Kendo scheduler custom view doesn't get the right class when selected - javascript

I am currently working on a kendo scheduler.
I was asked by my client to implement a 3-days view, which I successfully did, but there is one problem : that custom view does not get the "k-state-selected" class when it is selected, which means it can't be fully stylized.
I failed to find why that could be the case : none of the examples for creating a custom time view I found mentionned anything about defining the class the view takes when selected, and furthermore, it does get the "k-state-hover" class when hovered. Strange.
Here's the (I think) relevant JS :
var ThreeDayView = kendo.ui.MultiDayView.extend({
nextDate: function () {
options: {
selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}"
name: "ThreeDayView",
calculateDateRange: function () {
//create a range of dates to be shown within the view
var start =,
idx, length,
dates = [];
for (idx = 0, length = 3; idx < length; idx++) {
start =;
date: new Date(), // The current date of the scheduler
showWorkHours: true,
height: 600,
views: [
{ type: ThreeDayView, title: "3 Jours", selected: false },
resize: true,
move: true,
template: $("#templateEdition").html()
dataSource: finalSource,
add: onAdd,
edit: onUpdate,
remove: onDelete,
save: onSaving
Does anyone have any idea why that might be ?
Thanks !

The type or the view should be a string - the name of the custom view - "ThreeDayView" (instead of ThreeDayView) in this case.


Saving Only the changed record on a BackGrid grid?

I am in the process of learning Backbone.js and using BackGrid to render data and provide the end user a way to edit records on an Microsoft MVC website. For the purposes of this test grid I am using a Vendor model. The BackGrid makes the data editable by default (which is good for my purpose). I have added the following JavaScript to my view.
var Vendor = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.on("change", function (model, options) {
if (options && === false) return;
model.url = "/Vendor/BackGridSave";;
var PageableVendors = Backbone.PageableCollection.extend(
model: Vendor,
url: "/Vendor/IndexJson",
state: {
pageSize: 3
mode: "client" // page entirely on the client side.
var pageableVendors = new PageableVendors();
//{ data: "ID" },
//{ data: "ClientID" },
//{ data: "CarrierID" },
//{ data: "Number" },
//{ data: "Name" },
//{ data: "IsActive" }
var columns = [
name: "ID", // The key of the model attribute
label: "ID", // The name to display in the header
editable: false, // By default every cell in a column is editable, but *ID* shouldn't be
// Defines a cell type, and ID is displayed as an integer without the ',' separating 1000s.
cell: Backgrid.IntegerCell.extend({
orderSeparator: ''
}, {
name: "ClientID",
label: "ClientID",
cell: "integer" // An integer cell is a number cell that displays humanized integers
}, {
name: "CarrierID",
label: "CarrierID",
cell: "number" // A cell type for floating point value, defaults to have a precision 2 decimal numbers
}, {
name: "Number",
label: "Number",
cell: "string"
}, {
name: "Name",
label: "Name",
cell: "string"
name: "IsActive",
label: "IsActive",
cell: "boolean"
// initialize a new grid instance.
var pageableGrid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: [
cell: "select-row",
headercell: "select-all"
collection: pageableVendors
// render the grid.
var $p = $("#vendor-grid").append(pageableGrid.render().el);
// Initialize the paginator
var paginator = new Backgrid.Extension.Paginator({
collection: pageableVendors
// Render the paginator
// Initialize a client-side filter to filter on the client
// mode pageable collection's cache.
var filter = new Backgrid.Extension.ClientSideFilter({
collection: pageableVendors,
fields: ['Name']
// REnder the filter.
//Add some space to the filter and move it to teh right.
$(filter.el).css({ float: "right", margin: "20px" });
// Fetch some data
pageableVendors.fetch({ reset: true });
ViewBag.Title = "BackGridIndex";
<div id="vendor-grid"></div>
#section styles {
#section scripts {
When the user edits a row, it successfully fires the hits the model.Save() method and passes the model to the save Action, in this case BackGridSave and it successfully saves the record that changed, but seems to save all of the vendors in model when only one of the vendors changed. Is there a way from the JavaScript/Backbone.js/BackGrid to only pass one Vendor - the vendor that changed?
Update: I realized that it is not sending every vendor, but it is sending the same vendor multiple times as though the change event was firing multiple times.
I guess I answered my own question. Well, at least I am getting the desired result. I just added a call to off after the first on. Seems like this would not be necessary though.
var Vendor = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.on("change", function (model, options) {
if (options && === false) return;
model.url = "/Robbys/BackGridSave";;"change", null, this); // prevent the change event from being triggered many times.

