Is it possible to have an emoji-only text input? - javascript

I'm building an Ionic2 app and one of my text fields needs to be an emoji-only field.. to make my situation a little harder, the input field can only be 1 emoji long.
From what I know of emojis, some are considered 2 characters, and some are 1, which makes me wonder how I can force only 1 emoji length in a text input.
Is this possible? Essentially just a text field that only accepts 1 emoji..
Any feedback would be great. Thank you!

Since you haven't yet provided your own code I'm not going to answer your whole question.
You could start off by using a regular expression that only allows characters and then modify it using something like the emoji regex library provided below.
var val = "🐬";
if (val.match(/[^a-zA-Z]/g)) { // NOTE: will also match only characters
} else {
console.log("Only characters allowed.")
You could also try a library like the following that's a regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
There's also a great article on Optimizing RegEx for Emoji.


How do i allow only one (dash or dot or underscore) in a user form input using regular expression in javascript?

I'm trying to implement a username form validation in javascript where the username
can't start with numbers
can't have whitespaces
can't have any symbols but only One dot or One underscore or One dash
example of a valid username: the_user-one.123
example of invalid username: 1----- user
i've been trying to implement this for awhile but i couldn't figure out how to have only one of each allowed symbol:-
const usernameValidation = /(?=^[\w.-]+$)^\D/g
console.log(usernameValidation.test('1username')) //false
console.log(usernameValidation.test('username-One')) //true
How about using a negative lookahead at the start:
This will check if the string
neither starts with digit
nor contains two [_.-] by use of capture and backreference
See this demo at regex101 (more explanation on the right side)
Preface: Due to my severe carelessness, I assumed the context was usage of the HTML pattern attribute instead of JavaScript input validation. I leave this answer here for posterity in case anyone really wants to do this with regex.
Although regex does have functionality to represent a pattern occuring consecutively within a certain number of times (via {<lower-bound>,<upper-bound>}), I'm not aware of regex having "elegant" functionality to enforce a set of patterns each occuring within a range of number of times but in any order and with other patterns possibly in between.
Some workarounds I can think of:
Make a regex that allows for one of each permutation of ordering of special characters (note: newlines added for readability):
Note that the above regex can be simplified if you don't want usernames to start with special characters either.
Friendly reminder to also make sure you use the HTML attributes to enforce a minimum and maximum input character length where appropriate.
If you feel that regex isn't well suited to your use-case, know that you can do custom validation logic using javascript, which gives you much more control and can be much more readable compared to regex, but may require more lines of code to implement. Seeing the regex above, I would personally seriously consider the custom javascript route.
Note: I find very helpful in learning, writing, and testing regex. Make sure to set the "flavour" to "JavaScript" in your case.
I have to admit that Bobble bubble's solution is the better fit. Here ia a comparison of the different cases:
console.log("Comparison between mine and Bobble Bubble's solution:\n\nusername mine,BobbleBubble");
["valid-usrId1","1nvalidUsrId","An0therVal1d-One","inva-lid.userId","","test.-case"].forEach(u=>console.log(u.padEnd(20," "),chck(u)));
function chck(s){
return [!!s.match(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$/) && ( s.match(/[._-]/g) || []).length<2, // mine
!!s.match(/^(?!\d|.*?([_.-]).*\1)[\w.-]+$/)].join(","); // Bobble bulle
The differences can be seen in the last three test cases.

Validating client-side data input using a pattern

I am currently working on a project whereby data can be added into a database via a website. Currently I have managed to configure it so that the form accepts title, postcode, vehicle reg and ID number.
Javascript validation is working fine for these entries, with the exception of ID number. All ID numbers are a specific format (2 numbers followed by a . followed by 4 numbers).
I cannot seem to work out how to define the pattern.
Due to the size of my code, I have not posted the full code here (all is validating except this ID validation), but I've provided a snip of the 'if' statement below which I'm trying to come up with.
if ( == "wid") {
pattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/;
feedback = "Only 2 numbers followed by a . followed by 4 numbers are
I know that the pattern isn't correct here but I have searched for hours trying to locate some easy to explain guidance and cannot find anything which appears to be relevant.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you
You can try out something like to test you regexes, and see an explanation of it.
I think your pattern should be this: /^[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}$/.
The first part ([0-9]{2}) makes sure that the id starts with 2 digits, then a dot \. (which must be escaped, because it means "every character" otherwise) and then 4 digits [0-9]{4}

