How to keep the input field disabled upon refresh as well? - javascript

I am disabling the input field after the user enters the data and submits. But, if we refresh or press ctl+F5 the disabled fields enables and becomes editable. Below is the code I have, what should I do to keep it disabled even upon refresh? Thank you.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function() {
document.getElementById('firstname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lastname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('email').disabled = true;
I am using localstorage to store the data

Easiest solution is to use sessionStorage:
<script type="text/javascript">
const disableInputs = function() {
sessionStorage.disableInputs = 'true';
document.getElementById('firstname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lastname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('email').disabled = true;
if (sessionStorage.disableInputs === 'true') disableInputs();
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = disableInputs;
If you want the disable effect to last past the session, use localStorage instead.

Use sessionStorage :
<script type="text/javascript">
var disable = function() {
document.getElementById('firstname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lastname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('email').disabled = true;
sessionStorage.setItem("isDisabled", true);
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = disable;
if(sessionStorage.getItem("isDisable") === 'true') {
disable();//call your function

Put the setting inside
COOKIE version
function disablefield(){
document.getElementById('firstname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lastname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('email').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function() {
$.cookie("is_disable", 1);
if ($.cookie("is_disable")==1) disablefield();
Session version
function disablefield(){
document.getElementById('firstname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lastname').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('email').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function() {
$.session.set("is_disable", "1");
if ($.session.get("is_disable")==1) disablefield();


add exception on onbeforeunload

I have this code on my sites:
<script type="text/javascript">
var popit = true;
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if(popit == true) {
popit = false;
setTimeout(function(){"/out.php", "_blank");
window.location.href = "/out.php";
}, 0);
return "Do you really wanna exit this website?";
popit= true;
function noPop() {
popit = false;
But I have also an popunder code that triggers my onbeforeunload:
<script src="/js/p.js" data-endpoint-uuid="07c9a1e6-76be-45cb-9788-7a3e4e42b69b" data-subid="default" data-mode="popup" defer></script>
How I can add an exception for that pop script?

Function is not calling the correct function

I want to save a bool value for when you refresh the page, the value is true (if you want the color theme to be default, white) and false (if you want the color theme to be dark, black). Local storage is saving the last value correctly, and loading the correct value, but it is still not working, I don't know why. Here is my code, any help would be grateful.
var link = document.getElementById("color-mode");
var button = document.getElementById("theme-button");
var searchButton = document.getElementById("search-button");
var userSettings = document.getElementById("user-settings");
var siteLogo = document.getElementById("site-logo");
var isDefault = false;
button.onclick = function() {
if(isDefault == true) {
else {
function DefaultTheme() {
link.href = "../static/CSS/default.css";
isDefault = true;
searchButton.src = "../static/Media/SearchIconDefault.png";
userSettings.src = "../static/Media/UserIconDefault.png";
siteLogo.src = "../static/Media/LogoDefault.png";
window.localStorage.setItem("saveTheme", isDefault);
function DarkTheme() {
link.href = "../static/CSS/dark.css";
isDefault = false;
searchButton.src = "../static/Media/SearchIconDark.png";
userSettings.src = "../static/Media/UserIconDark.png";
siteLogo.src = "../static/Media/LogoDark.png";
window.localStorage.setItem("saveTheme", isDefault);
function load() {
isDefault = window.localStorage.getItem("saveTheme");
console.log("Val: " + isDefault);
if(isDefault == false) {
else {
Read your code:
load() initially had isDefault as false
it calls DarkTheme, which sets isDefault also to false
then user click button
isDefault is false - then DarkTheme is called, which test isDefault also to false.
Application basically can't enter other theme, except the case where you change something manually in localStorage.
Change code to :
button.onclick = function() {
if(isDefault == true) {
else {

Ask when close tab

I would like to ask user, when close my page. I tried this scripts:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit() {
return "alert";
<script type="text/javascript">
var areYouReallySure = false;
function areYouSure() {
if (!areYouReallySure && true) {
areYouReallySure = true;
var confMessage = "***************************************\n\n W A I T !!! \n\nBefore leaving our site, follow CodexWorld for getting regular updates on Programming and Web Development.\n\n\nCLICK THE *CANCEL* BUTTON RIGHT NOW\n\n***************************************";
return confMessage;
} else {
allowPrompt = true;
var allowPrompt = true;
window.onbeforeunload = areYouSure;
<script src=""></script>
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
return "You should keep this page open.";
I read that in modern browsers scripts may not work. Is there any other way to solve this problem?