Kendo Grid Child -> using CRUD toolbar

My problem is that I Have Hierarchical grid (Master and Child) let say I Have a Department Grid it contains List of Employee Grid, and they both use same datasource.
Here's my GridChild Code:
function detailInit (e){
var msterRow = e.sender.items().index(e.masterRow).toString();
var grid = $("<div id='childGrid"+msterRow+"'
schema: {
model: { fields: { foo: {--skip--}, bar: {--skip--} } }
toolbar: ["create", "cancel", "save"],
editable: "popup",
columns: [ --skip--]
save: function(e){
As you can see i use data:, as child data source to fetch data.
Now I'm stacked in how can I update the child data source?
What I have Tried:
I add child's dataSource.transport for updates, but my child grid keeps on loading.
So I end up configuring the save: function (e) and simply send all data source of the current child but popup editor didn't close at all. And I'm having difficulty to refresh the child data source.
I also attempt to convert my Master and Child Grid to ASP Razor but there was no definite example if how could I handle it in back end, and also my child grid contains drop down grid, so that would be a big re-do. And I also don't know if how can I pass customize parameter through it
I am desperate, I can't find any working reference except this one. but it's using odata, and I dont have child id to use as reference, since I am only using list which I retrieve in a user event.
Please help :'( I'm taking too much time for this one.
The solution is to define a transport properties, in order to fetch data from master, I only need to define the data and convert that to Jason.
take a look of these code:
function detailInit (e){
var msterRow = e.sender.items().index(e.masterRow).toString();
var grid = $("<div id='childGrid"+msterRow+"'
transport: {
read: function (o) {
console.log("child read");
var data =;
update: function (o) {
console.log("child update");
var data =,
arentItem = findByID(;
for (var field in data) {
if(!(field.indexOf("_") === 0)){
arentItem[field] = data[field];
} = true;
saveChild(record, "#suffix", msterRow, "update");
destroy: function (o) {
var parentItem = findByID(;
preventBinding = true;;
saveChild(record, "#suffix", msterRow, "destroy");
create: function (o) {
console.log("child create");
var record =; = index;
saveChild(record, "#suffix", msterRow, "create");
schema: {
model: { fields: { foo: {--skip--}, bar: {--skip--} } }
toolbar: ["create", "cancel", "save"],
editable: "popup",
columns: [ --skip--]
Here's the working dojo snippet

