How to properly read the url of attachments from messages? - javascript

I want it to read when someone sends an image or sends a link of an image like with Imgur and then log the attachments url to a channel.
I have tried using if(message.attachments.length > 0 || message.content.includes(message.attachments)) but that seemed to do absolutely nothing. I looked on the discord.js and it says that MessageAttachments is a collection of all attachments in one single message so I attempted to resolve it and then let it output the collection into a message but that also seemed to do nothing as well. No errors or anything.
This is my full code for when someone sends an image.
if(message.attachments.length > 0 || message.content.includes(message.attachments)){
var promise1 = Promise.resolve(message.attachments);
promise1.then(function(value) {
//var att = new MessageAttachment();
//client.channels.find("name","picture-log").send(`${} sent an embed of` + att.url)

Well message.attachments does indeed return pictures or files, but only the ones uploaded to Discord directly.
So if you want to filter URLs you need to use the message.content, and find the links with regex or something like that.
I tried to make a regex for this (might not be perfect but should work):
function imgurLinks (message) {
return message.match(/https?:\/\/(www.|i.|)imgur\.com[^\s]+/g);
var links = imgurLinks("hey take a look at this:");
That function returns an array of imgur links, from there just see how many links there are (if any) and do something if there are.
.send(`${} sent imgur links: ${links.join(" ")}`)


Delete specific embed in user message with discord js (or display properly stored embed)

After noticing that deviantArt embeds on discord were really bad, I decided to make a feature in my bot that would detect a deviantart url with an event and send a better embed that worked.
If there is several urls in the message, it detects DeviantArt ones and sends embeds of them (bot).
My issue is that sometimes, in the same message (user), some DA urls embed show and some don't. So I want to delete only Deviantart embeds to keep ArtStation ones.
But the only thing I found on Discord js is message.suppressEmbeds(true)which delete all embeds of a message.
I tried using message.edit() but it is unauthorised for non-authors of the message.
I also tried looping through all embeds and storing in an array all urls not being DeviantArt. So i could re-send them after running message.suppressEmbeds(true) but the re-sent version looks somehow different. And I still can't figure out why
var messageEmbed = [];
var index = 0;
for(var embed of msg.embeds){
messageEmbed[index] = new Discord.MessageEmbed(embed);
//also tried with
//messageEmbed[index] = embed; it does the same thing
Image of what it looks like
I need either:
to find a way do delete specific embed of a message (user).
to find a way to display properly the stored embed.
It is not possible to suppress single embeds.
But you can save all embeds:
const embeds = message.embeds;
Then suppress the embeds:
And send every embed again, checking if you want to replace them.
for (let embed of embeds) {
let modifiedEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(embed);
if (embed.url === "deviantArtURL") {
// Modify the embed embed
Unfortunately there's no other way.

Google Docs Add-On - Dealing with Images

I'm trying to create a Google Docs add-on in which someone:
Selects an image
Clicks a menu item
A dialog is displayed, showing the image (on a canvas) with a couple tools
Canvas is modified using tools
Canvas data is saved and replaces the original image
Meta data for the image is saved, so it can be re-edited from the original.
I know how to get the image selection (from the GS code) and trigger the menu item and dialog. I also know how to do all of my custom code things.
I need to know:
How to get the original image URL (or extract it as a base64 string) that I can put in to a canvas
Replace the image and save it in the document.
Save metadata on a per-image basis so it can be re-edited.
Examples would be awesome, though links to documentation would also be great. I've found a lot of things, but nothing concrete on how to extract the data as anything but a blob.
(This answer is a work-in-progress. Starting an answer to put the bits as I figure them out. If someone else helps me figure out the missing bits, I'll accept theirs instead of this one).
How to get the original image URL (or extract it as a base64 string)
As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to get the default URL. I was however able to get the base64 string. It's slightly convoluted, but works.
// Gets an InlineImage in some way. I'm using the currently selected image,
// but that's irrelevant to the code sample.
// #return {InlineImage}
function getImage() {
// gets the InlineImage element somehow
// Gets the actual data URI.
// Note: this function uses image/png only. You can change this by changing
// it in the two places, or using a variable. Just be sure the two spots
// match.
// #return {string}
function getDataUri() {
return 'data:image/png;base64,' + Utilities.base64Encode(getImage().getAs('image/png').getBytes());
$(function () {
.withSuccessHandler(function (data) { console.log(data); })
.withFailureHandler(function (err) { console.log('failure: ' + err); })
An important note: you must SandboxMode.IFRAME when creating the dialog or else you'll get something like:
Rejecting <img>.setAttribute('src', blahblahblah
This is apparently due to a limitation in the Caja compiler normally used. See the answer here for more info: Using base64-encoded images with HtmlService in Apps Script

What's the best method to EXTRACT product names given a list of SKU numbers from a website?