Use cookies to toggle body class

I've being bashing my head around finding a working solution for this.
Goal is to create a text size switcher for people with poor eyesight.
I have created three span elements with classes small, medium and large.
And I have a piece of code that almost gets the job done but it needs that cookie part.
$(function() {
$(".font-toggle span").click(function() {
var size = $(this).attr('class');
$("body").attr("id", size);
return false;
How can i use cookies to save my selection and add it after page refresh ?
Have been reading many stackoverflow posts about setting cookies but all of them feature only one toggle. Here I have three.
Many thanks!
$(".font-toggle span").click(function() {
var size = $(this).attr('class');
$("body").attr("id", size);
if($.cookie('mycookie') == 'valueOfCookie'){
$.cookie('mycookie', '');
$.cookie('mycookie', 'valueOfCookie');
return false;
if($.cookie('mycookie') == 'valueOfCookie'){
$("body").attr("id", 'big-font');
font-size: 40px;
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="font-toggle">
<span class="big-font">
Text To Show
Maybe this will work for you.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
let eyesight = $.cookie('eyesight');
if (eyesight != undefined) {
} else
setEyesight('medium'); // Default size
$(".font-toggle span").click(function() {
function setEyesight(size) {
let eyesight = $.cookie('eyesight');
if (eyesight != undefined) {
$.cookie('eyesight', size);
What about this?
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
let eyesight = new Eyesight();
$(".font-toggle span").click(function() {
function Eyesight() {
let self = this;
let name = "eyesight";
let current = null;
let _default = "medium";
let data = $.cookie(name);
// initialzie
this.initialize = function() {
if (data!= undefined) {
current = data;
} else
self.set(_default); // Default size
// init cookie listener
// set eyesight function
this.set = function(size) {
if (data != undefined) {
$.cookie(name, size);
current = size;
// eyesight cookie listener function
this.listener = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
let cookie = $.cookie(name);
if (cookie != undefined && cookie != current)
}, 100);

javascript multiple functions at once

As I needed help here
#ryanpcmcquen offered great help, but as a "noob" at javascript I would like to know 2 more things
When I want to create another function how do I make it?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
'use strict';
var unitBlock = document.querySelector('select#unit_block');
var unitRowBig = document.querySelector('select#unit_row_big');
var unitRow = document.querySelector('select#unit_row');
var unitColumn = document.querySelector('select#unit_column');
var unitSize = document.querySelector('select#unit_size');
unitBlock.addEventListener('change', function () {
if (unitBlock.value === 'A') {
unitRowBig.disabled = false;
unitRowBig[4].disabled = false;
} else {
unitRowBig.disabled = false;
unitRowBig[4].disabled = true;
unitBlock.addEventListener('change1', function () {
if ((unitRowBig.value === '1') && (unitBlock.value === 'A')) {
unitRow.disabled = false;
unitRow[8].disabled = true;
unitRow[9].disabled = true;
unitRow[10].disabled = true;
unitRow[11].disabled = true;
unitRow[12].disabled = true;
Because it doesn't seems to work my way.
No need to add a new event, besides change1 is not a valid event, you can find a list of events here:
Just put that conditional inside the original event handler:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
'use strict';
var unitBlock = document.querySelector('select#unit_block');
var unitRowBig = document.querySelector('select#unit_row_big');
var unitRow = document.querySelector('select#unit_row');
var unitColumn = document.querySelector('select#unit_column');
var unitSize = document.querySelector('select#unit_size');
unitBlock.addEventListener('change', function () {
// You may want to comment out all of this section:
if (unitBlock.value === 'A') {
unitRowBig.disabled = false;
unitRowBig[4].disabled = false;
} else {
unitRowBig.disabled = false;
unitRowBig[4].disabled = true;
// Down to here.
// Here's your code!
if ((unitRowBig.value === '1') && (unitBlock.value === 'A')) {
unitRow.disabled = false;
unitRow[8].disabled = true;
unitRow[9].disabled = true;
unitRow[10].disabled = true;
unitRow[11].disabled = true;
unitRow[12].disabled = true;
// Including an antithetical clause,
// to account for the user changing their mind.
} else {
unitRow.disabled = true;
unitRow[8].disabled = false;
unitRow[9].disabled = false;
unitRow[10].disabled = false;
unitRow[11].disabled = false;
unitRow[12].disabled = false;
Note that I also included the opposite disabled conditions in an else clause, in case the user makes one choice, and then changes to another.
In case you really need two separate functions (what is not the case here), just do it like this:
unitBlock.addEventListener('change', function () {
console.log('First event listener')
unitBlock.addEventListener('change', function () {
console.log('Second event listener')
document.addEventListener stores all the functions you sent to him, so when the change event will be fired, it will execute all of them, in the order you passed them to it.
In short, when the change event is fired, you will have:
> "First event listener"
> "Second event listener"
I hope this helped you!

