How to cut twig correctly - javascript

I apologize if the question was raised somewhere, and I did not notice the decision.
I have the following files:
base.html.twig - which includes css и js.
blocks.html.twig - which includes blocks.
Please tell me how to initialize the object (for example blocksLang and each h* block to place in this object), for including in different places. For example:
in en.html.twig
{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
{% include "blocks.html.twig" blocksLang.en %} //and it should render <h1>hello</h1>
in sp.html.twig
{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
{% include "blocks.html.twig" blocksLang.sp %} //and it should render <h2>holla</h2>
in ru.html.twig
{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
{% include "blocks.html.twig" %} //and it should render <h3>привет</h3>
Thank you for attention


Pagination doesn't work with extendable layouts in 11ty ( eleventy )

Describe the bug
When I extend nunjuck layout, pagination doesn't work
To Reproduce
{% extends "layouts/default.njk" %}
data: categories
size: 1
alias: category
title: "{{ }}"
{% block content %}
{%- for category in categories %}
<h1>{{ }}</h1>
{% endfor -%}
{% endblock %}
Expected behavior
It should generate the categories pages
the result file is empty
OS and Version: Windows 10
Eleventy Version 0.12.1
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Front matter needs to be, well, front. It has to be on top. Try moving the extends above the block. (But still below the front matter.)

Webpack Encore not loading JavaScript in base template

I am using a Webpack Encore in my Symfony 4 project, and when including the Twig helper for JavaScript in my base.html.twig:
{% block javascripts %}
{{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}
{% endblock %}
The JavaScript doesn't load, however, when including the exact same Twig helper in one of my templates (index.html.twig), the JavaScript loads in.
So my question is, why does the above Twig helper work in one of my templates, but not in my base template?
What preciel said is true, using a block inside a template that extends another template will overwrite the default code inside that said block.
However there is another solution than just moving the code outside the block in the base template and that's calling the parent() function
{% extends 'base.twig' %}
{% block foo %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block foo %}
{% endblock %}
It's failing because it's inside your javascript block.
Your template extends base.html.twig, so whatever you place within your javascript block in any template will be inside the javascript block.
But if you do the same within base.html.twig it will just be ignored.
Just move {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }} out of your javascript block.
{{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}
{% block javascripts %}
{# nothing here, your templates will overwrite it when you extends base.html.twig #}
{% endblock %}
Remember this: If it's inside your layout, which is base.html.twig, then don't place anything inside the {% block %} tags. It will just be ignored.

Pass javascript code to base template in Twig using Symfony and Fragments

I am using Symfony and Twig and the fragment sub-framework more specifically the Internal sub-requests.
In any case when I request a template using a fragment include
{% render url('route_name') %}
and my fragment code looks like this for example
<div>[code here...]</div>
<script>[javascript here...]</script>
how can I get this javascript to load into a {% block %} in my base.html.twig file? If I extend my fragment and put {% extends '::base.html.twig' %} in the header it will include the entire layout of my site. I just want to be able to push the javascript from from fragment out to my base template.
In my base template I have a {% block %} such as this
{% block javascript_footer %}
[it inherits javascript from child templates...]
{% endblock %}
separate your javascript into another file and than include it into your base template and also into your fragment.
base template:
{% block javascript_footer %}
{% include '::javascript.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
your fragment:
<script>{% include '::javascript.html.twig' %}</script>
assuming that javascript.html.twig doesnt include <script> tag already

Django: making {% block "div" %} conditional with a conditional {% extends %}

I would like to share a template between AJAX and regualr HTTP calls, the only difference is that one template needs to extend base.html html, while the other dose not.
I can use
{% extends request.is_ajax|yesno:"app/base_ajax.html,app/base.html" %}
To dynamically decide when to extend, but I also need to include {% block 'some_div' %}{% endbock %} tags to tell the renderer where to put my content. The ajax call needs those tags to be left out because jQuery tells it where to put the content with $('somediv').html(response).
Any idea on how to dynamically include those block tags when its not an ajax call?
I've been referencing this question to figure it out:
Any way to make {% extends '...' %} conditional? - Django
Attempt to make it work through an {% if %}:
{% extends request.is_ajax|yesno:",stamped/home.html" %}
{% if request.is_ajax == False%}
{% block results %}
{% endif %}
{% load stamped_custom_tags %}
{% if request.is_ajax == False%}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
but this fails when parser runs into the {% endif %}
Wouldn't this, or some variant, do?
{% if request.is_ajax %}
{# ajax! #}
{% else %}
{% block 'some_div' %}{% endbock %}
{% endif %}
My Solution:
{% extends x|yesno:"stamped/blank.html,stamped/home.html" %}
Where blank.html contains:
{% block results %}{% endblock %}
<!-- to allow for corrected shared rendering
with ajax posts and normal django rendering -->
and home.html is my standard app page with a results block to extend.

Strip javascript code before rendering in django templates

{% if posts %}
{% for p in posts %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
I want this to render html but not javascript, what should I do?
There is no filter in django that can do what ou want: strip javascript and leave html.
You can create a custom template filter to do that:
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
import re
register = template.Library()
def stripjs(value):
stripped = re.sub(r'<script(?:\s[^>]*)?(>(?:.(?!/script>))*</script>|/>)', \
'', force_unicode(value), flags=re.S)
return mark_safe(stripped)
(Where to put template filters/tags: Custom template tags and filters/Code layout)
Brief explanation:
Create a folder named templatetags in your application folder. Add an empty file (for it to be a package) and a module file that will contain the filter, Copy the code in that file.
In the template file add (before any first use of the filter): {% load my_filters %}
{% if posts %}
{% for p in posts %}
{{ p|stripjs }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