Partial matching a string against a regex

Suppose that I have this regular expression: /abcd/
Suppose that I wanna check the user input against that regex and disallow entering invalid characters in the input. When user inputs "ab", it fails as an match for the regex, but I can't disallow entering "a" and then "b" as user can't enter all 4 characters at once (except for copy/paste). So what I need here is a partial match which checks if an incomplete string can be potentially a match for a regex.
Java has something for this purpose: .hitEnd() (described here python doesn't do it natively but has this package that does the job:
I didn't find any solution for it in js. It's been asked years ago: Javascript RegEx partial match
and even before that: Check if string is a prefix of a Javascript RegExp
P.S. regex is custom, suppose that the user enters the regex herself and then tries to enter a text that matches that regex. The solution should be a general solution that works for regexes entered at runtime.
Looks like you're lucky, I've already implemented that stuff in JS (which works for most patterns - maybe that'll be enough for you). See my answer here. You'll also find a working demo there.
There's no need to duplicate the full code here, I'll just state the overall process:
Parse the input regex, and perform some replacements. There's no need for error handling as you can't have an invalid pattern in a RegExp object in JS.
Replace abc with (?:a|$)(?:b|$)(?:c|$)
Do the same for any "atoms". For instance, a character group [a-c] would become (?:[a-c]|$)
Keep anchors as-is
Keep negative lookaheads as-is
Had JavaScript have more advanced regex features, this transformation may not have been possible. But with its limited feature set, it can handle most input regexes. It will yield incorrect results on regex with backreferences though if your input string ends in the middle of a backreference match (like matching ^(\w+)\s+\1$ against hello hel).
As many have stated there is no standard library, fortunately I have written a Javascript implementation that does exactly what you require. With some minor limitation it works for regular expressions supported by Javascript.
see: incr-regex-package.
Further there is also a react component that uses this capability to provide some useful capabilities:
Check input as you type
Auto complete where possible
Make suggestions for possible input values
Demo of the capabilities Demo of use
I think that you have to have 2 regex one for typing /a?b?c?d?/ and one for testing at end while paste or leaving input /abcd/
This will test for valid phone number:
const input = document.getElementById('input')
let oldVal = ''
input.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
if (/^\d{0,3}-?\d{0,3}-?\d{0,3}$/.test({
oldVal =
} else { = oldVal
input.addEventListener('blur', e => {
console.log(/^\d{3}-?\d{3}-?\d{3}-?$/.test( ? 'valid' : 'not valid')
<input id="input">
And this is case for name surname
const input = document.getElementById('input')
let oldVal = ''
input.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
if (/^[A-Z]?[a-z]*\s*[A-Z]?[a-z]*$/.test({
oldVal =
} else { = oldVal
input.addEventListener('blur', e => {
console.log(/^[A-Z][a-z]+\s+[A-Z][a-z]+$/.test( ? 'valid' : 'not valid')
<input id="input">
This is the hard solution for those who think there's no solution at all: implement the python version ( in js. So it is possible. If someone has simpler answer he'll win the bounty.
Example using python module (regular expression with back reference):
$ pip install regex
$ python
>>> import regex
>>> regex.Regex(r'^(\w+)\s+\1$').fullmatch('abcd ab',partial=True)
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 7), match='abcd ab', partial=True>
You guys would probably find this page of interest:
It was a valiant effort: make a WebAssembly implementation that would support PCRE. I'm still playing with it, but I suspect it's not practical. The WebAssembly binary weighs in at ~300K; and if your JS terminates unexpectedly, you can end up not destroying the module, and consequently leaking significant memory.
The bottom line is: this is clearly something the ECMAscript people should be formalizing, and browser manufacturers should be furnishing (kudos to the WebAssembly developer into possibly shaming them to get on the stick...)
I recently tried using the "pattern" attribute of an input[type='text'] element. I, like so many others, found it to be a letdown that it would not validate until a form was submitted. So a person would be wasting their time typing (or pasting...) numerous characters and jumping on to other fields, only to find out after a form submit that they had entered that field wrong. Ideally, I wanted it to validate field input immediately, as the user types each key (or at the time of a paste...)
The trick to doing a partial regex match (until the ECMAscript people and browser makers get it together with PCRE...) is to not only specify a pattern regex, but associated template value(s) as a data attribute. If your field input is shorter than the pattern (or input.maxLength...), it can use them as a suffix for validation purposes. YES -this will not be practical for regexes with complex case outcomes; but for fixed-position template pattern matching -which is USUALLY what is needed- it's fine (if you happen to need something more complex, you can build on the methods shown in my code...)
