Disable an asp net Button with javascript - javascript

I have a partial view where I would like to disable a button under certain conditions.
<td style="padding-left: 30px;">
<asp:Button ID="AddProdCostLine" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" Text="Add Line" CssClass="buttonBlue"></asp:Button>
In my javascript, I needed to check that some textboxes were filled, If not the user shouldn't be able to trigger the button (by disabling it)
In fact I need to set a textbox mandatory under the same conditions. That was my idea.
I can't find a way to disable my button here is the code :
function LoadComponentProdCost() {
$(function () {
$('input[id*="ProductionCostLineField"]').blur(function () {
var amount = this.value;
var textInInvoice = 'Mandatory';
$('input[id*="ProductionCostInvoiceToLineField"]').each(function () {
if (amount == '' || amount == '0') {
textInInvoice = '';
} else {
textInInvoice = 'Mandatory';
alert("You must inform the field 'Invoiced By'");
//doesn't work I need here to disable the button
document.getElementById("<%=AddProdCostLine.ClientID%>").disabled = "disabled";
document.getElementById('<%= AddProdCostLine.ClientID %>').disabled = true;
document.getElementById("<%=AddProdCostLine.ClientID%>").setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
My Javascript is in the partial view file .ascx
The rendered HTML for the component is like so :
<input name="ProdCostControl$ProdCostGrid$ctl02$ProductionCostInvoiceToLineField" type="text" maxlength="100" id="ProdCostControl_ProdCostGrid_ctl02_ProductionCostInvoiceToLineField" tabindex="25" style="width:269px;">

By using alert() function I managed to debug/check if my component was null so here is the solution to the code I post above :
function LoadComponentProdCost() {
$(function () {
$('input[id*="ProductionCostLineField"]').blur(function () {
var amount = this.value;
$('input[id*="ProductionCostInvoiceToLineField"]').each(function () {
var textInvoicedBy = this.value;
if (amount == '' || amount == '0') {
document.getElementById("<%=AddProdCostLine.ClientID%>").className = 'buttonBlue';
} else {
if (this.value != '' || amount == '' || amount == '0') {
document.getElementById("<%=AddProdCostLine.ClientID%>").className = 'buttonBlue';
document.getElementById('<%= AddProdCostLine.ClientID %>').disabled = false;
if ((amount != '' || amount != '0') && textInvoicedBy == '') {
alert("You must inform the field 'Invoiced By'");
document.getElementById("<%=AddProdCostLine.ClientID%>").className = 'buttonLightGray3';
document.getElementById('<%= AddProdCostLine.ClientID %>').disabled = true;


JavaScript Function with multi-parameters

how to send this with eval as paramters for javascript function ?
<asp:RadioButton runat="server" id="rd" ClientIDMode="AutoID" onclick='<%# String.Format("OnCheckChange(\"{0}\", \"{1}\");", this, Eval("BookID"))%>' />
this way doesn't work and here my function which always return
Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefined
function OnCheckChange(rb,idm ) {
//logic for exclusive setting the radio button that was last clicked.
var table = document.getElementById('ListTable');
var radiobtn = table.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (k = 0; k < radiobtn.length; k++)
if ((radiobtn[k].type == 'radio') && (rb.id == radiobtn[k].id))
radiobtn[k].checked = true;
radiobtn[k].checked = false;
//Book id against the selected radio button.
var hdfield = rb.parentNode.parentNode.cells[0].getElementsByTagName('input');
if (hdfield[0].type == 'hidden')
document.getElementById("hdnField").value = idm;
//enabling /disabling buttons on the basis of checkin /checkout
if (rb.parentNode.parentNode.cells[6].innerHTML == 'Checked In') {
document.getElementById('btnCheckIn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('btnCheckOut').disabled = true;
else if (rb.parentNode.parentNode.cells[6].innerHTML == 'Checked Out') {
document.getElementById('btnCheckOut').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('btnCheckIn').disabled = false;
if i send this without eval its work

TextBox validation Issue

i have a textbox and its javascript function declared as follows
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" onKeyUp="javascript:Count(this);" TextMode="Number"></asp:TextBox>
function Count(text) {
//asp.net textarea maxlength doesnt work; do it by hand
var maxlength = 4; //set your value here (or add a parm and pass it in)
var object = document.getElementById(text.id) //get your object
if (object.value.length > maxlength) {
object.focus(); //set focus to prevent jumping
object.value = text.value.substring(0, maxlength); //truncate the value
object.scrollTop = object.scrollHeight; //scroll to the end to prevent jumping
return false;
return true;
I have also set the TextMode property of TextBox to Number, but i can still enter the Alphabet "e/E" and while entering this particular alphabet my javascript function is also not called. How should i solve this problem.
Try this. You can use multiple data types for validating the input. And you can just use the MaxLength attribute to limit the characters to 4.
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" onkeyup="checkString(this, 'INT')" MaxLength="4" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkString(inputID, inputType) {
if (inputID.value != "") {
if (inputType == "NUMERIC") {
validChars = "0-9,.";
} else if (inputType == "INT") {
validChars = "0-9";
} else if (inputType == "HASHTAG") {
validChars = "a-z0-9-_#";
} else if (inputType == "ALPHA") {
validChars = "a-z";
} else {
validChars = "a-z0-9";
var regexp = new RegExp("[" + validChars + "]+", "ig");
var matches = inputID.value.match(regexp);
if (matches == null) {
inputID.value = "";
} else if (matches.length != 0) {
inputID.value = matches.join("");