I have a problem.
I have a list of SKU numbers (hundreds) that I'm trying to match with the title of the product that it belongs to. I have thought of a few ways to accomplish this, but I feel like I'm missing something... I'm hoping someone here has a quick and efficient idea to help me get this done.
The products come from Aidan Gray.
Attempt #1 (Batch Program Method) - FAIL:
After searching for a SKU in Aidan Gray, the website returns a URL that looks like below:
... with "SKUNUMBER" obviously being a SKU.
The first result of the webpage is almost always the product.
To click the first result (through the address bar) the following can be entered (if Javascript is enabled through the address bar):
I wanted to create a .bat file through Command Prompt and execute the following command:
firefox javascript:{document.getElementsByClassName("product-image")[0].click;}
... but Firefox doesn't seem to allow these two commands to execute in the same tab.
If that worked, I was going to go to, paste the resulting links to get the titles of the pages, and export the data to CSV format, and copy over the data I wanted.
Unfortunately, I am unable to open both the webpage and the Javascript in the same tab through a batch program.
Attempt #2 (I'm Feeling Lucky Method):
I was going to use Google's &btnI URL suffix to automatically redirect to the first result.
After opening all the links in tabs, I was going to use a Firefox add-on called "Send Tab URLs" to copy the names of the tabs (which contain the product names) to the clipboard.
The problem is that most of the results were simply not lucky enough...
If anybody has an idea or tip to get this accomplished, I'd be very grateful.
I recommend using JScript for this. It's easy to include as hybrid code in a batch script, its structure and syntax is familiar to anyone comfortable with JavaScript, and you can use it to fetch web pages via XMLHTTPRequest (a.k.a. Ajax by the less-informed) and build a DOM object from the .responseText using an htmlfile COM object.
Anyway, challenge: accepted. Save this with a .bat extension. It'll look for a text file containing SKUs, one per line, and fetch and scrape the search page for each, writing info from the first anchor element with a .className of "product-image" to a CSV file.
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
set "skufile=sku.txt"
set "outfile=output.csv"
set "URL="
rem // invoke JScript portion
cscript /nologo /e:jscript "%~f0" "%skufile%" "%outfile%" "%URL%"
echo Done.
rem // end main runtime
goto :EOF
#end // end batch / begin JScript chimera
var fso = WSH.CreateObject('scripting.filesystemobject'),
skufile = fso.OpenTextFile(WSH.Arguments(0), 1),
skus = skufile.ReadAll().split(/\r?\n/),
outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(WSH.Arguments(1), true),
URL = WSH.Arguments(2);
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }
// returns a DOM root object
function fetch(url) {
var XHR = WSH.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"),
DOM = WSH.CreateObject('htmlfile');
WSH.StdErr.Write('fetching ' + url);"GET",url,true);
while (XHR.readyState!=4) {WSH.Sleep(25)};
return DOM;
function out(what) {
WSH.StdErr.Write(new Array(79).join(String.fromCharCode(8)));
WSH.Echo('Writing to ' + WSH.Arguments(1) + '...')
for (var i=0; i<skus.length; i++) {
if (!skus[i]) continue;
var DOM = fetch(URL + skus[i]),
anchors = DOM.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var j=0; j<anchors.length; j++) {
if (/\bproduct-image\b/i.test(anchors[j].className)) {
out(skus[i]+',"' + anchors[j].title.trim() + '","' + anchors[j].href + '"');
Too bad the htmlfile COM object doesn't support getElementsByClassName. :/ But this seems to work well enough in my testing.

Get the name of a Thunderbird attachment

Is there a way to get the filename and/or filepath of an attachments from the current TB message?
I tried this (HERE is the link):
function AttachmentNames() {
var attachments = instanceOfMozMmsMessage.attachments;
with different alerts like attachments.length,attachments[0].filepath etc., but nothing happened (i guess it's improper for current mails anyway).
See along with the demo addon, or
There's also

Issues in developing web scraper

I want to develop a platform where users can enter a URL and then my website will open the webpage in an iframe. Now the user can modify his website by simply right clicking and I will provide him options like "remove this element", "copy this element". I am almost through. Many of the websites are opening perfectly in iframe but for a few websites some errors have shown up. I could not identify the reason so asking for your help.
I have solved other issues like XSS problem.
Here is the procedure I have followed :-
Used JavaScript and sent the request to my Java server which makes connection to the URL specified by the user and fetches the HTML and then use Jsoup HTML parser to convert relative URLs into absolute URLs and then save the HTML to my disk in Java. And then I render the saved HTML into my iframe.
Is somewhere wrong ?
A few websites are working perfectly but a few are not.
For example:-
When I tried to open it gave me the
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'paddingTop' of undefined
error. I don't understand why this is happening..
I really wonder how this is implemented? #
2 issues, pick any you like:
your server side proxy code contains bugs
plenty of sites have either explicit frame-break code or at least expect to be top level frame.
You can try one more thing. In your proxy script you are saving your webpage on your disk and then loading into iframe. I think instead of loading the page you saved on disk in iframe try to open that page in browser. All those sites that restirct their page to be loaded into iframe will now get opened without any error.
Try this I think it an work
My Proxy Server side code :-
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyyHHmmss");
String dirName = df.format(new Date());
String dirPath = "C:/apache-tomcat-7.0.23/webapps/offlineWeb/" + dirName;
String serverName = "http://localhost:8080/offlineWeb/" + dirName;
boolean directoryCreated = new File(dirPath).mkdir();
if (!directoryCreated)
log.error("Error in creating directory");
String html = Jsoup.connect(url.toString()).get().html();
doc = Jsoup.parse(html, url);
links ="link");
scripts ="script");
images ="img");
for (Element element : links) {
String linkHref = element.attr("abs:href");
if (linkHref != "") {
element.attr("href", linkHref);
for (Element element : scripts) {
String scriptSrc = element.attr("abs:src");
if (scriptSrc != "") {
element.attr("src", scriptSrc);
for (Element element : images) {
String imgSrc = element.attr("abs:src");
if (imgSrc != "") {
element.attr("src", imgSrc);;
And Now i am just returning the path where i saved my html file
That's it about my server code