The example is for a bitcoin address [ Do I have your attention now? -OK, not the people who don't believe in digital currency tech... ] The key JS function that gets this done is validatePattern. The input element in the HTML markup would be specified like this:
<input id="forward_address"
onkeydown="return validatePattern(event)"
onpaste="return validatePattern(event)"
[Credit goes to this post: "RegEx to match Bitcoin addresses?
" Note to old-school bitcoin zealots who will decry the use of a zero in the regex here -it's just an example for accomplishing PRELIMINARY validation; the server accepting the address passed off by the browser can do an RPC call after a form post, to validate it much more rigorously. Adjust your regex to suit.]
The exact choice of characters in the data-entry-template was a bit arbitrary; but they had to be ones such that if the input being typed or pasted by the user is still incomplete in length, it will use them as an optimistic stand-in and the input so far will still be considered valid. In the example there, for the last of the data-entry-templates ('19999999999999999999999999999999999'), that was a "1" followed by 39 nines (seeing as how the regex spec "{25,39}" dictates that a maximum of 39 digits in the second character span/group...) Because there were two forms to expect -the "bc" prefix and the older "1"/"3" prefix- I furnished a few stand-in templates for the validator to try (if it passes just one of them, it validates...) In each template case, I furnished the longest possible pattern, so as to insure the most permissive possibility in terms of length.
If you were generating this markup on a dynamic web content server, an example with template variables (a la django...) would be:
<input id="forward_address"
pattern="{{BTC_ADDRESS_REGEX}}" {# base58... #}
data-entry-templates="{{BTC_ADDRESS_TEMPLATES}}" {# base58... #}
onkeydown="return validatePattern(event)"
onpaste="return validatePattern(event)"
[Keep in mind: I went to the deeper end of the pool here. You could just as well use this for simpler patterns of validation.]
And if you prefer to not use event attributes, but to transparently hook the function to the element's events at document load -knock yourself out.
You will note that we need to specify validatePattern on three events:
The keydown, to intercept delete and backspace keys.
The paste (the clipboard is pasted into the field's value, and if it works, it accepts it as valid; if not, the paste does not transpire...)
Of course, I also took into account when text is partially selected in the field, dictating that a key entry or pasted text will replace the selected text.
And here's a link to the [dependency-free] code that does the magic:
(If it happens to generate interest, I'll integrate constructive and practical suggestions and give it a better readme...)
PS: The incremental-regex package posted above by Lucas Trzesniewski:
Appears not to have been updated? (I saw signs that it was undergoing modification??)
Is not browserified (tried doing that to it, to kick the tires on it -it was a module mess; welcome anyone else here to post a browserified version for testing. If it works, I'll integrate it with my input validation hooks and offer it as an alternative solution...) If you succeed in getting it browserfied, maybe sharing the exact steps that were needed would also edify everyone on this post. I tried using the esm package to fix version incompatibilities faced by browserify, but it was no go...
I strongly suspect (although I'm not 100% sure) that general case of this problem has no solution the same way as famous Turing's "Haltin problem" (see Undecidable problem). And even if there is a solution, it most probably will be not what users actually want and thus depending on your strictness will result in a bad-to-horrible UX.
Assume "target RegEx" is [a,b]*c[a,b]* also assume that you produced a reasonable at first glance "test RegEx" [a,b]*c?[a,b]* (obviously two c in the string is invalid, yeah?) and assume that the current user input is aabcbb but there is a typo because what the user actually wanted is aacbbb. There are many possible ways to fix this typo:
remove c and add it before first b - will work OK
remove first b and add after c - will work OK
add c before first b and then remove the old one - Oops, we prohibit this input as invalid and the user will go crazy because no normal human can understand such a logic.
Note also that your hitEnd will have the same problem here unless you prohibit user to enter characters in the middle of the input box that will be another way to make a horrible UI.
In the real life there would be many much more complicated examples that any of your smart heuristics will not be able to account for properly and thus will upset users.
So what to do? I think the only thing you can do and still get reasonable UX is the simplest thing you can do i.e. just analyze your "target RegEx" for set of allowed characters and make your "test RegEx" [set of allowed chars]*. And yes, if the "target RegEx" contains . wildcart, you will not be able to do any reasonable filtering at all.