Error: '0.type' is null or not an object in javascript

I am getting the error below when I click the button that calls the JavaScript to do the validation. The strange thing is that everything was working before but I am not what happened now. If I select to ignore this error:
Error: '0.type' is null or not an object
then the code works fine but I get the error first then it asks me if i want to debug it, if i select No then the code works fine. Please help. thanks
it seems the code stops at this line:
if (areas[0].type == "textarea") {
but here is my entire code:
<script type ="text/javascript">
function Validate_1() {
var flag = false;
var gridView = document.getElementById('<%= GridView1.ClientID %>');
for (var i = 1; i < gridView.rows.length; i++) {
var selects = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('select');
//var inputs = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('input');
var areas = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('textarea');
if (selects != null && areas != null) {
if (areas[0].type == "textarea") {
var txtval = areas[0].value;
var selectval = selects[0].value;
if (selectval == "No" && (txtval == "" || txtval == null)) {
flag = false;
else {
flag = true;
document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'visible';
if (!flag) {
alert('Please note that comments are required if you select "No" from the dropdown box. Thanks');
document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'hidden';
// areas[i].focus();
// areas.[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
return flag;
// document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'visible';
var areas = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('textarea');
getElementsByTagNane does not return null, the length would be zero
So your if check needs to change.
if (selects != null && areas != null)
should be
if (selects.length && areas.length)

form validation with radio buttons and specific errors

I am trying to make a form validate where there are radio buttons and textarea. I want nothing to be left empty i.e the form should be completely filled. I have done the radio buttons part of validation where if a user does not select a radio button he will get an error for that particular question. you can see the code here for detailed code.
Please help me out. I am not getting error for textarea.
Just add another check for textarea
function RadioValidator() {
var ShowAlert = '';
var AllFormElements = window.document.getElementById("FormID").elements;
for (i = 0; i < AllFormElements.length; i++) {
var name = AllFormElements[i].name;
if (AllFormElements[i].type == 'radio') {
} else if (AllFormElements[i].type == 'textarea') {
if (AllFormElements[i].value == '') {
ShowAlert += name + ' textarea must be filled\n';
if (ShowAlert !== '') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
you didn't write any validation for 'textarea' block. I have updated it with one textarea... add rest validations.
function RadioValidator()
var ShowAlert = '';
var AllFormElements = window.document.getElementById("FormID").elements;
for (i = 0; i < AllFormElements.length; i++)
if (AllFormElements[i].type == 'radio')
var ThisRadio = AllFormElements[i].name;
var ThisChecked = 'No';
var AllRadioOptions = document.getElementsByName(ThisRadio);
var problem_desc = document.getElementById("problem_desc");
for (x = 0; x < AllRadioOptions.length; x++)
if (AllRadioOptions[x].checked && ThisChecked === 'No' && problem_desc.value === "")
ThisChecked = 'Yes';
var AlreadySearched = ShowAlert.indexOf(ThisRadio);
if (ThisChecked == 'No' && AlreadySearched == -1 && problem_desc.value === "")
ShowAlert = ShowAlert + ThisRadio + ' option must be selected\n';
}else if(AllFormElements[i].type =='textarea')
// add your rest of text area validations here
var problem_desc_1 = document.getElementById("problem_desc");
if(problem_desc_1.value === "")
ShowAlert = ShowAlert + '"Services (Please Specify)" can not be blank. \n';
if (ShowAlert !== '')
return false;
return true;
You need to add a check for textarea as well
In your javascript check you have only added a condition for type radio.
check for textarea type as well and add error if the value is blank.

Disable submit until form is filled javascript

I need to disable the submit button until all fields are filled with the rules any tips?
window.onload = $("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
var total = document.getElementById('valor_total'),
descontado = document.getElementById('valor_descontado'),
valor_final = document.getElementById('valor_final'),
vendedor = document.getElementById('vendedor'),
cliente = document.getElementById('cliente'),
no_contrato = document.getElementById('contrato'),
var f_total = total.value;
var f_descontado = descontado.value;
var f_final = valor_final.value;
var f_vendedor = vendedor.value;
var f_cliente = cliente.value;
var f_no_contrato = no_contrato.value;
$("#numero_contrato").blur(function() {
if ( f_vendedor == "0" || f_cliente == "0" || f_no_contrato == "" || f_total == "0,00" || f_final == "0,00") {
validation = false;
} else {
validation = true;
if (validation = true) {
} else {
$("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
what i'm doin wrong?
I want that user type in the field with id numero_contrato the function runs and enable or not the submit
For starters, try fixing this conditional:
if (validation === true) {
} else {
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
You had a single equals which is used for assignment. You want double or preferably, triple equals. But you can drop those entirely since you're using a boolean: if (validation) { ... }