Set default focus on first item in grid list

Once a grid is rendered how can I set focus to the first item. I am running into a problem where when the grid is updated (collection changes) then focus is lost for the entire application .
I am using the moonstone library.
kind: "ameba.DataGridList", name: "gridList", fit: true, spacing: 20, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 270, spotlight : 'container',
kind: "moon.Scroller", vertical:"scroll", horizontal: "hidden", spotlightPagingControls: true
components: [
{kind : "custom.GridItemControl", spotlight: true}
hightlight() is a private method for Spotlight which only adds the spotlight class but does not do the rest of the Spotlight plumbing. spot() is the method you should be using which calls highlight() internally.
#ruben-ray-vreeken is correct that DataList defers rendering. The easiest way to spot the first control is to set initialFocusIndex provided by moon.DataListSpotlightSupport.
name: 'ex.App',
classes: 'moon',
bindings: [
{from: ".collection", to: ".$.gridList.collection"}
components: [
{name: 'gridList', kind:"moon.DataGridList", classes: 'enyo-fit', initialFocusIndex: 0, components: [
{kind:"moon.CheckboxItem", bindings: [
{from:".model.text", to:".content"},
{from:".model.selected", to: ".checked", oneWay: false}
create: enyo.inherit(function (sup) {
return function () {
sup.apply(this, arguments);
// here, at least, the app starts in pointer mode so spotting the first control
// isn't apparent (though it would resume from that control upon 5-way action).
// Turning off pointer mode does the trick.
this.set("collection", new enyo.Collection(this.generateRecords()));
generateRecords: function () {
var records = [],
idx = this.modelIndex || 0;
for (; records.length < 20; ++idx) {
var title = (idx % 8 === 0) ? " with long title" : "";
var subTitle = (idx % 8 === 0) ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" : "Subtitle";
selected: false,
text: "Item " + idx + title,
subText: subTitle,
url: "" + Math.floor(Math.random()*0x1000000).toString(16) + "/ffffff&text=Image " + idx
// update our internal index so it will always generate unique values
this.modelIndex = idx;
return records;
new ex.App().renderInto(document.body);
Just guessing here as I don't use Moonstone, but the plain enyo.Datalist doesn't actually render its list content when the render method is called. Instead the actual rendering task is deferred and executed at a later point by the gridList's delegate.
You might want to dive into the code of the gridList's delegate and check out how it works. You could probably create a custom delegate (by extending the original) and highlight the first child in the reset and/or refresh methods:
Ruben's answer adds on to my answer that I posted in the Enyo forums, which I'm including here for the sake of completeness:
Try using
I added a rendered() function to the Moonstone DataGridList sample in the Sampler and I found that this works:
rendered: function() {
this.startJob("waitforit", function() {
}, 400);
It didn't work without the delay.

Add an "All" item to kendo ui listview populated by a remote datasource

I am building a website using MVC 4, Web API, and Kendo UI controls.
On my page I am using a Kendo UI Listview to filter my grid. I'm trying to add an "ALL" option as the first item in my listview.
Here is the listview:
var jobsfilter = $("#jobfilter").kendoListView({
selectable: "single",
loadOnDemand: false,
template: "<div class='pointercursor' id=${FilterId}>${FilterName}</div>",
dataSource: filterDataSource,
change: function (e) {
var itm =, dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[itm];
if (dataItem.FilterId !== 0) {
var $filter = new Array();
$filter.push({ field: "JobStatusId", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.FilterId });
} else {
Here is my datasource:
var filterDataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: "api/Filter"
schema: {
model: { id: "FilterId" }
I have tried a few different methods to make this happen:
I can make it work if I attach it to a button - but I need it there
when the data loads.
If I add it to the dataBound event of the listview, it causes the
databound event to go into a loop and adds the item a bunch (IE) or kills the browser (firefox). Adding preventDefault did nothing.
I've read up on adding a function to the Read paramter of the
datasource, but I think that is simply not the correct place to do
Based on what I've read, I think that I should be able to do it in the dataBound event of the listview and that my implementation is incorrect. Here is the listview with dataBound event added that crashes my browser (Firefox) - or adds about 50 "All" items to the listview (IE).
var jobsfilter = $("#jobfilter").kendoListView({
selectable: "single",
loadOnDemand: false,
template: "<div class='pointercursor' id=${FilterId}>${FilterName}</div>",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "api/Filter"
dataBound: function (e) {
var dsource = $("#jobfilter").data("kendoListView").dataSource;
dsource.insert(0, { FilterId: 0, FilterName: "All" });
change: function (e) {
var itm =, dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[itm];
if (dataItem.FilterId !== 0) {
var $filter = new Array();
$filter.push({ field: "JobStatusId", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.FilterId });
} else {
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why don't you add it server-side?
Anyway, if you want to do it in dataBound, just check whether it exists and only add if it doesn't:
dataBound: function (e) {
var dsource = this.dataSource;
if ( !== "All") {
dsource.insert(0, {
FilterId: 0,
FilterName: "All"
As an explanation to the problem you're seeing: you're creating an infinite loop since inserting an element in the data source will trigger the change event and the list view will refresh and bind again (and thus trigger dataBound).
You could also encapsulate this in a custom widget:
(function ($, kendo) {
var ui = kendo.ui,
ListView = ui.ListView;
var CustomListView = ListView.extend({
init: function (element, options) {
// base call to widget initialization, element, options);
this.dataSource.insert(0, {
FilterId: 0,
FilterName: "All"
options: {
name: "CustomListView"
})(window.jQuery, window.kendo);