Custom rule for validating an input text box for non english characters using knockoutjs

I am working on an application using MVC 3 and knockoutjs library. Also I am reseraching the knockout validation plugin. I need to validate an input text value for allowed symbols. As far as I can see, there are not native rules for these so I will have to create a custom one. The bad thing is that my knowledge in regular expressions and javascript is very poor. I need to write a custom function that validates a text box input field and does not allow non-english characters. All the other symbols are permitted. I think I will be able to create the custom rule, but I need the regular expression that validates the input field. Any help with a working example will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
does not allow non-english characters
All the other symbols are permitted
seems contradicting to me but I'll try to help :)
First you should consider using Ajax for validation since server-side languages usually have much better support for Unicode. If it's not an option then first add XRegExp library with Unicode plugin to your page.
To create a Unicode-aware regular expression use the following form:
var englishLettersOrSymbols = XRegExp('[\\p{^Letter}\\p{Latin}]*');
Here we say that we accept zero or several (... *) symbols and each symbol is either ([ ... ]) non-letter (\\p{^Letter}) or letter from basic Latin alphabet (\\p{Latin}).
Now your custom validation rule would look like this:
ko.validation.rules['englishLettersOrSymbols'] = {
validator: function(value){
var rule= XRegExp('[\\p{^Letter}\\p{Latin}]*');
return rule.test(value);
message: 'Sorry, {0} this is not valid'
and you would use it in your code like this:
var vewModel = {
// ...
myField: ko.observable().extend({englishLettersOrSymbols: true}),
// ...
Edit: Removed | from regexp. Thanks, #slevithan. It wasn't an error per se since \\p{^Letter} already included | symbol and, thus, the regular expression would still work. However, it was quite misleading.

How to modify regex for phone numbers and accept only digits

I have this following regex method for the jquery validate plugin.
jQuery.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number");
Currently, its validating against phone numbers in this format : 203-123-1234
I need to change to validate like this: 2031231234
Does anyone have a quick and easy solution for me?
You can replace
with this
\d means match any digit
{10} means 10 times
Getting rid of all those -? sequences is probably the quickest way - they mean zero or one - characters.
That will reduce it to:
whih can be further simplified to:
If you also want to disallow the brackets around area codes, you can further simplify it to:
(and, technically, it won't match the literal 203-123-1234 since the character immediately after that first - has to be 2 thru 9, so I'm assuming you were just talking about the format rather than the values there).
I think better approach would be changing the whole expression with simpler version, something like this:
Edited, Note (see comments):
This is just a limited example of how to validate a format: 111-222-3333 vs 1112223333, not proper US phone number validation.
If you just want ten digits, then
will do it. If you want to match any of the other conditions in there (eg match both 1-2031231234 and 2031231234), you will need to add more.
As a side note, what you currently have doesn't match 203-123-1234 because the first digit after the first hyphen is a 1, and it is looking for 2-9 in that spot.
([0-9]{10}) this will match with 10 digit number.
You can use if you want to match all formats, including 203-123-1234 and 2031231234
EDIT : I'm no regex expert, but I added "1-" support
By the way, there's a really nice AIR tool for regex, it's called RegExr and you can get the desktop version here or use the online version . There's also a "community" section that contains a lot of useful working regex. That's where I took that one.

