which in JavaScript can be done by recursively cloning object properties that are also objects. There are a bunch of ways to do this including libraries like lodash or home-grown functions. One example on SO: What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?
Finally, if testObject is supposed to be something like an object template or initial state from which other newobj are derived, it might make more sense to use a function:
function newObjFactory() {
return {
value1: "a",
value2: "b",
Then you can do var newobj = newObjFactory() and you'll get a new object each time since a new object is created by the function each time it's called and returned.

Getting a reference to an array element

While I realize that an array, as a non-primitive data type, is handled by references in JavaScript, not by value, any particular element of that array could be a primitive data type, and I assume then that it is not assigned by reference.
I'd like to know how to get a reference to an individual element in an array so that I don't have to keep referring to the array and the index number while changing that element?
var myElement=someArray[4]
//now someArray[4]=5
Am I misinterpreting various docs that imply but do not explicitly state that this is not the intended behavior?
You can make a copy of an array element, but you can't create a value that serves as an alias for an array property reference. That's also true for object properties; of course, array element references are object property references.
The closest you could get would be to create an object with a setter that used code to update your array. That would look something like:
var someArray = [ ... whatever ... ];
var obj = {
set element5(value) {
someArray[5] = value;
obj.element5 = 20;
would update someArray[5]. That is clearly not really an improvement over someArray[5] = 20.
edit — Now, note that if your array element is an object, then making a copy of the element means making a copy of the reference to the object. Thus:
var someArray = [ { foo: "hello world" } ];
var ref = someArray[0];
ref.foo = "Goodbye, cruel world!";
will update the "foo" property of the object referenced by someArray[0].
You can always pass around a closure to update this:
var myUpdater = function(x) {
someArray[4] = x;
If you want read/write capabilities, box it:
var makeBox = function(arr, n) {
return {
read: function() { return arr[n]; },
write: function(x) { arr[n] = x; }
// and then:
var ptr = makeBox(someArray, 4);
ptr.read(); // original
someArray[4]; // newValue

create object within object Javascript

My Code :
for( var i in zones) {
var latlons1 = new google.maps.LatLng(zones[i].b.cen_x, zones[i].b.cen_y);
var latlons2 = new google.maps.LatLng(zones[i].b.max_x, zones[i].b.max_y);
var latlons3 = new google.maps.LatLng(zones[i].b.min_x, zones[i].b.min_y);
obj1 = { zones[i].n = {1:latlons1,2:latlons2,3:latlons3} } //here object creation
what i am doing wrong? consol log error shows at object create.
When creating an object literal in JavaScript the key and value are separated by a colon (:). Also note that if you want to use dynamic keys then you'll need to use the square bracket notation for setting and accessing those properties. So this:
obj1 = { zones[i].n = {1:latlons1,2:latlons2,3:latlons3} }
should become:
obj1 = {};
obj1[zones[i].n] = {
1: latlons1,
2: latlons2,
3: latlons3
If you're confused as to why you have to do it this way it's because the keys aren't evaluated. While you meant that the key should be the value that's referenced by zones[i].n, JavaScript interprets it as the key should be the string literal "zones[i].n", which obviously isn't what you want.
To use an object within an object,
//An object within an object
var NestedObject=new Object();
I solved this using experimental coding within Codecademy.com;
Thanks for letting me share my answer!