Kendo UI Grid Not showing spinner / load icon on initial read

I've set up my kendo ui grid to read data from an MVC action that returns JSON. I'm using the free version of Kendo and not the MVC specific, due to cost.
The issue is that when the page loads and does the initial population of the grid it doesn't show the loading spinner. After grid is populated and I go to another page or sort a column it shows up.
If I set the height parameter of the grid, I get the initial spinner but the grid only shows one row (should have shown 20).
Does anyone know why you have to set the height parameter? Or any way of getting the spinner to work without setting the height.
My kendo javascript kode:
dataSource: new{
transport: {
read: url,
parameterMap: function (options) {
var result = {
pageSize: options.pageSize,
skip: options.skip,
take: options.take,
if (options.sort) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.sort.length; i++) {
result["sort[" + i + "].field"] = options.sort[i].field;
result["sort[" + i + "].dir"] = options.sort[i].dir;
return result;
requestStart: function () {
//kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), true); <-- this works on initial load, but gives two spinners on every page or sort change
requestEnd: function () {
//kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), false);
pageSize: 20,
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
schema: {
total: "total",
data: "data"
height: "100%", <-- I want to avoid this as it renders the grid way to small
sortable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [
field: "PaymentRefId",
title: "Id"
field: "DueDate",
title: "Due Date"
field: "Credit",
title: "Amount"
field: "InvoiceGroupId",
title: " ",
sortable: false,
template: 'See details'
I had this same issue. It actually is rendering the spinner / progress bar, but because the grid content area initially has no height, you can't see it. This worked for me. Give it a shot:
// This forces the grids to have just al little height before the initial data is loaded.
// Without this the loading progress bar / spinner won't be shown.
.k-grid-content {
min-height: 200px;
The solution var to use a variable to tell me if the dataset load was the initial one or not. It's not a perfect solution, but it's the only one I've been able to make work.
var initialLoad = true;
sortable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [
field: "PaymentRefId",
title: "Id"
field: "DueDate",
title: "Due Date"
field: "Credit",
title: "Amount"
field: "InvoiceGroupId",
title: " ",
sortable: false,
template: 'See details'
var ds = new{
transport: {
read: url,
parameterMap: function (options) {
var result = {
pageSize: options.pageSize,
skip: options.skip,
take: options.take,
if (options.sort) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.sort.length; i++) {
result["sort[" + i + "].field"] = options.sort[i].field;
result["sort[" + i + "].dir"] = options.sort[i].dir;
return result;
requestStart: function () {
if (initialLoad) <-- if it's the initial load, manually start the spinner
kendo.ui.progress($("#invoiceGroupGrid"), true);
requestEnd: function () {
kendo.ui.progress($("#invoiceGroupGrid"), false);
initialLoad = false; <-- make sure the spinner doesn't fire again (that would produce two spinners instead of one)
pageSize: 20,
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
schema: {
total: "total",
data: "data"
Chances are, because you are creating and setting the datasource in the grid's initialization, the grid loads so fast that you don't see a load spinner. If you look at all the web demos for kendogrid on their website, you rarely see the initial load spinner. On large remote datasources that take longer to load, you would see it.
If I set the height parameter of the grid, I get the initial spinner but the grid only shows one row (should have shown 20)
It's not that it only shows one row. It's because it failed to read it your height property value so it defaulted to as small as possible. Height takes in a numeric pixel value and does not accept percentages. It couldn't read your value, so it probably took longer to initialize the grid, which allowed you to see the load spinner. Instead, height should be set like height: 400, for example. But this is besides the point.
If you really want the user to see a load spinner on start, try loading the datasource outside of the grid initialization. Basically, load the grid first, and load the datasource after so that there is slightly more delay between the grid rendering and datasource setting.
//kendoGrid details... but exclude dataSource
var ds = new{
//DataSource details...
And then set the datasource like this:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
However, I think this would still load pretty fast.
Another last resort if you still really want the spinner is to trick the user into thinking it's taking longer to load and manually call the load spinner like you've tried. Call kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), true);, execute a small delay function for say 250ms and then turn the load spinner off, and then call grid.setDataSource(ds); and refresh.

